Demi Lovato has an alien investigation show coming to Peacock

Demi Lovato has been bitten by the producing bug. She has one show in the works with NBC, a comedy about an eating disorder support group. Now it’s been announced that Demi has a second show in development with NBC streaming network Peacock. The show is an unscripted series that seeks evidence of aliens. Demi has spoken a few times about her interest in the other worldly. She not only believes in life on other planets, but she also believes she has proof of their existence. And she’s bringing that and more to a TV set near you.

If Rob Lowe and his sons can investigate the paranormal (R.I.P., The Lowe Files!), what’s stopping Demi Lovato from doing the same? Absolutely nothing, according to Peacock.

The streamer has ordered Unidentified With Demi Lovato, a four-part unscripted series in which Lovato, her sister Dallas Lovato and her “skeptical” best friend Matthew Scott Montgomery will “investigate recent eyewitness encounters, uncover secret government reports, and conduct tests at known UFO hot spots.”

According to Peacock, “Demi is a true believer, and during this courageous adventure, she hopes to convince her friends, family and her millions of followers that not only are there intelligent beings beyond Earth but that they are already here! Demi plans to learn enough about the extra-terrestrials through interviewing scientists, alien abductees, and her own experiments to initiate those close encounters and make peace with the aliens, and ultimately save ourselves. This series will be an immersive docu-follow exploration of Demi’s quest, told through her uniquely audacious and entertaining filter.”

[From Yahoo!]

I’m all for the concept. I like when believers and skeptics explore all possibilities. I’m a fan of Buzzfeed Unsolved which has a similar approach to supposedly supernatural events. I’m on the fence about aliens. I’ve never truly believed in them, but I remain open-minded that I could be wrong. The universe is too big to rule anything out. So I think this would be interesting. I like Demi and wish her well. I appreciate her passion in all things alien and mermaid, but as far as I know, most of her proof comes from visions and meditation. I’m not saying that’s not valid, but I hope she’s bringing in more than her sister and a skeptical friend to prove some of this stuff. Of course, that’s personal, I’d need more than someone’s word. If Demi wants to have fun chasing spaceships with her family and friends, she’s the one with the TV deal, not me.

Part of my concern, though, is that Demi is opening herself up for criticism on this. Not just as a producer, but the subject matter. Many people will be looking to tear any New Age theories down, especially if they are offered without substantial clout to back them up. Recently, Demi spoke about her journey with sobriety, another very personal experience. She didn’t like the judgment launched at her for that discussion. So I hope she is prepared for this one. I’ll be entertained, whether I become a believer or not. It’s always a good idea to challenge one’s beliefs so I’m here for alien investigating.

Photo credit: Instagram

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17 Responses to “Demi Lovato has an alien investigation show coming to Peacock”

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  1. Piratewench says:

    “Proof” coming in the form of visions? You’re kind to not say that’s not valid. I’ll say it though lol, that is NOT a valid form of proof. I’m all for investigation of all fringe theories and of the UFO and abduction phenomenon. But if Demi tells me her main proof is visions, she’s lost me

  2. Brittany says:

    This is hilarious, I am ded. Yes Demi tell me more about how you’re going to save the planet from aliens, the real threat.

  3. Brittany says:

    This is hilarious, I am ded. Yes Demi tell me more about how you’re going to save the planet from aliens, the real threat.

  4. Sunday says:

    idk, people heal in weird ways. After what she went through when she overdosed (heart attack, multiple strokes, vision loss, assault), it should come as no surprise that she may be having a difficult time figuring out what her new normal is. If alien hunting helps her find peace then i say go for it.

    • Sequinedheart says:

      I hear that but also, stop giving this person a platform when they clearly are not healing properly.
      She’s still raw and needs time to privately figure out that new normal and process that grief.
      Unfortunately for me, when I see her name I think “ugh what is coming out of this ones mouth today?” I don’t want to see another star unravel unless public but that’s exactly what’s happening with her again and again

      • Sunday says:

        yea, you bring up a lot of good points. I mean, I’m certainly not going to watch. I have a soft spot for her because she just seems so fragile to me, but so much of what she puts out there is complete cringe. You’re right that she should be focusing on privately healing instead of publicly flailing.

      • MM2 says:

        I agree with the sentiment that healing privately seems the way to go for most people (look at other celebrities that have overcome their addictions), but there is no way to “heal properly” and with our society’s lack of compassion for people suffering, I don’t hold much stock in this line of judgement. Maybe we should open our ideas to what works, because how we’ve been pressuring people to “heal properly” isn’t working. Kindness & compassion can much farther than telling people to hide out until we approve of them & don’t have to watch them being, you know, human.

      • Sequinedheart says:

        @MM2 respectfully, please don’t twist my words.
        I wasn’t insinuating that she should go away and hide so we don’t have to see her being human.
        I am saying that she needs to heal privately because everything a public person does is reported, recorded and brought up in interviews forever. That will be triggering for her forever.
        She needs to heal privately so she can get to know Demi underneath the public persona and become more secure and comfortable in herself and not become another Amanda Bynes, Britney, etc.

  5. Case says:

    I love alien stuff so this sounds fun and all, but I really, truly cannot stand Demi. I don’t know if this is unjustified or not but when I see her I just get annoyed, lol.

  6. Ctgirl says:

    Wait, isn’t Demi an alien from the planet No Diet Food Can Be Seen? She has stated her alien mission on earth is a narcissistic push to keep herself from being triggered by anything related to diet/diabetic food and bullying the purveyors of such things.

  7. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Welp maybe she can sit down with Giorgio Tsoukalos and chat…
    I freely admit I am all in when it comes to the unexplained and paranormal and such (surprised my bookshelves haven’t gotten me a visit from The Men In Black)
    but I think I will give this a hard nope

  8. Jules says:

    Lol riiiiight. Demi here to save the world. It must be so special to wake up every day knowing that you are so special. The special snowflake syndrome, which is what the New Age is all about, is going to be what destroys the world.

  9. Anna says:

    I am very sorry about this because I usually focus on the good but I don’t like this girl. She always has to be the center of attention. I feel like she should face that she’s short and thick – so am I – and stop competing with the natural tall and thin. I feel this is the root of evil in her case. All the talk about how she feels well in her larger skin is just a cry to be told that she’s gorgeous. She is. But not in the way she wants it.

  10. paranormalgirl says:

    I actively did paranormal investigation for 2 decades. I was always the team skeptic. Never got into alien stuff, though. Just ghosts. That’s why my screen name is paranormalgirl.