Kat Dennings on getting engaged: I am so glad I waited until I found the right person

Kat Dennings is promoting season two of Dollface and popped by The Drew Barrymore Show virtually to chat about it. As we know, Kat is engaged to Andrew W.K. There is nobody better to gush about your love story than Drew. Drew loves love. This is Kat’s first engagement and she’s relishing it, which is lovely to see. So often people focus so much on the wedding that the engagement gets ignored but it’s such a dear time in a couple’s life and it really should be celebrated more. Kat is, though. She told Drew about how much she appreciated Andrew and how glad she was he came along when he did.

Kat Dennings got engaged to musician Andrew W.K. back in May 2021, just days after the world learned about their relationship, and now she’s opening up about their proposal story.

“It’s great. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s a sweet, baby angel,” Kat said about her engagement.

She added, “Well I’m 35, so I waited a very, very good chunk of time to get married and I am so glad I waited until I found the right person. It’s really hard. Everybody goes through the nightmarish time of life looking for that person, or not whatever floats your boat, but I feel very lucky and he’s the best.”

Drew then asked about how Andrew proposed.

Kat said, “He had a special moment that makes me believe in magic. We were doing kissing and we had like a shared feeling. I felt this intense feeling, this is my person, this is it. I can’t be without him this is the man I am supposed to be with. And we looked at each other and we both proposed at the same time. Not planned. No knee down. I don’t even remember what happened after that. We just, we were like, ‘Should we get married?’ ‘Yes.’ And I just burst into tears. I never thought I had it in me because I kind of a toughie but I did, I wept happy tears. I felt this sense of relief like I’ve done it. I made it through the wilderness and found this incredible person. Yeah, no one believes me but I assure you that’s what happened.”

[From Just Jared via YouTube]

I love Kat’s engagement story. I get squishy about moments when you truly know it’s right and asking each other to get married at the same time would be a huge green flag for me. I get what Kat means by waiting for such a long time, too. I think she’s talking about that period in a single person’s life, usually around mid-20s, when it seems like all your friends get married (and it seems to happen in the same year, too!). Suddenly all eyes are on the single person. I was the single person in my group and always indifferent to the idea of getting married. I wanted kids, though, so I was a good target for the marrieds. The bombardment of marriage propaganda was so heavy, I started wondering if maybe I should get on it. Fortunately, my family didn’t care one way or the other, so they supported my singledom. I pushed through, did my own thing, and then someone came along who made marriage appealing to me. Like Kat, ‘waiting’ worked for me, too.

I finished season two of Dollface. I liked it, just not as much as season one, but I appreciate the changes they tried to make. They rushed too many storylines, though. And once again, people can inexplicably live lavishly with no source of income. But the choice they made at the end for Kat’s character, Jules, was really bold and I forgave some of the other plot holes because of it.

Also, if you watch Kat’s segment on Drew, Drew has her new rescue kitty on her lap. She’s adorbs!

Photo credit: Instagram

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12 Responses to “Kat Dennings on getting engaged: I am so glad I waited until I found the right person”

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  1. Noki says:

    Her,Hillarry Duff and Victoria Pedretti should really check to see if they are not related.

  2. Ms+single+malt says:

    Josh Groban, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hiddleston, Drake and Mathew Gray Gublar are part of her dating history. Quite the variety of taste. It is nice to see her joy about her engagement.

    • HufflepuffLizLemon says:

      I love Mathew Gray Gublar on Criminal Minds, and I loved her in her various turns in Marvel, but she’s pretty cute with Andrew WK and obviously much in love.

      Separate note…is her hair extensions or is that really her hair? I’m on a quest to grow mine out (it’s shoulder blades, I’m looking to go substantially longer) and I’ve given up highlights, ponytail holders, and am now sleeping with it protected… I’m just curious if it’s even feasible to get it that long and that healthy in my 40s. *sigh*

      • tealily says:

        So much of that is genetics. I agree, her hair is gorgeous!

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        I recently learned that how long your hair is capable of growing is literally set by the life-cycle of your hair follicles.

        The old hair drops out, and the follicle goes dormant for a while, and then it starts growing again, but there’s a time limit. It only grows for a certain number of years before dropping the old hair and going dormant for a while again.

        Your eyebrow hairs are short because they have a shorter lifespan. People who can grow hair to their knees have unusually long-lived hair follicles.

        So do what you’re doing to protect your hair, but in the absence of damage, (as tealily said) the length you can grow your hair is set by genetics.

  3. SusieQ says:

    I’m 36, and I’m getting married in May. It’s my first marriage and my fiance’s second. I am so glad I waited for the right person, but it wasn’t really that difficult for me. My mom was 37 when she married my dad, so I’m just following family tradition!

    I saw so many friends get married young, and some seem so unhappy now. I’m very happy that I’ve gotten to live for over a decade doing my own thing and now I get to join forces with my person and be a cool stepmom.

    • JanetDR says:

      All the best to you @SusieQ!

      • DIA says:

        I’m 34 and single and though I enjoy it mostly. I keep thinking is it too late for? It great to hear you happy story.

    • tealily says:

      Congrats! I agree about the ones who got married early seeming unhappy. I waited until I was 34 and glad I did. I felt like I’d waited forever at the time. Now I’m 41 and like “aww, I was just a baby!” I have a friend who recently entered her first marriage at 50! Never too late for love.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      They’ve done studies that show people who are single are less happy than happily-married people — but much happier than people who are unhappily-married!

      So waiting until you find your person is really smart. You’re better off single than with the wrong person.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        So true. As a teenager, I never really saw myself as someone getting married or having children. My vision was being content with books & cats. Had boyfriends and dated. Felt odd that marriage wasn’t a goal. Ended up having a child outside of marriage, the idea of marrying her father, who was a boyfriend for quite sometime, made me a little sick to my stomach. My stomach knew things. That relationship more or less ended before I gave birth. I felt like an outsider/odd man out. Friends were getting married without having an out-of-wedlock child.

        Fast forward a few years and I met my (now husband-we’ve been together for 30+ years) husband . We were both cautious for our own reasons. Our engagement day was similar to Kat’s. We were at a major sport event and a stranger next to us said something in lines of ‘man you two belong together’. We laughed and then looked at each other like dude is right. No jumbo trons, no rose petals or other such things. Just let’s do this. Received a ring a week or so later. Some friends that married younger are going through things. It really doesn’t make me feel good. Just knowing we all have different paths and wait and see is okay. In a good way. Like this story. And she does have great hair.

  4. Ry says:

    Like a Virgin.

    Congrats! She reminds me of Emmy Rossum. Think they’re virgos, both, too.
    Like a Virgo.