Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker are loved up in Venice & her ex is unhappy

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker share a passionate kiss during their gondola ride in Venice

Travis Barker didn’t fly on a plane for thirteen years, ever since the 2008 plane crash which left him with severe burns on his face and body. But Travis had been thinking about flying a lot recently, even mentioning it in a recent magazine profile and talking about how he’d like to try to fly again after all this time. Well, he did it. He and Kourtney Kardashian flew to Venice last week and they’ve been giddily posing for paparazzi all over the city. I’m including some photos of Kourtney and Travis in recent days in this post.

It just seems to be a straight-up vacation for them and Travis definitely seems to be enjoying himself. I’ve already admitted (shamefully) that find this couple to be kind of hot. He’s just so into her, and he’s so demonstrative. He’s completely infatuated. The vibe between them is just… happy, in love, behaving like teenagers. Back in July, we heard that they might even be engaged and planning for a baby.

You know who’s not happy about all of this? Kourtney’s ex, Scott Disick. Scott apparently DM’d Kourtney’s other ex, Younes Bendjima, about Kourt and Travis’s PDA. Scott wrote “yo is this chick ok!???” and Younes got mad at Scott for being so judgy and controlling, so Younes posted the message on his Instagram Story.

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker enjoy a romantic gondola ride together in Venice

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker can't keep their hands to themselves while walking around Venice

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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57 Responses to “Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker are loved up in Venice & her ex is unhappy”

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  1. ME says:

    1. I wonder if Kourtney used to be jealous of who Scott was dating as well? Who knows.

    2. Knowing Scott, he was drunk/high when he texted him. Also, I wonder how Scott’s current gf feels about this?

    3. Younes is an a$$ for posting a private conversation. Not cool.

    4. This could all be for publicity because this family will do anything for attention plus they have a new show to promote.

    • Emma says:

      Ugh. Yeah. I remember how Scott cheated on Kourtney regularly and dated a lot of different very young women when they broke up.

    • Selene says:

      He only contacted Younes to complain about their ex, they’re not friends. Younes doesn’t owe Scott any kind of privacy, especially when Scott has been publicly acting as if he was cool with the relationship. I would’ve put him on blast too; I mean, text her, not Younes. Younes hasn’t been with Kourtney for more than two years!

      • Cava24 says:

        +1 – Scott’s behavior is sort of controlling and icky, I think it was fine to put him on blast

      • Oh_Hey says:

        This – Scott was blasting the mother of his children while trying to commiserate with a guy he has nothing in common with but their shared ex.

        Younes was loudly asking to be excluded from the narrative.

      • ME says:

        Yeah but there are kids involved who are old enough to use the internet. Why not just send a copy of the message straight to Kourtney and let her deal with it? Seems like Younes loves publicity too. I don’t trust any of these folks. This could all be planned just to get publicity. I put nothing past any of them. They are super desperate to stay relevant. We don’t know how Kourtney handled all of Scott’s relationships either. I know this family always acts like perfect angels and the men are a$$holes, but sometimes both the men and women are a$$holes. Who knows the truth anyways, we all can only speculate. Either way, here we all are talking about them lol so they win once again !

      • Maria says:

        I guess but they aren’t Younes’s kids and their father can’t be depended on to protect their welfare so I fail to understand why it’s the other guy’s problem.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    Scott wrote “yo is this chick ok!???” and Younes got mad at Scott for being so judgy and controlling, so Younes posted the message on his Instagram Story.

    Holy S**t! Younes blew up Scott spot! And Younes is a douche from how I remember him treating Kourtney. Scott is SUCH a loser.

    • February-Pisces says:

      What did Younes do though, all I remember was them slandering him a little bit on their show after they broke up, which is standard kardashian, to smear their ex’s in case they spill. I can’t imagine Younes doing much considering he was basically a payroll boyf just like Cory.

    • Allegra says:

      Younes isn’t so wonderful. He called out Kourtney for posting bikini shots when they were together in 2018. He wrote “That’s what you need to show to get likes?” When people came for him, he deleted the comment. But he had some comments about “modesty” and “shamelessness” in a post soon after they broke up. I think he’s just an opportunist here.

  3. Hell Nah! says:

    * Italy seems to be THE place to be for loved-up couples this summer. (and why not? so lovely.)

    * Their over the top, non-stop PDA is too much for me but — to each their own.

    * I like her new haircut.

    * Scott Disick is a tool on top of a douche on top of a jackass.

    • Lady D says:

      To me, it feels like most of the time they/she are just performing for the camera. I’m not saying it’s all the time, but she sure knows where the camera is.

      • ME says:

        I’m not sure where I saw video or pics, but someone posted a vid/pics of Travis and Kourtney at a party and they spent quite a bit of time trying to get the perfect “candid” pic to post on their instagrams. It is all staged. They might really be in love but they are hamming it up for the cameras for sure.

      • Robyn says:

        Eh. Lots of non famous people do this for the ‘Gram too. LOTS.

      • JRenee says:

        Lady D, same…

  4. Suze says:

    I mean, unlike Scott, Kourtney is dating someone age appropriate.

    • Christine says:

      Word. This story made me laugh so hard, Scott really had this coming.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        +1. I don’t comment on Kardashian’s very often. She looks the happiest of the sisters currently and Travis looks genuinely into her. Go them. I liked the ex boyfriend’s response. Like her haircut too.

  5. Sof says:

    I don’t know if you guys follow Benito Skinner on instagram, he used to impersonate all of the Kardashians but his Kourtney was on point. He made a video about her being more edgy (in a teenage way) now that she is with Travis, it’s really funny.

  6. CoffeChamp says:

    I am not a Kardashian fan, (Kourt seems ok-ish??) but I do think these two are having a legit good time. They both seem happy to be together and she looks healthier too.

    • Oh_Hey says:

      Right? Having a favorite Kardashian is like having a favorite demon but I have to admit I like Kourtney if for no other reason than slapping Kim like we all wish we could sometimes.

      And Travis and Kourtney seem to actually like each other, they ARE age appropriate, and their kids get along. They also seem to legitimately be helping each other through their respective traumas. I wanna hate and I can’t – there’s nothing really to be mad at for once.

      • Christine says:

        Kourtney’s deadpan “Kim, there’s people that are dying” while Kim was sobbing about her lost diamond earring will never stop being funny. I agree it’s like having a favorite demon, but damn. She’s got dry humor nailed.

      • ME says:

        @ Christine

        Did you know Kris Humphries admitted that whole “lost diamond” scene was staged? Makes me wonder if Kourtney was fed that “Kim there are people dying” comment by the producers.

      • Christine says:

        No, I didn’t! If she was fed that line, it was by a producer with an equally sharp dry humor.

  7. iconoclast59 says:

    It’s amazing (and deeply depressing) how many men consider women to be their property, conveying a sense of ownership even when the relationship is long over. Scott’s like lots of other guys in thinking he has the right to weigh in on how Kourtney is living her life. He and every jerk like him need to STFU and take a whole row of seats.

  8. Elaine Stritch says:

    Her hair looks so cute short.

  9. LidiaJara says:

    Even though the Kardashians are all trash I *love* this for Kourtney. I love that he is obsessed with her, she is glowing, she’s known him and his kids for years, it’s super cute.

    Also Scott wrote more in his DM and Younes replied back basically – I’m happy if she’s happy and I’m not your bro. And then posted it as he should, Scott was nothing but rude about him when he dated Kourtney. And I’m sure Kourtney appreciates the world knowing the cheating ***** is not over her. Although Scott is clearly not thinking this through. How could a guy who everyone thinks is 18 date a woman in her 40s? Super weird optics Scott.

    • schmootc says:

      I don’t like the Kardashians either, but it’s hard to hate on two people who seem to just be having a good time and enjoying each other. Sure, some of it is probably performative, but that’s who the Kardashians are, it’s like breathing for them. And Scott needs to remove his head from his ass.

  10. Tulipworthy says:

    He refers to the mother of his children as “this chick “. What a disrespectful douche bag.

  11. Osty says:

    Scott is so childish, he should move on and if he can’t he shouldn’t diss his ex and mother of his kids. Kourtney is happy and I love that for her, Scott should get a life and leave her alone . She isn’t commenting on his teenage lovers

  12. lucy2 says:

    I can’t stand any of the Kardashians (though it’s nice to see one of them ditch the hair extensions), but I’m happy for Travis that he’s been able to fly again, and travel. I can’t imagine the trauma he’s been through.

  13. FluglyBear says:

    You can’t trust anything with these folks. This could all be planned from Scott’s dm to Younes to his sardonic reply and leak.

  14. psl says:

    So the PDA Vomit tour now extends to Europe……..keep embarrassing your kids, guys! It’s awesome seeing you act like 15 year olds. *rolls eyes*

  15. Rai says:

    I never get the Kardashian hate… I respect the hustle, if nothing else.

    As for Scott, I’m not surprised one bit. He thinks of her as “his girl” and will forever assume they will reconcile. She could be married with 57 babies and he’d still carry that torch. Good for her and living her best life.

    • psl says:

      How can you respect the hustle, when they have ripped off struggling entrepreneurs for a decade now? Or the damage they have done to women with their filters/surgeries?

      I loathe these people. They are horrible, and the fact that they have so much money is just depressing and says a lot about the world we live in.


    • Me says:

      “ respecting the hustle” is pretty gross

  16. Shannon Prestridge says:

    This all just seems silly and performative to me, tbh. Almost nobody in this family can live or breathe without some kind of “story line” being played out in the media. I can’t take any of it seriously.

  17. Pilar says:

    I really dont find them hot at all. Mostly because they just seem beyond thirsty and secondly because he’s not the least bit attractive to me physically. And she seems to have adopted his “ edgy” ( eye roll) style. After all that time being a typical high maintenance reality star she’s all off sudden supposed to be a rock chick, which just seems ridiculous.
    They may be very happy but they also seem desperate for attention in a way that’s quite off putting.

  18. Robyn says:

    Well Scott, Travis is age appropriate and while the pairing is random AF they seem to genuinely care about each other, whereas your vapid ass keeps dating teenagers that are barely older than your own children so maybe STFU forever and look at your own choices?

    • Pilar says:

      She dated bieber and a couple of male models half her age. She’s barely any better with re to age appropriateness.

      • Robyn says:

        And my comment is clearly directed at Scott and his hypocritical behaviour in this specfic situation. I didn’t give Kourtney a pass.

      • Maria says:

        Sofia Richie was several years younger when she started dating Disick than Kourtney’s partners were when they dated her, though.
        And his current partner is also 19.

  19. AmelieOriginal says:

    From everything I’ve read and in interviews, Travis is a pretty low-key, introverted guy so all this over the top PDA really took me by surprised when he started dating Kourtney. I don’t really care as I’m not invested in them as a couple at all, but I will commend him for taking a chance and getting on a plane with Kourtney so he could go enjoy his vacation in Italy. I know that was a huge moment for him, he was one of only two survivors when that plane crashed over a decade ago (and sadly his friend the DJ overdosed about a year later so he is now the sole survivor). So kudos to Kourtney for helping him through it (she apparently has never pressured him to fly), the fact that he got on a plane with her says a lot about their relationship.

    As for Scott, he is dating teenagers, he’s not one to talk about what’s appropriate and what’s not.

    • TaraBest says:

      Not sure how low-key Travis really is. I mean, he did have a reality TV show way back in the beginning of reality TV and pulls stunts like hiring a plane to fly a banner for his wife/gf’s birthday. No shame in either of those things, but I think he’s less “low-key” and more “wants to give off the low-key vibe”.

      • ME says:

        I heard (not sure how true this is) that Travis and his kids are going to be on the Kardashian’s new reality show on HULU. I’m guessing he really isn’t that low key or he simply just wants to do whatever makes Kourtney happy. I hope it’s worth it.

  20. Leanne says:

    Scott is awful on all levels. HOWEVER, there are kids involved, and Younes should have known better. Take the high road, let Kourtney know about it, but don’t make it tabloid news. For the sake of these kids and the relationship between their parents.

    • STRIPE says:

      Or even don’t let Kourtney know I would say. How does knowing this improver her life, ya know? I think what he said to Scott was fine, maybe it would have just been better to say his piece and leave it be. But I’m nitpicking I realize.

  21. why? says:

    Kris needs to come up with better storylines for her daughters because this is the same storyline she used in July for Khloe, Tristan, and Lamar. Some speculated that Lamar must have needed money in order to align himself with the Kardashians again and a few months later, it turned out to be true. I wish the press would focus more on how Kris pays the press for these flattering stories(her daughters are in so much demand that their exes can’t stop thinking about them and fighting with their current or other boyfriends). Scott is too busy chasing 19 yo children, so his texts are nothing more than drama orchestrated by Kris to make Kourtney appear more interesting. Give it time, it won’t be long before Kris is releasing negative stories about Travis. Kris keeps using the same cons over and over on the press and they fall for it every time.

  22. Melanie P says:

    PSL. aka Sc ott… 😉

  23. Severine says:

    What exactly does she need to take a vacation from? Her entire life is a vacation!

  24. Joanna says:

    Kim and Kourtney both look cuter without the extensions. She may have gotten a trim but she took out her weave/extensions too.

  25. teecee says:

    Weird how this comment section is suddenly infested with Mini-vans. Since when are non-relatives supposed to edit themselves for someone else’s offspring? Go clutch your what about the children pearls elsewhere.

  26. Mimi says:

    Scott and younes are both losers IMO… at least Travis is a good guy/good dad and seems to treat her with respect 🤷