Ben Affleck on J.Lo: ‘I am in awe of what Jennifer’s effect on the world is’

JLo ad week

Jennifer Lopez covers the latest issue of Adweek. It’s honestly a great piece? J.Lo is being honored with Adweek’s Brand Visionary Award, because J.Lo was all about brand-building in the 1990s, before that was really a thing for celebrities. Jennifer agreed to an interview, most of which is about her business and her instinctual marketing and how everything she touches turns to gold, basically. Before the Q&A session, Adweek quoted Ben Affleck, who is basically a hype man for his lady nowadays. He’s so proud of her. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Ben Affleck on J.Lo: “All I can tell you is that I have seen firsthand the difference representation makes because I have seen, over and over and over and over, women of color approach Jennifer and tell her what her example as a strong woman and a woman succeeding and demanding her fair share in the business world means to them. I am in awe of what Jennifer’s effect on the world is. At most, as an artist, I can make movies that move people. Jennifer has inspired a massive group of people to feel they have a seat at the table in this country. That is an effect few people throughout history have had, one I will never know and one I can only stand by and admire with respect.”

Why J.Lo agreed to this interview: “I want to provide people with the opportunity to enhance their lives. This month, I announced a partnership between Limitless Labs and Goldman Sachs to elevate and support Latin entrepreneurs with its 10,000 Small Businesses program, which I’m really excited about.

Early brand building: “Early in my career, I chose to be a brand ambassador for companies like L’Oréal and Louis Vuitton when others weren’t really doing that. There was so much kind of taboo for real artists or actresses or recording artists to do those type of things. But I felt that it was important to start seeing somebody who looked like me in those ads, because it had been the same look for so long. And to see a Latina there, a young Latin girl, at the time for me was very, very important. I took that chance and knew that it would be something that could make a difference.

Her brand now: “I’ve transitioned into taking on a much more active role by becoming a founder, an owner and sometimes even an investor in companies that I have a unique and authentic connection with, companies that I believe are doing good work or doing something that resonates with me, or I feel resonates with the people who are my audience or who grew up like me.

On social media: “I’m lucky because I know enough of the old world before social media [laughs], and so I’m not a kid who’s growing up on it where it’s the be-all and end-all and it could really destroy me emotionally. I know that it’s great for what it is, but I also don’t take it so seriously that it could somehow hurt me on an emotional or personal level. I recognize the power that the artist, founder and creator now has, but I also recognize the responsibility and the need to set boundaries. It’s also on my terms without the traditional media creating a narrative that I can’t dispel.

One of the biggest lessons she’s learned: “To value what you contribute and ultimately know when and how to build and capitalize on that. So, it’s about being the scarce asset. What we’ve been sold as artists is you’re a dime a dozen. The next girl will come along and there’s somebody that will be younger than you and better than you, and that’s not the truth. It’s like you’re disposable, and especially as women. For me, what I realize is … no, there’s only one me. There’s only one that person. There’s only one that person. There’s only one that person. And what they each have to offer is uniquely different than everybody else. I am the scarce asset—somebody who is a proven creator, artist and entrepreneur who has an ability to really connect with people. That is my blessing, and what I feel is an incredible, incredible gift that I’ve been given from God. And I don’t take it for granted. I cherish it and try to use it in the best way that I always can.

[From Adweek]

I love this version of J.Lo. J.Lo the businesswoman, J.Lo the mentor to young women, J.Lo the feminist, J.Lo the intuitive brand-builder, J.Lo the Ted Talk, basically. What she says about finally understanding that she is “the scarce asset,” that she will not be replaced or overthrown, that people just say that to women to keep them down… that’s really powerful. It’s next-level “know your worth.” As for what Ben says about her… it’s cool, to me, that Ben has grown up enough where he’s not threatened in the least by J.Lo.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez attend the red carpet of "The Last Duel" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival

Jennifer Lopez embraces the Italian heat while arriving at the 78th Venice Film Festival

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, cover courtesy of Adweek.

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61 Responses to “Ben Affleck on J.Lo: ‘I am in awe of what Jennifer’s effect on the world is’”

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  1. CherHorowitz says:

    I’m glad he is appreciating her for something deeper because I still can’t get past appreciating her pole dance scene from Hustlers

    • Isabella says:

      Really? In her long, long career that’s all you can see? Way harsh.

    • CherHorowitz says:

      If that read as an insult, i phrased it wrong. I just watched Hustlers for the first time a week ago and it was hot af and I meant that I can’t get over sexy she is. I have appeciated all sorts of things about Jlo prior to that though.

      I do appreciate the use of ‘way harsh’ though

    • marehare says:

      I think both of them have matured and appreciate each other more. Both are good actors and parents. I wish them both well

  2. Noki says:

    Is Benny Medina still her manager ? There was a period they parted ways rumour was because of Ben A. And there was a period were Jlo had a career slump with music and movies, American Idol really rejuvenated her career again.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I enjoy Ben being JLo’s hype man. It shows that he’s not threatened by her popularity. I think what scared him off before was the media frenzy around them and the fear that it would negatively impact his career. I’m sure he has regrets about bailing on the wedding and I’m glad they have a second chance at love.

    • Diana says:

      That is a lovely way to look at the situation and reminds me to not always act on my cynical instincts. ❤️

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Diana, you are a bigger woman than I am. As I read her comments, I am drawn back to her third, or possibly second movie that she was in, but with her representing Selina. I think this was JLo’s breakout role, if I am not mistaken. Selina was also a Latina who broke barriers and had created a clothing line with many boutiques. She was not only someone who came from a middle class Hispanic family, she didn’t speak Spanish and she was incredibly talented. Selina started singing at a young age, no matter the venue. She also started designing her own clothing line and she was extremely popular in America and Mexico. Selena had started from basically nothing, except her father was once in a band, and she created such an amazing career that expanded from singing, choreography, clothing designer, modeling and acting!! Selena was incredibly talented as a designer, but her vocals were reminiscent of angels. Selena was able to create an entire profitable brand in her short life.

        Though I applaud JLo for continuing to bring Latinas up front and center so that everyone can appreciate and admire Latinas, she wasn’t the first one to conquer that mountain.

    • Karisma says:

      I agree. I’ve never felt like Ben was threatened by her? He was always very complimentary about her during bennifer 1.0 too, often talking about her incredible work ethic and impact in interviews. What seemed hard for his ego was the press trashing him, becoming a joke, his movies bombing and the monster that became bennifer overshadowing all his projects.

    • Green Desert says:

      Agreed, Amy Bee. I love this so much.

    • a0 says:

      @Karisma Exactly! I think he always enjoyed her as a celebrity figure. Someone posted an old clip on twittter of Ben saying during Bennifer 1.0 that he’d never “seen people react to a celebrity the way that people react to Jennifer.” And he seemed to be having a great time in the Bronx last week when fans started playing Jenny from the Block. He seemed genuinely tickled by the reaction she provoked.

      But he considered himself a Serious Artiste and (probably rightly) feared his career might not recover if Bennifer remained a thing.

  4. DuchessL says:

    I dont feel her brand is all that. I feel her brand is “me me me me me, look at me”. Jlo’s brand to me is deluxe celebrity-i-wanna-be-pretty. Angelina is drop dead gorgeous just like jlo, but her brand is clearer. I dont think her brand reaches out the way she wants or believes it is.

    • OriginalLala says:

      The way celebrities are spoken about in such ridiculous, almost-hyperbolic terms is kind of hilarious. They’re all iconic, legends, visionaries lol

      • Erica says:

        Thank you Lala. Exactly what I was thinking. So many people act like celebrities are saving the world. No, no they are not.

      • Jules says:

        They certainly live in their own little inflated world, and show us time and again how out of touch with reality they are.

    • Becks1 says:

      So I thought the same when I saw the headline – I rolled my eyes and thought “of course Ben is going to say something gushy like that, JLo’s publicist probably wrote his comments for him” and I do think that the hyperbole around celebrities is ridiculous.

      But the article specifically talks about her impact on women of color and the Latin community and that’s something different in my opinion – I can see her work and support having a real impact there.

      • OriginalLala says:

        oh totally, I’m not taking that away from her, just commenting on the insane sycophantic nature of articles about celebs. it’s always so overblown that it lands up diminishing their actual accomplishments

    • Sunny says:

      As a Latina woman myself, when I see JLo being mainstream and not in the background—that signals to me something powerful. There was a shift.

      In the 1970s-90s, the look was all Christie Brinkley blonde blue-eyes as the epitome of female beauty. White girls dominated Cover Girl ads, tv sitcoms, magazine covers.

      It meant something to me when JLo carried films bc that was never done before and it made me feel more accepted in this world.

      • Gabriella says:

        Also Latina, and 100% agree. I remember when I was a kid being with my grandma in a mall and we walked by the Louis Vuitton store and there was this huge ad with JLo and my gma telling me “who would have ever thought a Latina could get there?” I still get emotional thinking not only what JLo represented to me, but to the women who went most of their lives without seeing someone like her. She’s important, whether or not y’all see it.

      • Truthiness says:

        Raquel Welch is a latina who was headlining movies in the 60s. I always thought she was drop dead gorgeous plus she never seemed lacking for brains in interviews while promoting movies.

      • Joey says:

        Agreed! As a latina i also grew up only seeing white blond blue eyed women as the face of brands. When Jlo, Salma, Penelope came out it was such a beautiful moment! finally women who looked like my community walking the red carpet and gracing magazine covers. it may sound trivial but representation IS SO IMPORTANT. Jennifer Lopez may not be a decent singer or the best actress and you may disagree with her lifestyle choices. BUT you cannot diminish how hard she has worked and how much she has accomplished. It’s inspiring!

      • Sunny says:

        Raquel Welch—born Jo Raquel Tejada—had to downplay her ethnicity to get to where she got!

    • Sunny says:

      I admire Jolie. She is a beauty with an amazing brand. But let’s not forget the privileges of being a white woman and the daughter of an Academy award winning actor. She attended the Oscars with her father as young girl and doors were not shut for her like they were for Jennifer.

      Jennifer had no connections and came from a working-class background so yeah she had to hustle hard. I throw no shade at her!!

      • Myra says:

        I agree with your statement. I love Jolie too but Jennifer has a completely different background and experience of the US based on wealth, class and identity compared to Jolie. So she is a diva? She’s worked hard for her place in the industry. What was it that Beyonce said about divas, anyways? Plus, my own observation of artists in the music industry is that they market themselves differently to those in acting.

      • DiegoInSF says:

        Yes! JLO had NO connections to Hollywood and made it to the top, she is iconic. As a Latino, my admiration for her is limitless!

    • DuchessL says:

      Just to be clear, i have no doubt jennifer has worked day and night to get where she is. I can understand she could be an inspiration to women of color to believe in what they can be. 100%. That is what she inspires. But that is not her brand. Her brand isnt clear. She is all over the place promoting herself promoting stuff on a yatch posting a video of her posing in an outfit for absolutely nothing. She just wants to be everywhere. There is no direction. It’s not bad, it’s just not clear brand, like angelina.nothing to do with skin color.

      • DiegoInSF says:

        Are you a LatinX POC, if not, you REALLY need to sit out this conversation on what she means to us. Thanks

  5. Jenny says:

    This is sweet and makes me happy. ❤️

  6. Lala11_7 says:

    As a woman of color in JLo’s age group…I have seen the impact of her legacy….cause I’m not viewing it through staid filters….so I’m here for the celebration…cause it ain’t easy at all!!! And regarding Ben….timing is just as important as anything else when it comes to having a successful long-term relationship…and perhaps this is the optimum time for them…and perhaps they realize it and finally have the emotional & psychological tools to make it work!

  7. Fernanda says:

    I love her, ever since I watched My Familia movie. I am rooting for her and for her and Ben as a couple.

  8. Alexandria says:

    I respect all she has achieved actually. And she has a lot of charisma and stage presence. Won’t argue with that. She is special.

  9. Kate says:


  10. Laalaa says:


    I LOVE THIS!!!

    Also, she is so inspiring to me, too! Let’s not forget she was one of the firsts who always had a bottom when all other celebrities were super super super skinny! Seems silly, but it wasn’t

    • Lurker25 says:

      Yeah, I think I can pin point it to the movie “Out of Sight”… I remember the rave reviews about her chemistry with Clooney, howv they seemed like sexy adults…. But I mostly remember one reviewer’s jaw-dropped take on “what look like 40 inch hips” ( yes, 40 was considered wide as a barrel in those heroin chic days).

    • Sid says:

      Laalaa, it’s not silly at all and I remember it the same way you do. I still recall after all these years how Joan Rivers of all people was one of Lopez’s first and biggest cheerleaders back then with regard to her body type. It was one of Rivers’s Fashion Police episodes where she was talking about Lopez’s look at the Out of Sight movie premiere, and she just went on and on raving about Lopez’s wonderful figure, how great it was to see a shapely actress, etc. I remember thinking that was noteworthy, as even though we already had beautiful (Black) women like Janet Jackson who had full butts, they hadn’t been getting that sort of positive mainstream attention for it (which is a whole other topic for discussion).

    • Nana says:

      She is the inspiration behind Baby Got Back!

  11. Jessie Quinton says:

    As a Latinx Gen X’r, I can very distinctly remember when the advertising tide started to shift in including Latinx in luxury brand campaigns, and it started happening right around the time Jennifer came on the scene. Before that, all my Seventeen, YM, Marie Claire and Vogue were (mostly) cover to cover whiteness — around the late nineties was when you started seeing the shift, and it was because of WOC like Jennifer.

    Ben is very well spoken, btw!

  12. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    I love everything about this right here. Jennifer is so important for Latina entrepreneurial representation and I love how it’s being recognized! Now I’m off to check out the 10,000 Small Businesses initiative since I’m a Latina business owner. 😊

  13. BitsyCS says:

    The know your worth vibe really is a universal message, and I love to see it. I’ve been a SAHM for 15y now and at first it was hard for even me to see the value in what I did and really believe it (I have a law degree, so it definitely encouraged judgment of my choices). I feel like women in particular are so socialized to constantly critique and second guess themselves – it took me awhile to get to the point where I truly believed in the value of what I was doing and the criticism/judgment/etc. didn’t get to me anymore. It makes you a much happier person when you can tune out the people trying to tear you down. I’m glad she’s there and that’s a message she’s spreading.

    Also Ben in love is adorable. I love them.

  14. Amy Too says:

    What is this thing with magazine covers being so photoshopped and edited? They’ve made JLo look 25 years old. She’s so incredibly beautiful—and not even just in a “for her age” kind of way—and yet they’ve still done the typical magazine cover thing where they do overdo it with the photoshop and she just doesn’t resemble even her own touched up social media photos. It’s clear that she has a level of touching up that she is comfortable with and that she thinks is enough without being too much (and I think she does just the right amount: she’s making herself look like the best version of herself without going overboard and looking like a plastic alien kardashian), so why would anyone working with her go even further than what she does herself? I doubt she’s asking for that based on the pictures she’s comfortable posting of herself.

    And it’s not just about JLo, it’s just that this cover of JLo prompted my comment. Magazine covers are notorious for over photoshopping and/or bad photoshopping. The photoshop on Prince Harry for Time was also a bit much and it wasn’t necessary to go that far. He was weirdly line free and his face was basically all one, brightened up color. And again, I doubt prince Harry was asking for that. There have been quite a few articles and comments on this site and others about the really bad cover photos and the level of photoshop on them. You would think that a magazine, a business that is built on selling a product based on its cover, would have the budget for better, less obvious photo editing and that they would make it a top priority. Editorial photos inside a magazine are usually pretty good. It’s just covers that seem to give these magazines trouble. Who is asking for this?

    • whatWHAT? says:

      agree completely. I understand removing blemishes or flyaway strands of hair, but altering the image so that the person SLIGHLTY RESEMBLES the person that it actually is drives me nuts. I’ve seen some mag covers in the store and I’m like “wow, that model looks a bit like so-and-so” and I go to take a better look and realize that it IS so-and-so.

  15. whatWHAT? says:

    JLo impresses me, too, and I’m happy that BA has matured to the point that he supports her fully and isn’t threatened.

    but I have NO idea who that is on the cover. f’kin extreme photoshop needs to die.

    • ME says:

      I don’t understand why magazines do this…but only to women. They leave wrinkles on men though. They make females look like f*cking cartoons. This needs to end.

  16. Emily says:

    It is so cute to hear him hype her. They are the real deal. He respects the sh*t out of her.

  17. Dee Kay says:

    I am really liking this stage of both J.Lo’s and Affleck’s public lives. I remember Bennifer 1.0 and it wasn’t inspiring, it felt like a tabloid mess. They seemed equally desperate for each other and desperate to get away from each other so they could build their own careers. Well now they have each built them and I am glad Affleck is proud of what J.Lo did with her time, talent, and money. He should be. They seem like they can be happy in themselves and happy for each other and happy together now, all at once. (So long as Affleck stays sober!!!!!!)

  18. Case says:

    I like what Ben Affleck said about her. It seems like he really understands and respects what an impact she’s had, particularly for the Latinx community. It really cannot be stated enough how incredibly moving and empowering it is to see yourself represented on screen, whether that’s gender, race, sexuality, disability, etc. It’s such a small thing to white, straight, able-bodied people (especially men who have always seen themselves represented), but it means the world to those of us who aren’t used to seeing ourselves as the hero or the lead.

  19. psl says:

    I am in awe too, Ben! Complete awe of how she can be so beautiful and successful, yet cannot be without a man for a few days.

  20. Pix says:

    People love to disrespect JLo but her hustle is strong. She doesn’t give up and she works hard with no shame. I remember when she was in a series of terrible movies…The Boy Next Door…but rolls forward. Plus, she looks f-ing amazing. She is a role model for girls of color and I’m so glad that it’s been said and that her b-friend Ben feel like he can give her props in public w/o shame.

    • psl says:

      I give her a ton of credit for her hustle. But I am tired of people being SO AMAZED at how good she looks when there are many other women her age who look fabulous too. And she is so far up her own a**, it is a little nauseating.

      • Jaded says:

        I agree psl. She’s tiresome. In a sense she’s like Madonna — she does a lot of things modestly well (singing, acting, dancing, perfume/skin care lines, etc. etc.) but her big strength is shameless self-promotion and hustle.

      • Carolnr says:

        I agree.
        Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, Sofia Vergara, to name a few.
        And let’s not forget the Male Latinos :
        Javier Bardem, Michael Pena, George Lopez , to name a few.

      • DiegoInSF says:


        Penelope and Javier are white Europeans 😒 not Latinxs

  21. PoppedBubble says:

    What in the air brushed? She’s beautiful, but C’mon!

  22. LesRob says:

    It makes me laugh when certain other press tri ty shame these men who are such proud advocates and supporters for their immensely powerful and impactful female partners. Alexis O’Hanion, Prince Harry, Barack Obama- these strong an independent men cherish those same qualities in their partners, and I see Ben upping his game to do just that here with JLo. Good for him. She’s earned all she has and should never dim her own light.

  23. Fanciful says:

    I am white working class and I admire the hell out of her. I never get the shit she gets. She has worked her butt off and is wildly successful. Wealthier than Ben, right? I really think some of the shit she gets is simply racist. How many wealthy white people get the same level of bs? A friend of a friend worked with her and they love her.

  24. Blueskies says:

    I do love that second last photo, their expressions are beautiful.