A douchebag said ‘let’s go Brandon’ to Pres. Joe Biden on Christmas Eve

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden

On Christmas Eve, President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden were making “Christmas calls” to kids and families. This year, it was being done via video conference with the NORAD Santa Tracker, which is a real thing that absolutely exists. Every year, NORAD “tracks” Santa’s sleigh and kids can check in to see where Santa is at any given hour. It’s a precious thing and the Bidens – with help from their puppy Commander Biden – were just extending some Christmas cheer and wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday. It was during one of those calls that a man named Jared Schmeck said “let’s go Brandon” to Joe Biden:

For the uninitiated, the “let’s go Brandon” thing is a very stupid “inside joke” among conservatives, Nazis and a–holes. The origin of the phrase is from a race at Talladega in September of this year. Driver Brandon Brown was being interviewed as the crowd behind him chanted “F–k Joe Biden.” The reporter incorrectly said the crowd was chanting “Let’s Go Brandon.” Thus, a lil’ Nazi code was born. Anyone saying the phrase is telling you that they’re a f–king idiot.

If you watch the video, President Biden chuckles and says “let’s go Brandon, I agree.” Like water off a duck’s back. I have no idea if President Biden knows the tortured, dumbf–k backstory of the phrase, nor do I know if Biden cares about any of these people. The White House hasn’t said anything about it, and I would assume that the Bidens had a restful and pleasant Christmas holiday with their children and grandchildren, just as I would assume that Joe Biden probably said special Christmas prayers for Beau and Naomi, the two beloved children he’s buried during his lifetime.

Joe Biden was just trying to spread some cheer on Christmas Eve. He was trying to let Jared Schmeck and millions of other American families know that they’re in his prayers. And Schmeck thought he was being so clever by telling Biden to f–k off in this little code.

Schmeck was interviewed by a local Oregon outlet about the call and he made sure to hit all of the stupid MAGA talking points, saying: “At the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden, but I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job. I mean no disrespect to him.” He said he’s not a “Trumper” but he is a “free-thinking American and follower of Jesus Christ.” Ah, yes. The best part of this dipsh-t’s interview is this quote: “And now I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech… It was merely just an innocent jest to also express my God-given right to express my frustrations in a joking manner…” Oh noes, other people are using their freedom of speech to call Jared Schmeck a deplorable dimwitted assface!! Fun fact: this MAGA clown was a cop for six years.

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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67 Responses to “A douchebag said ‘let’s go Brandon’ to Pres. Joe Biden on Christmas Eve”

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  1. Alissa says:

    “I’m upset that people are mad at me because I told the president to fuck himself on Christmas! I used a special phrase so I didn’t swear because I have twelve year old energy, so how could anyone be mad!”

    • CariBean says:

      Exactly this. And if you’re “bold” enough to say the code phrase, just say what you mean. Why hide behind the phrase? Saw an older couple at Home Depot yesterday wearing identical shirts with the phrase. Twidiots.

  2. Denise says:

    It’s always the cops or the military guys isn’t it?

  3. Ariel says:

    Look at that puppy!!!

  4. NMH says:

    Maybe I’m not Christian enough but where in the Bible am I told that I can disrespect those in authority and express my frustrations in a joking manner? I must have missed that one in Sunday School…

    • MsGnomer says:

      No kidding.

      aka Fake Christians.

      I swear I need to hand out printed copies of Mark 12:30-31. This gospel teaches Christians that LOVE trumps. Love is the highest and greatest commandment.

      So to the moron d-bag in Oregon, I love you. Not your stupid and crappy behavior.

  5. Agnes says:

    Just to be clear: the call was intended for this fuchwits children and he hijacked it to insult Biden *and* now he’s complaining about the hard earned backlash towards him?
    What an exorbitant gigantic arse.

  6. Abby says:

    This story just makes me so sad and disappointed in some Americans. This was a kind gesture from the president and dr. Jill for children in our country after what’s been a really hard two years. So sweet for them to do this—trump would never. And this jerk stole that beautiful moment and insulted them. And had the gall to claim christ as his lord. I cannot with these people. I cannot.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Trump and Melania also did and so did Michelle Obama. Not sure if any others have. However Trump got into trouble when he asked a little kid if he still believed in Santa.

    • Duchess of Corolla says:

      My thoughts 100%. I have no time or sympathy for these a-holes. Shame on them.

  7. Merricat says:

    Agreed: Jared Schmeck is a deplorable, dimwitted assface.

  8. purplehazeforever says:

    He’s mad because he doesn’t understand how the first amendment works.

    • Chic says:

      And when the internet pointed out that he he works for his daddy who got a PPP loan from Biden administration, he seemed like another entitled Junior! Why did his wife this it was a good thing to put his foolery onFB?

    • Gabby says:

      Yes, once again for the idiots in the back. The Amendment gives you the right to speak. It does not shield you from the consquences of what you said.

  9. Robyn says:

    Of course he was a cop.

  10. fluffybunny says:

    I’m not sure anyone told Joe what the phrase means. I doubt he spends a lot of time watching nascar. Commander is adorable.

  11. Lightpurple says:

    First, Biden knows what the phrase means; he also knows that his supporters are using it to cheer his victory over Trump and the scum who use it as an obscenity and his many accomplishments since taking office.

    Second, Schmeck and his wife (she made & circulated the video) took what should have been a wonderful memory for their kids and turned it into a selfish moment of vulgar stupidity. They proudly posted that filth on social media, expecting to be hailed & celebrated by their fellow scum, which they were. Terrorists Charlie Kirk, Trump Junior, and others happily retweeted it. What they didn’t get was that Biden was aware of the nonsense and the flip and that far more Americans are fed up with the disrespect, the vulgarity, and the lawlessness of MAGATS like himself. People have had enough of the Schmecks of this country and we’re standing up.

    Third, Schmeck is a former cop but he’s too young to be retired. He was either forced out for disciplinary reasons OR he left to take advantage of money his family’s business got from Biden’s COVID relief policies.

  12. canichangemyname says:

    Soooo … you hijacked a call meant in kindness for your kid just to insult the president? Yeah, I mean, that’s your right – you’re not going to jail over it. Doesn’t mean you’re not an a-hole, and it’s our right to call you one. I hate how many people seem to not understand the First Amendment.
    On another note, though, I love the Biden was like, “Sure, whatever” LOL

  13. B n A fn says:

    I’m wondering why was he a cop for only 6 years, anyone knows? I’m thinking he’s a wise guy and had to resign before he was fired. I read that the company he works for received almost a half million dollars, (free do not have to repay) from the Gov so they would not have to lay off any staff and he still believe it was ok to insult the president who saved his job during the pandemic, go figure.

  14. TIFFANY says:

    I would have just said, ‘no thank you, I will decline the call’ and go about my day, like a normal person.

    I was asked to participate in a event which involved W. I said no.

    See how easy that is.

  15. Veronica S. says:

    It is good to live in a country where you can get away saying that to a person of power. He’s also an idiot for saying it, though. Amazing how many of them think freedom of speech means people can’t react to that speech.

  16. Ainsley7 says:

    Even after reading the back story of that phrase, it doesn’t make sense to me. It may mean F-Biden in some ridiculous nascar fan logic. It comes across more as a warning that this person is not someone I need to care about. The kind of people who think that the “intellectual elite” shouldn’t be running the country because obviously idiots being in charge is a great idea.

    • Sid says:

      Ainsley, your reaction is mine too. When I see someone post that phrase on forums or SM, I immediately block them. Not going to waste my Internet time reading comments from people like that.

    • “It comes across more as a warning that this person is not someone I need to care about.”

      Exactly. Words and phrases like that are very handy–the usage lets you know right off that someone is a douche whom you can pretty much dismiss.

      A guy in my gaming guild sprung that phrase on us in our guild chat shortly before his probationary period as a new member was over (meaning he was about to be able to go into large-scale dungeon groups with the rest of us)–we booted him right back out of the guild.

  17. CL says:

    I’m just here to comment that I loved Commander’s Secret Service leash!

  18. Acal says:

    I’m kind of hoping the Biden team appropriates it for the next election with “let’s go Biden” just to watch the rights head explode.

    You want to be tough, just say the actual phrase? Don’t hijacker your kids call with Santa, say a quick phrase and then hang up right away because you knew it was acting like a teenager.

    What really grinds my gears is that because Biden chuckled and said “sure Brandon. Great guy” and didn’t blow is top that it’s proof that he’s senile. Hir durr-he doesn’t get our stupid joke. Guys he gets it-he’s not going to make a scene at a Christmas Eve event FOR KIDS. Unlike some politicians Biden knows there’s a time and place.

  19. Aimee says:

    Extremely, utterly, disgustingly tacky.

  20. girl_ninja says:

    Schmeck is getting criticism for his trash display and I frankly hope that it doesn’t let up.

  21. Christine says:

    They really think they’re doing something with this. My husband is a Nascar fan and I promise this is not an “all fans” situation. A lot of them are annoyed by this actually. The poor driver had his first win and it was hijacked by some stupid fans and conservatives who decided to make a meme out of the misheard chant. And now he’s forever tied to it – it’s on his wikipedia page!! He’s making no money off of this either and it’s probably going to hurt his chances at sponsorships in the future. Absolutely disgusting.

    I’m sure Biden knows exactly what the chant means and he doesn’t give a f-ck. Why would he? It just makes the caller look like an immature idiot. We no longer have a president who’s going to be butt hurt if someone doesn’t like him.

  22. Songs (Or it didnt happen) says:

    Where I live, there was a guy dressed as the Grinch standing in the median strip of the road waving a Let’s Go Brandon sign. On Christmas Day. Because he didn’t have anything better to do, I guess.

    • Juls says:

      He probably didn’t have anything better to do. He got an un-vitation for Christmas from everyone.

  23. Gab says:

    I think any politician at this level goes into the situation knowing there will be people who dislike them. There were plenty of people who said F trump. I think he knows what it means and does not care. I also don’t like him for probably different reasons but he handled the call correctly.

  24. TheOriginalMia says:

    Every time I hear some MAGA moron say “let’s go, Brandon”, I look at them like they are really special. It’s juvenile and lame. They look and sound ridiculous being smug about using coded language. They aren’t owning libs. They are confirming they are dumb. Jared FAFO there are consequences to his actions. Can’t wait for the deep dive into why he quit the force and what exactly his family used that PPP money for. Congrats, Jared, you just played yourself.

    Commander is adorable and clearly in love with his mom, FLOTUS.

  25. Andie says:

    Biden has been a politician for about a hundred years, I highly doubt he gives a shit.

    Little loser ex-cop on the other hand is probably enjoying his clout chasing high.

  26. Andie says:

    Also it reminds me of how my kids make words mean other words just to piss each other off. So one will say “you’re soooooo PLEASANT!” Which basically means, you’re a dick. Then they’ll try to fight each other.

    Also they’re 9 and 7. So still of higher emotional and cognitive intelligence than your average lets go brandon supporter

  27. Stacy Dresden says:

    What a d*ck bag move

  28. Tiffany :) says:

    Oh, what a sweet puppy between Joe and Jill! The photo where he’s looking at Jill with the tip of his tongue hanging out? ADORABLE!

    I love dogs, they are the best. So much better than human beings a lot of the time. Sigh.

    • Angie says:

      I gotta say that a President and 1st Lady who can sit for an interview with their new puppy on the couch between them is so cool. It says a lot about what kind of people they are.

      • fluffybunny says:

        I don’t allow dogs on the furniture so I’m not super pleased about the puppy on the couch. I’ve always had big dogs and our policy has always been that there must be 2 feet on the floor at all times. Only once has any of them jumped all the way up and they immediately jumped down.

      • Kkat says:

        My dog is currently in bed with me under the covers
        Why have pets if they aren’t going to be part of your family

      • paranormalgirl says:

        @fluffybunny Not your couch, mot your call, not your place to be displeased.

  29. Agreatreckoning says:

    Thank you for the explanation. I’m one of the uninitiated-proudly so.

    What a complete f*ckwit and a$$clown.

    Aww, love the puppy.

  30. Velvet Elvis says:

    Republicans keeping it classy, as usual. Not only is this guy Schmeck an asshole, he’s also a liar. He was on Steve Bannon’s podcast sporting a red MAGA hat and claiming that Trump is still president. Smh

  31. Imara219 says:

    How asinine. I’m not a Biden cheerleader but this was peak immature-white-male-holery. Then to fix his mouth and claim to be Christian. I thought Christmas Eve and Christmas were revered 😒. WWJD crowd can’t have it both ways.