Here are some photos of Ben Affleck out in Brentwood on Saturday. He stopped by Jennifer Garner’s house and he was spending time with his kids. While he was walking back to his car, one paparazzo began speaking to him in Spanish and that’s why Ben is smiling and happy. He’s thinking about his amada.
He didn’t have to wait too long – it seems he spent the rest of the weekend with Jennifer Lopez, as they are both now back in LA. He took her out for a date night dinner at Olivetta in Beverly Hills, where TMZ got the exclusive photos. They coordinated their outfits but it’s not overdone at all. J.Lo’s color wheel for the 2021 Bennifer Redux involves a lot of creams and pale beiges. According to TMZ, they arrived at the restaurant at 8:30 pm and left at 11. That’s a good dinner! I hope they had a great dessert. OMG – I totally looked up the menu and now I’m obsessed. Ben has good taste in date-night restaurants!!
Then on Sunday, Bennifer went for a stroll on the beach. I love this romance. I am dying for them to get re-engaged by the Met Gala. Ben’s birthday is in six days. What will J.Lo do for it? Will she propose to him??
Jen and Ben lock arms during Bev Hills date night!!
— TMZ (@TMZ) August 9, 2021
Bennifer goes on a romantic, sandy stroll to cap off their weekend.
— TMZ (@TMZ) August 9, 2021
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
I do like this about Ben and Jennifer–they enjoy the good life, and it’s not so much about conspicuous consumption as it is just–good food; good drink; beautiful fabrics; beautiful environments. It’s an appreciation of the tangibles in life that I think all people should be able to enjoy.
Are you serious? You’re seriously gassing up rich people for enjoying expensive things? You’ve lost the plot.
Good morning Lara! You’re always a pleasure. I’m sure you hear that wherever you go though.
Oh come on, if you had the money you’d be doing the same. No shame in their game!
Here’s the plot for you Lara: quality is objectively a wonderful thing. As I said, it’s an appreciation for the tangibles that “I think all people should be able to enjoy.”
Reading comprehension is important, especially when one is up on her high horse.
This “eat the rich” stuff is getting tired. Both of them have worked for what they have. And with this country’s history, I’m not ever going to come for a WOC who came from humble beginnings and then became highly successful. If I had that kind of money, I’d enjoy myself too.
Good food, drink, and locale are not exclusive to the rich. That’s the point merricat was making. They are not just throwing money
Honestly, I could do with rich people spending more on fancy restaurants and less in bankrolling odious politicians.
I am an eat the rich enthusiast but Ben and Jen are not the rich.
Actors and Actresses are wealthy but they are also working people. They are not wealthy from exploitation like a Bezos or a Musk.
I’m glad they are still together and enjoying themselves. I hope it works out for them, I have such a fondness for Lopez.
@Elo I agree!
Is there ANY celeb gossip we can just enjoy at face value? The comment sections on seemingly innocuous posts are like a minefield here. It’s like contentious Twitter energy has seeped into everything.
Merricat- I concur. They’re like a walking Pinterest board for me. LOL
This. Part of why people are loving this very media-friendly courtship of theirs is because they do all the fun glamorous stuff we’d all love to.
Pretty sure Ben has/had substance addiction issues (plus his gambling issues), so I’m not sure it’s appropriate to praise him for “enjoying the good things in life”. I do appreciate that about Jennifer Lopez, but Ben I think has issues with knowing when to stop.
@Sigmund: according to this logic a recovering aa cannot/should not enjoy good food ?
Lol. You are conflating addiction with what is good and enjoyable. Separate issues.
@Eleonor Um, Merricat literally mentions “good drink”. Ben has a drinking problem.
@Sigmund, it’s like the restaurant doesn’t provide tap water, or fruit juice ….
@Sigmund you know some bars and restaurants have good analcholic cocktails right ?
@Merricat: Very nicely said, and I totally agree with you.
Is that Matt Damon on the beach with them??
Looks a lot like him yes
Is it ? Matt doesnt seem to enjoy paparazzi shenanigans.
I’m betting Matt is all in on this shenanigan to bring attention to his sucky movie.
It is Matt! They’re not paparazzi photos, I don’t think. Seems more like a fan saw them on the beach and sold their photos to TMZ.
Not a word about matt damon in the pic? Ouch. That stings. Poor matt
The actual TMZ article mentions Matt.
That’s what I thought too! Very recognizable Matt Damon profile right there. You know it’s serious if Matt is accompanying them out in public.
Yes. He’s hoping the J Lo Effect will shine away his “reformed homophobe“ disaster of an interview in the New York Times.
Love it.
I am loving their second chance at love.. being the same age as Jennifer and single she gives me hope after almost two years of isolation.. I truly hope they have their happy ending.
But what is happy ending? Marriage and cheating? I think this is their happy point. The honeymoon!
Seeing as I haven’t any experience finding mine, I will leave that to them and just enjoy seeing people look genuinely happy, and reliving some of their youth.
I’d been dating for 2 years after my divorce. I was tired of dating. Then I finally met the man who is everything I wanted. Don’t give up hope it will happen. And it’s not you. Everyone is different and there is someone for everyone. You’ll find your perfect match.
Ben looks awful. If that’s Matt with them on the beach, even more awful.
I must be looking at a different photo-they all look happy and great. Isn’t it wonderful to have long time friends who are with you at all points of your life?
Ben looks frail in the face. Is it because his booze bloat has diminished? He looks better with more weight. Jen looks voluptuous and healthy, while Ben looks hangry. What is going on with him?
LM: I totally agree. He looks 65. Is his face thinner b/c of the lack of booze bloat, or is his face skin sagging b/c of lack of blood flow from cigarettes? Or did he stop Botox? I am so confused, this looks nothing like Ben Affleck. He looks wasting away. This is not good.
Why are the only smiling pictures the ones where he is going to spend time with his kids?
I’m just here for that restaurant menu, which I will now be daydreaming about for the rest of the day.
Me too! I love reading restaurant menus. Although I’m snickering at the ridiculousness of this one labeling sourdough toast with fancy butter as “vegetarian”.
Did you catch the “main” lobster? 🥴
Ben speaks fluent Spanish — he spent some time in Mexico growing up, and even speaks with a Mexican accent. The pap prob said something amusing to him.
Never heard of this or found any info about him ever living in Mexico.
Literally type Ben Affleck Mexico in to Google. A big paragraph comes up talking about how he moved there at 13. You can also see him talking about it in Spanish on YouTube
My my, in Hilaria Baldwin terms he is practically un Mexicano!
🤣🤣🤣. Maybe they could create an international school of Latins and Spaniards!!
Ben’s Spanish is very good and he speaks it pretty fluently. I never knew he lived in Mexico, but it makes sense now. He clearly has that distinct Mexico City regional accent, so he must have spent a considerable amount of time down there.
It is pretty good! I wonder if him and Gwyneth spoke Spanish when they were together, because her Spanish is pretty good from when she was an exchange student in Spain? Either way, I bet J-Lo and her folks love that he can speak Spanish.
Ben, Jen G and their kids can all speak Spanish.
@Jessie Quinton. JENNIFER didn’t even speak Spanish before she filmed Selena. You think she grew up in a Spanish speaking household? Don’t you remember all the Latina actresses complaining about her in the late 90’s?
@ psl, that’s right!!! Jennifer never spoke Spanish in her household, she was raised speaking English only!! Though, Selena didn’t speak Spanish either until her teens, but I remember the uproar back then!!
I’m laughing so hard at the line in TMZ about how it seemed they “wanted to get away from paps” but they’re too “famous and hot” not to notice. Yes, JLo is dressed the way I always dress for long walks on the beach when I don’t want to get noticed, LOL. Maybe they didn’t call paps but they definitely wanted to be seen. That’s kind of their whole thing lol.
Someone on deuxmoi saw them at the restaurant and said they really wanted to be noticed LOL
I’m rooting for them. Yes, they’re extra but they do seem like a real love match. And I love that the most-obsessed over couple in Hollywood has a combined age of 100.
I hadn’t even thought about their age in that regard. When the last time the media were obsessed with a couple this age? Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor? Well before my time.
Yes! Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton
Anna Wintour really needs to hype up this years Met gala since there wasnt one last year. So is Jlo a judge to insure her attendance ?
J-Lo already announced she’s attending, but Timothee Chalamaet, Billie Eilish, Naomi Osaka, Tom Ford, Amanda Gorman and Anna Wintour are hosting.
Man, he’s looking worse by the day. This shitshow be sucking the life out of him. :/
I think what has happened is he’s lost a lot of weight and bloat recently and it’s gone to his face. My husband lost 60lbs over the year and he went from looking like an eternal teenagers (mind you a heavier one) to tired and drawn — and he’s happy/eats healthy.
Yup. And walking alone with the biggest and only smile I’ve seen yet.
That top photo looks like he’s been hitting some spray on Just for Men. He looks like the sailor dude in the old TinTin comics…😬
Yeah he needs to get a professional colorist if he has to go the dyed dark after fifty route. It looks awful.
I can’t get past the fact that it looks like he touched up his hair and beard with shoe polish.
Why is everyone taking shots at them? He’s lost a lot of weight and bloat quickly, and it’s obviously gone to his face, hence why he looks drawn. Yes, it looks like he touched up his greys with box hair dye too, but he’s probably trying to keep up with J-Lo, and after all the drinking and shenanigans he has pulled over the years, it’s not the worst thing he could be doing.
J-Lo has always enjoyed the good things in life, and she should do considering she’s worked damn hard to get where she is.
All in all I think the criticisms are a bit much. They’re older, they’re rich, they earned their places in this world, they’re having fun, they’re not hurting anyone, and it’s nostalgic. Why get worked up about it?
I’m with you Jessie. Ben looks good especially for a recovering alcoholic, he lost a lot of weight so it’s showing a bit in his face, but the guy looks happy that’s what matters at the end of the day.
Once again I’m here for bennifer lol love them together and it’s refreshing to see a Hollywood couple of that age fascinate the medias and get all that coverage.
Thank you. I also kind of hate this idea that it’s a failure if they ever break up again. I’m at an age where I’m frankly tired of people acting like the longevity of a relationship is in itself some kind of success. I respect people who have had multiple longish relationships and know when it’s time to move on. If Bennifer break up next year, I don’t care – they had the time of their lives this summer. I celebrate that over people who stay in relationships that make them miserable their entire lives.
cosign Midge.
THANK YOU. I mean, do you know how hard it is to date after divorcing, especially when you’re older? I say let them have at it.
And Ben being with J-Lo is a good thing, I think. She’s very clean living, very active — ideal for a recovering addict!
Thank you, Midge, all of this. I don’t understand any of the saltiness about this relationship. They’re happy now, isn’t that a nice thing? And honestly a wonderful gossip distraction during a time when we can all use it.
Let’s remember this is a gossip blog. It’s a safe place to snark.
If you get your feelings hurt this easily you probably shouldn’t be reading a gossip blog called celebitchy.
who’s feelings are hurt?
I am stanning!
If Kimora brings back baby phat, my Generation Y life will have be gotten!
I literally cannot stand these two but I love how they are doing their jobs and giving us entertainment and fuckery
Also, J. NoNo is not a WOC. She is a white Latina. Trust me.
Signed-A Black (non ambiguous) Latina
You must be a Xennial like me because nobody remembers when “Generation Y” was a thing.
That first picture of him smiling? Hell yes. To me he looks healthier than he has in a long time! His weight loss has just made his face thinner, which shows his age and probably the effects of smoking, drinking and sun. He can easily get “refreshed” ala Pitt, Cruise, etc. But I’m here for this. I want to believe in love. (Even though this is what it looks like for narcissists : )
Second note: I cannot wait for the Met Gala. I watched that video for the first time with ARod whining and complaining about being JLo’s date/partner. I guess I never paid attention to him before, but what a douche and so shallow. An afternoon with Ben must be more interesting than a year with ARod. I can see why that didn’t last and cannot believe JLo stayed with him that long. Insufferable, yikes.
“J.Lo’s color wheel for the 2021 Bennifer Redux involves a lot of creams and pale beiges.”
omg this is true. Suppose she has a mood board too…
That is a really bad shot of JL on the beach stroll with Ben & Matt. She looks like she is wearing a toga. You can tell that she did not know that her picture was being taken there.
No posing ….
Is that the same outfit she went to dinner in the night before? Ben obviously changed his clothes.
Girl likes her whites & beiges this summer…
I’m glad I am not the only one who looks up a menu when I read about celebs going there.
And OG Bennifer, that y’all for giving us something to talk about besides the panoramic. Thank you.
I LOL’d at panoramic!
Haha tho – $95 for the Ribeye?! Oh – okay, it’s 24 oz. Enough for the entire family to enjoy. 😂
I thought Ben was walking with Sarah Jessica Parker
Being with JLo is good for his health so I hope it lasts a while.
Ben was at this exact spot last year about the same time as this PDAing it up with Ana de Armas in front of Matt and his Family. Matt must have a house right there because I’ve seen other pap photos of him and his wife at this same beach. Although he made a big thing about moving to NYC in the fall I’m sure he’ll keep an LA home or homes.
Is Ben OK? that top picture makes him look like he’s sick…
When you lose weight, your wrinkles deepen. Ben is getting older, and he hasn’t taken care of himself the way Jlo has taken care of herself. Once he starts putting on muscle, she’ll have him in to have his face done, I’ll bet.
He looks terrible at that weight
Maybe Matt is there for an intervention, or helping Ben escape to a Dunkin Donuts. Seriously, Ben is wasting away, with a shrunken head. I hope Ben isn’t ill.
Someone who really loves Ben should step in because that dude looks two steps away from a breakdown … does not look good
And this charade with them is dumb.
Love them so much! They’ve made 2021 worthwhile. Don’t even at me! They’re awesome joy when the world is burning down lol
It does seem to be on fire. It’s saying “Karma B!tches”.
Anyone think he may look like that for an upcoming movie role?
1000% agree with you, Diego! Love me some JLo. She’s living her life and doing what she wants to do!
Poor Ben can’t win, he’s either too fat /bloated looking boozed up or too thin. He looks good and healthy to me. Just the fast weight loss look.
Can’t wait for her to dump him.
He’s going away for several months starting in September to film in Texas. She’s going away October until January to film in Canada. That would be a good time for this PR stunt to end. I don’t know why she was looking at LA schools for her kids if she’s going away. You’d think they would stay in Miami with their friends they’ve made over the last 4 years and their dad. Poor kids.
They haven’t lived in Miami for the past 4 years and have spent most of their schooling in LA. Jennifer has primary custody of the kids. Marc seems more like a ‘two weeks every summer’ dad and admits himself he doesn’t see his kids much because of work. He has always had minor children in different states. Another son just graduated high school in LA.
Ben is looking haggard. Although i agree that I’m ALL FOR this re-blossoming romance. When Matt Damon was doing some interview and was asked about it, and he said he hoped they were back together and Matt was one of the main people who disapproved of JLo at first, i got all warm and fuzzy. Its like something from a movie! Ben and Jen looked the happiest theyve ever been.
But Ben is looking haggard too. Haggard AND happy.
Am I the only one that feels like Ben looks different in every photo? In the top one he looks like he has a receding hairline and s dyes his hair and beard. Not so good. In other ones, he looks great
You’re not the only one. I noticed that too.