Adele says ‘Rich sends his love’ amid reporting of their ‘volatile’ relationship drama

For the past week, the NY Daily News, The Sun, the Daily Mail and Page Six have run stories about Adele and what’s really going on with her. Last week, Adele canceled her Las Vegas show because, she claimed, the sets were not ready and there were Covid issues and supply-chain issues. The American and British gossip media had a different theory: Adele is in the middle of some massive relationship drama with boyfriend Rich Paul, and instead of staying in Vegas and working on her show, she canceled everything in a huff and flew back to LA to spend time with Rich and work on their sh-t. There was also a claim that Adele canceled an appearance on the BRIT Awards next week. Well… Adele posted the Instagram, above, on Tuesday with this message:

Hiya, so I’m really happy to say that I am performing at the Brits next week!! Anddddd I’ll also be popping in to see Graham for a chat on the couch while I’m in town too! I’m looking forward to it! Oh, and Rich sends his love

[From Adele’s IG]

“Oh and Rich sends his love” is hilarious. It’s been a second since Adele has been targeted with wall-to-wall sh-t from the gossip media, and I’ll admit that I wondered if there was some truth to the reporting. Adele seems to be telling us: it’s fine, everything’s fine, I’m coming back to perform and we’re figuring it out.

Before Adele posted this, Page Six had another exclusive story about Adele’s “volatile” relationship with Rich. A source told Page Six: “She and Rich had been fighting, and their relationship was volatile before she canceled her dates. Adele is very emotional and dramatic. He’s an NBA guy who has to go on the road — they are very different — and they hit a rough patch.” Vegas sources also told Page Six that Rich never came to see her in Vegas, and that part of the problem with Adele’s Vegas show was that SHE turned up at the last minute “in production terms” and she hated the set and there was no time to fix it.

I don’t know what to believe, honestly. I actually do believe that Adele is very dramatic in relationships, and I believe she probably looks for excuses to avoid having concerts and shows. This whole thing is so messy! I don’t know. I bet the Graham Norton interview will be GOOD though. She loves Graham.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red.

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48 Responses to “Adele says ‘Rich sends his love’ amid reporting of their ‘volatile’ relationship drama”

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  1. Woke says:

    It seems the tabloids are trying to make her image more gossipy due to her new image and the profile of her boyfriend. Her PR has always been about her music and it’s through her music she reveals things about her personal life. I hope it remains that way.

    • DeniseMich says:

      Adele needs to clean house. None of this should be in the news. She has too many people around her that do not have her back.

      I feel bad for her.

  2. farah says:

    I don’t care about the reason but this whole thing has been so unprofessional from her. If all her stated reasons are true, then she could’ve canceled way earlier than the day before when people had presumely traveled to Vegas. And because she has only postponed the concerts and not cancel it, people are having a hard time getting their money back. Forget the cost of hotel and travel.

    This isn’t the first time she’s canceled shows last minute.

    Poor Rich Paul though. Between this and the Ben Simmons mess, he hasn’t had a good PR week.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      Don’t know Rich Paul but I do know Adele from her songs and–oh my–does she like the drama!

      She’s years out from her marriage breakup now, and yet she’s in another relationship that is conflict filled and energy draining, apparently.

      Maybe she should take some time out for her fans who have waited years for her album and her tour. I know, maybe that’s too much to ask, but as one of those fans, I don’t think so.

  3. Zen says:

    Does she have to do concerts and shows? If she hates them so much and has admitted stage fright, just make records. That is what the Beatles did. That is what Carly Simon does.

    • Yup, Me says:

      Ticket sales are a big part of how performers make their money.

      • Isabella says:

        How fun can it be it sing the same breakup songs night after night in Vegas? Especially when you’re supposedly in a new blissful relationship? That’s the Adele dilemma.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Rich Paul is a sports agent not an “NBA guy”. The reporting of their relationship is taking on a tone that is very problematic and I do believe that it’s being spearheaded by the British press.

    • TQ says:

      Agreed there are definitely racial dog whistles in this reporting.

      Wouldn’t be surprised if relationship issues, stage fright, perfectionism and various things are in the mix. But whatever the reasons for the drama, it’s really too bad. Love her and love her music. Hope she gets stuff sorted out.

    • Normades says:

      Exactly what I thought too. British press showing their racism again.

    • Lucille says:

      I disagree. I think we need to stop calling any reporting on something that involves someone who isn’t white racist. Also Page Six is American and contrary to what you might believe the US isn’t less racist than the UK.

      • TQ says:

        While of course not every story involving, or criticism of, a POC is racism, failure to acknowledge the commonplace racialized framing of news that purports to be ‘objective’ is a major blind spot. As a WOC, I’m tired of the normalized racism (and misogyny for that matter) in the press. It needs to be called out often and repeatedly to hold the media to account and demand change.

      • Lucille says:

        Then please explain to me where the racism here is. Why is a US media outlet reporting on Adele’s supposed relationship drama racist and what does the UK media have to do with it? They are even calling her dramatic and say no bad thing about him.

      • SomeChick says:

        I agree, the US is also horribly racist.

        the racism has been explained – it’s all in how the describe things. the reason people call it dog whistles is because it’s intended to be subtle. deniable. so that if you don’t want to see it, it’s easy to miss, and you just come off with an unfavorable impression without thinking about it.

        in this case, saying “NBA guy” pulls up associations with basketball players – mostly Black men – and the suggestion that it is a wild atmosphere. dude is an agent, maybe he acts like a player, maybe not, but the connection has been made.

        going right to “it’s relationship drama!” is literally blaming it on the Black guy.

        if you become aware of these things, they are very apparent. if you wish to ignore them, that’s also easy to do. especially if you haven’t dealt with being treated like that yourself your whole life.

        having to explain this over and over is exhausting.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Lucille, Page Six/the New York Post (which is where the Page Six gossip column comes from), has been, for a while, an American based UK tabloid. Most noticeably the last five years. Let’s see, Emily Smith, whose name is attached to this article, is a Brit that worked for The Sun (owned by Murdoch and coincidentally owns the New York Post lol) is the editor of Page Six.. Sara Nathan, another Brit, that worked for The Sun, is also attached to this story. The top editor/editor in chief of the New York Post, is Keith Poole, a Brit that lol, also worked for The Sun/Murdoch. The New York Post is not very ‘American’ anymore.

        I don’t know what the real situation is with Adele. Do know that since she picked Harry over William, the BM/NYP have been doubling down on their negative stories about her. It’s not a coincidence. The one argument I will side with is that Rich Paul is known for representing NBA players. NBA players do represent the top ten of his clientele. Either way, he is a sports agent, not just an NBA guy. Why was it so hard for Brit born to, previous writer’s for The Sun, represent the fact that Rich Paul is a sports agent?

        The British Media/NYP/Page Six have not been nice since Adele’s Oprah interview. She didn’t even say bad things. Jealous MF’ers and Salty B&tches.

      • Christina says:

        Lucille, thank you for your posts. You shouldn’t have to write them, and they exhaust you, but you are doing a public service, love. You really are. I get tired of explaining it, too.

        Rich Paul makes racists angry because Adelle’s music is so accessible to so many, them included. They can no longer hope that she may share their own racists beliefs, like what happened to Taylor Swift before she finally shared her opinions. Adele appears liberal in her politics as a world citizen. Page Six has generally been conservative, at least as far as I know, for a while now. I think that it is run by rich Republicans. So they have an easy, lazy, racist way to communicate a deeper attack of her through demeaning her smart, accomplished, powerful boyfriend for his Blackness.

        Same shit, different day.

    • Joannai says:

      Yes I don’t remember her being in any “dramatic” relationships before dating Rich. Did she just become dramatic in this one? Or is “dramatic” because she’s in a relationship with a black man? Definitely dog whistles imo.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        She’s ‘dramatic’ since she picked Harry over William. And is in a relationship with a POC.

  5. luna says:

    Sorry but now I do believe she had a relationship drama and that is the reason why she cancelled. She pretty much confirmed with this post.

    • FHMom says:

      What’s not to believe.? She writes one song after another about relationship fails. I love her, but totally believe she is that friend who will cancel plans for a guy.

    • Truthiness says:

      Rich was with Adele when he was interviewed for the New Yorker. He name dropped a very “famous pop star” he was seeing and he also emphasized that he was single, and he wanted that shared with the readers of the New Yorker. You can be in love and “with” someone, it can be a quality person even, it doesn’t mean you have the same idea of fidelity. Maybe it’s the “NBA version of faithful.” A much more elastic version.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I don’t think it’s just a ‘NBA version of faithful’. Plenty of of stories from the NFL, MLB and other leagues of cheatesr. Rich Paul isn’t a NBA player – he’s an agent. That doesn’t mean he’s done something. No idea. But, the BM and gossip writers do have a very elastic version of most things. Things I ask, cause I don’t know. Did she admit to canceling things due to a relationship situation or is that we’ve been told through gossip stories? I really don’t know.

  6. Mina_Esq says:

    Adele seems very emotionally immature, so I am tempted to believe this. No shame though, we’ve all been there. Who among us hasn’t been in a situation where our love life started to interfere with our work?

    • Melissa says:

      True but most of us have to show up at work no matter the status of our relationship.
      Her timing was incredibly inconsiderate to her diehard fans that she would be nothing without.
      Performers always want to collect that paycheck yet frequently forget the people that put them in their fortunate position.
      She needs to get her s$&t together. She’s not 16.

      • Colby says:

        And even if we do take a few days off, it doesn’t lead to hundreds (thousands?) of people being out thousands of dollars. This is the trade off for performers. It’s big money and fame but sometimes you have to perform when you would rather not, but when YOU are the whole show…you have to push through.

  7. Velvet Elvis says:

    I feel really sorry for Adele’s Vegas fans right now. She dumps her show last second, leaving them holding the bag for thousands of dollars, and then posts a cheeky message where she appears to have just moved on to the next thing with no worries. Very sad because she could have shown up to Caesars on an empty stage with just a mic and her fans would have been thrilled. The problem with the set is just an excuse, imo.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Yep, one of the best concerts I ever saw was George Strait who just sat on a stool on stage with his guitar and did his thing. Incredible.

  8. JustBitchy says:

    Agree with above. Definitely racial dog whistling going on. Also agree that she should just not tour. I feel for other fans who were out so much money after traveling to Vegas. I was scheduled to see her this Saturday. I was lucky that I could cancel hotel and airfare. I am holding on to my tickets with much hope.

  9. K says:

    Damn. I love Adele. But girl…ALL THAT MONEY!!! The only reason why a cancelation like that is ok is a family death/illness COVID issues etc. Please lord don’t tell me she is running after a man to the point of ruining her rep and her bank. Jesus.

  10. Colby says:

    Unfortunately I think nobody believes her stated reasons for canceling the show so it leaves people to wonder what really happened. COVID didn’t cause her to cancel her show hours before unless she herself got it. The equipment not being up to par? Doubtful as Celine Dion and many other have been using that space for years. So people are left grasping at rumors, and there have been rumors before this, that their relationship isn’t great. And she has admitted in an w to canceling a show to be with a man, so it’s not like she hasn’t made this choice before.

  11. Yinyang says:

    Well I hope the sun has some evidence of this because pushing this without proof is racist point blank. But if it’s true, and the relationship is getting to the point it effects her work…then she needs to get out of it the sooner the better, the drama is not worth it, they’re not teenagers, and if that s how he’s making her act…

  12. Christine says:

    Gossip blogs are reporting he got a side chick pregnant.

    • Truthiness says:

      Yep, he’s “NBA faithful.”

    • Christina says:

      That would make a lot of sense if true. If that happened, and she knows now that a baby IS coming, I can see why she may have been too frazzled to be in public and perform.

  13. KrystinaJ says:

    I love that she’s going to be on Graham’s show when she’s there.. he’s hilarious, lol

  14. grabbyhands says:

    Granted, no one knows for sure what the real reason is for the cancellation of the Las Vegas residency, but the reality is is that it happened at literally the last minute and lots of people are out thousands of dollars that they will probably not get back outside of the actual ticket cost – this is probably not the time to have a cheeky post about her boyfriend “sending his love”. Not everyone who got tickets were high rollers who could afford to just laugh it off – if I were one of those people, I’d be a little annoyed right now.

    I hope she addresses it on Graham Norton at least.

  15. Lena says:

    I believe the gossips who were probably workers for the venue she cancelled (postponed whatever). I believe she probably came too late to the production to change what she didn’t like because she was wanting to be with her boyfriend. Nothing racist about that. Just unprofessional as hell sorry. They say people get stuck in the age they were when they first got famous and this rings true here.

  16. Nic says:

    Ugh! I just want my refund for the Vegas concert. It’s very unprofessional that she canceled at the 11th hour but I wasn’t angry until now. I could care less about her relationship drama or no drama update. What she should have done was addressed the rescheduling or complete cancellation of her show bc until she makes a decision either way, nobody can get their refunds. We are all waiting in limbo and I think she has really mismanaged this entire situation. I will likely never pay to see her again and I do want my $2500 back. Now.

  17. Trish says:

    This is my absolute favorite drama to follow right now. I just love all the tea that’s spilling. Are these two gonna be the new Whitney and Bobby? Joker and Harley? Lol. Idk, but I’m clicking all the stories so I guess they’re doing something right, they’re getting press.

  18. MCG says:

    This is a messy mess and is certainly terrible press for her. While she has an amazing talent that will no doubt be around for years to come, the fact of the matter is that the music industry is an incredibly hard landscape for a woman to continue to have success in after the age of 30. I am not saying she will not continue to have success, it’s just that stories like this do her career no favors.

  19. DIRTNAP says:

    It seems Adele is a star pupil at LeAnn Rime’s “Cancel My Show Last Minute So I Can Keep Track Of My Man Academy”. This all sounds so familiar. Why do these talented women risk their professional reputations and toss over fans in favor of man drama? Whenever I hear a LeAnn song on the radio, I switch it because she so poorly treated her fans. Now, I’m doing the same with Adele; I changed the station at least five times this week. I feel for all of the people who are struggling to be refunded for the Vegas show.

  20. L4Frimaire says:

    This whole storyline was ridiculous and sexist as hell. Do people really think she’d actually cancel a multimillion dollar production, all those rehearsals and preparation because of man-trouble? How crazy does that sound? Covid is still shutting down all kinds of stuff and instead of listening the very logical explanation she put out for the delays, they run with this nonsense for clicks. Anyway, glad she called them out. Stuff happens and some people seem bothered that Adele lost weight, is richer than ever with a huge album, and has a Black boyfriend who is mega-rich, and can do whatever the hell she wants.

    • Coco says:

      From comments yesterday she talked about how she canceled because of a guy when she was 19 years old On tour for her 19 album. It doesn’t seem she has since then but 14 years later people are still holding that against her.

    • kerfuffles says:

      Some people may be talking about the story in a sexist way. But a famous musician (or other type of artist) of any sex deciding to cancel performances for multi-million dollar production last minute because of relationship drama or they-just-dont-want-to-do-it-anymore happens aaaaaall the time. It is not limited to just female performers, nor are the criticisms from fans when it happens just limited to just female performers.

      Considering the rumors from people on the ground in Vegas, Adele’s history of stage-fright, and the fact that Adele is a dramatic, sensitive personality and does not need the money for these shows….it’s hardly “ridiculous” to think her last-minute excuses for canceling may not be totally valid.

      I’m not saying she just up and ran away from the gig solely for a man. But relationship drama may have weighed in on the decision or why things were running behind in the first place. No, it’s not very professional but she won’t be the first star to do something like this and she will not be the last.

  21. Andrea says:

    Am I the only one who can’t stop noticing that her boob seems to be hanging out in her Insta picture? Like, ohhhhh boy. Let’s not go down this path with “I’ll show you” posts.

  22. jferber says:

    I can’t add to this story, but I will say they look beautiful together in that photo above.

  23. Fig says:

    I don’t think relationship problems were the sole reason of the cancellation but I think they were a part of the reason. What I did learn is that Vegas workers are very unionized and her show went out of their way to hire non-union workers. So it’s not just her fans that are getting screwed over