Kate Beckinsale needs to take a bath every day to transition from day to night

Kate Beckinsale attends the 'Suicide Squad 2‘ movie premiere

Kate Beckinsale has a new brand-ambassadorship: she’s the new spokesperson for MRVL’s Skin Solutions, a skincare brand. While I think Kate is very beautiful and she has lovely skin, I’m not sure I would hire someone who has so much cosmetic work? Of course, she denies that she’s had work done, but we have eyes. To promote this skincare company, Kate chatted at length with People Magazine about her skincare regimen and how she takes baths every day. Some highlights:

Her skincare routine: “I didn’t really have a skincare routine until I was much older, probably in my late thirties, early forties. I’m really lucky, my mum’s got really good skin. I think obviously some of it is a genetic thing, although you can mess that up. I didn’t see sun for the first several decades of my life and that’s probably been a big help. A great deal of it was geography [growing up in England], but the other thing was on the very rare occasions when we would go on a family vacation somewhere hot, I was paranoid that I would get freckles in a mustache formation on my face. So I was wearing Factor 70 [SPF]. I just didn’t want a mustache, that’s really why I used sunscreen.”

Her go-to products: Beckinsale’s other hero products include Cetaphil soap, Pantene shampoo and conditioner, “my hair really likes it,” she says, plus cherry and strawberry Chapstick, which she calls her “absolute jam” and still uses today. “Skincare-wise, I’ve never done anything crazy like a peel. I really would like to, because I see people who’ve had them but I just think something will go wrong and I’d be scarred.”

Why MRVL: “[The company] has such a lovely setup in terms of philanthropy. They have these orphanages that they contribute money towards. Plus the product is amazing. So given that and I really liked what the company was doing, I thought, ‘Great.’ I didn’t want to be behind something that I didn’t like.”

She doesn’t like to shill products: “I’m an actress, I don’t want to be selling products,” she says, but that idea is “slightly more interesting to me as I’m older, to be honest with you. Of course you’re going to have great skin when you’re 19 years old. I think people are slightly more interested in ‘How do you not turn into a walnut overnight?'”

Scorpion milking: MRVL’s products incorporate a peptide (humanely) derived from scorpion venom. “It’s super unusual. There’s no other products that have this particular peptide,” says Beckinsale. “I was incredibly concerned [at first], ‘Okay there’s something from a scorpion. Like, what the f— have we done to the scorpion?’ That was my first concern, we’re not crushing up a scorpion? No. It’s all very careful and gentle and it’s hand-milking. I can’t imagine milking a scorpion, but here we are.”

She’s not obsessed with aging: “I think other people seem to be very obsessed with aging in a way that I am not. I am asked about that a lot. The minute I turned 31, press-wise, they’d say, ‘Heading towards 40.’ And you just go, ‘Pardon?’ nobody said that to me when I was 10 and I was almost 20. It’s a very different thing. So I think it’s possible for people to create 40 as a real terrifying moment. I found 39 much harder precisely because of that, but I’m in a much happier situation in my forties than I was in my thirties. But I don’t actually think about it that much. I think about it because people ask me about it, but I don’t think I would [otherwise]. Things haven’t started to fall off yet and I haven’t had crazy hormone changes. [Those are coming] down the road and I’m sure that will make me think about it much more, but at the moment nothing feels wildly different than it has for a while.”

She needs her baths: “I literally cannot transition from day to night unless I have submerged myself in water. Which is really annoying because I could get a hotel room and it’ll have cockroaches and go, ‘Okay, fine,’ But if [the room] doesn’t have a bathtub, I’ll be like, ‘Sorry, can I move?’ I really need to have that every day, no matter what. Even when it’s Oscar night and you’re getting home at seven in the morning once you’ve been to 15 parties. I still have to go through the whole bath thing.”

[From People]

She’s 48 years old, I think she probably has been dealing with hormonal changes and maybe she’s just one of those women who breezes through it. The kind of woman who can say in all seriousness that she doesn’t even think about aging, and that she has to take a bath every day. The bath everyday thing is very British, right? There aren’t many Americans who need to be submerged in water every day. As for her must-have products… I switch between Pantene and Suave because I like the smells and I think they work well on my hair, so I’m with her on that. I also think she is right to talk about good genes and not spending a lot of time in the sun.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.

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86 Responses to “Kate Beckinsale needs to take a bath every day to transition from day to night”

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  1. Beenie says:

    Same here, I take a bath every single afternoon/evening. Its rare I take a shower. Baths really relax me and its a great way to chill out after a long day.

  2. Eleonor says:

    I take a shower everyday in the evening, before going to bed.

  3. Kviby says:

    Baths warm me up. This year I haven’t been using the heat I just have a bath before bed and as long as I wear socks I’ll be toasty all night . My moms moms mom came over to the us from Britain and mothers pass the culture I think. My mom liked marmite and daily black tea is a must. I didn’t know baths were a British thing, but I really appreciate that I have the privilege to indulge in them

    • ShazBot says:

      Same here…I live for daily winter baths, it’s so cozy and relaxing before bed.

    • JanetDR says:

      I love a nice hot bath! I take a book along and stay as long as I can. When my kids were young, I would just dream of being able to stay as long as I wanted to. The young me would be disappointed to learn that I don’t do it everyday. When we added on, I planned the bedroom around having a tub outside of the bathroom with 2 large windows overlooking my meadow. It’s a deep “slipper” style tub and I anticipate a day will come when I won’t be able to get out of it on my own, but I’m going to enjoy it as long as it works for me!

    • Normades says:

      Yes, I love a hot bath on a cold winter night. Only thing that will warm up my feet. My child also loves taking a bath to chill out. My husband only takes showers and didn’t want to install a bathtub when we put in the bathroom but I insisted on it. It is a smaller than standard bathtub so it takes up less water to fill.

  4. Laalaa says:

    Every photo I see of her, I always see she is putting her head in such a position to avoid the double chin. Which I don’t judge at all, but I always think that must be such a restricted way of moving, always thinking about will the chin be seen.

  5. Belli says:

    A celebrity talking about washing regularly actually makes a nice change.

  6. Piratewench says:

    I call baths the cure-all. I use baths for headaches, stomach aches, menstrual cramps and anxiety symptoms.
    So I’m an American who does take a bath very very often! It’s a luxury I don’t take for granted. My dream is to have a big nice bath in my own home, for now I make do with my little old tub.

  7. smcollins says:

    What she needs is to take a break from messing with her face. I will never understand why these insanely naturally beautiful women do this to themselves. I know, Hollywood standards of beauty and the pressure on women to remain eternally young, but they all take it too far and inevitably wind up looking like wax figures of their former selves. I would kill to look like them on their *worst* day (pre cosmetic procedures). It’s so depressing to see.

  8. Zen says:

    Didn’t she also cycle thru Pete Davidson? And now he is with Kim, an (almost) newly divorced older woman like Kate was. Hmm, Pete is showing a pattern. Isn’t this what David Spade used to do?

    • Pilar says:

      Pete doesn’t really have a pattern though. He went from Kate beckinsale to Kaia Gerber. Mostly though he dated women his own age. Ariana, Cassie Davids, Margaret’s Qually, Phoebe from Bridgerton etc. Also David spade is in his late 50s, Pete is 28.

  9. Jezz says:

    I’m sorry — how is this headline not about “milking scorpions” ????

    • Jules says:

      Lol right? And there is no way that milking scorpions can be good for the scorpion. Leave them alone!

      • SomeChick says:

        what I want to know is, who was all, “I know! I’ll put scorpion venom on my face!”

    • MrsRobinson says:

      1000 percent 😅 explain to me how you humanely milk a scorpion

      • H says:

        According to company web site, it’s like milking a snake. I bought the eye cream (fabulous!) and just started the serum. The products are very expensive but I got coupons on Black Friday.

        I’ll let people know if in two months the products work.

      • JBones says:

        @H Please keep us posted on the creams- I’ll be excited for your update, maybe the next Kate Beckinsale post?

    • Rhea says:

      Right!?! How does one humanely milk a scorpion!

  10. Lauren Too says:

    I prefer showers and definitely in the evening. It helps me melt the day away and relax before bed.

  11. Butterflystella says:

    I’m also an evening/night shower taker. I don’t wash my hair every day either and I use Pantene when I do.

  12. A says:

    I just think she’s funny, tbh. Like she’d be a good laugh, even if she’s also a little squirrelly about the plastic surgeries

  13. Coco Bean says:

    I wish I could take a bath every day but I was raised in CA with droughts so it’s only a quick shower before bed where I turn off the water to soap up, shampoo, and shave. I’ll maybe fill up the bathtub once a month. I envy places with lots of access to water where you can take a bath without feeling guilty.

    • Beenie says:

      Oh I hadn’t even considered this! I live on a farm in England where our water comes from a well and, uh… we don’t have any problem getting rain. Like today it actually hasn’t rained and we immediately ran outside to enjoy the dry weather. But most of the time I am in a raincoat and slightly damp. I wear wellies so often I should probably just sleep in them.

    • LarkspurLM says:

      Same! When I read the headline, that’s the first thing I thought. Nope. No baths here in parched Northern California.

  14. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    No sun for first decades of life?? What an odd childhood existence. My life (and everyone I know) is exactly the opposite. I got most my sun as a child and young adult. How does one play sports without sun? How does one ride their bike to a friend’s without sun? How does one ‘beach’ without sun? Or ski? Or fish? Or camp? Or cheerlead? Or girl scout? Or vacation? Or swim? Or hunt Easter eggs? Or watch town parades (or be in them)? God, my childhood WAS outdoors.

    • Sue says:

      I think folks in England still go outdoors. It’s just cloudy a lot.

    • fifee says:

      She’s referring to the weather in the UK which for a lot of the time unless youre in the south is pretty grey and even then it can be overcast for weeks at a time. Its not odd when you live in a region of the world that sits at the edge of the Atlantic ocean on a latitude that is north of Vancouver/Seattle.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Yeah but UV doesn’t care if it’s cloudy. Sun or clouds, outside is outside no? If she was paranoid about freckles…..

      • Penguin says:

        It might be a coincidence, but I’m Mediterranean living in the UK for the past 12 years and I do notice a difference between my skin and that of friends my age back home, particulary around the eyes and forehead. True, UV exposure is still there cloudy or not, but the level of UV is quite a bit lower.

      • tealily says:

        Yeah, but you don’t really go outside much if it’s raining.

  15. Brittney L B says:

    I’m that way about transitioning from night to day with a shower.

    On that note, god do I hope Kate & all the commenters who do the same… also get in the shower to wash & rinse off afterwards.

  16. Sue says:

    That’s part of my bedtime routine too. I have terrible problems with insomnia and take a lot of steps to get my brain to realize that it’s time to go to sleep


    I take baths daily in my crummy little apartment tub. My friends got me a bath tray which I highly recommend- it’s this bamboo expandable tray that stretches from one side of the tub to the other, it has a little stand to prop up your book, and a little place carved to hold your wine glass. This has helped my anxiety so much during Covid.

  18. Fabiola says:

    I never got the whole bath thing. I feel like I’m seating in a pool of my own filth. I prefer showers were all the days grime is being rinsed off. I also love the feel of water pressure on my back.

  19. RoyalBlue says:

    This is one of my self pampering techniques. A nightly bath, with candles, dim the lights, bath bombs and salts in the water and soft music playing. Sometimes I do showers with shower steamers. I love the scents of aromatherapy.

  20. MangoAngelesque says:

    I take a bath most every night, and a quick shower when I get up in the mornings. I’ve had that habit as long as I can remember, and I think it’s become a psychological switch that showers=wake up and get moving, because if I have to shower at night, it’s so difficult to sleep properly for hours afterward.

  21. Mimsy says:

    I hope this isn’t too dumb of a question—but how do baths work in place of a shower? I’ve only taken baths for relaxation/medical purposes and use the shower for cleansing.

    I can’t figure out the order of steps for hair washing/rinsing/soaking.

    Do you clean/wash hair first and then soak? Or soak and then wash and get right out? Do you turn on the shower head at the end or anything?

    • JK says:

      I’m Korean. I can’t speak for every Korean but typically, we enjoy a good long soak in the bathtub to loosen up the dead skin and then we use this Korean exfoliating mitt all over. I don’t feel totally clean unless I get rid of all the dead skin. Showers are ok for freshening up every day but nothing gets rid of all the dead skin like a good soak followed by exfoliation. Afterwards, I just wash my hair and a quick shower to rinse myself and the bathtub off. Maybe it’s all the exfoliating or our genetics but my mom and I (and I assume a lot of people of our generation), we really don’t have a single hair on our body, not even armpit hair, and we generally have very soft skin.

      • Normades says:

        Definitely the Asian genes (though exfoliating helps too). I have Asian genes as well and am lucky to have less body hair and very hydrated skin as well.

    • tealily says:

      I usually have a soak, then wash my body in the tub, then wash my face and hair and rinse off with the shower head.

  22. Trish says:

    Girl, I can’t with her😂She won’t get a chemical peel because she’s scared?? I guess she’s not scared of a whole face and neck lift, Botox and fillers in lips and cheekbones. No I’m not her doctor, but I am 50 and I don’t care what she says, most actresses and reality stars have face and neck lifts in their 40s and that is not her natural aging face.

    Btw, I’m all for women getting work done, I would totally get a facelift if I could afford it, but I do partake in Botox and fillers and know what that face looks like. There’s nothing wrong with it, I just hate when these stars lie and act like they only use cleanser and chapstick. Girl no.

  23. Mrs. Smith says:

    I like a good bath, but my three dogs stare at me in the tub and get antsy like I might be in danger or something. So I stick to showers for the most part.

  24. Marzipan says:

    I live in Germany, and I prefer taking showers over a bath, for practical reasons, although I have a huge bath tub. On one hand the amount of hot water that´s needed would make my energy bill explode, and it´s also too much of an effort, having to clean the tub and the tiles afterwards, to avoid scale and mould in the bathroom…and since I need glasses, reading a book has become pointless, the glasses get steamy, so I´m practically blind. :-((

    Regarding Kate Beckingsale, I don´t buy the “I don´t care much about getting older…” thing, I think in that industry you can´t escape that. Also, it´s easy to look youthful before you enter menopause, that can change EVERYTHING, your looks, moods, weight, hair and skin quality, your sleep, your self esteem, energy level, unless you take hormones….! Also, these Hollywood ladies have enough money on their hands to afford all kinds of help to look great, cosmetics and procedures that average women can only dream of. (just my two cents)

    • girl_ninja says:

      Exactly this! As a kid and teen all I did was take baths and honestly It’s too much work. The clean up afterwards adds back the stress melted away from the bath so I’m a hot shower girl. Have been for many years.

      At fun loving and smart as Kate seems she absolutely cares about aging and it’s written all over her face. She’s beautiful and looks fantastic but she’s “worked” for that.

    • tealily says:

      I’m finding just the opposite. For the first time ever, I have a separate shower and bathtub, and I’m finding it much harder to keep the tub clean when I’m not using it regularly. It just gets so dusty!

  25. Jaded says:

    At 48 she’s probably well into peri-menopause and I have no doubt she’s taking bioidenticals or something similar to ease her through the process. And sure, she’s afraid of skin peels but everything else? Apparently not.

  26. Tisme says:

    Cetaphil, Pantene & cherry chapstick? Her go-to’s are a chemical sh*tstorm!!
    And I had a giggle at the…”I’ve never done anything crazy, like a peel”…oh girl, you funny!

  27. Jenni says:

    I’m the same way, I take a bath every evening. It’s comforting & relaxes me.

  28. jferber says:

    I want the face lift Mark Jacobs got. It’s a totally new one that is much gentler on the face in terms of healing time. I read in the article that it cost $8,300. I said to my husband, “I could do that.” Then I re-read: it cost $83,000. Wow! I cannot do that. If Kate did that one, good for her. She looks great!

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Haha the same happened to me with your comment, $8300 is doable but then read it’s 83k! 😂 I think though if one takes care of their skin with sunscreen, retinols, vit C etc, doesn’t smoke or gets absolutely hammered every weekend you wouldn’t need a full facelift but smaller and less expensive tweaks.

    • Lucille says:

      Why would you want that? His face lift actually doesn’t look good. He went from attractive to botched and overdone.

  29. DiegoInSF says:

    Baths sadly are not the best for your skin as once it gets the wrinkly from being in water look, it’s bad news. I learned that from Paula Begoun (of Paula’s choice).

  30. jferber says:

    Thanks, DiegoInSF, Glad to know I have a comrade in wishful reading!

  31. canichangemyname says:

    She’s definitely right about staying out of the sun. My mother would never let me tan with the other girls (I grew up in the South and ‘laying out’ or even going to tanning beds was *the thing* to do for us white girls). She insisted on sunblock and I’d get so irritated and mad at the time, but I thank her for it now. Also, a lot of it boils down to genetics.

    Still though, I have WAY more questions about … scorpion milk … ??? Somebody make it make sense LOL

  32. Anna says:

    Ugh, she sounds self-centered and insecure. SURE… you essentially use Vaseline and soap as your facecare routine and you are not at all obsessed with aging, OTHER PEOPLE are. *snorts*

  33. JJS says:

    I honestly totally believe her re: aging and just being reminded of it by the press… Didn’t her dad die young, in his thirties and so after she hit that age she just felt grateful to be alive and aging because what is the other option? That thought has always affected me. I’m 39 now and just really wish we could loosen the grip on telling women everything falls apart when you hit 40. Sure my metabolism is slower and small injuries accumulate but it’s not like I’m becoming the crypt keeper.

  34. Elo says:

    I’m an avid bath taker and if I had my ideal situation I would take one at night and one in the morning.

  35. Lucille says:

    Since she dated Pete Davidson and denied plastic surgery I lost respect for her. Why lie about something so obvious? Her boobs aren’t even made to look real and there isn’t a single line on her face. When she smiles her face barely moves. Does she really think that work is so minimal that people couldn’t tell?

  36. tealily says:

    I love to hear about people’s night time routines when they have them, and I love the idea of a nightly bath! Amy Sedaris has a nice sounding ritual too, with candles and cooking in the evenings. My new house has a sh–ty shower and an incredibly nice bath. I’ve been thinking I should make the switch from morning showerer to night bather.

  37. TeeMajor says:

    I have to take a bath every night or most def in the am, I may have used my shower 4x last year.
    I like to submerge my body and relax in the bath and soften those dead skin cells so I can get rid of them.

    I attribute my baths to not having aches and pains, which my showering friends do have.