Khloe Kardashian is somehow ‘still very upset’ at Tristan Thompson’s chronic infidelity

khloe Xmas1

After Tristan Thompson finally admitted that he fathered a son with Maralee Nichols, in the same online breath, he apologized to Khloe Kardashian for cheating on her with Maralee when they were together last year. Tristan’s apologies have a hollow ring – in addition to Maralee, Tristan was reportedly screwing around on Khloe with a number of women in the early part of 2021. And probably the year before that, and the year before that. He just loves being unfaithful, and Khloe was fine with it for years too. She even harassed his side-chicks whenever she heard about them. Post-Jordyn Woods, I’m not sure anyone has much sympathy for Khloe. She really showed her ass when she bullied Jordyn, all because… Tristan kissed Jordyn. Still, Kris Jenner is doing the most to make Khloe sound brave, sympathetic and sad-sacky.

Sources now tell E! News how Khloe Kardashian really feels about the way things are unfolding with Tristan.

“She is still very upset and it’s been hard for her to accept this,” one insider shares. “After everything they have been through, he was still saying one thing and doing another. She knows she deserves so much better.”

The Kardashian-Jenners seem to be on the same page, with the source saying, “The family is relieved that it seems she is finally ready to move on and let go.”

As for what’s next with Tristan, she “will continue to coparent and follow the custody schedule they have for True,” the source says, “but that is it.”

A second source confirms Khloe is still “very disappointed and hurt by him” in light of recent events. Khloe is “relieved to be done” at this point, per the insider.

“Khloe is all about trust and loyalty,” the second source explained. “She feels disrespected. She’s ready to move on.”

[From E! News]

The “moving on” verb tenses keep changing, have you noticed that? Some sources say that she’s ready to move on, at some point in the future. Some sources say that she’s currently in the process of moving on, present tense. Other sources have said that she began moving on as soon as she learned about Maralee last month. The point is… Khloe did not move on after her breakup with Tristan last summer. My guess is that she was still seeing him on the DL and trying to reconcile with him and have a baby with him. Which leads me to believe that contrary to all of this reporting, Khloe and Tristan will probably give it another go.

Us Weekly says that Tristan is trying to “make everything right with Khloé. He wants to win her back, but she will never take him back romantically after learning about his cheating. This was the final straw.” LOL. How many final straws are there in this toxic haystack?

tristan khloe

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instar and Instagram.

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24 Responses to “Khloe Kardashian is somehow ‘still very upset’ at Tristan Thompson’s chronic infidelity”

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  1. AppleCart says:

    Hulu is leaving offerings to the alter of Mama K for all the content this will generate for them.

  2. Coffeeisgood says:

    I think Tristan likes the fame and money that came with being associated with Khloe and the whole family. He never apologized to his first son’s mom for cheating on her (allegedly with Khloe too). He doesn’t love or respect Khloe in any way. He is a serial cheater and a master manipulator.

  3. milliemollie says:

    “She will never take him back”.

    Sure, Jan.gif

  4. Brandy Alexander says:

    I’ve said this before, but… He was literally at Kourtney’s proposal. They were never actually “broken up” in her mind. Why would you take an ex to an intimate moment for your sister? Even if you’re friendly with your ex, there would be no reason to take him to such an important moment in your family members life unless you were back together or trying to get back together. That’s why this new baby has thrown her for such a loop.

    • JustMe says:

      Exactly ….
      I’ve said this all along- he was off doing whatever he wanted while telling her how hawt and sexy she is and she is so desperate to be seen like her sisters that she turned her head to the rumours. Odds on her having another child with him are still very high me thinks

    • STRIPE says:

      Yep I think this too. They weren’t broken up until now after this baby made the front page. I also believe if Tristan had managed to keep it all out of the press, she’d still be with him even if she knew about the baby.

      They’ll get back together soon.

      • Brandy Alexander says:

        I agree 110%. She will not truly be done with him until she gets another baby out of him. You just have to look at the patterns of her older sisters, and it’s perfectly clear.

  5. Andrea says:

    Can’t Malika tell her to dump him already? She has friends right??

  6. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    And the band played on.

  7. mindy_dopple says:

    She’s only bad that he didn’t get her pregnant. I bet this will lead to another baby from Tristan, that’s the only way she’ll “take him back”.

  8. ElleV says:

    i dont think fidelity is something the kardashians expect or even want necessarily – but discretion is and that’s the fundamental betrayal she’s probably upset about.

    they have such an interesting matriarchal, multi-generational family structure where the men are studs / additional dependents more than partners / co-parents, so I can imagine that infidelity may not be a dealbreaker so long as it doesn’t interrupt the narrative.

    it also seems like having all their kids by the same guy is very important to them so i expect Khloe will keep Tristan in the mix until she’s completed her family

  9. AmyB says:

    It is so pathetic to me what low self-esteem Khloe has, in order to accept this behavior from Tristan (or from the other men in her life – Lamar!). Girl, get some F**KING therapy !!!

    All the cosmetic surgery, exercise, money, fame – all of it, has not given her one ounce of self-esteem or the feeling that she is worth being treated well. When you truly love yourself, you do not tolerate this kind of bullshit. It’s called boundaries, Khloe. Draw some. I cannot even feel sorry for her anymore.

  10. KC says:

    Here’s what gets me, in addition to Maralee he was “with a number of women in ….2021”…..during this pandemic!!!!! COVID! 😷 STDS! 🦠 No respect for Khloe and not even enough respect for himself! COVID you can get over…if you don’t die. Some STDS are life-long!

    These women have learned from Kris to have all their babies with one man. While this is a disappointing blow to her she might want to consider just not “having” another baby if she wants to stay in good health for the one she has. She has great maternal instincts, has cared for/partly raised her youngest siblings, and does great with other children. I say if she wants more she should cut her losses, extricate herself from this messy man, and adopt.🤷🏾‍♀️

  11. why? says:

    The press needs to do better. Why does the press continue to erase Jordan Craig from Khloe and Tristan’s “committed relationship” story? Why is Khloe upset that Tristan cheated on her and fathered another child with another woman while they were in a “committed relationship”(the narrative that Kris is spinning in the press, but it’s not what’s happening in real life because Tristan views Khloe as just another one of his sidechicks), when that was the same exact thing that Khloe and Tristan did to Jordan Craig? Did she think that Tristan would never do this to her because she is a Kardashian? She knew exactly what type of person Tristan was because she had no problem inserting herself into Jordan Craig’s relationship with Tristan.

    It’s time for the press to be honest. Tristan didn’t write that apology to Khloe, the “heartfelt” apology that followed his statement was written by Khloe and Kris because it depicted Khloe as the victim, emphasized that she was more than just one of Tristan’s sidechicks, and contained wishful thinking(claimed that Tristan respects Khloe even though he treats her like a sidechick).

    Kris also keeps leaking that Kim has moved on and is over Kayne/won’t take him back, so no matter how many times she leaks that Khloe has moved on and is over Tristan/won’t take him back, the press should not fall for it. Kris uses the same storyline for all of her daughters, it’s amazing how the press keeps falling for it over and over again. Isn’t this the same “win her back” narrative that she spun for Kim and Kayne yesterday?

  12. Qatar2 says:

    Deleted duplicate comment

  13. Qatar2 says:

    Come on, we all know they were never in a real relationship. He was paid for his black man sperm just like Kim and Kylie’s men were because this family is obsessed with trying to breed towards the physical features they think are attractive (low nasal bridge, large and full lips, wide hips and prominent bum, and tanned skin). These are nothing more than sperm donors providing the goods to support the Klan’s fake black woman cos play.

    • KC says:

      And yet we black women in America receive no breaks and are still looked down upon in the country these people have inexplicably had under their influence for far too maddeningly long! I mean I don’t know whether to scream or say “thanks for trying?”.😔

  14. gigi says:

    mmmm until Jordyn gets an apology F these people. Tristian Kissed Her made a move on a young impressionable girl and the victimized her online and made it their mission to end her until her godfather will smith stepped in and they realized she has power too .

  15. MangoAngelesque says:

    “She will never take him back romantically…”

    Khloe: “okay, but, like, we can still have sex and get me pregnant without being all *romantic* about it…”

  16. Lucille says:

    She will take him back. She wants another baby with him for some reason. She should rally move on and find someone who is decent and can actually be a good dad that is around and maybe have a baby with him.