“The trailer for Jordan Peele’s latest film ‘Nope’ is so good” links

I’ve watched the trailer for Jordan Peele’s Nope a dozen times already. [Pajiba]
So many celebrities came out for the LA Super Bowl! [Just Jared]
Jon Stewart lost the plot years ago and it’s so painful. [Gawker]
This person who refuses to take off his shoes? Rude. [Dlisted]
Kevin Costner will produce a documentary series about indigenous peoples around the world… directed by a guy who is not an indigenous person. [LaineyGossip]
A Ukrainian hottie saves a drowning dog. [OMG Blog]
Mary J. Blige killed it before the Super Bowl too. [Go Fug Yourself]
Joe Rogan is a god to young white male idiots. [Towleroad]
This Love After Lockup star’s hair broke my brain. [Starcasm]
Influencers were really trying to do something around the Super Bowl. [Egotastic]
Awkward moments from the Super Bowl. [Buzzfeed]

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36 Responses to ““The trailer for Jordan Peele’s latest film ‘Nope’ is so good” links”

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  1. Jay says:

    So basically, Costner is making “Dances with Wolves” into a documentary series?

    • EllenOlenska says:

      To be fair he also produced Rapa Nui many years ago so this is not an entirely new interest of his, not saying it’s right or that he’s the right guy for the job but it’s definitely been something he’s dabbled in before…

  2. superashes says:

    Man, I’m both excited to watch this movie and also have no idea what the hell is happening in the trailer.

    • fluffybunny says:

      I also had no fucking clue what was going on in the trailer. I do know Peele sucked us in with comedy and now he’s turned into something dark and twisted. I’m really confused.

    • bettyrose says:

      Everything Jordan Peele creates is instant cinematic history. I was so glad he did the (absolutely brilliant) sequel to Candyman, which until Jordan Peele got involved was possibly the most underrated, under-appreciated sociopolitical horror ever made.

  3. Mac says:

    Keke Palmer and Donna Mills, I’m so in.

  4. lunchcoma says:

    Stewart is really disappointing. Most problematic celebrities are either people I always found a little sketchy or people who had a bigger emotional affect on people older or younger than me. Stewart, though? He kind of got me through the Bush years, and I expected better from him. I suppose the only good thing is that he voluntarily gave up his platform a long time ago and no longer has a huge influence on public discourse.

    • The Recluse says:

      The last time he showed up on Colbert’s show on CBS you could tell he was a little taken aback by Stewart’s opinion on recent events.

    • Sunnydaze says:

      Same. I mean, I’m old enough to have the historical knowledge that a lot of white men will disappoint if not outright disgust….this one just hurts. I really adored him, like I was incredibly upset when he left the daily show as that had been a beacon of light, but s when I saw him with Stephen Colbert (please, please don’t let anything bad come out about him!!!) I had “that feeling”. He’s that perfect example of someone who drank his own Kool aid and doesn’t realize Jon from 10 years ago would be roasting him HARD. I do get his take on the dangers of censorship but his recent interviews are coming across….bizarre. Like, I think he thinks it might be satire, but it’s a little too voracious if that makes any sense. Something is off with him, I think you can succinctly “warn” without inserting oneself I to the narrative. “He sith protest too much” comes to mind :/

  5. Meg says:

    I lol’d at the title Nope, because that’s what I say when something genuinely scares me, just Nope! When I was at a sight seeing spot a cliff where people were walking right to edge sitting down and swinging their legs over the edge for a selfie I walked away shaking my head saying nope, nope, nope. I thought I said it under my breathe enough for others to not hear but they did and laughed at me. Maybe it’s my age but man doing that is not even a calculated risk, you could easily fall over the edge

    • ME says:

      The thing is there are many stories of people falling over cliffs while trying to take selfies. It is an absolute legitimate risk and should not be done. You are smart !

    • DiegoInSF says:

      I’m the same, no picture is worth the risk! And it’d be so embarrassing to die that way and I love a good selfie.

    • Sunnydaze says:

      “Nope” is the best title ever – really. Like it tells me the characters won’t make stupid choices, the events will be messed up, and I won’t have to do mental gymnastic suspending realism. Weird stuff, realistic reactions….I’m so in!

    • Turtledove says:

      Meg- I am so afraid of heights that just READING this with no photos is enough to make my hands sweat. Definitely a NOPE from me with the cliff selfies.

  6. Laura says:

    Love a good alien invasion movie, which I’m pretty sure this will be. Can’t wait for this and the new Jurassic World.

  7. bettyrose says:

    I sort of get what Jon Stewart is saying here. Joe Rogan is basically a mass murderer and therefore indefensible, but Stewart isn’t defending Rogan. He’s commenting on the dangers of censorship, pointing out that when he himself was speaking out against the Iraq war, going against mainstream opinions, had corporate media censored/blacklisted him, he would never have been heard. A lot has changed in 20 years and people have way more non-corporate, non-mainstream platforms. Rogan could run his own YouTube channel with no corporate sponsorship, an option Stewart didn’t have in the early 00s, but I’m just saying I thing I get what he’s trying to say. It’s not necessarily awful.

    • JJN9310 says:

      Agree – he’s not endorsing or supporting Rogan at all.
      That Gawker article totally missed the mark about the point Stewart is making.

      • Jenn says:

        I’m all for nuance, but mealy-mouthed “both sides” stuff isn’t the same thing as “nuance,” and sometimes I feel Jon Stewart is trying to substitute one for the other. I still like him, and I still admire his compassion, but rarely does he add valuable insights when he chimes in anymore, which is frustrating.

        Spotify made the mistake in the first place when they offered a deal to Joe Rogan, a Diet White Nationalist. At the time a lot of people pointed out it’s a Bad Idea. I’m against censorship in all forms, but “hey, maybe you shouldn’t’ve offered a multimillion-dollar deal and an enormous platform to a disinformation peddler” isn’t, as a stance, pro-censorship. I don’t think Gawker missed the point at all — the author wrote that Stewart is falsely equivocating, and I agree. I also agree with Stewart in that we’re missing out on important conversations — the recent brouhaha with Whoopi could’ve been a teachable moment — but “engaging” with Joe Rogan’s lies won’t change any hearts and minds, and that’s why what Stewart said kind of sucks.

    • Sunnydaze says:

      Jon Stewart (and his team) were also masters at fact checking, so I think this is where I have trouble…I absolutely believe in freedom of speech and not censuring because you don’t like something, but when it’s blatently false info that’s contributing to a horrific health crisis….I think there’s nuance to this argument. Having one or two experts on to “check a box” might get someone a pass, but ultimately what harm is coming from this? I would argue a fair amount. These are strange times, but for me it comes down to are you peddling false info that’s harming? Or, in Jon’s old days, peddling true info that’s exposing?

  8. ME says:

    How does Jordan Peele come up with these movie ideas? He is so talented.

  9. Case says:

    Absolutely love Jordan Peele’s work, love the cast, cannot wait for this movie!

  10. Fernanda says:

    I am a sucker for alien movies and I know this will scare the hell out of me, but I won’t be able to resist it!

  11. Twin Falls says:

    Sigh, Jon Stewart. Who in this conversation agrees with censorship for merely having an opposing voice? That’s such a weak sauce take.

  12. FilmTurtle says:

    I’ve been Shyamalan’ed so many times by an awesome trailer and a “meh” movie that I’m automatically suspicious, but Peele hasn’t let me down yet.

  13. olliesmom says:


    I hope none of the horses die in this movie.

    And Steven Yeun!

    I was such a fan of Key and Peele’s Obama’s Anger Translator.

  14. Poisonella says:

    Can’t wait- his movies are so good.

  15. MangoAngelesque says:

    I excuse my FIL from taking his shoes off in my house because he has to wear ortho shoes due to a severely injured hip and going barefoot or in slippers would be tremendously uncomfortable for him.

    My husband hates being barefoot, so he has indoor-only shoes that NEVER see the outdoors, so he gets a pass as well. Those are the types of situations I can allow for.

    You just don’t wanna? Nah. I have slippers for people who are uncomfortable being barefoot, and not everyone wears socks. And, you know, I want to be a good host. So you can be a good guest. Or, not be a guest. 🤷‍♀️

    • Sunnydaze says:

      Yeah, that was a very odd post. I get the point about pets feet, but I also live in NY, there’s snow, salt, gravel, other crap that comes in creating puddles and stains. I have toddler twins who still put everything in their mouths, and lots of other stuff comes in on shoes besides e.coli like just mud and dirt in general. I vacuum and wash my floors (steam clean quickly at night, not the full shebang) at least once a day in winter, so please yes, take off your shoes in my house.

  16. Maite says:

    I don’t know what the hell I just watched

  17. The other One says:

    Mary J is a national treasure 💎

  18. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    I cannot WAIT for “NOPE” to come out!!!!! I have watched the trailer about a zillion times and just clap like a giddy fan girl every time…

  19. Bread and Circuses says:

    Someone pointed out that NOPE is an acronym of Not Of Planet Earth, and I’m even more delighted.

    Will definitely have to find a way to wimpy-watch this movie like I did Get Out. I’m not great with scary movies, but Jordan Peele’s stuff is so good.