Kermit the Frog denies he’s dating Lady Gaga


Don’t you hate it when two celebrities run into each other, and the next thing you know, all the gossip rags are claiming they’re hooking up? Well unfortunately for Lady Gaga, that’s what’s happening to her after Kermit the Frog gave her a ride to the VMAs. As a show of gratitude she gave him a kiss (People has the picture) and the pair were instantly said to be together, obviously enraging a jealous Miss Piggy. Kermit’s gone on the defensive, trying to get it out there that he and Lady Gaga are not together, never have been, and are just friends.

When Lady Gaga rolled up to the MTV Video Music Awards, the world was agog at the identity of her high-profile date – America’s Frog Next Door, Kermit the Frog. After all, the movie and TV star, singer and former pollywog had long been linked romantically to frequent costar Miss Piggy. Had he gone from mild-mannered Muppet to amphibian Jon Gosselin?

Not at all, Kermit insists. He fesses up about his date with Lady Gaga (who called him, not vice versa) and his relationship with a certain pig, dispenses advice to Kanye West and hints at why you haven’t seen him and Fozzie Bear out on the town together, in this special Q & A with

PEOPLE: So how’d this date with Lady Gaga go down, exactly?
Kermit: Well, I wouldn’t really call it a “date” – at least not if I don’t want to end up as a coat for Miss Piggy. Y’see, I just gave Lady Gaga a ride to the VMAs, and when Lady Gaga left her credentials in the limo, I had to bring them to her. (On the off-chance security didn’t recognize her. Hey, it could happen.) Of course, after Lady Gaga and I were seen on the red carpet together, well … Miss Piggy got a little jealous. But I definitely did get a ride home – in the trunk!

How’d you and Lady Gaga get on away from the cameras? Is she a good kisser?
Lady Gaga is a wonderful person. In private, she is very down to earth … which is where I spend most of my time. As far as kissing Lady Gaga goes: she is a very good kisser, but it was not a romantic kiss. It was a kiss for good luck. Kissing a frog is good luck for the person giving the kiss – but bad luck for the frog if his pig finds out.

[From People]

It makes me happy that the good folks at People still enjoy a little whimsy. However I’m still not convinced that Lady Gaga and Kermit didn’t have at least a little fling. I mean there’s all this talk of a kiss – do you inherently kiss someone just because they gave you a ride to an awards show? And he knows about her in private? I think something was going on there, because Kermit’s saying all these things that could be interpreted a dozen different ways. But it sounds like there’s a lot of jealousy and drama going on in this love triangle. Lady Gaga did wear that Kermit coat a while ago. If that’s not some creepy form of obsession I don’t know what is.

Here’s Lady Gaga at a VMA afterparty this weekend. Images thanks to .

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20 Responses to “Kermit the Frog denies he’s dating Lady Gaga”

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  1. yadira says:

    Looks like she’s wearing a huge bra on her head.

    I hope Kermit used protection..might explain the swine flu though

  2. Dan says:


  3. Anna says:


    I’d take Lady G over Miss P anytime! Kermit is a stud 😀

    Gosh, I’m usually partial to Gaga’s outfits but that aftershow one is truly horrendous. I’m all for crazy but crazy granny with glitter and a glue gun doesn’t float my boat. But the outfit did reveal her actual, natural breast shape. I’m kinda elated she has the same tatas I have (ok, I have a cup more but the shape is identical). That’s not a good thing by any standards, but it still feels kinda funny good. Even superstars have fugly boobies!

  4. Millie Rios says:

    The resemblence is remarkable…

  5. CANDY says:

    I wonder who makes her costumes.

  6. the original kate says:


  7. princess pea says:

    I really think Kermit has higher standards than that. It was just friendly support, because Kermey is cool like that. He’s nice to everyone, you know?

  8. Maizieloo says:

    Goodness – that poor girl got beat HARD about the face with the ugly stick…

  9. grisgris says:

    If she comes anywhere near Elmo my toddler is gonna take her down.

  10. Firestarter says:

    Kermit wouldn’t wipe his flippers on her, he has higher standards than that. Besides, he may say he and Miss Piggy are only friends, but I suspect he is lie telling!

  11. Eileen Yover says:

    I can’t take her seriously as an “artist” because she can’t close her mouth all the way. Her teeth are always sticking out and she comes off looking like she’s dressing up for Halloween and just got off the short bus.

  12. hatsumomo says:

    Hey Maizieloo, and thats AFTER all the plastic surgery! And she is still ugly! Ha!

  13. loldongs says:


    Lady Ga Ga is a very average looking woman, and she’s not doing her appearance any favors dressing up in ridiculous outfits.

  14. lacey says:

    Oh my GOD it is a frog puppet. Jeez

  15. Meghan says:

    That was too cute!! Though I’m not entirely sure Miss Piggy would appreciate being called “his pig.” She’s probably going to get on to him about that, it should be his lady or his one and only or something like that!

  16. lilred says:

    why the heck is she wearing embridery hoops on her head?

  17. ursaline says:

    Wearing that decapitated Kermey head as a hat is just completely wrong. She gives me the creeps.

  18. Kayleigh says:

    Flapjacks. >_> That is all.

  19. mojoman says:

    well DUH! obviously kermit denies the whole thing because he and Lady Gaga are related!!

  20. josepe says:

    of course , he is going to denied it, a frog cannot kiss another frog