Queen Elizabeth is ‘resisting’ calls to cancel her Christmas lunch amid Covid surge

Queen's Christmas broadcast

It feels like the British government and British media outlets are understandably freaking out about the Omicron variant and the new surge in Covid cases in the UK and throughout Europe. Boris Johnson has pushed for a new round of social distancing and vaccine cards/passports, and his Tory buds are mad as hell about all of it. For BoJo in particular, there is a lack of consistency, not just with messaging and PR, but with the actual rules and laws. The Johnson government is seen as “lurching” from one message to another, one set of restrictions to another. It’s definitely hard to keep up with the latest rules and medical advice. Which might explain why Queen Elizabeth still plans to invite fifty members of the Royal family around for a pre-Christmas luncheon at Windsor:

The Queen will host the annual Royal Family Christmas lunch on Tuesday despite fears over the Omicron Covid variant, sources have revealed. The 95-year-old monarch is pressing on with the event at Windsor Castle, which is expected to welcome 50 or so relatives, including Prince Charles and Camilla. And while three of her four new grandchildren – August, Lucas and Siena – are expected to attend, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and their son Archie and newborn Lilibet, also born this year, will remain in the US.

The Queen’s late husband Prince Phillip will also be noticeably absent, in what will be her first Christmas without him in 73 years after he died in April aged 99.

The Queen’s annual Christmas lunch, usually held at Buckingham Palace, had to be called off last year when tougher restrictions were brought in amid the surge of the Delta Covid strain. But moves to cancel the event this year are reportedly being resisted. One day after the festive party, which will feature wine, crackers and a feast, the Queen will travel by helicopter to Sandringham in Norfolk, where she will spend Christmas itself. The Royal Family will later join her there on Christmas Eve and gather on December 25, as is tradition, before visiting St Mary Magdalene Church.

A source told the Sun: ‘Currently it is going ahead but obviously it will be under review right up until the last moment. It is Windsor Castle so it will be pretty easy to socially distance if needed. There is no way the Queen wants to let anything get in the way of a family event like this. Particularly with the year she has had after losing her husband and being forced to go on light duties on doctor’s orders. It will likely be the first time so many family members have been together since Philip’s funeral. But obviously everyone must act responsibly and things can change in a short period of time but as it stands they’re all set for Tuesday.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Considering the Windsors’ overwhelming hatred of masks, I doubt the luncheon will be socially distanced or safe. I doubt there will be a mask mandate and I’m sure everyone will be breathing on one another. While there are huge dining halls at Windsor, how in the world could you social-distance a luncheon for fifty people?? Anyway, I halfway agree with the “source” though – clearly, the Queen has really been looking forward to Christmas and she wants to see her extended family. They want to see her too, especially as this is her first Christmas without Philip. It is what it is. They’re not going to cancel it.

Queen Elizabeth II attends a Service of Thanksgiving

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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52 Responses to “Queen Elizabeth is ‘resisting’ calls to cancel her Christmas lunch amid Covid surge”

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  1. Eurydice says:

    You know, when they’re not bashing Meghan, I kind of love the way the DM writes stories. “Phillip will be noticeably absent” – well, yeah. The menu will be “wine, crackers and a feast” – there’s investigative reporting for you . And somebody has reported that someone is moving to cancel the event and somebody else is resisting.

  2. Woke says:

    Why is there even reporting on an event the public has no access to ?

    • Alexandria says:

      They can’t and won’t write about the actual royal scandals that undermine their existence, so this is what they write about.

    • Sofia says:

      They’ve got to write something. Those column inches won’t write themselves you know. And it makes people discuss and talk about it all.

  3. Noki says:

    I wonder if the Queen is really still a stickler for all these traditions. At 95 i would seriously want some quiet and to be left alone with my gin. It seems that its perhaps the courtiers speaking for her at this point.

    • Eurydice says:

      I think she wants it. She doesn’t have to do anything except get dressed and show up. And if she gets tired she can go to her room and take a nap.

    • Dutch says:

      What’s the point in being the Queen if you can’t snap your fingers and make your sniveling relatives jump through hoops. It’s one of the few joys Betty has left.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Noki, I kind of agree with you.

  4. Becks1 says:

    There is going to be wine, crackers, and a feast. I can’t stop laughing at how the crackers got their own separate mention lol.

    And of course she’s going through with it come hell or high water. I get that she wants to do this, she wants to see everyone, but considering that there are several new babies in the family and a lot of elderly, its probably not the best decision.

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, I was was wondering what kind of crackers – Wheat Thins, Goldfish, Ritz crackers – but then I realized they must mean those Christmas crackers that you pop open to find a little prize and a paper crown. We don’t have them much in the US.

      • Becks1 says:

        omg, I think you all are right, they’re talking about poppers/crackers, not Wheat Thins. STILL. I’m laughing.

      • lanne says:

        Yeah, the image of the royals munching on some Saltines is pretty funny–those bitches be eating figurative crackers, so why not literal ones?

      • Feeshalori says:

        My sister has those crackers at Christmas dinner even though we’re not British. And I’m sure Betty just loves wearing a paper crown because she’s just like us! Meanwhile, William is envisaging the day he gets to wear a real one.

      • KFG says:

        Welp i don’t want any calls for prayers or vigils when petty Betty gets COVID19. This is a disgusting show of indifference.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Maybe because I’m overloading on watching Christmas movies this week (and next) when Kaiser wrote: “… they hate masks; they’ll be breathing all over each other….” all that popped into my head is Scrooge’s line from “A Christmas Carol”: “Let them, and decrease the surplus population.”

        Most of these “Royals” don’t have the sense God gave a goose. If they want to gamble with their health…. They will do whatever they want to anyway. Even if “we” are told they won’t gather, how would we really know if they do?

      • Lorelei says:

        I think she knows it’s probably her last one, which is why she’s so determined to do it.

        I hope that Beatrice and Eugenie stay away, though, because they have infants at home—they cannot fck around.

    • LadyMTL says:

      That’s the part that’s really making me laugh…can’t forget to mention the crackers! (Though part of me wonders if they don’t mean crackers as in Christmas crackers, the thing you pull open and it makes a kind of popping / cracking noise? Anyway.)

      As for the gathering itself I think 50 people is way too many, but at the same time she’s 95 and maybe is asking herself how many holidays does she have left? I would for sure scale it back, but with this family we know that won’t happen. Queen’s gonna queen, consequences be damned.

    • equality says:

      None of the great-grandchildren are old enough to be vaccinated. She is going to mix numerous households with vulnerable people for a large indoor event where masks can’t be worn while eating. Other people have lost family this past year and aren’t using it as an excuse for a super-spreader event. And, I think they mean Christmas crackers not food. You know, they’re just like everybody snapping their crackers.

      • Becks1 says:

        Exactly. It has the potential to be a disaster and while I get what @Chloe is saying below about the government not following its own rules, she should still set a better example than this. OR just, you know, be smarter and not host this. OR even put out a statement saying that all attendees will be vaccinated or something. I don’t know.

        Optics and examples aside, you would think her staff and family, who supposedly are all trying so desperately to keep her safe and alive, would realize this is a really bad idea for a 95 year old.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        @equality – You are right about crackers. The article is referring to ‘Christmas Crackers” which are a novelty (like the toy surprise in a box of Cracker Jacks) in England just like wearing paper hats at your family Christmas Day dinner.

    • Chloe says:

      @becks1: To be fair to her: since the government can’t adhere to their own rules, why should she? Of course its a stupid thing to do. Especially with her health being what it is of late. I can bet she wouldn’t be the only brit breaking covid rules this Christmas.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Mr. “BloJo” Johnson has really messed things up for his country because he cannot or will not (and his government) follow his own rules. You would think QEII would be smart enough not to make the same mistake with respect to setting a good example for dealing with COVID.

      • equality says:

        Because it would be for her protection and that of her family, including the all-so-important futures.

    • swirlmamad says:

      LMAO I just posted this above. Immediately saltines popped into my head. 🤣

  5. Amy T says:

    In light of the 10 Downing Street bash that went down last year and that this is TQ’s first Christmas as a widow, if company and crackers are what gets her through the day….

    • goofpuff says:

      Isn’t it a tad hypocritical to do a news briefing about how dare the Prime Minister have a party and then turn around and throw your own big royal bash.

  6. Sofia says:

    Unless there’s a full on lockdown, I doubt it’ll be cancelled. And considering the government were having Christmas parties in lockdown, a lockdown might not even stop the Windsors.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t know what to say about this. All the best to the Queen, I guess.

  8. Snuffles says:

    I have a bad feeling about this event. Let’s just say I’m happy the Sussex’s are on another continent because I suspect this won’t end well.

    • Sunshine says:

      I agree snuffles. Kid’s schools closing early due to outbreaks and they’re masked all day.

    • Chloe says:

      @snuffles: Im surprised they left out the “the queens heart is breaking because she didn’t see archie and lili” in this article. And yes i agree, im extremely happy the sussexes will remain in the States.

  9. Nilber says:

    This is my first Christmas since losing my Dad in January to COVID. Things like this hits me wrong, I get wanting to be with family but safety comes first. To be perfectly honest the royal family seems to be more of an example of what not to do. They are the epitome of do what I say not what I do.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      It sucks that QEII seems to be so stupid as too public perception!

      As Peter the Great said: The Emperor is the first and #1 public servant.

      • Charm says:

        I strongly believe that at this stage of betty’s life, she is NOT the one making decisions…she is NOT out there stomping her feet and saying i want to have my normal christmas, covid be damned. Its the grey men.

        Its the same grey men (men-in-grey) who said she “didnt take 2 minutes” to say no to Harry’s wreath request; its the same grey men who said she didnt “give permission” for H&M to use the name Lilibet; its the same grey men who floated the story last christmas that betty demanded of her staff that they quarantine at BP and not go home so as to ensure that theyyre covid-free to do their jobs and give her the christmas she wants; its the same grey men who have been floating ideas out there to see how the plebs react to anything regarding betty and then if they get pushbk, they pull back and say or do the opposite.

        See how theyve set this up to say, in effect, that its all fluid and a decision will be made closer to the time.

        Betty is paying the price for a lifetime of hiding her head in the sand and saying nothing until the grey men tell her to do it.

  10. Janice Hill says:

    The royal family thinks that super spreader events are for other people.

  11. Margaret says:

    Oh, how exciting will it be without the show stopping Sussexes being there?. Like I said, who cares about that event, since harry and Mary declined the invite to the halls of viperville.

  12. ME says:

    I can’t understand how any country could get rid of their mask mandates. Masks should be the LAST thing to go. This pandemic is still going on. How could anyone feel safe walking around indoors maskless? I don’t get it. So many people are in denial. All anyone cares about is their Christmas. You’ll have plenty more Christmases folks ! Please be responsible. Some of us are tired because some of us took this seriously from day one.

  13. Athena says:

    If all attendees are vaccinated, quarantine for 3-4 days prior to the lunch, and take a rapid test before the event, they might pull it off. But the babies and unvaccinated children should stay home.
    This is not that much different than the christening luncheon they had recently

    • swirlmamad says:

      Exactly. I don’t know what these RRs are smoking, talking about “August, Lucas and Sienna” will be there. THEY ARE UNVACCINATED BABIES.

  14. phlyfiremama says:

    Meh. Let these fools get rid of themselves. This “feast”, while food shortages persist and will continue to worsen as many essential workers will be out of commission, is the modern day equivalent of LET THEM EAT CAKE. Utterly tone deaf, anyone??

  15. Mina_Esq says:

    She is so dumb. This isn’t one of those situations where she needs to be tough and have that dumb stiff upper lip thing that they always discuss. It’s a freaking pandemic. It’s so hard for her to process new information and the fact that transitions need to be altered because the pandemic is not over. She needs to retire.

  16. SAMG says:

    Maybe she wants to d word from covid. Like do you think if she was twenty years younger she wouldn’t be in full lock down not going everywherr, meeting everyone. She wants out of that hell hole she created!

  17. Lauren says:

    Seeing how 40 people were partying in Downing st until 2 in the morning while everybody was supposed to be social distancing I can see Betty telling people where to shove it in response to her lunch.

  18. Beach Dreams says:

    Very selfish of her. If she had her way last Christmas, she would’ve happily joined the Tories in celebrating like there isn’t a global pandemic. I guess the staff won’t be able to revolt two years in a row without consequences.

  19. Robin Samuels says:

    I tend to pay more attention to what is not reported. This family gathering is another performance event. Photographers can take photos of arrivals and departures, and the big stories will be about Harry and Meghan not attending. The Queen is weakening but needs to appear to be in charge. Prince Charles granted knighthood to Lewis Hamilton. I assume the Queen is no longer able to lift the sword. She didn’t have a problem cutting the cake with the blade when POTUS and his wife were there a few months ago. I’m not sure if it’s her physical or mental health because that cake-cutting event seemed too dramatic for her. To be honest, I don’t think most people care what they do anymore. They blew their cover. The invisible contract is factual, they do have a diversity problem, and the spare heir is a petulant manchild. If someone that attends the event contracts the virus, they won’t report it.