Duchess Kate wore Laura Green London to the Irish Guards: Sgt. Pepper-esque?

A happy keen St. Patrick’s Day to you and yours. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge actually appeared in person at the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade for 1st Battalion Irish Guards. They have not done this event since 2019! In 2020, the parade was canceled because most of the Irish Guards were overseas on a mission. The event was canceled last year because of the pandemic.

Considering Kate has many green coats in her closet, I wondered if she would do a repeat this year. At one point, Kate wore the exact same outfit in back-to-back years on St. Patrick’s Day, which is kind of bad form in my opinion (especially given that she does have so many green coatdresses). In any case, she bought a new coatdress for this year’s event. This dress is by Laura Green London, and I think this is the first time Kate has ever worn that label? The coat is totally Kate, from the prominent buttons to the militaristic elements. If there’s one thing Kate loves more than her precious buttons, it’s dressing up like Sgt. Pepper. She also wore a gold shamrock brooch which I believe is part of the Royal Collection. As in, she had to borrow it from the Queen. Also: does she have a random cloth “button” on the left side of her chest??

Of course the Irish Wolfhound “mascot” of the Irish Guards was there too. I’m sorry to say that Domhnall the Irish Wolfhound was retired in 2019 (they threw him a party and everything), so the new puppy is Turlough Mór, aka Seamus. I even found a video of Seamus!!! He’s very enthusiastic about his role.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar.

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143 Responses to “Duchess Kate wore Laura Green London to the Irish Guards: Sgt. Pepper-esque?”

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  1. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    This post is the best post because of Seamus. Who’s a good boy??? You are!! Yes!!!!!

    • liz says:

      Came to say the same thing! Seamus is such a good boy!

      • Trimmeddownmonarchyisboring says:

        George is obsessed with dogs says Katie to Seamus lol
        That coat looks like so many other coats she’s worn, there’s no momentum to see who made it. BORING! Can trimmed down monarchy be at least fashionable?!?

      • Eurydice says:

        @Trim – the problem is they trimmed away the interesting/fashionable members, so this is what they’re left with.

    • atorontogal says:

      Even Seamus isn’t happy to see Keenikins. His tail is tucked between his legs and he’s not looking at her. He is not a happy furdude.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ ITA. Dogs and children can sense bs from adult humans. Seamus is just doing his duty in these pics. Much like the pics of Kate with children and other dogs, Seamus ain’t happy in her presence.

      • equality says:

        She doesn’t appear to be a dog person. Dogs don’t like being patted on the head by people they don’t know. It’s seen as a dominance gesture.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I noticed that too atorontogal. That tail position is sending a message and not a good one.

    • Jan90067 says:

      The dog is gorgeous; the coat is hideous. If you’re doing green for St. Patrick’s Day, go GREEN, not a greenish blackish tone. And again, as usual, this abomination looks incredibly similar to others she has in the castle wing she must use as her personal closet (as does the hat).

      Honestly, does NO ONE catalogue her clothes, with pics and where/why she wore something?? It can be done *so* easily on computer now, unlike when Diana started, and when the other older women were curating clothes.

      While I agree with a lot of you, she has to be bribed with “new” to get off her lazy ass, FGS, shake it up a little!!!!

      And that extra button??? Is it to hang her imaginary titles/honors badges “one day”??? Or to loop the shamrock?? Looks *very* odd.

      • Jan90067 says:

        I can’t seem to edit anymore when on my laptop, so I’ll just add here:

        Are those *darts* or *nips* ????? Honestly, not sure!

      • Gingerbee says:

        I noticed that too. It looks like nips.

      • Anners says:

        I zoomed in – pretty sure those nipple bumps are where the darts end…but it seems to have been done purposefully to show that you are too cold in that coat (or very excited) both of which seem like odd choices for fancy rich people.

        I think that extra chest button is for hanging the shamrock bunch, but makes sense that Kate would ask for MOAR BUTTONS!!!! She is a lunatic.

        The dog is cute and deserved a better day.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Jan- this coat looks kinda teal to me… definitely not a proper green for St. Patty’s Day.

      • Debbie says:

        Yeah, I noticed them too. It’s very unusual to have nipples of doom on a coat, but Buttons Galore manages to do it. Bless her heart.

    • PaulaH says:

      I notice there are very few pictures of Williams dressed in military attire with so many medals. I wonder if he knows anything about those medals and the uniform he wears. He probably assumes it’s for some war in Africa or Asia.

      • Juliane says:

        Well, he did attend Sandhurst and he WAS in the military for 10 years so I suspect he probably knows what all the bits and pieces are called.

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s just too bad he’s not aware of recent military history like the war in the balkans. I guess Sandhurst doesn’t teach history.

    • MerlinsMom1018 says:

      I am ALL in for Seamus!!!!

  2. Becks1 says:

    Okay, where we were with the bingo predictions from the other day?

    I said she would wear a new coat – check. Someone said there would be buttons and some military cosplay – check. And I remember @Lightpurple said the greens wouldn’t go together. Check.

    (I think the random button on the left may be to pin the shamrock?)

    • YaGotMe says:

      Yes, it is all quite predictable at this point. I suspect we shall cross off botox, haggard and photoshop along with posture (which is atrocious) and the pointy boobs (also atrocious).

      Seamus is the BESTEST BOY!!!

      • Becks1 says:

        DEFINITELY some photoshop going on here. I wonder if she got touched up between the Denmark trip and this week, in preparation for the tour?

      • Mia1066 says:

        The posture is something else! It’s worse as time goes on, perhaps related to how thin she is. Interesting how no one mentions her weight anywhere by the RR and just praises how slim she is.

        Weird pointy boobs. Is it a dart?

      • Jais says:

        The posture of Kate and William frustrates me more than maybe anything. They have to see pictures of themselves and why haven’t they once thought to work on their posture? I’m not saying it’s easy by any means and takes real commitment to exercise specific muscles and correct. But it helps with future back pain and would convey more confidence and regality. It’s not like they don’t have the time to put towards this. Feel like I might be having an overreaction to this but it’s a pet peeve.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        For someone who allegedly does yoga regularly her posture is appalling. Sometimes I think its maybe the fit of the clothes (which is also bad) or its just a sub conscious reaction to being in a situation she is uncomfortable with i.e. working.

      • Mia1066 says:

        Jais I’m 22 years Kate’s senior and I worked on my posture in my 50s because of arthritis issues and it wasn’t too hard. Plus she works out daily, presumably has a trainer. A few pilates exercises would sort that. It’s really bodes ill for 20 years time. I keep wondering about osteoporosis with Kate as well.

    • Layla says:

      @becks1 you win this round becks, but I told you, MilItAry CoWpLay!

    • Lexilla says:

      How does the button help pin the shamrock? It looks like the shamrock is pinned to the coat directly? Help, I never took physics.

      • YaGotMe says:

        The big blob of flowers is pinned to the button. My guess is that blob is heavy and so the button was reinforced and designed knowing she would be wearing the large blob of flowers — the gold brooch is pinned to the dress itself above said blob.

        Physics teacher 😉

    • C-Shell says:

      BINGO! Intentionally mismatching hues of a color, when done right, can elevate an outfit, but Khate has never successfully pulled that off (if that’s even what she’s attempting). I actually like the hat — that’s the color she should have gone with — but I guess she wanted us all to know the coat dress is new, hence the off-color. 🙄

    • Lightpurple says:

      Yes, I did say that! And there she is, coat, hat, and shoes all different shades of green! It is not necessary to get all 40 shades of green at once, Kate. I do like the shoes but that’s about it.

      But most importantly, Seamus is a good boy!

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Did anyone have, “Go braless and show my headlights” on their bingo card? No? Me neither.

      TLDR bood darts?

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        NotSoSocialB, my first thought was that Keenless was wearing a gossamer bra that doesn’t support anything. Now that you’ve made that comment I can’t unsee it, because she does look like she doesn’t have a bra on–is that in honor of all of the men there?

      • Harper says:

        Are all her bras packed already and on their way to the Caribbean?

      • Rapunzel says:

        Even braless, such an expensive bespoke coat should be lined properly and not show her nipples. Especially if she wears a dress underneath. She’s not Dolly Parton or anything.

      • Ripley says:

        Maybe it’s her way of saying, “Solidarity, Sister” to the Queen.

      • Sera Quell says:

        @Ripley – Kate doesn’t do ‘solidarity, sister’. She is usually on the opposing side of ‘solidarity, sister’

  3. Guest says:

    The dogs cute. That’s about all I get from these photos. I can not believe she bought a new dress of the same dresses she already has.

    • BeanieBean says:

      At this point, she’s got a lot of nerve buying a new coat dress. She’s got dozens up on dozens of ’em, all colors, lengths, and fabric weights. She has zero need of a new coat dress for any event for at least the next ten years, because we all know she’s not going to gain weight & style doesn’t matter, as they’ve never been in style.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      This was my first thought. Why spend money on a new coatdress? So wasteful when she’s got a closet full of green clothes from previous cosplays.

  4. Lorelei says:

    She bought ANOTHER new green coatdress? SMH, she’s ridiculous. This one is kind of cheap-looking, imo— maybe it’s the belt? Or that faux-button or whatever it is that Kaiser referred to?

    There are plenty of times I dislike what she’s wearing, but it’s not very often that I think her clothing looks ‘cheap’ — but for some reason this one does.

    ETA: @Becks that makes sense that the little disc thing is there to pin the shamrock on. But couldn’t they have thought of a better way? It looks so stupid, lol.

    • Becks1 says:

      this was probably the conversation:

      “we want a way to pin the shamrock without having to pin the coat itself.”

      Kate: “Add a button!”

      Designer: “no, we think we can come up with something better, let us think about – ”

      Kate: “ADD.A.BUTTON.”

      • Rapunzel says:

        None of her other Saint Patrick’s coats had such a button though. And the button is the exact fabric of the coat so it came from the designer. Meaning this was bespoke and unpricable, as usual. Did the designer not want a pinhole? Weird, because wouldn’t sewing on the disc be worse?

        I wonder if this was a loaner and the designer put the button on cause it’s coming back to her and she didn’t want a pin prick.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Rapunzel good point about the loaner, except that she did pin the brooch to it. Maybe they were concerned the flowers would be heavier and pull more on the material?

        Either way, it was a weird choice.

      • Julia K says:

        Unsure about being a loaner coat; who else could possibly fit into that size zero? Looks like it was made specifically to fit her measurements. No returns on a bespoke garment, not even for her.

      • Chicken Tetrazzini! says:

        It could be a magnet. Padded to allow for the flowers to be pinned and also make it easier to do so, while not pulling at the fabric of the coat.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        Is it possible that a matching button is missing from the other side? I can see that perhaps they /it might be an anchor button for those massive, floppy lapels should one choose to wear it as an open neck? Like, is there an elastic loop on the underside of the lapel?

    • Mia1066 says:

      This coat is £3200 plus whatever for bespoke big button. 4200 usd for something she’ll wear once. Hope the UK think they get their money’s worth..

  5. TIFFANY says:

    I am in love with Seamus.

    That is all.

  6. Sofia says:

    I wonder if she picked this designer because her last name is “Green” and is St. Patrick’s day so she’s got to have green, even in the designer’s name. I am (partially) joking 😉

    • C says:

      LOL, I had the same thought. “A green dress by Laura Green. Not surprised.”

    • Nic919 says:

      Honestly that’s probably how it happened.

      There was no need for another new green military cosplay outfit. But kate is gonna spend money whenever she can. The trend toward military themes for this is unnecessary though. It’s very fascistic especially for an event that is about celebrating Ireland itself.

    • Lorelei says:

      Hello magazine published a hilarious story today featuring a “colour expert” revealing “The REAL reason Kate wears green!” and the entire article is inane — apparently she wears a lot of green because a) it complements her eye color; and b) she’s drawn to green “because of its connections to nature – and it’s well known how much the Duchess likes to be outdoors.”

      But this was my favorite quote, and now I’m tempted to go back and see what their commentary was when Meghan wore green:

      “A person wearing green will exert an impression of composure, rationality and stability,” said Gabriella. “More specifically, Kate’s pine greens evoke a sense of aspiration, sophistication and prosperity, while her olive shades induce feelings of wisdom, self-love and feminine leadership qualities.”

      These people positively twist themselves into knots trying to attribute all of these well-thought-out, sentimental, ‘diplomatic’ motivations for every. single. thing. Kate wears. I really don’t think she’s that deep.

      Although they did get the “aspiration” right (:

  7. girl_ninja says:

    “Look everyone! I pet dogs like Duchess Meghan too.” Blech.

  8. Zut alors says:

    At this point, all the coat dresses start to look alike. Like, how many variations can she wear and doesn’t it seem she has them all?

    • SAS says:

      I literally thought it was the same outfit she’s worn multiple times. It’s obscene by now.

      • BeanieBean says:

        ‘Obscene’, that’s the word I want. At this point, she has no need to ever buy another coat dress. Actually, she’s past the point where she needed to buy a new coat dress. It is, as you say, obscene.

      • L84Tea says:

        I did too. I thought this was a repeat because it looks so similar to previous ones she’s worn to this event. Now that she’s post-zoom-era, Kate wants to really make up for lost button time and wear as many new coats as she can.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I actually thought it was a repeat as well, but then I noticed that the buttons are leather which she has never worn before. And why would you want a dress coat with those darts? CopyKeen is obscene with her extravagant spending!! She has hundreds of coat dresses, jewelry, bags and shoes but it’s never enough. 😵 She also seems to be wearing new jewelry as well.

        Though Seamus was truly regal today!! He is beautiful!! I love dogs!!

      • Lorelei says:

        @L84Tea, she no longer has the incentive to appear “thrifty” with all of the rewears since she was only doing those more in order to make Meghan’s spending look worse in comparison.

        Now that Meghan’s gone, there’s no need for her to pretend she’s just like the peasants by wearing items of clothing more than once.

    • Merricat says:

      It’s weird that she spends so much money to essentially wear the same coat dress time after time after time.

      • Lorelei says:

        They basically all look exactly the same to me. The only way I can tell if one is new or a repeat is by reading it here.

  9. Woke says:

    How many variations of a green coat does one need ? She looks great nothing transcendent about this look.

  10. Kaye says:

    She certainly looks more regal with her hair not hanging down her back.

    • superashes says:

      True. I think she looks nice generally, with the hair and hat. I just wish the Coat had either a belt or buttons, and in all events nothing on the shoulders and a less dramatic collar. Other than that, I like the color and the length and the hat, the darts are a bit unfortunate but I suppose that just is what it is.

    • notasugarhere says:

      300/hour to weave her weave in to all those knots, plus the roughly 5000 in new clothes today. Such a waste.

  11. Cessily says:

    Love the Irish wolfhounds, great dogs.

  12. YaGotMe says:

    This is one of those stuffy dresses? coats? that looks to be made with divine fabrics and details and I have no idea where I would ever wear it.
    I do love a good hat though and that one isn’t it, the hat needed feathers or something different colored to blend with the green in stead of being an obvious different and not complimentary shade.

  13. MsIam says:

    Just waiting for People magazine to proclaim these pictures “Stunning!”. And be on the cover of course. Sigh.

  14. Bean says:

    She could have worn a bra.

    • OriginalLaLa says:

      what is going on in the boobage area? the coat can’t be so thin that her nips are pointing through? (I’m not judging if they are, I refuse to wear bras anymore lol), or is it some weird design feature?

      • SAS says:

        It’s darts in the coat, very standard design feature but the photo is at an odd angle/light hits it in a way which really made me look twice.

      • phaedra says:

        I came here to comment on that. How on earth does one nip out under a wool coat???? That’s an almost an accomplishment.

      • Nic919 says:

        This wouldn’t be the first coat that she has with darts set up like that. Seeing as how it’s bespoke it shouldn’t happen but this is Kate.

      • Lorelei says:

        Kate had the same boob-dart issue with her wedding gown, which was amazing to me…they had literally *all of the money and resources in the world to make that dress absolutely perfect*, yet the darts were SO overly prominent. I even remember seeing comparisons to Madonna’s boob-cones on the day of W&K’s wedding.

        Aside from those boob darts, I actually loved Kate’s wedding gown, but they were so distracting.

      • Nic919 says:

        This is what she wants. Nothing is an accident.

      • Dee says:

        Kate’s gown had the basic structure of Princess Margaret’s dress, including the boob darts. Kate told Burton to add embroidery and lace.

    • Randie says:

      Exactly! It looks awful!

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Whether it’s darts or nips, it is a terrible look for someone often professed to be ‘regal and elegant’ by RR’s and fans. Or, someone who is suppose to be future future queen. Queen of Nips and protocol.

  15. Kalana says:

    Every time Kate shows up to this, I remember the time she tried to get out of attending because she didn’t want them to expect her to show up every year. The arrogance of painfully shy Kate Middleton.

    • BeanieBean says:

      She didn’t just try, she actually did not show up. I’m sure she’ll bail in the future, too.

      • Lorelei says:

        @BeanieBean, after the “didn’t want to create expectations” line got such bad press, wasn’t the second reason given that she wanted to spend time with the children since there was a tour (or something?) coming up?

        Either way, she had the cojones to show up the next day with very obviously freshly colored hair, so we know she spent a good chunk of hours at the hair salon on St. Patrick’s Day.

  16. Harper says:

    Sorry, the coat is ugly. I do not like the fabric and the color is so so dull and washed out. Also, this pic could be from three years ago, she styles herself the same boring way for this gig and I think the Irish deserve much more from her. When I think of Irish and St. Paddy’s Day I think of a grand old time and lots of laughing and singing. Kate thinks of a dull green buttoned up, prim and proper look. She should try harder. Yes, dress respectably but have some fun with the day. Boring.

    • Jais says:

      Agree about the color. Of all the shades of green to choose from, this one is dull and fairly similar to what she’s worn before. Of all the times to cosplay or find inspiration from Meghan, she could choose a green that pops. I guess this is supposed to be in line with the military theme though. Maybe I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t so similar to other things she’s worn.

      • Babz says:

        Meghan’s emerald green ensemble at the Commonwealth service is the perfect shade of green for St. Patrick’s Day. Happy, joyful, exuberant, celebratory. Why Kate insists on this forest green color is beyond me. It’s a sumptuous color, and she wears it well, but it’s too somber for the day. It’s more of an autumn/winter color rather than a green worn three days away from spring.

  17. Colby says:

    All the money in the world and this woman cannot turn a look. I truly, truly do not understand. What a waste.

  18. Ann says:

    The darts are unfortunate and distracting. I would refuse to wear anything with darts that ended . . . . THERE.

    • Bab says:

      The darts remind me of the skin tight green dress she wore to Wimbledon in 2019 with Meghan. Same darts that had people speculating for days if she was actually showing nips – that dress was so tight, you could see practically everything she had on underneath, and I’m still not sure which one it was – darts or nips.

  19. Amy says:

    The cloth button is to hold the corsage, you can see some more pictures of it tatler.com website.

    • KFG says:

      Thats so rude and condescending. I don’t want that corsage to touch my hideous coat add a weird button!

  20. Krista says:

    *sigh* Boob darts. Hate them so much. Is there no other way to increase volume in the chest area without them??

    I kind of like this coat….but the hat should have been a contrasting colour instead of trying to “compliment” the coat. Black maybe?

  21. Amy Bee says:

    Given she has several green coats, did she have to buy another one especially as she looks no different from previous years?

    • Jezz says:

      Is this green or grey?

      • Jais says:

        Lol it’s either a greenish grey or a greyish green.

      • BeanieBean says:

        It’s sort of a grey-green, that’s why the hat doesn’t really go, because that’s a truly green hat while the coat has grey in it.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        I thought it looks more blueish-green. It’s a very odd blue undertones. Either way, it’s hideous!

        And where is Billiam? Has his number of “work” engagements exceeded 2 this week already and he refused to go? Or is it that CopyKeen was going as well?

      • Nic919 says:

        I saw him in a few photos but he probably kept his distance as much as he could without looking too obvious.

  22. Che says:

    The forward head with the body slouch is Queen Betty at 80+. Kate got an early jump on imitating Betty’s posture. Keep it up and in 5 years she’ll be looking down more than up.

    • C says:

      This is what I was thinking. For a woman who’s never done a real day’s work in her life, she sure has a desk-job posture.

      • L84Tea says:

        That’s what happens when you spend hours a day feverishly combing the internet for pictures of your sister in law and tinkering with your Meghan Pinterest board. That’s a job in itself!

    • Tigerlily says:

      True she has all the resources but her clothing falls short most of the time. And she’s tall and slim! For me that’s frustrating as I’m five feet f*ck all and her choices are endless. Her posture also makes me wonder if she’s got early osteoporosis from not eating properly plus cigarettes. She’s certainly at risk for it.

  23. rawiya says:

    The hat/hair combo is terrible today. Maybe it’s the angle of the hat. I dunno. It’s all so blah.

  24. Over it says:

    That first picture, the far away shot that hasn’t been airbrushed, really shows how much Kate face is falling apart.

  25. LittlePenguin says:

    I think Seamus has more buttons than Kate on his coat! Is that even allowed?

  26. Idontremember says:

    This is a woman with very little imagination.

  27. Andrea says:

    Wow, she isnt weating a bra is she? Is there nothing but undies under that coatdress? Can we also discuss the elephant in the room too?

    • YaGotMe says:

      Is the elephant how outdated the assertion is that women need to strap down their breasts ?

      • Kalana says:

        I thought Kate’s whole schtick is to represent tradition? She’s expected to wear tights and only pink or clear nail polish and surely a bra?

    • Jaded says:

      She’s thinned down to the point where she likely wears padded bras to fill out her dresses properly — it’s the darts in the coat that look pointy.

      • Merricat says:


      • Andrea says:

        Those are darts inside the coat? I have never seen that before.

        The elephant in the room is how thin she appears.

        As for braless, I once met my ex’s new girlfriend(we were really good friends afterwards). She showed up at brunch in a white t shirt sans bra. It was definitely a power move. I found it a bit tacky for her to do that. I have large breasts (36DD) and cannot imagine being in public, particularly a public event as a public figure braless. Maybe that is just me.

  28. Chaine says:

    The Fail says her coat cost $4,200. Why?!! Drab and ill-fitting and dowdy as all get out.

  29. Eurydice says:

    At this point, I think boring is her superpower. Like the Queen, with her colored coats, floral dresses, matching hat and little handbag – Kate’s picked her lane. And it’s part of the old monarchical “slow, steady, calm, we’ve been here for a 1,000 years” vibe. Of course, it’s all a fiction, but it plays into that old British upper class attitude of the “perfectly imperfect” – looking too good, standing up too straight, it’s middle class and suspicious and smacks of trying too hard.

  30. Pentellit says:

    Kate fawning over the mixed-race kid for show… The End!

    • Nic919 says:

      Yeah I saw that too. The little girl isn’t even looking at her most of the time.

    • Nic919 says:

      There is even a photo of her touching the little girl’s hair as the girl is facing away. Almost looks like she is petting her like a dog. Not a good look at all.

      • Gill says:

        The DM has 11 different pics of her fawning over the mixed race girl, a couple of her looking broody at a baby but completely blanking the other kids in the photos…also funny how the little girl is the only one named by the article #verymuchnotaracistfamily #lookatmewiththelittlebrownchild SMH

      • Babz says:

        Twitter is giving her hell for touching that baby’s hair. She’s so clueless about invading people’s space. They’re saying it’s not the sweet innocent gesture she seems to think it is.

      • Debbie says:

        @Babz: T’isn’t.

      • Nic919 says:

        She’s okay with touching a child she has never met before without their permission but she could not even bother with eye contact for her own nephew. This is a PR attempt to try to pretend that she doesn’t have issues with people who aren’t lily white just before the holiday to the Caribbean.

  31. Naptime says:

    Kaiser dragging Kate’s fashion never gets old to me 😂

  32. Sue says:

    Eh, looks about the same as she always wears to this event. When she does actually go to it.

  33. Che says:

    Looking at the photos it is easy to forget what decade is being portrayed. I get it now ! This is an attempt to glorify a past in which the current generation was a non factor (the peasants). No need to rewrite history, just stay in an imagined past and keep cosplaying with coat dresses and stolen royal booty. The royal rota will keep you afloat.

  34. Lionel says:

    I’m just here for Seamus.

  35. Over it says:

    I feel Kate is due a vacation. I have never seen her work so much so close together. Commonwealth day, st.Patrick day. Now a Caribbean tour. Chicka was not built to withstand this many engagements so close together. After that Caribbean vacation. Sorry I meant work trip. She will be needing to stop off in another Caribbean island for another vacation to recover from that vacation. Easter holidays can’t come soon enough for the poor overworked soul

  36. Isabella says:

    Honestly, this is such a dumb job. It would make me weep.

  37. kelleybelle says:

    Yes, The Travelling Coatdress indeed …

  38. Julia K says:

    I do have to wonder what Prince Charles business office thinks when the bill arrives for all these new clothes. Does he even know what he’s paying for? Camilla rewears clothes in public on a regular basis. I wonder if she questions if all this spending if necessary? Does Kate have to answer to anyone for her unlimited clothes budget?

    • Nic919 says:

      Charles must notice but it’s likely the only way to get her to do anything at this point.

  39. dido says:

    in addition to cosplaying Rose Hanbury, Diana, and Meghan, she’s not cosplaying the Queen. That’s why she has all these coat dresses in so many colours.

  40. Thelma says:

    Why can’t the Royals wear good bras? I know some people don’t want to wear bras but for an official function I would think it would be important to be well fitted.

  41. MoonTheLoon says:

    Sgt. Pepper was art directed and had more life than this. Looks like another day in the Keen Kosplay Universe, to me. Ick.

  42. Twinkle says:

    She spends so much money on the most boring clothes. Her fashion is such a snore!

  43. Mrs. Smith says:

    JFC—$4200 for that coat dress?? I do not get it.

  44. Merricat says:

    Her sense of style is so literal, I’m sure someone once told her she looked nice in a coat dress, so it’s been coat dresses ever since, with occasional fashion-literal references to other women she admires or feels competitive toward/threatened by. If one has no imagination, literal references are all that’s possible.

  45. Red Weather Tiger says:

    Seamus is as cute as cute can be. I adore that breed and wish they lived longer!!

    Kate’s costly coat is truly terrible. That ugly, narrow, pointy collar is so severe; makes her look like she just blew in from some authoritarian regime. And the nips! Does she have NO ONE who might be bold enough to tell her that a garment is just godawful? Or do her wardrobe people hate her?

  46. tw says:


  47. why says:

    why must everything look so… costume-y when it comes to kate
    so much money but the lack style

  48. Misha Nova says:

    She looks like she stepped off the pages of Vogue, circa 1910. These clothes are aging her. She needs a new stylist, if you ask me.