Queen Elizabeth stabbed a Jubbly cake at a Sandringham reception on Saturday

On Friday, Buckingham Palace released photos of Queen Elizabeth II. The photos were weeks old, if not months old. In the pics, the Queen is seen at Windsor Castle, in the Oak Room, looking through cards and memorabilia in honor of her Platinum Jubbly. These photos were very carefully staged and curated and a short video was also released (below). For this Jubbly photo-op, the Queen wore her aquamarine and diamond brooches, which were a gift from her father for her 18th birthday. She doesn’t seem to be wearing a bra, which… has become somewhat common for the Queen lately? I haven’t seen her wear a foundation garment since last October. There’s also a special appearance by her dog Candy.

I think a lot of people probably believed that those weeks/months-old photos and video would be the only way the Queen would mark the day she became Queen, February 6th, when her father passed away. Then a surprising thing happened on Saturday: the Queen was seen live and in person at Sandringham. The Queen has spent the past month at Wood Farm on the Sandringham estate, but by most accounts, she had not visited the main Sandringham house until Saturday. They organized a small reception for her for her Jubbly, and she got a cake and received well-wishes from the small party with guests from the local Women’s Institute, Sandringham pensioners and representatives from local charities. The cake featured the Platinum Jubbly emblem and she stabbed that sh-t with a huge knife. This is her first reception since last October.

She walked with a cane, and she seemed pretty sharp during the reception.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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74 Responses to “Queen Elizabeth stabbed a Jubbly cake at a Sandringham reception on Saturday”

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  1. RoyalBlue says:

    why don’t they let her retire in peace. they keep dragging her out to do crap like this. the japanese and dutch didn’t have any problem retiring their sovereign figureheads early.

    • Colby says:

      I think it’s she who doesn’t want to retire. We all know Charles would have loved that long ago.

      • RoyalBlue says:

        Yes, she is clinging to that throne for dear life. Queen Beatrix of Netherlands abdicated and so did the emperor of Japan, to let the younger ones breathe fresh life in the system. She would still have the perks of the job, just get to sleep in longer and play bridge more often with friends.

    • BeanieBean says:

      On the one hand I agree, on the other, I think doing this sort of thing all the time has helped her stay sharp. She walks and talks with assurance, no hesitation, no muddling. In the seated video, she seemed to be breathing a little fast, but her speech still sounded fine.

      • JJN9310 says:

        Agreed – she was moving well, you could tell she has all of her mental faculties and she’s still really sharp of mind. Able to follow and carry on a conversation. The cane seems to be there as an aid for when she feels a bit of balance but overall for 95 – she looks great, sounds great, etc. I suspected when Prince Phillip passed on that she’d decline a bit too – and she has in that she doesn’t look as robust and strong as she used to. But otherwise, seems if they continue to monitor her health and she only selectively attends certain events then she could live on for quite a few years yet. Let’s not count her out yet. There’s also something to be said for having a sheer will to live and if she ain’t ready to go yet, then she ain’t going anywhere!!!!
        I’m Totally not a royalist – I’m just being objective here.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        I heartily agree with BeanieBean and with JJN9310–I was astonished by how very “with it” she sounds, how keen her mind seems! You really do have to admire her, no matter how you feel about the Monarchy.

    • DuchessL says:

      She made a promise to reign until she’s gone. She has to keep her word, poor woman. On another note, she looks great. 95 yo wow

    • Louise177 says:

      I don’t know why people assume that TQ wants to retire and is being forced to remain on the throne. I think it’s obvious that she wants to stay until she dies or physically/mentally can’t. There’s no indication that TQ is incapable.

  2. Jessi says:

    I will not be wearing a foundation garment at 95 either!

    • Jan90067 says:

      That being the case, it looks like the dress was made with her chesticles in a higher place. Machine Gun Kelley really should’ve taken that dress in. You can literally see it hang, draping from the shoulders where Liz’s chest should be, and also it looks baggy in the back. A LOT of her clothes are baggy like this now, I wonder why no alterations are made?

      • BeanieBean says:

        Maybe this looseness is just comfortable for her? Akin to wearing a muumuu, I would think. Also wanted to say, I love that green coat! Wouldn’t have thought I’d take style tips from a 95yo, but there we are.

    • Mac says:

      Skip the bra but wear the mask. There’s an f’n pandemic.

  3. equality says:

    A sword to cut a cake and now stabbing, does she have a vendetta against cake, tired of being trotted out, or picturing somebody as the cake?

  4. Noki says:

    Gosh i feel bad for her,i would not want my granny out like a show pony for no reason. Unless this helps her feel good and she insists on it,time to leave her alone. She has declined rapidly could be grief. The Queen mother was a lot fitter at 95.

    • Jais says:

      Idk? The queen has always enjoyed the pageantry so she might not mind being trotted out for a jubbly cake that literally celebrates her. She cracked jokes and seemed okay. That said, the picture of her outside makes me wonder where in the heck are her aides. My grandma lived to be 94 and still had her pride and vanity intact until the end. There’s nothing that can be done about the cane and bruises but couldn’t someone have set her coat right. Has the queen ever had a pic in which her coat was so askew like that? Someone fix the dang thing before the picture, like seriously, come on.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Good point. Did she have to juggle her cane and handbag when getting the coat on with no one to help? Are they that focused on royal protocol they can’t help an old lady with her coat? Maybe help her down the steps?

      • RedWeatherTiger says:

        Her coat in that pic makes me sad. She looks good, all things considered, but the crooked coat just underscores her decline and/or indicates that her minders are not minding her very well.

  5. Over it says:

    It’s the look of the woman’s face standing with her as she stabs the cake that does it for me. Lol

  6. Harper says:

    Well, she made it. Congratulations to the Queen, although it seems like she rightly treats the day as a somber one. The anniversary of anyone’s death can bring up dark memories so to be expected to party on that day years later is weird. I imagine the Queen is okay noting the anniversary beforehand, but I bet she tells everyone to buzz off and leave her in peace with her thoughts on the actual day of.

  7. Tessa says:

    She should have saved her “surprise” about Camilla until after the Jubilee.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Who knows if she’ll still be around FOR the Jubbly in June, let alone “after”? At 95, you don’t put things off.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    The Queen has never cut anything but a cake in her entire life. She’s lived a very sheltered life and it shows.

  9. 2cents says:

    When the Queen passionately stabbed that cake right through the crown in the middle, I thought it was a very symbolic gesture by her of personally ending the monarchy (the crown) with her 70 year reign celebration (no more milestones to achieve).

    Symbolic also for Britain’s decline and fall politically and economically at this moment in time.

  10. Chaine says:

    Seems to put to rest the rumors of imminent death by walking around and interacting appropriately at the reception. She’s not quite with it in the seated video, though, is she. Looks to be in a daze and only responds in vague adjectives with a lot of prompting. “Look at those drawings right next to you” then she seems surprised as if she hadn’t noticed them before and says “quite interesting” even though she was clearly not at all interested in them.

    • BeanieBean says:

      For me, a lot of the awkwardness of that video had to do with the curator standing over HM to point out a few things, then stepping back (appropriate social distancing), then stepping in again. I think it would have been less awkward had the two women been sitting at a larger table going over these items; then again, I guess they’re all used to that royal formality? Plus there was a camera in the room. It was all just very awkward staging.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      She seemed somewhat vacant in the seated video. Her speech sound breathy frequently, and she looks as though she’s lost more weight.

      She’s sporting one hell of a bruise on her left shin; she should probably have a quad cane, or maybe a walker. She seems to be more dragging the cane along than planting it and putting her weight on it. I hope she’s not falling often behind the scenes- a broken hip could end her.
      It does look like she enjoys engaging with people, but I bet it takes a lot out of her at this point.

  11. Jayne says:

    Oh, a proof of life video. How nice.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Lol Jayne. An under rated comment that needs more indepth tech exploration. I don’t have the tech skills to do it. Things I noticed from the video:

      1. Window scene in the early part of the video looks like there is snow? on the cars & pavement.
      2. Window scene frome a different angle looks like there are very healthy greenery things wavering around outside. If it’s an inside room, why are the leaves wavering about? If it’s a look to an outside view, why do/does the green leaves look so healthy?
      3. I’m not kidding. We have lots of plants-indoor/outdoor. Granted, UK weather may not be the same as WI weather-but, changes in temperatures create the same effect.imo btw, we’ve been experiencing cold temps & snow for a while..nothing is green. I get England isn’t Wisconsin.

      I looked up the green grass of England in winter. It happens quite a bit. We need English CB;ers to confirm the healthy green grass in the supposed recent picture of her Majesty. That pic of the Queen with her coat looking a bit askewed looks more like a Oct./Nov. pic. We only know that the recent cutting of the cake was a recent video because we were told so. I’m still laughing that a woman, that was a supposed mechanic, supposedly led a country, did her duty through wars, (raised dysfuntional children but happy corgis/dorgis/race horses) does not know how to grip a knife to cut a cake. Maybe I’m just being an A@@hole. We’ve seen her doing it wrong (imo) a number of times. LOL’d at her pushing the knife like a lever at the end.

  12. Digital Unicorn says:

    Am sorry but the way the dog flounces out of the room is EVERYTHING. The way its mincing out twitching its little ass is just delightful.

    TQ looks so frail in that 2nd video but she also does look like she genuinely enjoyed attending that event.

  13. TarteAuCitron says:

    There’s a baker who slaved over getting that cake perfect for Her Majesty,…and she just stabs it and walks off…..Gangsta, Betty!

    (I hope the attendees got to enjoy a slice!)

  14. DrPerson says:

    I thought she looked awfully thin, but also in very good spirits a not really relying on that cane. I hope she’s well and that they’re not just pumping her up to trot her out every few months. I image that, like a lot of “retired” people she misses her normalcy of doing these kinds of events, so is keen to keep doing it when able.

    • Julia K says:

      Getting old is very isolating. Old friends are gone, husband gone and children and grandchildren are moving on with their lives. I suspect she enjoys the social interaction, in small doses, as the attention span varies. She is adjusting to her” new normal”. She does look nice in her Wedgewood blue dress. Those pearls!! Beautiful.

      • DrPerson says:

        @Julia k I agree on all points, probably feels good to see and be seen. And that dress, loved it, wouldn’t say no to something similar myself.

  15. Lady Digby says:

    The video of her was awful as she looked so shrunken and not quite with it and the lady pointing things out to her made it look like community care! This event looks like a farewell rather than celebration and quite frankly that is the vibe at the moment. The lockdown and widow hood have both taken their toll and dang it she is nearly 96! The Daily Fail and co will go the whole hog with black edged borders when official mourning hits.

  16. Eurydice says:

    I think she looks perfectly fine for 95 years old.

    • Jennifer says:

      Seconded. Don’t get what people were expecting to see here?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Looks well, steady on her feet–the cane seemed to be more of a ‘just in case’ thing than anything else–keeping up with the conversation, stabbing cakes. Doing quite well for a 95yo, I agree.

    • Christine says:

      I agree, she is doing great for a 95 year old!

  17. Merricat says:

    She’s so tiny now. I imagine she’ll just get smaller and smaller until one day, she disappears.

  18. Linda says:

    I think she has lost weight. She is lucky to be so old without dementia.

  19. Barbie1 says:

    She is still charmiing and clever at her age which is so nice to see. Keep going Elizabeth I don’t want Queen Camilla. 70 years on the throne is amazing.

  20. Harla says:

    There’s a lot of talk about the queen’s “service” to the people of the UK and the Commonwealth, so I have to ask…has the queen improved the lives of any of these people? Has she made a tangible difference to any of their lives? Can anyone say that their life is better because of her “service”? After seeing how Meghan and Harry’s work and support has made real life differences to so many, I was wondering if the queen’s work has done the same?

    • Eurydice says:

      I suppose one could say that her “service” is to uphold a centuries-old tradition and be a national symbol to a people who have, for the most part, considered the monarchy part of their cultural identity. She’s not a person, she’s face on currency.

    • sajka says:

      My host family’s grandpa in the UK was very proud of the royal family as they stayed in London during WW2 and Elizabeth had joined the army. That meant a lot to him. That’s all I can say about that.
      How do you know that the work she’s been doing for decades hasn’t helped anyone? She’s supported enough organisations and surely someone will have been helped there. How do you know that Harry’s and Meghan’s work is really changing people’s lives and is far more significant? The woman has really worked, which is something you can’t always say about the rest of the family. Harry admires his grandma and her work. Would therefore refrain from bashing granny as he really knows her.

      • Harla says:

        Well, the Together cookbook that Meghan spearheaded and the profits from that book made it possible for the Hubb Community Kitchen to be open 7 days/wk instead of 2. Harry founded the Invictus Games which directly benefits injured service women and men. I believe both of those are significant and have changed peoples lives.

        Yes, charities and organizations that the queen is patron of have certainly helped others but my question is if anything that the queen has done herself, actually benefited others.

      • A says:

        Harry is welcome to admire his grandma and her work. But he is only one individual, and as such only he is entitled to his own opinion. The rest of us don’t have to share it.

        The Queen is going out of her way to protect and shelter her son who has credibly been accused of raping a 17 year old girl who was sex trafficked to him by a pedophile he was closely associated with. A pedophile with whom he refused to sever ties for decades. She is putting the money she earns from the tax paying public (individuals like your host family’s grandfather), who will live their whole lives and never see the sort of ostentatious wealth and splendor that she does no matter how hard they work, towards his legal fees. Her son’s lawyers tried to argue in court that a victim of sex trafficking suing her abuser is unconstitutional. This is what the UK tax payers were funding their Queen, who is supposed to be “above interfering in politics”, to do.

        So no, the rest of us won’t be “refraining” from bashing granny. Not when granny is a grown human being who can stand and answer for her own actions. Harry shares a relationship to her the rest of us don’t. He can think what he likes, and so can we.

      • Sajka says:

        When you look into her Patronages you can find further informations about her involvments. For example: she became Patron of the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association (BELRA) in 1952. She sponsored two girls at Itu Leprosy Colony in Nigeria and they were cured. She supported the building of new children’s homes in places where the adoption scheme was being introduced in Tanganyika (now Tanzania). She continued to sponsor children in Africa and India until the end of the scheme.
        Research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) published in 2012 that the Queen has the helped the many organisations of which she is patron raise over £1.4bn.

  21. Amy Too says:

    I noticed that after the chef(?) offered those little treats to the queen and the lady standing with her, the lady took one, and then the queen said “I’ll go away,” and walked off. Are people not allowed to eat in front of the queen? Did she have to walk away before that woman could take a bite?

    • Pix says:

      At meals, you’re not allowed to start before she starts and once she’s done, you’re done too. I would imagine that applies to canapes and such at parties.

  22. Sour Pasoa says:

    Liz is obviously old, but lookin extra fragile these days. It looks like she lost a lot of weight.

  23. Elizabeth Phillips says:

    I love the kids cards in the first video, especially, “You’re the tops,” with the soda lids and pop tops. That was very clever.

  24. one of the Marys says:

    I love everything about the stabby cake photo, look at the Queen’s expression, the grip on the knife, where the knife is hitting the crown pattern and the contrast with the expression on that lady’s face. Damn this is a whole meme

  25. Mslove says:

    Queen Elizabeth will be the last ruling queen in the UK, IMO.

  26. canichangemyname says:

    LOL my grandmother is 95, and she does not give a f**K about a bra, I can promise you that. I’d hate to see her having to do all of this show pony stuff, but assuming QE is okay with it, it’s her life. Personally, I would’ve handed this off to Charles years ago if it were me and just retired with my dogs.

  27. A says:

    Stepping off for a moment from the topic at hand–I’m just feeling in a reflective mood today. My great-grandfather was born the year of Queen Victoria’s golden jubilee. It was the height of what seemed to be the invincibility of the British empire, and Queen Victoria was its face. He was 60 years old the year India became independent.

    I’m thinking on where the world was 10 years ago, during the Queen’s diamond jubilee. Obama was still president. William and Kate had just gotten married, London was hosting the Olympics, and BoJo was just the annoying but weird British politician who got caught on that zipline. Everything seemed to be coming up roses. It was also just the year prior to that that the first serious press about Andrew and Epstein came out–and it got quashed at lightning speed at the time.

    Now, 10 years on, the entire landscape of the world has irrevocably changed. Who knew we’d be here today. Who’d have thought in 2012 that the UK was 4 years away from Brexit. Or that Andrew might, for once in his life and at long last, be facing what seems like actual, tangible consequences for his criminal behaviour. Or that Prince Harry and his wife, of all the people with the royal family, would give an interview with Oprah, prompting a serious conversation about how the racism endemic to the royal family.

    Nothing in life is ever really a certainty. Power is not truly invincible. And the things people in power take for granted are often the first things that come crashing down on them, eventually.

  28. RoyalBlue says:

    I am secretly hoping her Maj lives 10 more years to prevent the Cornwalls from getting the throne. Hang in there Brenda.

  29. A says:

    I have great respect for Queen Elizabeth. She has served in her role for 70 years. To the people on this site making fun of, or mocking, a 95 year old woman, What the Hell is Wrong with You? They say getting old ain’t for sissies but you don’t have to make it worse.

    • SomeChick says:

      I’m sure she’s terribly troubled by what people are saying in comment sections on the internet!

    • Blue Toile says:

      @A, legitimate criticism is not “mocking.” Liz is a woman who has never had to face realities of everyone else. She has never had to get a job on her own merits, was born into unbelieveable wealth and passed on virtually none of it to worthy causes, she raised four extremely entitled and unlikable children, and has presided over a government that has used its power to plunder Commonwealth countries and murder (yes murder, early in her reign) POC. So, she fixed a few vehicles and hunkered down at Windsor during the war. Big. Deal. She has ridden the goodwill from those paltry actions for many decades. We won’t even get into protecting Andrew, slyly involving herself in politics when it benefits her, allowing some family members to outright abuse others without consequence, etc. I am not a UK citizen, and glad I don’t contribute to this woman and her family’s extravagant upkeep. Living to 95 should not give anyone a pass on their ugly and sometimes criminal behavior. This is not some sweet ol’ granny, this is a cold blooded and entitled woman who will have left this world worse than she found it. Flame away, I am in the DGAF frame of mind today.

    • HeatherC says:

      The only thing she has had to do to keep her role is keep breathing. That’s it. She got the role because she was the first born of a king with no sons. She didn’t have to work to get it. She didn’t even need to work to keep it. Her only accomplishment is breathing with access to the best health care her immense wealth can provide. Let’s not pretend she waits in A&E to be seen with the commoners or that her doctors are not on call for her every need.

      I lost whatever respect I was going to give her for her longevity when she wanted a poverty fund to heat her palace. Then the Andrew mess. I’m a mom. I have a son. I understand the desire to protect your baby from everything. But he’s 60 years old. I started teaching my son how to take responsibility for his actions before he was out of high school so that doesn’t get a pass from me either. The narrative of the sweet old lady whose only desire to is to serve the people rang false decades ago.

  30. JanetDR says:

    I am still laughing at the headline 😂

  31. E says:

    Never in my life have I seen someone cut a cake like that, but from now on that’s the only way I’ll ever cut cake 🤣