“Happy Easter holiday, give Zack Tahhan his reward money” links

Give Zack Tahhan the reward money!! He saw the subway shooter Frank James and called it in. He’s a hero and he deserves more than the $50K reward money! [Gawker]
Alec Baldwin defends having dozens of babies. No, that’s not Hilaria speaking Spanish in the background, those are the voices of two Baldwin staffers. [Dlisted]
David Cronenberg’s Crimes of the Future looks bonkers. [OMG Blog]
Joe Manganiello’s dog Bubbles hates Sofia Vergara. [Just Jared]
Netflix fired Frank Langella for sexual harassment. [LaineyGossip]
The Barbie movie’s development has been a wild ride. [Pajiba]
Is Julia Fox trying to get a bra line? [Go Fug Yourself]
President Biden will sign an executive order on policing. [Towleroad]
What’s in Madelaine Petsch’s bag? [Egotastic]
Lizzo has new music! [Seriously OMG]
What are the worst interior design trends of this current era? [Buzzfeed]

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11 Responses to ““Happy Easter holiday, give Zack Tahhan his reward money” links”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    I am not at all surprised that that Bad Vegan conman reared his lying thieving head again. My goodness people can we stop entertaining these gross people. Now that f**ker has a new last name from his new “wife” and new identity to swindle other desperate people.

  2. Jan90067 says:

    I woke up to the news of the shooting in the subway in Brooklyn. It wasn’t far from where my nephew lives, and I knew he’d just started a new job (TA at an elem. school teaching drama), and he might’ve been on that train going to work. My heart was beating triple time in my throat until I knew he was safe (he was already at work; his school was in lockdown though because of it).

    Zack deserves the reward AND more. Thank God for people like him who care enough to get involved!

  3. Julia K says:

    That sweet baby girl in the Baldwin video looks like Ireland.

  4. Dee says:

    Careful, sometimes self-promotion looks like heroism. Hashtagging your own name is the most bizarre thing. Besides, haven’t we confirmed that the guy himself called in the tip that led to his arrest?

    • DiegoInSF says:

      Yeah I thought he turned himself in???

    • Tiffany:) says:

      They guy called himself in…but he told them that the wanted man was at a McDonalds, but he wasn’t at McDonalds.

      Both can be true. The shooter could have placed a call, and also Zack could have flagged cops down and pointed to where the wanted man was currently. It doesn’t have to be “either/or”.

    • Elizabeth says:

      For the social media generation, that is so normal. Just about everyone hashtags everything, follows trending hashtags, and sites will sometimes even suggest hashtags.

      The article says – “Frank allegedly called the cops on himself and told them to meet him at an East Village McDonald’s. He got bored of waiting and ambled to St. Mark’s Place, when he was recognized by a guy named Zack Tahhan and possibly two others.”

  5. Stacey Dresden says:

    Bad interior design trends: 1) painted hardwood floors (beautiful but come on, how is that possibly going to hold up with basic everyday activity) 2) spending too much money to achieve lavish design 3) utilitarian light fixtures 3) loud, trendy prints that won’t stand the test of time and all your friends chose as well…I could go on

    • Jaded says:

      Totally agree. And let’s not forget grey. I am so sick of seeing every shade of grey possible with the occasion pop of burgundy or lime green.

      • Victoria says:

        It’s the barn yard/farmhouse look for me and the live laugh love (puke) signs for me. I live in the city. I do not want to live on a farm. I’m lazy. Dammit.

        Also I loved the article about Joe Manganiello’s dog. That is hilarious! And I <3 chihuahuas

      • Jillibillijean says:

        My bedroom walls are gray, except one, but it kinda has a lavender hue and gray has always been one of my favorite colors lol so I have did it like that cuz I love it, not cuz of any trends