Trevor Noah used his platform on the Daily Show to talk about Kanye West this week. Trevor has personal history with this kind of thing – Trevor’s mother was the victim of domestic violence. Trevor’s stepfather tried to murder Trevor’s mother. Trevor has seen stalkers, harassers, and violent, toxic men close up. Trevor Noah sees that Kanye is the same. Kanye’s behavior has been triggering for so many survivors of domestic violence. Kanye’s behavior has emphasized, yet again, that even someone like Kim – with all of her money, access, connections and privilege – can still be victimized and terrorized privately and publicly by an intimate partner, in this case, a former partner. So, Trevor devoted a segment to the situation and he spoke with great depth and compassion about what Kim is dealing with. Kanye reacted by posting racist slurs at Trevor on Instagram. After that, Instagram suspended Kanye’s account for 24 hours.
Kanye West is being put in Instagram timeout after going after Kim, Pete, Pete’s writing partner and a racist attack on Trevor Noah.
A spokesperson for Meta tells us Kanye’s recent posts violated Instagram’s policies on hate speech, harassment and bullying. As a result, we’re told his account has been suspended for 24 hours — where he won’t be able to post, comment, send DM’s, among other things.
The spokesperson tells us they’ll take additional steps if further violations happen.
If you look on Kanye’s page, at least one post has been deleted already, where Yeezy repeatedly hurled racial slurs at Trevor Noah.
As you know … Kanye’s been lashing out at more than just Trevor on social media, he’s also posted and deleted a bunch of dirty laundry about estranged wife Kim Kardashian and her new boyfriend Pete Davidson, plus D.L. Hughley.
In all honesty, it’s surprising it’s taken this long … but supposedly the previous attacks — some of which could’ve been perceived as threats — just weren’t enough. Yeezy wouldn’t be the first big name to get the boot from Mark Zuckerberg’s app … remember, Kanye’s good friend Donald Trump got the heave-ho in the wake of the Jan. 6 riots.
This just says to me that Instagram/Meta’s policies are f–ked up if it’s taken this long for Kanye to trigger a suspension. He’s been engaging in targeted harassment for months now. It’s been creepy and disgusting this whole time. It sends the signal that harassing a woman (and your children!) is totally okay with Meta’s guidelines but unhinged racist stuff will get you briefly suspended. I’m not saying that racism shouldn’t trigger a suspension, mind you. I’m just saying that Kanye’s behavior on IG has been disturbing, threatening and harassing for a while. Anyway, deplatform Kanye permanently.
Here’s Trevor’s segment on Kanye and Kim. On the Daily Show’s YouTube channel, they’re running a fundraiser for the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
As someone who grew up watching my dad abuse my mom and continue to terrorize her throughout their divorce, Kanye’s behavior has been deeply triggering and I’ve had to delete social media to avoid seeing people treat this like a joke or blame Kim. Like Trevor, I’m South African and everyday we hear stories of woman being assaulted and murdered by their male partners. In fact our rates of gender based violence are comparable to a war zone. If seeing how Kim, with all her billions, is still not safe from an abusive partner please spare a thought and prayer for the countless SAn women who have no way to protect themselves and their children.
I’m sorry about your painful childhood. 🙁
Scary and dangerous that this is treated like entertainment.
I will spare (more than) a thought and prayer for you, your mom and all of the women in this world who experience DV. I hope you are in a safe place.
Same same, but opposite. In my case it was my mother doing the terrorizing and bringing violence into our family, but the results were identical. And because my dad was the one being traumatized, because of expected masculine roles, he never reached out for help at all. It’s incredibly sad. But the patterns are the same, and I am also very triggered by Kanye and worried for Kim and the kids.
Kanye is way off the rails and needs to stopped. I think Kim should triple her security.
I keep reading he hurled racial slurs , but I haven’t seen his posts. I know he’s a horrible person..and frankly, I don’t ever think he has been a good person. But I still wanted to see what he posted that finally put him over the top for suspension?!
It’s a twist on the Kumbaya hymm but he substituted the first three words for one that has four, starts with “c” and ends with “n.” Very Jesus-like indeed….
That’s some sermon he must be giving every week. No wonder Kim doesn’t want the kids going to his church.
It made my stomach turn when I saw what he wrote. That is depraved. He is in a place of so much hate, and has so little ability (or willingness?) to act with decency that I am scared for those around him. I absolutely would not under any circumstance leave children alone with him.
TMZ reported on the Instagram post yesterday.
Too little, too late, Instagram. They delayed too long on Trump and they delayed too long on Kanye. Why? Because both were going to suddenly pull back and do better? And a big 24 hour suspension for racism and harassment?
IGis owned by Facebook – oh, excuse me, Meta – and their community standards are a joke. Like, below sewer level. Completely overt racism that gets massive publicity or comments disparaging white men are the only two things that seem to violate their standards. I’ve reported so many misogynist comments, so many racist comments, and SO many anti-Semitic posts. None of them have ever been found in violation of whatever joke of a standard they have.
Twitter is as bad. I have reported numerous hate accounts and comments on there with nothing done.
Same. There is absolutely no point in reporting. Blocking or restricting works for an individual but that’s no use against the general onslaught. They only have a facade of standards.
I’m not sure if they’re just overwhelmed or all frat-boy douchebags at Facebook /Instagram /Twitter or deliberately exploiting a racist, sexist, fascist algorithm (like it really seems they are). Sewer is the right word.
It’s messed up. Misogyny and racism are equally important. Signed, a queer woc.
So far this obnoxiousness has not been a problem at It’s an alternative to Twitter and even FB.
Agree. 24 hours is not nearly enough. They should ban him for a month. Or even better, just kick him off completely.
I truly hope she’s in therapy to help deal with him and also has increased security for her family. I also hope there’s a Guardian Aad Litem involved who is noting all of his behavior in the assessment of child custody. I can’t imagine a court seeing all of this and thinking that unsupervised visits with Kanye are acceptable.
I have no words. Too bad Kanye does. He’s beyond horrid.
It needs to be permanent. It’s not like they haven’t seen him stalking her!
As someone who witnessed his Mother’s abusive relationship, and what Tevor Noah spoke of in his monologue is exactly what a lot of people are thinking. I mean if Kim Kardashian is not immune to harassment from an ex with all her wealth ad family support, then nobody is.
A couple of things Trevor Noah said,
‘People ask all the time, why doesn’t she just leave him?…this is why she doesn’t leave, because it gets worse.’
‘If Kim Kardashian with all her money and power cannot stop this, cannot stop harassment, what chance do normal women have?’
I’m so glad he said this. Women have been saying this forever but no one really listens until a man corroborates and makes it real.
The Kanye stories are triggering, as are all the responses to just get the legal system involved as though that’s any sort of real help.
I keep remembering poor Phil Hartman. Celebs are people, and get murdered by insane spouses just like everyone else is vulnerable.
It’s so bizarre what social media sites will ban you for. Sometimes the most benign thing will get you banned. But other times you can say the most violent and racist things and nothing happens.
Using #menaretrash will get your post deleted, however vile degrading misogyny is ignored. Meta is foul.
yeah, their system is ridic.
for years, TFG was on there trashing people, but if you QUOTED HIS WORDS EXACTLY, you’d get a time out. meanwhile he could spew whatever he wanted.
I got banned from twitter for having the handle “TooManyKarens” during the Rump PresiDunce-y. No hate speech, no violence, no racism, no peddling shit, no spamming. Just some racist snowflake mod who decided the name hit too close to home, I guess.
A good friend of mine got sent to FB (oh, I forgot — META) jail for 24 hours for stating he hopes someone takes Putin out. And yet the outright violent, demeaning, misogynistic crap gets by. SMH…
I was in FB jail for 24 hours once for calling out a Trumper Q person for their idiocy.
Kanye is only pulling the right cards to make him look morally superior to his wife. Alot, or nearly most, people utilize children as pawns in their fight against their ex partners. They pull the pity cards “oh but my child”.
Kanye is no exception here. If he cared about his children he would spend time with them, not harass their mother, and not make “jokes” about murdering their stepdads.
Typical, cookie cutter abusive behavior- to do these things, then to claim that they are the victims and innocent ones, and they just care SO MUCH.
I’m am so done with Kanye. This is just a slap on the wrist but it’s time he deals with the consequences of his actions.
And really I hope the court deems him an unfit parent, I wouldn’t want this pos nowhere near children.
I’m grateful that Congress re-authorized the Violence Against Women Act (though the “boyfriend loophole” which would keep people with domestic abuse convictions from buying guns was rejected by Republicans and the NRA, I know you are shocked)
I read Trevor Noah’s memoir thanks to my 10th grader’s English class earlier this year. I can almost assure you he is neither afraid nor intimidated by Kanye West’s silly immature antics. He grew up in apartheid S. Africa as a mixed-race child. He’s seen it all. Great read, if you are into it.
I’ve never watched a single minute of any of their shows, but no one deserves this kind of harassment. Period.
The vile racist slurs Kanye used are not “silly immature antics.”
I got rid of Twitter and FB, and made my IG private. I feel a lot cleaner.
Twitter got rid of me (see my comment upthread if you wish), I got rid of FB, and almost never visit my IG (kids request it be kept alive bc it’s mostly photos & vids of all of our pets). I do believe that IG, as a baby of FB, still tracks you across the web, so keep that in mind. FB (meta) still profits from your use of IG. IJS.
Yeah, I’m not even on IG anymore. Thinking now I’ll ban Kanye from my mental social media, as well.
Its interesting that Pete and Kim have been going through this for months now but they didn’t suspend the account until he went after someone who wasn’t intimately a part of the situation.
Meta: “Kim you married him, you brought this on yourself. Pete you slept with a married woman so you brought this upon yourself. Oh no! Trevor! You poor thing! You did nothing wrong, so we will block the bad man!”
So screwed up.
I don’t even think it is that, they didn’t suspend him after his death threats against DL. I really think it was the racism component of what he sent out and nothing more.
Good ! He should have been stopped long ago. He needs help. Someone get him some help before it’s too late.
he doesn’t want help. that’s the problem.
the only way, right now, that he’d get “help” is if it were involuntary. that is, the police or a doctor or a judge have to determine he is a danger to himself or others so he could be committed.
and, IMO, that time arrived a long time ago. and he made an explicit threat against DL Hughley, too.
I think, if Kim were so inclined, that she could (successfully) petition to have him committed. she probably doesn’t want to do that because of the kids, though.
It’s come up before and it turns out that he didn’t fit the criteria to be involuntarily committed in CA since he hadn’t issued any direct threats at that point. I don’t know if he does now but she probably doesn’t have the power since they’re divorced. Her only option is a restraining order but since she really wants to co-parent, she won’t pursue that yet.
I have FB but it is private and only to keep in touch with family members who live in different states (there’s ALOT of us) and all our doings and truthfully I only check in once every couple of months
Other than that NO IG, Twitter or any such thing.
My life is much better off without a ton of social media
This whole Kayne/Kim K situation has been giving me O.J. Simpson vibes from the very beginning and just continues to do so!! I don’t know what it will take before some serious legal recourse will be taken. And it really goes to show you how IF hugely powerful & celebrity, financially successful women like Kim Kardashian or Angelina Jolie can be abused, victimized and harassed by their ex-husbands in the public eye – CAN YOU IMAGINE how bad it is for the average woman who doesn’t have all that money, and resources??????
I mean Kayne has made songs about killing Pete Davidson, he is clearly (and has been for years) mentally unstable. This is not going to end well…I really wish he would get some fucking help. At least for the sake of his children!!
Trevor Noah’s commentary adds some much needed perspective to this situation, because too many misogynists have been reacting to this situation in an overly individualistic way. All they see is their negative feelings about the attention-seeking celebrity woman being abused, their desire to perform political incorrectness, and their need to use any wrongdoing on the victim’s part to justify their slut-shaming and victim-blaming. They can’t put the pipe or the bottle down. The bigger picture is lost on them. Even when people hate whoever an abusive man and MRAs are using to promote violence against women, they should still care enough to not want to be a part of that and to think about what it means for other girls, women, and abuse victims.
this is a great comment
I wish outlets wouldn’t refer to Kim as “his estranged wife.” She’s not. She’s his ex-wife. There’s a difference, and implying that she still in any way has marital obligations to him is taking his side.
It is so important that Trevor is bringing attention to this issue. I don’t know why more big-name media outlets aren’t doing segments about domestic abuse and calling Kanye out in real time. Maybe Trevor will get the ball rolling.
Wow, after Kanye posted abusive remarks about several people, including using slurs against T. Noah, Instagram suspended his account for 24 hours. A whole 24 hours. Gee, why were they so hard on him? With consequences like that, Instagram sure shows how seriously they take this sort of thing.
Yeah, I’m thinking of totally deactivating my IG account over this. F— dis bull—+.
I watched Evan Rachel Wood’s documentary last night. Good lord. The extent of the abuse , rape, torture is terrifying. How is this man (Marilyn Manson) still free and victimizing women?!?!
For the same reason R. Kelly and the Weinsteins and Jeffrey Epsteins etc. got away with it for so long — they’re surrounded by “yes” men and slimy lawyers.
The only part about this I disagree with him on is Eminem. Plenty of people at the time did call it out for its misogyny, and, while I agree Eminem isn’t as clearly mentally unwell, I do think we should be putting that kind of casual misogyny under the microscope now. At the end of the day, this isn’t about Pete; he’d hate any guy she dated. It’s about Kim and the way he’s floundering now that he no longer has control.