Kanye West claims Kim is ‘alienating’ him from the kids, Kim tells him to STFU

On Monday, Kanye West once again geared up to whine, harass and verbally abuse his ex-wife Kim Kardashian. He posted this Instagram (above) of North West’s bookbag, which apparently has three pins: a pin of Kim’s face, a pin of an alien face and a pin of Kanye’s face. Those pins are super-cute, right? Well, Kanye extrapolated from the pins that Kim is “alienating” him from his children. Do y’all think North meant that? I do not. Kanye wrote: “This was on my daughters back pack when I was “allowed” to see her last week This is why I go so hard for my family. I am wired to protect my family at all cost. As the priest of my home Don’t worry Northy God is still alive.” Kim ended up responding: “Please stop with this narrative, you were just here this morning picking up the kids for school.”

So… that’s where things are now. Kanye freaking out about the pins on North’s bag and claiming that Kim is somehow keeping him from the kids. Kim is not. Kim has set completely normal co-parenting boundaries and Kanye has not been able to handle those boundaries for months. It doesn’t take a Jeen Yuhs to figure out where Kanye is headed: challenging Kim in some kind of custody battle. Except that their custody stuff still hasn’t been worked out. TMZ dropped this curious story yesterday:

Kanye West has been going after Kim Kardashian, claiming she’s denying him access to their children, but it’s pretty clear what Kim plans on doing about it legally — nothing.

Fact is, Kanye’s rants aren’t accurate … he’s routinely seen his kids when he wants. What’s more, there’s no point in asking the family law judge for a protective order. First off, it’s unclear if the judge would grant it, but even if they do, that assumes Kanye would obey it, and that’s pretty clearly a pipe dream.

As we reported, Kim and Kanye do not have a structured child custody agreement. He has never asked for one and the way it works … whenever he wants to see the kids, within reason, she accommodates him. From everything we’ve seen, Kim does not want to limit Kanye’s time with the kids in any way.

Now, the judge has not issued a child custody order yet, and if Kanye decides to fight Kim in court, the numerous texts attacking Kim, Pete, etc., will almost certainly become evidence and could affect the outcome, and not in a good way for Kanye. We’re told the reality is this … Kim is the primary caregiver of their 4 kids, and they are all young enough that she can shield them from all the drama.

[From TMZ]

One, it sounds like Kim is briefing TMZ on her thought process and sending the signal that if Kanye wants to do battle on custody, she’s more than prepared. But of course TMZ had to put their own douchebag spin on it: “there’s no point in asking the family law judge for a protective order… even if they do, that assumes Kanye would obey it, and that’s pretty clearly a pipe dream.” Ah, yes, we all know that a protective order will only be issued if the judge believes the stalker will obey the order! That’s exactly how it works, TMZ! I’ve been on Team Kim Needs A Protective Order for months now. I have to believe that Kim has some kind of long-term plan for how to deal with Kanye.

Anyway, following TMZ’s story and his IG rant early Monday morning, Kanye once again ranted about the kids last night. He claimed that “My kids were not allowed to go to Sunday Service yesterday and there’s multiple times where the schedules were changed last minute Which alienated me as a parent which is illegal thank God…My family has been broken… My name has been dragged and dropped.” Dude, you dropped your own f–king name. Kim changed her name back to her maiden name. The kids are still “West” (even though Ye isn’t). As for the kids not going to Sunday Service… who even knows.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Backgrid.

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78 Responses to “Kanye West claims Kim is ‘alienating’ him from the kids, Kim tells him to STFU”

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  1. ncboudicca says:

    I fear he’s just a step or two away from something sickeningly violent. She needs to keep him away from the kids – and maybe that’s in the works.

    Wish there was a way to commit him right now BEFORE he does anything terrible.

    • Dtab says:

      Honestly, no joke at all…This is episodes 1 and 2 of a true-crime podcast. Its absolutely terrifying to watch play out.

    • Maida says:

      Agree. “The priest of my home” is a BIG red flag, which suggests he sees himself as divinely justified in trying to rule over Kim and the kids. His ego is running wild and apparently he has no one close to him who can help him restrain it. His words and actions are going to damage those kids long term.

      • ncboudicca says:

        Those words completely stood out to me. Religious mania, a sense of persecution…I just can’t help but think about other cases where parents who sounded like this murdered their children. It’s honestly terrifying.

  2. Mindy_DeLaCalle says:

    I wouldn’t want my kids around their unstable father and his crowd of followers who not only believe the crap he’s spewing, they encourage it. I can imagine he could get riled up into a scary “not giving them back” situation.

    • Mary Tosti says:

      I truly cannot understand how something hasn’t been done legally. This is so abusive and it’s public. There is no he said/she said, it’s all out there for any lawyer and judge to see. I wouldn’t feel safe having my kids be under the care of their father if he were acting like this.

      • Songs (Or It Didn't Happen) says:

        It’s important to remember that they may already have a legal agreement in place regarding parenting time / visitation time, which Kim cannot violate or SHE gets in trouble, not him. Or, if they are still working out a legal agreement, she has to allow him access or SHE could be penalized in court.

        I saw something on Facebook about how Kim K. Is one of the richest and most public figures in America (with ties to the legal community, to boot) and she is still having to go through a messy expensive and drawn out divorce and custody battle with an abuser. The same is true of Angelina Jolie. If this is what happened to those women, imagine the millions without their fame or money and what they have to go through to be safe and free.

        Reform divorce law in this country now.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        @Songs, absolutely. TMZ’s ignorance about the point of protection orders makes me gag. The PPO is for the police to be able to do something when he escalates. It’s not meant to stop him and most experts will warn the woman that often he escalates after receiving it.

        It’s that no one ever tells these men no and they honestly do not believe a PPO applies to them. Why should it’s when they skate above the law at every other time.

      • Misskitten says:

        I COMPLETELY agree about TMZ’s ignorance regarding protective orders, and its only MORE infuriating that the guy who RUNS TMZ is a GD lawyer!!!!!

    • whatWHAT? says:

      and you know… maybe the kids don’t WANT to be around him. maybe he scares them, maybe they are quite aware of what’s going on with his mania.

      and what kid do you know that LIKES to go to church, aka “Sunday Service”? none, now or when I was a kid.

      • Chaine says:

        The times they are pictured with him in public they look kind of miserable. And right, what every kid wants on a weekend morning is to be pulled away from toys and play, dressed up, and sent to sit in church for hours.

      • Suze says:

        @whatWHAT? – Eh, I think it depends on the church. I liked it when I was about North’s age because there was Sunday School, and we got donuts after service. Nothing having to do with the actual service itself, lol.

        But to the larger point, do we really think Kanye is keeping it together around the kids when he’s lashing out publicly all the time? I doubt it. I hope for North’s sake she’s being protected from all the shit he’s saying about her, but that buffer can’t last forever. In a few years she’s going to be able to look herself up, and find out all the horrible things he’s said about her, her mother, and how she’s been raised. And that is not going to go well for anyone.

      • agirlandherdogs says:

        Who knows if he even means church when he says Sunday service. If he considers himself the priest in his own home, his idea of Sunday service could be two hours of him screaming incoherently at his children.

        I can only hope Kim has more restricted visitation in the works and extra protection for the kids. Bear in mind Kanye is not the only danger to those kids. He has plenty of crazy fans who will read his SM posts and believe his children are being kept from him, and those crazy fans will try to want to “help” him get his children.

    • Snooze says:

      He is going full mens rights activist (MRA). I saw another of his rants and there were so many MRA notes in it. This one too. Ugh ugh ugh.

  3. Rapunzel says:

    Didn’t Ye spend years basically living in a different state from his kids? Like, Wyoming? and now he wants them whenever he wants them? This is just a power play with Kim and not about the children at all.

    • Lucy2 says:

      Yes, he basically ditched them for most of the pandemic. I doubt he has a legal leg to stand on with any of this, but he’s just going to keep harassing.

      • Teddy says:

        The way Kanye rants you would think he only has two kids, the girls. He’s fixated on his inability to control them. Not a word ever about the boys. And that Sunday Service stuff is toxic. It’s Kanye pretending you be a priest, and clearly revealing he believes he is a deity. He’s such a creep.

      • Jennifer says:

        I feel sorry for North when she hits puberty and Kanye becomes “dad with the shotgun.”

      • ssb says:

        Hopefully he’ll be committed to the nut hut before then.

        What a psycho!

    • ME says:

      Kanye needs help. He does have major control issues. But at the same time, some of the stuff people are saying is not true. The kids spent a lot of time in Wyoming with their dad. North even had her 7th bday there (Kim posted about it. Penelope and some friends flew to Wyoming to celebrate with North). Kim even said North preferes Wyoming over LA.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        but none of that negates the fact that their father chose to live an a different state 1000+ miles away.

        he essentially abandoned them and made THEM come to HIM. sure, they visited. but he didn’t see them for months at a time and is now complaining about how much he gets to see them. it’s disingenuous; he’s only complaining because it’s something he can use to harass his ex.

      • ME says:

        @ whatWHAT?

        Oh yeah I’m not arguing against any of that. I’m just saying the kids did see him and spend time with him in Wyoming.

      • Rapunzel says:

        @Me- I never said the kid didn’t see him. I simply pointed out he chose to live far away and it makes his current whining ridiculous.

        Any parent who voluntarily (I stress voluntarily, because Ye did not need to live in WY) chooses to live States away from their children in marriage has no right to whine about not seeing them enough in divorce. I stand by that. If custody is so important you’d have lived near them.

        I repeat, this is obviously not about the kids but control.

  4. FeedMeChips says:

    I can say that I would not allow my kids to attend that circus either.

  5. Selene says:

    I didn’t understand why Kim has not done what needs to be done regarding Kanye, but now I understand that she and her family are afraid of the secrets that lie with him, or that he was privy to. The Kardashians survive due to media control and half-truths. Kanye is a ticking bomb, and they just don’t want to push him too far. Also, Kanye in a way legitimized Kim as a public figure, and a lot of the African-American passes lie with him. If Kim had been married to someone else that wasn’t Kanye, she would’ve been canceled a long time ago.

    • Hyrule Castle says:

      Lots to unpack here.

      First, let’s stop the low key victim blaming. Nothing Kim has or hasn’t done changes the abuse she’s suffering.
      Second, Kim is/was a legitimate
      public figure in her own right, with her own agency. If anything, she helped his reputation.
      Third, & this is most important: Kim & her family aren’t afraid of secrets. They can weather any storm.
      The very real threat is the escalation of violence. He’s unstable, & has already demonstrated a penchant for violent altercations & reactions.
      He’s attacked photographers on more than one occasion. He’s posted increasingly violent depictions of Pete.
      Forth, I see the racism: “African American passes”? What passes? She’s getting passes because she married a Black man?
      That’s racist & sexist to even suggest, as well as being demonstrably false.
      Kim build her own empire. However she started, she’s savvy & made herself. She doesn’t need to hide behind a man, & she’s not.

      • superashes says:

        Yeah. Pretty much all this as well. Except I have no clue what African American passes was supposed to mean. People have steady been calling out Kim for appropriation for YEARS and her family’s treatment of black women in their orbit (particularly Jordyn Woods). Kim doesn’t have a pass in the black community.

      • Joanna says:

        I don’t think it’s racist to suggest she’s gotten passes because she married an AA man. A lot of her clothing etc copies AA styles and is more well received because she is married to an AA man imo. She took already established trends and styles and recycled it as new. And her being in a mixed relationship helped reach a new audience imo. Now you see white girls wearing these styles and things that were taboo for white girls like me to do in my youth.

      • Emma says:

        Kim has talked about how Kanye opened doors for her with the fashion community. I don’t think it denigrates her to acknowledge what she has already said herself, that his connections did help her level up at one point.

        In addition, “that family can weather any storm” — well, women should not have to. And any woman, no matter how wealthy, is in our society vulnerable to male aggression and violence. Kim went through that robbery in Paris where she was tied up and feared for her life and deeply traumatized. Even if she has security in place, it is emotionally damaging.

      • superashes says:

        Whether white women/girls might feel more open to wearing historically black stylings as a result of this family is beside the point. The comment on this, if anything, perfectly embodies what so many have been openly complaining about with this family for years: the fact that they routinely appropriate black culture and repack and sell it to white audiences for profit.

        There is no pass in my mind on this issue. She was just taking and doing.

    • superashes says:

      I think the much simpler, and much more likely answer, is that she has already spent years as his wife having to live around his mental health issues, even when she herself really needed support after the Paris robbery. It makes sense her divorce would follow suit, essentially trying to tip toe around his mental health issues to avoid setting him off.

      As far as Sunday service goes, I’m guessing the kids just simply did not want to go. They didn’t look like they had that much fun in the videos he shot at the super bowl, and I can’t imagine with his attitude that he is a particularly fun parent to be around. Not with his messiah complex.

      • Normades says:

        I can’t imagine how awful and toxic those Sunday services must be for the kids. Ye acting like some kind of martyr in front of his unhinged followers while all eyes are also on them.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        “As far as Sunday service goes, I’m guessing the kids just simply did not want to go.”

        yeah, I said the same above. how many kids do you know that enjoy church? I don’t know a single one. and imagine if your dad was the “priest” and was acting a fool in front of a crowd? I agree that he’s probably not much fun to be around.

      • Joanna says:

        I’m not saying she should get a pass for appropriating black culture. I’m saying she makes money off black culture but people make excuses for her because she has white skin. Yes I know she’s Armenian. I hope y’all didn’t think I was saying it is ok. I don’t think it is, I’m just saying I think that’s why she gets excused for it.

      • superashes says:

        What I’m saying is there is no pass. She has been called out for this countless times. The issue is there are people out there happy to ignore the criticism and still consume her products. People doing that aren’t thinking it was okay to do so because she was married to a black man, they are doing it because they don’t feel put off enough by her BS appropriation to stop.

    • Otaku fairy says:

      Kanye has already been caught in multiple lies himself. Because of that, and his overall behavior, anything he reveals as some sort of secret needs to be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. Positioning him as a reliable source of secrets only gives him more power as an abuser.

    • teecee says:

      People act like the Ks can’t spill stuff on Kanye in return, but c’mon! If they know ANYTHING about his efforts to help Trump overthrow the election and his intimidating of black poll workers in Georgia, especially if there’s proof, that would end him in certain black circles. Like never allowed to enter again, I don’t care how many hits you have.

      Or things about his “relationship” with Riccardo Tisci. That’s extremely sus.

      And you know that man has complained and talked shit about Jay and Bey for HOURS. If that’s on tape, again, he’s toast.

      No one respects the Ks. Some people still respect Ye, at least as an artist. They have less to lose than he does.

  6. AVEA says:

    I could never deal with a person like this. Kim must be very patient. I hope she and the kids have a good support system around them cause this is just bad

  7. Cee says:

    He’s clearly paranoid, which makes him unreliable. I’m sure Kim is documenting each time he is around the kids in order to prove he has access and she is not alienating them.

  8. Magick Wanda says:

    I fear this is not going to end well. He seems unhinged. He has also threatened DL Hughley. This is very ugly and more than a bit scary. I’m glad Kim can afford top notch security. She needs it.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yeah, something’s going to happen and then there’ll be a million articles about coulda, shoulda, woulda.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Yup, and Kanye is making all of this worse by his own behaviour but it’s everyone’s else’s fault. His comments about being the priest of his home screams unhinged and not taking his meds. Kim needs have a structured visitation put in place now.

  9. Zapp Brannigan says:

    He only mentions North, has he no recollection of having three further children? Is he trying to pull some golden child/scapegoat scenario here. Or is it because North got the most publicity as the first born.

    • LoryD75 says:

      I think it’s because North is on social so he manipulates her as well.

      • superashes says:

        I think it is a combination of that and his need to control women. Since North is female, he is going to be very much extra about anything she does.

      • Colby says:

        I tend to agree here. He is really clinging to North’s TikTok as a way to attempt to control Kim.

        Also, North is the oldest and may have the most activities to do outside the home, so she may be the one with the most scheduling conflicts.

    • Hyrule Castle says:

      Narcissistic people often choose a “golden child”.
      It’s a burden they are forced to bear. I hope North has access to therapy as well as a support system.
      Most importantly, I dearly hope her family are fostering her relationships with her siblings, because she will need them as she grows.
      My mother is Kanye, & my sister the golden child. Unfortunately we were fed lies about each other from the start.
      My sister believes my mother, I do not. I see it clearly. But the golden child is a lifelong burden that needs a lot to overcome. I don’t blame my sister, it’s just sad I can’t help or have her (or any of them) in my life.

    • Normades says:

      I think it’s because she’s the first born and female so he’ll try to control her the most since he can’t control the mom. This will just get worse as she moves into adolescence.

    • lunchcoma says:

      In addition to the factors everyone else has listed, she’s also the most famous of the children because she was first and because there was an uproar about her name. I suspect Ye knows that.

  10. Heat says:

    He also posted the name of the kids’ school in more than one of his rants. That poses a huge danger to the children. Kanye’s followers are as deeply unhinged as he is. Who knows that someone might try to do to those kids “on his behalf”?
    And how mortifying must this be for the kids? Especially North! Even if she is not seeing his posts, personally, it doesn’t mean that other kids aren’t.

    • Renee' says:

      I caught that too. I saw the name of the school and thought OMG. He is inviting trouble into the lives of his kids. It’s very disturbing and will not end well.

  11. so says:

    Agreed with a lot of you : this will end in a tragedy. I used to think he would target Pete Davidson, now I fear for the kids, especially North.

    • SomeChick says:

      He’s delusional, which means he’s unpredictable. It’s impossible to tell what he might do next. And all of the garbage he is spewing, he fully believes in the moment. He’s high on his own supply.

      No one is safe around someone like that. It’s really scary just watching it all. Thanks, Kanye, for making people worry about Kim! But seriously, he is the very definition of a loose cannon.

      No one deserves to live in fear. This is the worst goss ever.

  12. beepboop says:

    As far as Sunday Service, it sounds like HE changed the time and expected Kim and the kids to drop everything to make it work. He said himself he moved it to 10am to make Saint’s basketball game, which cool dude, but North already had plans. Rushing a tired child away from her friends house to go to church, in addition to getting it together with three other kids, one who has a game almost immediately after, sounds like a nightmare. Also, his fixation on his oldest daughter is just creepy at this point.

    • Roo says:

      I hope the court has appointed a guardian ad litem to represent the children and a therapist to examine both parents as parents. (I say both because Kanye would complain if only he were examined).

    • Seaflower says:

      Given it’s Kanye’s version of church, I wouldn’t want my kids there either.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        Exactly. Of course the Candace Owens/ Don’t say Gay crowd has no problems with that though. It’s perfectly fine for known homophobes and misogynists to take their kids to their holy places.

  13. Shai says:

    The only one he’s going to alienate is his own kids especially North since she’s getting older and will start to pick up on things. This man literally moved into a house across the street from his ex & she still allowed him access to his kids, it’s clear she’s been allowing him to see them.
    He also gave out the name of North’s school, that’s extremely dangerous and he’s doing it for the ‘gram.

  14. L says:

    I don’t understand why he gets sooo upset with Kim and Pete!? Kanye is also seen out here with women and in the next breath he is like «kim come back to meee! « This is a whole mess.

  15. Erica says:

    He should take her to Court so a judge can order him a 90 day inpatient mental health evaluation. I am not a Kardashian fan but his tirades against her are seriously concerning. And he is most likely one step from a murder suicide with her.

  16. lunchcoma says:

    I don’t think TMZ was saying that a protective order wouldn’t be issued on the grounds Kanye might not obey it. I think they were saying that having one probably wouldn’t do much good.

    I agree? To actually enforce the protective order, she’d need to be willing to contact the police when he violated it. I can think of a long list of reasons she might not want to do that, from the effect on the children to concern that the father of her children might be injured or arrested. Kim’s baby bar stuff was silly, but she has good lawyers and a decent understanding of how legal matters work. I suspect she knows the decision she’s making.

    This is not to say that I think this situation is safe for anyone involved, but someone as wealthy as Kim may be right to think that private security are more helpful to her than a police-enforced court order.

    • SaraTor says:

      I agree @lunchcoma, from Kim’s perspective, a protective order probably won’t change much. Would it stop Kanye from cyberstalking and cyberbullying?…I feel like in today’s world that will be protected as Kanye’s “right to free speech.”
      I think he’s so erratic in the time he spends with the kids, who miss him, she tries to facilitate his random fly-by visits. But she should go to court to get a more structured, limited custody arrangement, like Sundays (supervised ideally but maybe the nanny is her eyes and ears). If Kim needs to negotiate every.single.interaction. it will be a nightmare. They should communicate via a lawyer or a custody scheduling app, not text or phone. If he doesn’t show up for his day, like Sunday, then too bad. He probably texts the kids saying “your Mom doesn’t want us to see each other” so she doesn’t want to be the bad guy…but sometimes that’s the job.

      • lunchcoma says:

        Yeah, I agree that Kim really needs to look into setting up a formal custody arrangement. I don’t think there’s any real danger that Ye would be able to have the kids for extended periods of time right now, and having set days and times would probably make her life easier.

        I also suspect that the kids would appreciate having a routine. North is almost 9! Kids that age are starting to have their own friends and their own hobbies. I don’t think it’s great for the kids to have to live with the expectation that other plans will get canceled whenever their father feels like showing up, and at least some of the kids would eventually grow to resent that.

    • Merricat says:

      The purpose of an order of protection is not just to warn the aggressor away, but to begin a paper trail of documentation.

      • lunchcoma says:

        But where does the paper trail lead, and what’s required if she wants to go down that path? If there were a meaningful custody battle, I could see it being useful. But I don’t get the sense that he’s actually trying to get physical custody of the kids, or that any court would be open to giving it to him right now.

        If she doesn’t need an order for that and doesn’t want the father of her kids to be arrested at some point, it’s not all that useful to her. And there are a lot of victims who don’t want their stalkers to be arrested for a variety of reasons. I think there’s a need here for solutions in addition to those offered by the criminal justice system.

  17. Mimi says:

    I literally am so sick of him and I’ve never even met him. He’s the biggest drama starter ever. Get help please and go away.

  18. Darcy P. says:

    What worries me is when you read articles about how unhinged Kanye’s behavior is, and you read the accompanying comments there are fools out there that are rooting for him and believe what he’s saying! I don’t know what is worse, his openly threatening and publicly toxic behavior to his ex-wife and kids, or the people out there that blindly follow and agree with him and claim his innocence and how he’s being “robbed.”

  19. RoniRoth says:

    I’m sorry, the part about the restraining order is not true. Judges do not issue restraining orders based on whether or not they think one party will or will not follow the order. I’ve been in a relationship where I had to get one. That’s not how they work.

  20. Anna says:

    Someone wrote “I guess conservatorship is only for women” and it just hits the nail on the head.

    • Steph says:

      He has no family. How would that work in the courts?

      • lunchcoma says:

        People with no family do sometimes have conservators, usually someone who does it as their job and is appointed by the court. He does have family, as well, even if he doesn’t have living parents or siblings. A cousin might be appointed, or perhaps someone he does business with.

        But the real barrier is that someone needs to start the proceedings. I don’t think anyone in his life particularly wants that. Kim doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life managing him herself, and it’s not as if someone else acting as his conservator would necessarily take away his phone.

  21. JustMe says:

    Having spent years with a partner who was an undiagnosed bi polar, I see Kayne as the same. Fixated on certain things and I can say he no doubt believes his version..that hes being shut out of the kids lives. And you can provide all the proof you want to the contrary but you won’t change his view. Also the religious fixation seeing himself as a priest of God…. my never been to church in 40 yrs partner suddenly wanted to start his own. And he is demonizing Kim and Pete and his paranoia (also symptom of bipolar) will have him spinning all sorts of lies.
    She thinks she can “handle” him and she can’t. And if the kids have seen him in a manic state they may be scared to be around him. When you have had someone ranting at you for hours and not be able to escape it is terrifying and exhausting

    If he doesn’t get help he will probably end up in jail and/or forced into treatment. I get anxiety just reading his posts as it brings back not so pleasant memories

  22. Luna17 says:

    Kim isn’t the primary caregiver of four young kids, the Nannie’s are! Every time I start to feel sorry for her she makes some stupid statement about about how women are all so lazy and we need to work more and I remember she kept pumping babies out with this idiot when it was obvious he wasn’t in a good place to parent but she is selfish and thinks she is entitled to everything she wants even if it affects innocent kids. Kanye sucks and I feel bad for the kids but maybe she should work more at this situation and stop being lazy?

    • serena says:

      “..she should work more at this situation and stop being lazy?” .. wow, that’s great victim blaming here.
      No matter what awful things Kim did/said in the past, nothing excuse Kanye’s behaviour and the fact Kim is a victmin of that. And it’s just shameful how some people love to bring back something she did when all they REALLY want to say is ‘she deserve this / she had it coming’.

  23. Miasys says:

    Probably unpopular opinion here, but speaking from experience. Kim is smart not to lock down a defined schedule of visitation. Kanye would absolutely take all of the time due him and based on his behavior, it would not be in the best interest of the children to be away from their school, stable parent, family, etc. She is going to be litigating with this idiot until their youngest reaches their majority, so she absolutely needs to pace herself and minimize what she gets loked into with him, related to custody and visitation. Keep giving him rope, he will get tangled up in it.

  24. serena says:

    He better don’t even try to drag Kim to court for custody because it will just see him pathetically lose. He’s full of BS, he keeps harrassing and verbally abusing the mother of his children, for months and then he even complain for a damn alien badge on a child’s backpack? Dude, stfu.

    I wish the kids wouldn’t go to his Sunday Service, tbh, as I image he just tell people he is god and a bunch of insanities the kids are better off not hearing as much as possible.

  25. Veronica S. says:

    He’s headed for a psychotic break, IMO. Paranoid delusions are a huge red flag for disintegrating mental health for his illness. Really hope Kim K is boosting her security because it could get ugly very quickly.