“The Weeknd apparently has a new girlfriend & she’s not Angelina Jolie” links

The Weeknd had a new girlfriend and she’s not Angelina Jolie. [LaineyGossip]
Rosie O’Donnell apologized to Priyanka Chopra for thinking that her father was Deepak Chopra. I’m sorry, but what?? [Dlisted]
What is this photo of Millie Bobby Brown?? [RCFA]
Anne Hathaway looks chic in Rome and she’s wearing a mask! [Just Jared]
A classic TV performance: the Beastie Boys on David Letterman in 1994. [Pajiba]
What are your current obsessions? [Go Fug Yourself]
Pickleball seems fun but also really hard? [Gawker]
This Faye Dunaway headline made me cringe-laugh. [Towleroad]
Josie Canseco still gets a lot of attention. [Egotastic]
Sugar babies and the pitfalls & realities of transactional dating. [Buzzfeed]
Jamie Lee Curtis & Wendi McLendon-Covey had a great time working together. [Seriously OMG]

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40 Responses to ““The Weeknd apparently has a new girlfriend & she’s not Angelina Jolie” links”

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  1. Facts says:

    I find it hard to believe there was a thing between him and Angie and never will be!

    • Michael says:

      I am certain that he and Angie hooked up at least a few times but I do not think they would have ever been more than friends in the end. I think they still are friends. But he and Simi Khadra have been spotted making out here and there for years so it is about time they let us see what we already knew

    • Anita says:

      I think that he wished, but nope. If it did, who dates someone that will kiss and tell? That’s childish.

      • A n B fn says:

        I believe they dated a few times. Angelina is my favorite actress for years since, I’ve been following her since Brad left Jennifer. Don’t see nothing wrong with her dating this very talented young man. Watch his name, Able/The Weeknd, he’s one of the best young artist around and he’s getting better and better. He writes, sings and produce his music. He’s been dropping Angelina’s name in his music for years. I just love his music keep it playing on a loop for hours and I’m a senior, ❤️ His music.

  2. ME says:

    Priyanka Chopra lost her father a few years ago. She was very close to him. I’d be upset if someone came up to me saying “hey I know your dad” and it was someone else, and that someone else is still alive. Come on Rosie, wow.

    • lunchcoma says:

      Yikes, that makes it even worse.

      Even without that aspect of it, it’s sort of…racist? Xenophobic? I’m not sure that I have the right word for it, but you know Rosie wouldn’t have asked Dakota Johnson if she was related to Dwayne or Matt Smith if he was related to Anna Nicole.

      • Normades says:

        Exactly @lunchcoma (your name always cracks me up btw). Smith, Johnson, Thompson etc…. 1/2 the population of Korea is named Kim and they’re not related. What a stupid thing Rosie (O’Donnell, l like I don’t know a couple of those).

      • Otaku fairy says:


    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I’m old, so I remember Kathie Lee Gifford asking Martin Short about his wife (who had died of cancer), and Elisabeth Hasselbeck asking Stanley Tucchi if his (dead) wife had seen his movie yet. I mean, come on people, it’s not that hard to do a LITTLE, TINY BIT, of research before an interview. Are they really THAT lazy?

      • Juju says:

        It wasn’t for an interview. Rosie was seated next to them at a restaurant and was making small talk.

        I do think it’s racial that she made this mistake but would have been a good opportunity to reflect on how/why she made that mistake and the bias that is at play in that moment. Instead, in her Tik Tok apology she was even more offensive and made it worse.

      • Barbie1 says:

        @ MRS.KRABAPPLE Those were some brutal mistakes regarding Martin Short and Tucci. So awful omg. Just adding to their misery. Rosie’s faux pas was embarrassing and so ignorant.

      • kirk says:

        What interview? Rosie was in Nobu seated at a table next to Nick Jonas and his wife, who Rosie clearly does not know. She complimented Nick Jonas and made social faux pas in attempting a conversation starter with heretofore unknown Jonas’s wife. We do not know whether she also apologized to Priyanka in person at the time – the only known thing is the Tik Tok apologies, including comments from people who are also clearly unaware of Priyanka’s Indian body of work. People dragging Rosie over social faux pas really should check out her substantial charity work.

  3. lunchcoma says:

    Not super surprising. Abel wasn’t a great boyfriend to Selena, and unless he’s grown up A LOT in the past few years, I can’t see him being up for being a good boyfriend to Angie with her complicated life. She’s a smart woman. I think she knows better. If they had some fun along the way, good for them.

    • A n B fn says:

      I’m not up on these things but what I read, Selina left Able/The Weeknd to go back to Justin. Not that he was not a good boyfriend to her. Anyway, I love his music, especially “save your tears” with Ariana Grande, love ❤️ that song. He’s really talented, I can see why Angelina is working with him.

      • ME says:

        I heard the same. Selena left The Weeknd to get back with Justin. The Weeknd even admitted he was willing to give up his own Kidney to save Selena’s life. He was really in love with her and hurt when she left him. At least, that’s the impression I get.

  4. MangoAngelesque says:

    “I’ve met a famous person with the same last name and general skin colour as you, you must be closely related!”

    I just hurt my eyes and my head.

    • Bettyrose says:

      In all fairness, they were both born in India, which isn’t a very populous country so surely they’re related.

  5. Ally says:

    Rosie didn’t even apologize to Priyanka. She apologized to Nick and “the Chopra wife.” So her half-assed apology sucked. I’m so over her and just wish she would go away.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      “Nick and ‘the Chopra wife'” = racist AND misogynistic.

    • Kate says:

      Yeah, the “apology” was atrocious. Amazing that she was able to one-up herself in terms of awful, racist, misogynistic behavior towards Priyanka after the original blunder.

    • Bettyrose says:

      How is she so awful? She’s hardly had an easy time making it in show business. Does that struggle really not produce any empathy at all?

  6. Juliette says:

    A new tv show I love (obsessed with) called As We See It on Amazon Prime. The summary of it is:
    “Jack, Harrison and Violet, three roommates on the autism spectrum, strive to get and keep jobs, make friends, fall in love, and navigate the strange world of adulthood world that eludes them”.

    It’s such a funny, loving, heartwarming show. Only 1 season (8 episodes) so far but am really hoping for me. Highly recommend. I also like that all the the main actors and actresses are actually autistic themselves. Love it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Have you seen Astrid, also on Amazon Prime? It’s a French TV series whose main character, Astrid, is on the spectrum. That actress herself is not on the spectrum, but I’m guessing that some of the folks who were in the character’s autism group therapy–something about coping with/understanding the neurotypicals of the world–actual were on the spectrum. I found the show fascinating & well-portrayed. I’d be interested to know what others think.

      • Juliette says:

        I haven’t but will go home today and look for it I have a brother in law and cousin who are both on the spectrum. Thanks for the suggestion! Always looking for new and interesting things to watch.

  7. elle says:

    Holy sh&t, that picture of Rosie…. I thought it was Steve Bannon!

  8. Normades says:

    Millie honey, no……

    • Missjo says:

      Well she has been obsessed with the Kardashians for years so it’s not like we couldn’t see this coming

      • Otaku fairy says:

        She’s not really the first person to try a low-cut dress with a slit, even in that color. The Kardashians were not the first ones either, although they’d probably love to take the credit for that style too.

    • FHMom says:

      The dress. The hair. The nails. The photoshop. All are awful.

  9. Kate says:

    I haven’t played pickleball (yet) but my mom is obsessed with it. She plays a few times a week with a group that is in their 70s and 80s. It might be technically hard, but it is not overly physically demanding.

  10. Erin says:

    We played pickle ball in middle school gym as a requirement, so it wasn’t that hard and I kind of enjoyed it. But I was also in middle school and too cool for school so I never admitted that.

    • Becks1 says:

      We played it in high school! It was fun and actually a good sport for gym class, because no one really knows how to play it (like no one is a secret pickleball expert) and its name is silly etc so its just more light hearted than playing basketball or kickball.

  11. Err says:

    Angie & her first ex husband

  12. Bettyrose says:

    Can someone explain the deal with Nobu? Why is the Malibu location such a big deal? It’s a massive chain and the other locations are just normal restaurants. I’ve been to the one in San Diego a couple times because I was in the downtown area and it wasn’t too crowded.

  13. The Recluse says:

    FYI Vanity Fair just published an article w/video about what an absolute ogre Jerry Lewis was. I had heard long ago that he was an egomaniac who was incapable of being faithful to his wife, but he was MUCH WORSE apparently.

  14. Jan says:

    Weekend is an Ambassador or something for the UN, since his meetings/dinners with Angie.

  15. Anna says:

    Why should we care about this clown?

  16. Hi my name is Nicholas penaloza can you please go get me twenty one autism girlfriend and take it to 624 Rosalinda drive in Oxnard ca please