“Did Kristen Stewart & Dylan Meyer quietly get pandemic-married?” links

kristen stewart

Did Kristen Stewart & Dylan Meyer get married? They appear to be wearing wedding bands but no one knows. [LaineyGossip]
Coca Rocha looked really cool in Dior at Cannes. [Tom & Lorenzo]
The jewelry of Cannes! I’ve been surprised by how many people are wearing yellow diamonds, emeralds and rubies. [GFY]
Why would anyone support these terrible Teen Mom 2 people? [Starcasm]
Nicholas Cage brought his wife to his premiere. [Dlisted]
Will American Horror Stories be cheesy or scary? [Pajiba]
Billy Porter talks Pose & generational trauma. [Towleroad]
Kim Kardashian felt agoraphobic after her Paris robbery. [JustJared]
The curious case of the Bridgerton zippers! [Jezebel]
An epidemic of drug overdoses in America. [Buzzfeed]

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15 Responses to ““Did Kristen Stewart & Dylan Meyer quietly get pandemic-married?” links”

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  1. Eenie Googles says:

    Coco Rocha’s look is … ew.

    • Thirtynine says:

      Hilarious. My first thought was ‘she looks like an early Star Trek alien’ and that’s how they described her. Except in Star Trek the dress would have been a tiny mini with knee high boots. But otherwise, Dior nailed it.

  2. tealily says:

    I was thinking Cage had split with his wife a while back and surprise! It’s a new one!

    ETA: I just Googled and dang! I’m thinking like two wives back still. Can’t keep up.

  3. Zantasia says:

    I am really happy for Kristen Stewart. That’s lovely news (if they did get married).

  4. Gold ladder says:

    Is it wrong that whenever there’s news about Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart’s love lives, I immediately wonder 1) where HKN brigade ran off to and 2) how they’re spinning the news.

  5. bettyrose says:

    Anyone watch that VS Karen incident? I went down the rabbit hole and watch the entire series last night, first attack through police station. Malls bring out the worst in anyone: the sensory overload exhausts me in minutes, so if it had just been a person having a total melt down in the mall, I could almost be sympathetic. But the attempted assault, fake tears, the screaming, the continued harassment of the woman filming the incident . . . It sucks that it took smart phones to bring to light the racism many people already knew is a massive and constant problem.

    • Turtledove says:

      I watched the whole thing too. It was awful. I am awed at how calm the woman filming remained. Good for her for filming.

    • Keats says:

      The only reason I knew about it is that it came up in yesterday’s links! Hooo boy

      • bettyrose says:

        Thanks for the tip. I went back and read yesterday’s thread. Sorry I missed that (although I only discovered the videos last night). Whoa. I’m almost surprised that I’m still surprised, but this one was exceptionally strange. There’s entitled and there’s regressing into a two year old at the first hint of push back from the person you’re bullying. But racism isn’t a clinical mental illness and clinical mental illnesses don’t make someone a racist, so I feel like the analysis of Karen’s behavior requires more a more in depth look than just saying she needs medical help.

      • greenmonster says:

        Yeah, the step to “she needs medical help” is rather quick for me. Sure we don’t know, but her “breakdown” seemed rather fake (placing her purse on the ground so she could rest her head on it when she ‘fainted’ for example). Karen created a scene that could have ended terriblyfor the black woman.

        If you watch all of the videos it becomes clear that no-one cared for the lady filming… Mall security surely took time to get there and then acted oblivious, the store manager was not on the WOC side and had to be called over after security arrived, the police officer acted like an a$$… Why wasn’t Karen simply kicked out of the store? Why did no-one tell her to shut it? Why did it take security ages to get there? As the store manager I would have told them to run where it isn’t slippery so they could deal with little miss sunshine.

  6. nya says:

    I love Billy Porter. Yes, we need to talk more about generational trauma. It doesn’t affect just the people from his generation, but also us younger folks.

    As a PoC and an LGBT PoC at that, I struggle thru generational trauma and I don’t think enough people know about the concept or read about it enough.