Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will announce his retirement today

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will announce his retirement today. Breyer is one of the few reliable “liberal justices” left on the court. He was appointed in 1994 by Bill Clinton, and he is 83 years old. Chances are pretty good that Breyer probably had some good years left in on the court, but he absolutely wanted to retire during a Democratic administration, when there was a better chance of getting a replacement through the Senate. It is believed that President Obama wanted Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire during his administration so he could be the one to appoint a replacement. RBG refused, and her passing in 2020 led to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell shoving through Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination in a matter of weeks before the 2020 election. Breyer doesn’t want a repeat of that.

Justice Stephen G. Breyer, the senior member of the Supreme Court’s three-member liberal wing and a persistent if often frustrated advocate of consensus as the court moved sharply to the right, will retire upon the confirmation of his successor, people familiar with the decision said, providing President Biden a chance to fulfill his pledge to nominate a Black woman.

Mr. Biden is expected to formally announce the retirement at the White House on Thursday, but the partisan machinery that has built up in recent decades around Supreme Court confirmations was already swinging into action on Wednesday as word of Justice Breyer’s decision raced through Washington.

[From The NY Times]

Thank you for your service, Justice Breyer. And thank you for at least trying to do the right thing and retire during a Democratic administration. People are already upset that this nomination is going to be a sh-tshow because of the timing. Peeps, it was always going to be a sh-tshow, no matter when Breyer retired. I’m glad he’s doing it now and not closer to the midterm elections.

One of the best takes on this was basically: Breyer knows the sh-t is about to hit the fan and he wants to get out while the getting is good. It’s true – the 2021/2022 SCOTUS decisions won’t come out until (most likely) June. Meaning, in June, we’ll have the decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, the case in which SCOTUS will likely overturn Roe v. Wade. We literally told everyone that the Supreme Court was at stake in 2016 and millions of people were like “but her emails!!!!”

Photos courtesy of Instar, Avalon Red and Backgrid.

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19 Responses to “Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will announce his retirement today”

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  1. Bettyrose says:

    He’s doing the right thing giving his seat to Biden. It doesn’t change the balance of the court but it’s too risky to gamble on the next administration. RBD did that. She was a truly amazing human in every way, but she held on to give her seat to Madam President and that gamble ended disastrously. I hate that for her legacy and for all of us. But we can’t risk that again. Thank you Justice Breyer.

    • KayDee says:

      RBD was amazing for white women. There are many examples of her racism. Not resigning during Obama’s administration says a lot.

      • Truthiness says:

        By the time Obama talked to RBG, O Connell was already long in control, approving nobody. O Connell has crowed over it. It turned out to be naive to think OConnell would allow a vote.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    Like Kaiser, I am just grateful that judge Breyer is retiring now. I am so grateful for Stacy Abrams and for the two democratic senate seats won in GA.

  3. Thatsnotokay says:

    RBG didn’t want to retire because she was afraid that Mitch McConnell would hold up nominating a new justice…and that’s exactly what he did with Garland/Gorsuch. She also wanted to retire under a female president. We were screwed either way. Biden, in theory, has a democratic senate (barely, and not really), so now was the time for Breyer to retire. We’ll see what evil Sinema and Manchin devise though, as they line their pockets with blood money, along with all the other Republicans.

  4. Lightpurple says:

    Thank you, Justice Breyer, for your many years of service to our country.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    RBG’s legacy will be forever damaged by her selfish decision to remain in office. Stephen Breyer is doing the right thing.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Oh snap. I tried to say that so much more delicately above but I was feeling angry even as I typed. She could never have predicted how bad it would get. None of us did. But the responsibility of a lifetime appointment includes a strategic retirement.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Had she retired, MCConnell would have done the exact same thing with Obama’s nominee for her seat as he did with Obama’s nomination for Scalia’s seat. That was actually happening when she would have given her notice in 2016.

      • janey+janey says:

        She should have retired during Obama’s first damn term when he had the senate. So, no. There’s no excuses for why this woman chose to undermine the civil rights of millions beyond her own damn ego.

      • Truthiness says:

        Thank you LP. I read the blame on RBG too often without the true backstory.

  6. Barbie1 says:

    Biden needs to pack the court asap.

    • Truthiness says:

      This should appear above, where RBG was blamed for the loss of a seat.

      By the time Obama talked to RBG, O Connell was already long in control, approving nobody. O Connell has crowed over it. It turned out to be naive to think OConnell would allow a vote.

    • AnneL says:

      I agree, but you know Manchin and the other one (can’t even stand to type her name, I hate her so much right now) won’t go for it because they’re mavericks, or whatever. I don’t like Manchin either but to be fair he is a Democrat in a state that went for Trump by 30 points.

  7. Scarlett says:

    Worst case scenario : Dems lose the house in the mid terms, what happens to Biden’s nominee then? Will never get approved right? Or am I being paranoid?

    • ZeeEnnui says:

      This is why the timing is good. There is precedent for confirming a new justice while a current justice (Breyer) is still serving. From what I’ve read, the plan is to lock in the confirmation hearing by this summer while we still have a majority (kind of, sort of, not really) so that a new justice will have been confirmed before the midterms in case we don’t pick up more seats.

      I doubt this will happen but Clarence’s Thomas’ seditious wife Ginni is coming under more scrutiny. Depending on what happens, I’m hoping that there is a way to force him to retire to avoid the reckoning that is about to rain down on her traitorous Karen ass in the courts (but probably not).

      Another positive sign is that Biden has been confirming a lot of new justices that are black/POC/women, etc. to the lower courts who will have a big impact on the challenges to our democracy to come. They’ve all been confirmed (as far as I know) so as much as the Republicans may try, Biden will get his new justice.

    • alsf says:

      The house has nothing to do with Supreme Court justices, they are confirmed by the Senate.

  8. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Praise Jiminy Christmas. My gawd. Probably the best political news I’ll hear all year.

  9. Melanie says:

    Just here to state I am still mad about Merrick Garland.