Prince William has ‘a notably short fuse,’ is ‘difficult to handle’ & he screams at staff

It’s particularly crazy that I expected Tina Brown’s royal book to be the big tea-spilling tell-all which would drive royal gossip for weeks, and it turns out that all of the actual royal tea is in Robert Jobson’s biography of Prince William. As soon as the description of Jobson’s bookWilliam at 40: The Making of a Modern Monarch – came out, we realized that something might be up. Jobson describes William as “off-hand and volatile” and lacking in deference towards his father and grandmother. Jobson’s book has been excerpted in the Daily Mail, and now we can see Jobson’s whole game here. Under the guise of lavishing William with praise, Jobson is (accidentally?) telling the truth about William’s racism, his verbal abuse of family and staff, his hypocrisy and his deeply temperamental nature, all of which is a blaring alarm that William is a huge problem, a bomb waiting to go off in the heart of the monarchy. Some highlights:

Charles finds both of his sons moody: To this day, Charles admits he often finds it difficult to gauge both William and Harry’s occasionally unpredictable moods. ‘They both have quite extreme mood swings, just as Diana did,’ said a former courtier. ‘She could be your best friend one minute and the next your worst enemy.’

William’s short fuse: In private, the Duke of Cambridge has a notably short fuse. His fiery temper can blow up at any time – usually when he’s frustrated or when it comes to issues regarding his family. Even senior members of his circle will ‘check which way the wind is blowing’ before becoming too self-assured in his presence or raising problematic issues that might be better addressed at another time. Other insiders confide that William can be an emotional character who is, on occasion, ‘difficult to handle’.

William & Kate fight too: In common with many other established couples, he and Catherine – whom he married in 2011 but has been dating since around 2003 – are known to have heated exchanges from time to time. ‘He can be a bit of a shouter when he loses it,’ one close aide admitted. ‘It’s fair to say the Duke and the Duchess give as good as they get if their disagreement results in raised voices. But they know each other so well, it usually blows over quickly – and she is, on the whole, a major calming influence on him.’ Friends say the key to the marriage’s success is that it’s an equal partnership – even if that involves the occasional blistering row. ‘They’ve got a solid relationship and she gives him confidence,’ one says. ‘There is no jealousy, no friction – they are happy for each other’s successes.’

William’s belligerence & lack of deference: Sometimes, the level of William’s belligerence has shocked his father, who’s always loathed confrontation. The result is that Charles tends to tread carefully when dealing with his heir, and fails to pull him up on his lack of respect. As a senior former member of the Royal Household explains, William sometimes appears to forget that there’s a hierarchy in which he ranks below his father. ‘When it comes to his father, it is as if William thinks they are, as direct heirs to the throne, on a level.’ Another well-placed source agreed: ‘Deference doesn’t appear to be in his vocabulary when it comes to his father.’

On the Meghan-bullying-staff stories: The stories alarmed William, who has always tried to be polite and cordial to those who work for him. On the rare occasions he’s exploded, he’s always apologised afterwards.

William’s simmering resentment: During an official tour of Southern Africa, Harry spoke publicly for the first time about his strained relationship with his brother. At the time, William kept silent but staff were aware of his simmering resentment. ‘To say William felt deeply let down would be an understatement. He wasn’t sure if he could ever fully trust his brother again,’ said one member of his circle.

The Sussexit: William, meanwhile, was said to be seething. After the summit, he went for a long walk with his brother to try to clear the air – but they did not part friends.

Who spoke to Harry about the baby’s skin color? So who said it? The couple subsequently ruled out the Queen and Prince Philip, and I can also rule out Prince Charles. I’ve been told who was responsible, and I’m convinced the remark was made during a light-hearted exchange. As one source told me: ‘It was not meant to be taken seriously, and the entire situation has been taken out of context. What followed is frankly unfair and appalling.’ Not surprisingly, Harry’s remarks infuriated William. ‘We are very much not a racist family,’ he told reporters afterwards.

[From The Daily Mail]

I mean… wow, this is supposed to be a “nice” biography of William ahead of his 40th birthday. Just the idea that William would get his panties in a bunch about the vague reports that Meghan “bullied staff,” when it sounds like William has the franchise on that completely. It sounds like he terrorizes his staff and all underlings, throwing tantrums and screaming with little to no provocation. The thing about William and Kate screaming at each other too… well, at least we know why Kate’s birthday message was that William is an unhinged, temperamental crybaby and only she can soothe him. Meanwhile, Jobson basically confirms that William was the one who said sh-t to Harry about the baby’s skin color. Which I think all of us knew already, but thanks to William’s biographer for confirming it!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Instar.

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189 Responses to “Prince William has ‘a notably short fuse,’ is ‘difficult to handle’ & he screams at staff”

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  1. Digital Unicorn says:

    Wow. We r seeing so many of these stories about him in these ‘biographies’, someone is out to out him.

    The Kweens are not nice people and it seEms to me that the tables r turning on them and the press r hinting on the tea they have on them, him in particular.

    • Persephone says:

      Tables are definitely turning.

      • Noki says:

        The tables are def turning. Also over the weekend the Harry stories were a little nicer too. If the BM no longer have the Sussexes to drag through the mud they have to start going after the next exciting thing.

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      This is why they “needed” Harry. Because Bulliam is a bitter pill and no one likes dealing with him. Harry is more affable and considerate as well as sympathetic. When it comes to Cain as POW or, god forbid—and, I mean, please forbid it!—king, who among the staff is going to be willing to stay, and who is going to be ratting him out to the Rata every friggin’ day until the citizens storm the castle? I’ll bet Harry truly is the only one who could once pacify TOBB, not Khate, but once Harry left, that became yet another attribute they lay upon her unqualified, slouchy shoulders.

      • “Wow” was the exact same reaction I had to this. I can’t believe they actually confirmed it was William that made the racist comment. The Keens chickens are coming home to roost.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Don’t know if they are “out to get him,” but I suspect most of the leaks come from the Middletons. That’s why they get to control the narrative so much, because the tabloids know they have a golden “inside information” goose.

  2. Oh_Hey says:

    “On the rare occasions he’s exploded, he’s always apologised afterwards.“

    And there’s your update on the bully investigation- dead cause too many other folks were doing real actual workplace hostility to cover it up if asked.

    Also a remark from a white person about a POC persons skin color, even and especially someone mixed race, is never a joke or at least not one that’ll ever be funny.

    • Lemons says:

      It’s NEVER a joke. White people who are never questioned don’t seem to understand that. One of the reasons my ex is my ex. Too many “jokes” that I told him weren’t funny. Looks like H&M were tired of having to remind William that his comments in jest are not as funny as he thinks.

    • Amanda says:

      *That* stood out to me the most…almost as if saying, “Yeah he said it, but he was only joking, you guys!! You’re so sensitive lately!”

      • I can’t believe the balls they have to say it was a joke. It was racist and that’s the end of it. If he was comfortable making these comments to Harry I can only imagine what he was saying behind their backs. He is despicable.

      • Gabby says:

        Jobson ruled out Charles but that still leaves us the KKKate possibility. That Jobson says it was “lighthearted” may point to her, becuase who ever had a lighthearted exchange with TOB? She is a known terrible person and was so jealous of Meghan.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Jobson writes that he “believes” that it was a light-hearted comment, not that it was. He’s doing that do try to reduce the damage and reframe the whole thing. I really believe that it is William because it being known that he is racist would be extremely damaging to him as future HoS and someone who’s presenting himself as an anti-racism crusader.

      • Nic919 says:

        The comment was made to Harry alone and it’s unlikely that Kate deals with him very much in private. William is the only real option once charles is ruled out especially because Meghan wouldn’t be calling kate a good person if she made the racist joke.

    • Jay says:

      Yeah, I can’t decide if I’m more outraged by the rationalization that he “always apologizes” after lashing out even more than the idea that a discussion about Harry’s future children was “lighthearted”.

      Both are HUGE red flags, and redirect responsibility for whatever was said back on to the listener: “But I apologized…I SAID I was sorry, jeez…why are you so sensitive, it was just a joke…why won’t YOU accept my apology and move on…why do you always get offended…are you just looking for something to be upset about?” None of these are attempting to understand or make amends, just to sweep away the unpleasant.

      Remember, according to the Oprah interview, Archie’s skin tone was discussed in conjunction with and in connection to his titles and security. It was not “mere curiosity” or a “distasteful joke”. If you are someone who doesn’t have enough understanding to avoid saying such a “joke”, then perhaps you shouldn’t be king.

    • Blithe says:

      Thank you! I’m struck by the arrogance of a white writer with presumably white “sources “ declaring that he’s “convinced “ that a possibly racist remark was “light hearted” — and that presumes that his readers should accept his assessment. Nope. As an arbitrator of what is and isn’t racist, this WOC doesn’t find this convincing. Quite the opposite actually.

      • Sue E Generis says:

        I fail to see in what possible context this could have been ‘lighthearted’? How do you humorously express concern about the skin color of a person’s child?

        Also, Harry and Meghan said there were ‘conversations’. Not an off-hand comment but conversations – plural. That is not in any way remotely the same thing.

        There is no context in which this wasn’t racist.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Yes, but also, *especially* since we know the context of William’s discussions with Harry involved him trying to talk Harry out of marrying Meghan. Taken in context, there’s no way that was joke.

    • NemesisPuff says:

      Agree with what everyone’s added here (especially @Blithe re: white reporter deeming, on behalf of everyone including POC, that something said to POC is, in fact, not offensive, so CALM DOWN) but:

      @Oh_Hey What do you mean by “…a remark from a white person about a POC persons skin color […] especially someone mixed race, is never a joke…”? Why “especially”?

      Not sure if it was intended, but to me this reads like it’s more offensive to mixed-race people to have their skin colour “joked” about by white people than it is to non-mixed-race people of colour. If so, I’m uncomfortable with this take, but also don’t know which direction you were going. Is it about visible skin tone differences? Reconciling and representing multiple cultures? Being able to, or not being able to do either?

      I agree with the sentiment I feel you’re getting across, that we don’t live in (nor did we ever create) a society where comments on culture, ethnicity and skin tone from the globally and historically-empowered white people to POC can ever *not* be coming from a racist standpoint, but don’t understand why the spectrum of POC is a qualifier to how wrong to do it is. Or why that qualifier needs to be explicitly highlighted. Can you clarify?

      I’d argue that it’s “morally” unacceptable to ask “how light/dark will your kids be?”, full stop. Equally unacceptable to say to any POC no matter which ethnicity, no matter how light or dark their skin tone, and no matter *how you ask*. Even if it was a serious sit-down conversation, it’s unacceptable to ask. This is what the white royals and their butt-kissing and -covering rota don’t get: it was racist to ask, NO MATTER HOW it was intended.

      And in addition to the “moral wrongness” of it, is the inherent pass for colourism that the question implies. William (or whoever, but it was defs him) thought he could joke about it because his colourism was directed towards the oft-favoured lighter-skinned side, which the Sussexes’ 1/4-black kids were more likely to be. I’ll eat my hat if William didn’t think (and doesn’t STILL think) “how can it be racist if I was saying the baby was going to look WHITE.”

      If anything, I’m surprised Jobson isn’t trying to use the qualifier of “he’s his brother! he knows he’s joking…” because relational proximity to a POC is usually how white people feel secure enough to say whatever they want about other cultures and ethnicities think we’ll all just “get what they mean”.

  3. D says:

    In one sentence he says William is so short tempered that people are afraid to say anything to him for fear he will explode, but in another sentence he says William was so appalled at the thought of someone bullying staff because he WOULD NEVER…except when he does..but then he apologizes. Pick a story and stick with it.

    • swirlmamad says:

      These people are literally incapable of picking a lane. Horrible “reporting” and writing.

    • Blujfly says:

      My theory on the semantics game Robson is playing with that is that William goes off on his father and grandmother’s officials and staff bc they tell him things he doesn’t want to hear, and more rarely of screams at the handpicked team of inexperienced sycophants like Knauf William personally selected after William forced out the employees like Lowther Pinkerton and Miguel Head that first began working for him when his staff was directly under BP and Clarence House.

    • Nic919 says:

      Jobson is doing this on purpose. He’s in Charles’s camp so it’s no coincidence he did this showing William’s volatile temper.

    • JayNay says:

      I also find the storyline about how Kate “is a major calming influence” on him to be a big red flag. Especially in the context of how he’s a loose cannon who everyone walks on eggshells around lest they say a wrong word and set him off.
      William is a fully grown adult human. He needs to be able to handle his emotions. That others describe his wife as a sort of human pacifier sounds really messed up and not at all like a healthy relationship.

    • Jennifer says:

      LOL, exactly.

  4. equality says:

    So PW doesn’t respect PC (his superior in rank) but we are supposed to believe that it is “rare” for him to disrespect staff? Oh, and if HE does it’s okay because he makes sure to apologize.

    • Noki says:

      Not just his Superior but his own damn Father.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      However, he also expects people below him in rank to bow and scrape. He’s such a freaking hypocrite.

    • Becks1 says:

      and Harry’s great sin was not “understanding” the hierarchy enough etc (well that and marrying a black woman). But William thinks he’s equal to PC and doesnt show “deference” and that’s fine…well not fine, per se….but everyone puts up with it because of his temper?

      Gee, he sounds like a real winner.

    • Catlady says:

      I think William has a lot of unresolved bitterness towards his father that impacts their professional relationship.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Catlady, I think that he is even more entitled than PC, and has tantrums whenever he doesn’t get his way. That’s what all of this sounds like. I think it’s a little late for them to expect him to change when it seems no one made him responsible for his actions when he was young. They’ve gotten what they created. I think he brings up Chuck’s actions with his mother to PC whenever he wants to score points, but I really have a problem thinking that anger is specifically on his mother’s behalf. It sounds like he always got his way growing up. He’s all reaction to me, me, me in the moment. Does he ever really think on a deeper level?

        Clueless and Keenless are actually well paired. I’ve never doubted that K has been able to hold her own with W, and I believe that both of them are behind the racist remarks about Archie’s skin tone and undoubtedly a lot more that we know nothing about.

        The Bm can keep printing the negative stories about H&M forever, but it will never be enough to elevate the Shamebridges.

      • notasugarhere says:

        William clearly has no trouble saying awful things about Diana publicly to try to make himself look better. He also has no problem with infidelity, having cheated on Kate for two decades. Wm accepted Anmer Hall as a place to raise their kids – the home where Charles and Camilla conducted their relationship. Whatever issues he has with his father? Has nothing to do with loyalty to Diana or infidelity. He *has* been awful and entitled since he was a little kid.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ equality, I am of the mindset that Bitter Brother is never sorry for his explosive behaviour and actions, his apologies are hollow. When you have the insight that your harmful behaviour is an issue with regards to all of your relationships, you seek help. But Bitter Brother loves the fact that he is in his current position as it allows him the excuse to be abusive to those around him. Bitter Brother will forever be the uncontrollable, angry, lazy, explosive and entitled selfish prick that Britain will one day call king. As soon as Bitter Brother becomes PoW, the Duchy funds will dry up within a few years, or a decade IF they are lucky. When that happens, it will all fall and he will fail as king.

  5. MrsCope says:

    I love the fact that Jobbo says, sure he yells at staff but he makes sure to apologize! As if that’s ok. Also, in what context is questioning the color of your brother’s future children a “light”-no pun intended- moment? Wills and Harry weren’t close enough on a good day to joke around on each other, right? Ugh, good luck monarchy.

    • Chic says:

      This seems like the usual script when white folks do wrong. The focus becomes INTENT and not the Action so the pattern repeats itself. Behavior also explains why he made the statement to Black Commonwealth at end of trip, got angry and failed to think things through

      • Amy Too says:

        But also “sure I did a racism maybe but you TOLD PEOPLE ABOUT IT and now I’m embarrassed and people think I’m a racist! That’s so much worse!” Like “accidentally” saying a bunch of racist crap is fine because he’s not “really” racist.

      • AC says:

        Plus, the color of Harry and Meghan’s children was not meant to be taken seriously and it was a light-hearted discussion. It was a racist comment and you can cover that one up. GTFOH!

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      Every bully’s weak defense: it was a joke, you can’t take a joke, why so sensitive.

      It always sucks, but here there’s the added WTF that no one gets to tell a parent how to feel about “jokes” about their baby and no white person gets to make “jokes” about the color of a any POC baby’s skin.

      • No name says:

        The dude is under a lot of pressure and scrutiny. I’ll be Ill-tempered too if I had to deal with what William has to deal with. He didn’t ask for this, he was born into it.

      • MsIam says:

        So “pressure and scrutiny” make one entitled and racist? And a bully? Who knew? Nothing at all to do with being selfish and mean spirited. And of course there’s no incentive to work on one’s shortcomings so that one could learn to act like a decent human being. Especially to one’s family.

      • lanne says:

        BS, @noname. Harry was born into the same scrutiny, and he’s not a raging monster like Will-diAmin.

      • Becks1 says:

        he sure likes all the privilege and perks that come with it though, that should take some of the sting out.

      • Jaded says:

        @No name — “The dude” leads a life of idle luxury because he was born into it but seems to have been born without the slightest sense of responsibility for the position he’s in. So no, you don’t get to be ill-tempered because of it, you recognize, with gratitude, that you’ve been given so much more than 99% of the world and you work with it for the betterment of the world. Sort of like his mother.

      • Sue E Generis says:

        @No name What an illogical comment. What does William ‘have to deal with’ that others that came before him have not? William is a lazy, self-indulgent twerp. He has consistently worked less and vacationed more than every single other member of his family except his wife. He has NO known accomplishments after 40 years unlike other members of his family.

        He has deliberately acted to bring harm to his brother and his brother’s wife, been spiteful and petulant. There is no excuse for the sorry human that is William.

    • Becks1 says:

      Meghan specifically said there were “concerns.” That doesn’t sound light-hearted to me.

    • MyCatLovesTV says:

      I never considered Wills brilliant by any stretch but FFS why would he ever imagine that saying such garbage about Harry’s baby would be considered funny?!? These royals are taught they are better and will be anointed by God Himself but, in fact, they offer nothing but cruelty and ignorance. America welcomed Harry…I believe Diana would be happy he’s with us now.

      • Over it says:

        No name, Dude as you call him is free to leave if the pressure is too much. He can walk away and live a normal life. But he won’t because dude loves all the perks he was born into but none of the work. And let’s face it. If his no talent ass was to leave , what would he do? He is too arrogant and dumb to find and keep a real job. So dude can just sit his ass down and stop making racist comments about children and people of color. We the blacks are very much not amused.

      • SomeChick says:

        really, they are making (their) God look bad by association. honestly? THESE are our supposed superiors? come on, God. do better!

  6. Polo says:

    I’m just waiting for the lid to blow off because right now he’s still pretty protected and only a few are getting the hints they are dropping.
    Something has to shift and soon. There’s just too much there that William is hiding

  7. MsIam says:

    Lol at that “it was a completely lighthearted exchange” comment. Man racists got to racist don’t they? I totally believe William said and meant it as a joke too, just like his COVID “jokes” and the one about frisking the POC delivery driver that came to his house. Again, may the dragging commence on William and Tina Brown.

    • swirlmamad says:

      The ultimate racist’s excuse = “It was jUsT a joKE, K????? Unbelievable.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Bigots always use the “joke” excuse – and their bigotry always comes through in what they find funny. Racists make racist jokes, misogynists make sexists jokes and homophobes make homophobic jokes. It is simply one way they express their bigotry.

      • Harper says:

        Also, Jobson is saying that Jobson is convinced it was a joke. Not that William thought it was a joke. William was deadly serious. William to this day doesn’t acknowledge his brother’s kids.

      • ThatsNotOkay says:

        @Harper Gurl, I never thought about it, but you’re absolutely right. TOBB doesn’t acknowledge Harry’s kids He probably posed the idea of not giving them titles. Not that Charles cannot be responsible for his own racist and otherwise problematics behaviors, but William is such his father’s son, it’s hard to discern which is the most jealous and racist. Throw them all away.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’ve always said it was William who made the comments and that’s why I think he was so “concerned” – I think he was the one who didn’t want Archie to be HRH, he wants his kids to be the only HRH of that generation. He was “concerned” about the skin color bc he didn’t want his kids to be photographed on the balcony with non-white children for the 20 years(however long the balcony appearances keep up). And so on.

      • mycatlovestv says:

        Goes along with the “I don’t mean to be ignorant but…” or “I’m not racist (or sexist or homophobic) but…” The “I’m just joking” excuse is BS. There is an element of truth in most jokes. William…just go sit down in a corner. And STFU. If you make racist jokes, uh, you are racist.

  8. Noki says:

    When i read this on the daily fail ,i said this has to be a mistake and it will be taken down shortly. It was not a nice piece at ALL. He just about confirmed it WAS William who made the skin tone remark.

    • Millennial says:

      I became more and more convinced it was William over the last year because of all the “William can’t trust Harry anymore” stories. I thought to myself, he could only be *this* mad, to the point where the relationship is permanently damaged in his mind, if he’s the Royal racist.

  9. nutella toast says:

    “Light-hearted…and not to be taken seriously”…how does that work exactly???? I want to hear William explain how it was either of those things. A fart cushion *might* be light-hearted and not to be taken seriously, though I hate them and think they’re never funny. A child’s skin color???? You always know it’s wildly inappropriate if the person making the comment has to clarify that it wasn’t serious and everyone’s taking it too personally.

  10. chill says:

    ‘It was not meant to be taken seriously, and the entire situation has been taken out of context. What followed is frankly unfair and appalling.’
    Wow, just wow. Racist comments are not meant to be taken seriously? Really? This family is fubar.

  11. Jan says:

    Unable gives as good as she gets, that’s why she is so uncomfortable with him in public after 20 years.
    It’s a match made in heaven/hell. They deserve each other.

    • Jan90067 says:

      I feel sorry for those kids. Kids, even in a big house, HEAR and SEE things. George seems to be the most sensitive, wonder if it’s because he hears and understands more. Still, parents having screaming matches, Dad screaming a the staff…. can’t be easy for the kids.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Children generally hear and understand a lot more than adults realize.

      • smarmyo says:

        Have a look at George’s expression when his father puts his hand on his back. It never looks happy.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ ArtHistorian, yes they do!! I still have memories of my father chasing my mother throughout our formal dining room as he was beating her face to a pulp. Violent upbringings are detrimental to children’s core structure of their perceived “normal”. The children will grow up thinking that it’s perfectly normal to scream and belittle their partners/spouse so they are all doomed to a miserable marriages. Charlotte will grow to be a doormat, George will grow to be an emotionally abusive husband as well as Louis.

        As for CopyKeen, as much as Jonson would like for her to be seen as equal or safe in that marriage, he is blowing smoke up his own arse!! Baldimort holds ALL of the cards and she has NO power in that marriage, none.

      • Julia K says:

        William has a short fuse, a bad temper and shouts when he’s frustrated and angry, that about sums up why Kate leans away from his touch at times and looks at him with wary ” am I doing this right ” glances . If he’s a bully to everyone else why not his wife? She is not immune to his tantrums any more than the rest of his staff. Wonder how long it took for him to place blame on her for the Carribean fiasco? I wonder if he’s physically abusive as well, given that we now know who he really is.

  12. C-Shell says:

    Well, Jobson is Charles’ creature, isn’t he? I wonder if Bulliam cooperated with this biography. Marie Claire picked up on the excerpt about how W doesn’t defer to his father, but added that Camilla is the one who defends C or puts the Lamebridges in their place. It’s awesome. This book is set to do serious damage to Bully. If this is part of Charles’ retaliation for all the Middleton campaign to have the Lamebridges leapfrog over C&C to the throne, I have to tip my tinfoil hat. Well played, Charles. Well played.

    • Lorelei says:

      I feel like it might be Charles’s retribution for all of the BS that William and Kate have been pulling ever since they got married. Charles couldn’t say much publicly but Jobson can!

    • Nic919 says:

      I forget if it was Jobson or someone else who put out the story that William had a fit on Charles in front of Camilla which she found shocking. It came out a while back but has resurfaced again with this new book.

    • Becks1 says:

      I would not be surprised if Jobson reached out to Charles and his team for some info for this book, and they were like “well come on over, we’ll discuss it over a brandy” (or wine or tea or whatever posh people in England drink, lol.) And lo and behold, here we are.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Absolutely! It’s clear that Chaz was happy to fill in the blanks for Jonson as Charles’s fingerprints are all over these bits that Jonson is sharing. That Chaz finds his sons moodiness hard to deal with, that is straight from the PC’s mouth! Jonson has done a service for Charles, but Charles had better remember that Jonson will one day want the favor repaid, in spades no less.

  13. PaulaH says:

    They all know William will be a terrible King. They just hoped that Harry would be around to take the blame.

    • booboocita says:

      THIS ^^^

    • BothSidesNow says:

      They needed him to take the blame but they had intended for Harry to do the actual work as king, not just stand in the sidelines. They had always expected Harry to guide the ship of The Crown, but be the scapegoat as well.

      Now they are left with a temperamental twit that is lazy as the day is long with abusive behaviour towards everyone around him, including his own father. Good luck to the Monarchy now as they have raised an incompetent, ignorant, selfish, and disrespectful man-child that will destroy everything that comes into his path.

      • Gabby says:

        A real firm would have made sure such an essential employee was happy and well compensated with a long-term contract in place.

  14. Kate M. says:

    Oh wow. Reading between the lines, he is abusive, the end. Call it what it is.

    (ETA: that last sentence was directed at Jobson, not Kaiser.)

  15. equality says:

    So PC finds Will and Harry “moody”. Funny with all the articles about how Cam has to soothe PC. But, of course, we have to still gas-light Diana and say it’s her fault. I wonder how “moody” Di was before being married to PC.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      Charles also has a reputation for exploding in anger, shouting and, at least on one occasion, physically assaulting a member of his own staff. Likewise, the Queen’s father were also notorious for repeated episodes of explosive anger.

      • lanne says:

        They certainly do need a bullying review–of the members of the royal family, not Meghan. That was really dumb of them to open that can of worms, considering that we’ve been hearing about their shitty behavior toward staff for years

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Yep. Charles, William and Andrew are definitely all very difficult to work for. There’s also been chatter that Edward is rather obnoxious and that Philip was a favorite among royal staff.

      • Gabby says:

        Wasn’t the rage thing also an issue with the queen’s father? I know I saw that somewhere. The royal bloodline, ladies and gentlemen.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Gabby – the Queen’s father had sudden, explosive rages. There’s a general pattern with the Windsors and that is that they don’t know how to manage their emotions in a healthy manner.

      • Gabby says:

        Thanks ArtHistorian. Amazing how they keep finding people to marry them.

  16. Roo says:

    What a mess. Sounds like William needs a lot of help to manage and understand his anger issues, the family sounds like they’ve let him get away with it too long and created an out-of-control, disrespectful heir, and Jobson seems to have confirmed our assumptions were correct in thinking William made the skin color comment. No wonder they were desperate to keep Harry single and stuck as the third wheel.

  17. Harper says:

    “Even senior members of his circle will ‘check which way the wind is blowing’ before becoming too self-assured in his presence…” Bingo. Meghan stood her ground with Prince Incandescent and he blew up at the “disrespect.”. Happy ending though, as her parting gift was a dream life in Montecito with her devoted husband, two angel humans, her doggies and 14 bathrooms.

    It’s shocking how intent the British public is on ignoring William’s true character. A forty year old father who blows up and shouts and screams should be a major concern. Instead, crickets. They are too intent on continuing to roast Meghan over the coals.

    • ILady Digby says:

      Does non stop rowing and sulking maybe explain their painful public appearances over the past year? She is all placatory big smiles and he stalks ahead with balled fists looking thunderous.
      I found Caleb itchy a welcome oasis of common sense after becoming nauseated with the weapons grade fawning over this lazy and mediocre couple. The demonization of H and M and their deification of W and K was clearly ridiculous so I couldn’t believe any of it. Thank you Kaiser for pointing out bias against Meghan and the incendiary reportage of BM.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Harper, Meghan was probably literally (I overuse the word “literally” but I really mean it here!) the first person to ever challenge him — to hold her ground and to not back down — and that’s why he’s been a rage monster ever since.

      He’s getting closer and closer to the throne. I guess they’ve grown to accept that their monarch will be an angry dictator-wannabe.

      But now that the ball is rolling, I hope more people start spilling what they know about William. We know there’s a LOT more.

      • Merricat says:

        And that’s what was meant about Meghan not “knowing her place.” She didn’t know and didn’t care that everyone was supposed to acquiesce to the ffk, ESPECIALLY when he’s wrong.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree with this – that Meghan held her ground and did not back down – and I think William probably grew more enraged and Harry probably got involved etc. Can you see Harry standing idly by while William screams at Meghan? It gives us a better idea of “the battle of the brothers.”

      • SueBarbri says:

        Bingo! I’ve always felt that this was the source of the real conflict between William and Meghan. Everybody in W’s circle, and everybody he’s ever met, has always been deferential to him. Meanwhile, I got the sense that Meghan always treated William as if he was simply Harry’s brother–no more, and no less. I think that shocked William and made him very, very angry. Add in his alleged dogging and Kate’s insecurities and layers and layers of disgusting racism, and you have a recipe for total disaster.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Yes to all of you!! Meghan didn’t just stand her ground, she challenged him and he was enraged that she had the audacity to stand up to him and didn’t back down. I can see it played out with her donations from one of her initiatives, I think it was for Grenfell Tower victims, and TOB wanted to take the monies that were donated, to use as his own greedy tiny fisted hands.

        Bitter Brother wasn’t prepared OR had ever been stood up to. This is exactly why they painted Meghan as not knowing her place as you have ALL deduced!!

    • Blujfly says:

      “Senior members of his circle” also means his friends. Robson is talking about William’s oldest friends. And what is their great crime? Not being sycophantic enough in his presence. If William is in a mood, his friends cannot be confident in his presence. Notice how William went to Eton but emerged from the class without any friendships with the sports stars or titans of industry types or even just popular ones that would have been there at the same time. He’s not even friends with similarly aged aristocrats. He surrounds himself with title-less men with something to gain from his friendship and who are willing to coddle him and cater to him. Felllw aristocrats with more money and connections and ambitions wouldn’t treat him similarly.

      • Persephone says:

        “Notice how William went to Eton but emerged from the class without any friendships with the sports stars or titans of industry types or even just popular ones that would have been there at the same time. He’s not even friends with similarly aged aristocrats.”
        @Blujfly I noticed that too!! I wondered why, but I thought that maybe it was because Harry was the more popular brother. It makes sense now.

      • booboocita says:

        @Blujfly – Oh, EXCELLENT observation! I have good friends and contacts from high school, college, and grad school — but I’m not asking anyone to bow and scrape to me, which is probably why they continue to be good friends. Lord, I sincerely hope this pattern doesn’t repeat with George or Charlotte or Louis. They’re going to need all the friends and support they can get.

  18. Sofia says:

    So this is the new strategy – comment on W&K less nicer aspects but then cover it up with a “well it’s not soooo bad” or “they apologise” or “they didn’t mean it”? Got it.

  19. Heather says:

    Usually when people shout the loudest about something they find abhorrent, it’s because they themselves do that very thing. They’re telling on themselves.

    • Lorelei says:

      A lot of us on here have said for a while that William is like Trump in many ways, and that continues to be true, the more we learn about William.

  20. A says:

    If all these reporters “know what was said” and that it wasn’t serious why not just say it? I’m starting to think that there is enough racism to go around in this family that it was probably more than one incident! In any case Harry and Meghan’s kids are probably better off. Its one thing growing up in a hierarchical system where some kids are treated better based on birth order, then add race into that, and having to see your mother or yourself navigate a bunch of racial micro aggressions coming from your own family? Yea I think the Sussex’s just saved there children a lifetime of therapy!

    • ArtHistorian says:

      They are all racist. it isn’t just the Cambridges that have racist art on display in their home. So does Camilla – she has a number of blackamoor statues on display.

      • Merricat says:

        100%. Very much a racist family.

      • mycatlovestv says:

        Remember when Princess Michael of Kent wore an offensive blackamoor brooch to a luncheon with Megan in late 2017? I mean, seriously! These people!

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ mycatlovestv, don’t forget the painting that W&K had hanging while the Obama’s were in Britain to visit. I believe it was a painting of slaves working in the fields, I may be mistaken but it was certainly a picture representing POC in an unflattering scenario. Basically a racist type painting, which they were unbothered by hanging.

        So the “very much NOT a racist family” is absolutely bullshit. As they were absolutely a racist family to our first black President!!

      • booboocita says:

        @BothSidesNow – it’s called “The Negro Page,” by 17th century Dutch artist Aelbert Cuyp. The Mail on Sunday said it was there because it “would particularly appeal to a history of art graduate such as Kate.” I’ll bet it did …

  21. Sue says:

    So there was a racist remark made about H & M’s future children. But “relaaaaax it was meant to be funny.” Good lord, that’s appalling.

    • Lorelei says:

      That “lighthearted” response is so predictable. No matter which family member was accused of making the comment, any one of them would have used the same excuse, and been all, “Why are you so upset? I’m just jOkInG around!” and I refuse to even acknowledge that bullshit.

      Whatever was said was appalling to elicit the reaction it did from Harry and Meghan. (And we all know he wasn’t “joking.”)

  22. Jay says:

    So those close to William admit that he’s got a raging temper, is volatile, and doesn’t receive good advice because his advisors are afraid of him. And that’s just what his friends say!

    And these revelations make Charles look bad, too – Jobson does not disguise where his sympathies and sources lie, so this is really just Charles lobbing little bombs down on his heir instead of confronting him for his behaviour. At what point is it pathetic for this 70-something man to continue to send his sons messages through the press? If you are upset at William’s lack of deference and preparedness, then cut him off financially, don’t wail to your pet biographer.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Jay, excellent question…I feel like we’re learning that Charles is as much of an ostrich as the Queen is when it comes to family matters and confrontation. Maybe Charles knows that William is a disaster waiting to happen, he knows there’s really nothing he can do about it*, and he’s finally given up and is only concerning himself with his own reign?

      *by that I mean — as soon as the Queen dies, William will come into a metric shit-ton of ££ and will be in charge of managing it and doling it out, right? So Charles can’t even use the “tighten the purse strings” to get W&K to work and act like the adults that they are for much longer.

  23. swirlmamad says:

    So did this basically confirm William is the one who made the skin color comment? It did, didn’t it???

    • MsIam says:

      I know Harry said he would not reveal the person who said the comment, but since Jobbo has basically done the work for him, then hey, have at it Harry! Don’t hold back, unless Meghan is saving it for her book.

  24. Deanne says:

    When does the bullying probe start?

  25. Hannah says:

    Now I’m no KKKhate fan, but I do get a smidgeon of satisfaction knowing that she dishes it back to Bulliam. I honestly didn’t think she had it in her to raise her voice or say boo to a mouse. I do hope the kids don’t have to witness screaming matches between their parents tho. Echoes of Charles & Diana. I always imagined Kate’s rage was more underhand and sly

    • KFG says:

      No, she probably goes off on him and they probably get loud and mean. I don’t think she’s sly, she’s not smart enough. This continues to show why they want Harry back to be the defacto king and face of the monarchy. Billy the basher is horrible and giving him more attention just shows how awful he is.

    • C says:

      The rumors have always been that they yell at each other until he screams “do you know who I am?” and she has to shut up.

      • CC says:

        But the author says they’re equals! His family has spent a thousand years asserting, often violently, to billions of people that it is anointed by God and her family probably runs an illegal marijuana farm. See, exactly the same.

      • MipMip says:

        🤢 🤮 🤮 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

        No wonder she’s literally disappearing before our eyes.

        The royals love to grind the married-in women to dust.

        Yes, Kate is terrible all on her own but the way William obviously treats her makes me ill. I’m not even sure I believe this “she gives as good as she gets” crap. Jobson’s probably just saying that to soften it so William doesn’t look like a clear-cut abuser. I have no doubt that he is.

    • swirlmamad says:

      Kate has proven herself to be a snake — a sweet, meek goody-two-shoes she is not. That marriage is not healthy. I would bet $$ she and William have often engaged in toxic, nasty verbal arguments, and probably haven’t really cared up to now whether the kids overhear it (and maybe that’s where the “3rd house” comes in — the kids are getting old enough to understand what’s going on and they might finally realize it may be time for Mom and Dad to live under separate roofs….to better keep things under wraps).

    • Over it says:

      I have always believed that if William is so full of rage to scream and always clenching, it’s not beyond reason to believe he also hits.

      • Lucy says:

        I think you’re right, Over it. It would explain why Kate’s attendance at events is so erratic. I believe she’s not interested in working, generally, but there’s been enough last minute drop outs that bruises could be the answer.

        I would hope not, even though I dislike her. But it is the simplest explanation for some very confounding behavior.

  26. C says:

    Even stopped clocks are right twice a day. Whatever gets William the bad press that has been coming to him for years is fine in my book. They’re both horrible people, but at least Charles works.

  27. Formerly Lithe says:

    I see here a server who wants to please but isn’t at liberty to recommend a particular meal. Instead, he has laid out a variety of dishes in front of us in the hope that common sense will be our guide in selecting the ones that go together.

  28. Eurydice says:

    Lol, the royal biographers better cash in while they can because the future of the monarchy is just one big boring dead spot.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Eurydice, if they decide to be honest about William, they’ll be cashing in for years to come!

      • Eurydice says:

        It would be a treat if that happened, but I don’t think it will. There’s too much invested in propping up the monarchy and the line of succession. But even if they did open up about William – what would they say? That he’s lazy, incompetent, angry, jealous, unfaithful? That’s already out there.

  29. AJ says:

    So his racism was a joke and we are all supposed to take it lightly?!? What a bunch of dummies

    • Formerly Lithe says:

      If Jobson was truly defending it as a “light-hearted joke” then why make sure we’re aware PC was not the one to say it and remind us that QEII and PP had already been ruled out? I don’t see him trying to do PW any favours here.

      • Lorelei says:


      • MsIam says:

        Agree, Jobbo is just opening another window into who William really is. Tell me he’s a racist @sshole without actually saying the words. I should make that a bad tempered, entitled racist @sshole.

      • diANNa says:

        And of course this IS an article about Bulliam so who else could he possibly be referencing? This is pretty bold and can’t imagine how the incandescence will be contained.

    • Merricat says:

      I’ve been trying to imagine how such a “joke” is constructed, and nope, nothing funny about it.

      • molly says:

        Per Meghan, it was multiple conversations about Archie’s skin. So even if William was dumb enough to try and joke about it once, he was too stupid (and racist) to know that he screwed up and did it again.

  30. AVEA says:

    I just can’t get over how him being a racist ragemonster who has screaming arguments with his wife is supposed to be a good thing that will make him an amazing modern monarch, but Meghan and Harry being a happy unit and showing their love is some sort of (emasculating for Harry) offense to the entirety of the realm.
    At least that’s how I read all this anyway

    • Eurydice says:

      He won’t be an amazing monarch – he’ll be what he is now, only more so. And that won’t matter because he won the lottery when he was born and the people will have to live with it.

  31. WiththeAmerican says:

    Bully rages at the staff, but it’s okay because he apologizes! He also makes racist jokes, which is okay because you’re not supposed to have feelings!

    It’s NOT okay for MM to have emailed someone politely at the wrong time, however, or to have expected service and help from service and help, because she is not Bully. (White, heir, male, bully)

  32. Amy Bee says:

    Jobson is a CH front man and it would seem that his book is almost all based on information from CH not KP. Judging from this excerpt, he real bully in KP was not Meghan, it was William. Jobson’s second excerpt which came out today was all about how Harry was a handful and a naughty boy. So far this book reads like a hatchet job on William with the calls coming from CH.

  33. Lorelei says:

    Sounds to me like BP needs to initiate another bullying investigation!

    In all seriousness though, I’m wondering what kind of effect all of this is having on the Cambridge children. Kids always hear and absorb SO much more than parents know. I’ve always felt sorry for them, and this just makes it worse. And poor George is stuck spending the most time with William, “learning” the correct way to behave (!!).

    I hope that somehow, against all odds, George inherited the character of his Uncle Harry and will stand up for himself the moment he’s old enough to do so.

  34. Amy Bee says:

    Could it be that in investigating the bullying allegations against Meghan that the law firm found real bullying accusations against William? That would be another reason for the report’s delay.

    • Julia K says:

      Or they found multiple bullies but not Meghan.

    • Becks1 says:

      Real bullying accusations that were buried or dismissed – against William or Kate – that would be a big issue for this report, especially with Meghan’s lawyers demanding to see the investigation etc.

  35. Nan says:

    Aside from being a racist who thinks he can hide in plain sight (lol), Prince William has absolutely zero charisma. I’ve always thought Prince Charles doesn’t have any but William proves the bar can go much lower. He stews with (incandescent) rage over Harry and Meghan simply because they are both so loaded with natural charisma, something that will forever be out of his reach.

  36. Em says:

    I am still convinced it was Camilla who made the baby’s skin color comment! The way the palace was leaking that they were SO concerned about Harry discussing Camilla post-Oprah interview was so weird. Up until that point she was largely irrelevant. They brought her up out of seeming nowhere. It also just seems like something someone of her generation and social class would say. Let’s be real.

    • C says:

      I think they were all thinking of it. But Harry said it was a personal conversation and I highly doubt Camilla would have mentioned that to him or even had a conversation with him like that. Not to mention the racism William has displayed since. It’s a grave mistake to think that their racism is restricted only to the elder ones. I think it is obvious it is William who said it.
      I think there are other things Camilla leaked about Meghan, the way she did to Diana.

      • Julia K says:

        A personal conversation could have taken place at the request of the RF; Justin Melby the Archbishop of Canterbury?

      • C says:

        Not sure what you are talking about – are you suggesting Justin Welby made this comment? Harry and Meghan clearly stated it was a senior royal. The signs all point to William.

      • Julia K says:

        Sorry, totally forgot it was a senior royal.

    • MsIam says:

      That Camilla nonsense is from KP. Period. They want the search light to shine anywhere but on them. Just like roaches. And I’m no Camilla fan at all.

      • Jennifer says:

        Cannot figure out how you’d say that as a lighthearted joke. Can we get an exact quote on that, please? :p

    • Becks1 says:

      It does seem like something someone of her class and generation would say, which is why I don’t think it would be very “damaging” to her. And M said it would be very damaging to the person if the name was released.

      • Shelley says:

        Meghan said it would be very damaging to THEM! It was not one person leading these conversations. Meghan said there were several conversations and what it would mean for the firm. There were concerns to how dark he would be.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes, but she could have been using “them” to avoid using a gender-specific pronoun. My take on it has been that a few people made comments but one specific person had THE conversation that set Harry off, one person had THE conversation that Harry was discussing when he said he would never say who it was.

    • TeamAwesome says:

      This actually makes me think Camilla. He specifically states Phil and Betty and Charles. It would seem natural to say Chuck and Camz just like he said the first two as a pair, but he doesn’t.

    • Nic919 says:

      Jobson would never specifically rule out Charles only to target Camilla because he is team Charles and Charles would not want Camilla in the line of fire.

      At the time of the Oprah interview the two main suspects were Charles and William. Jobson is confirming it isn’t Charles because it was William.

      Also I don’t see Harry having conversations of that type with Camilla. These aren’t her grandkids anyway so why would she stick her nose in it.

      • windyriver says:

        I agree, especially about why would Camilla stick her nose in. Harry also looked quite upset/angry when he touched on it in the interview, and I always believed the only two people who merited that level of emotion, or the statement about damage to their reputation, were Charles and William. And, I always assumed it was William, because it sounded just like his style of interaction – nothing subtle about it whatsoever.

      • Jennifer says:

        I really can’t picture Camilla or Kate being inner circle enough to say that shit to Harry.

  37. MerlinsMom1018 says:

    Shocked, I say.. yes I am SHOCKED at this report!!! Cambridge short fused? Has a temper? Screams and yells at staff? NO!!!

  38. Mel says:

    Why would anyone think it’s funny to make remarks about someone’s skin color? Try again.

  39. CommentingBunny says:

    Light-hearted comment, huh? And being called out on it was unfair and appalling? I see that William is the tpye of white person who thinks he should get to decide what is racist and what isn’t (and his definition will always exclude his own words and actions).

    I still beleive more than one person made the remark. I think they were all discussing it amonst themselves. But I could beleive that William was the only one lacking enough brains and self awareness to say anything to Harry’s face.

  40. tuille says:

    Iirc, Diana said long ago, when the boys were children, that harry had the right temperament to be king & would do it better than Will.

  41. SueBarbri says:

    I think all of these books and articles about the RF are very telling because they never, ever include any actual information about Prince William. The absence of information and the lack of details make it obvious to me that something is very, very wrong with William. It all reminds me of their 10th year anniversary video from last year: vague photos on a beach somewhere, but no talking, no sound, no voices.

  42. ILady Digby says:

    Who are Williams friends and was he close to Harry after his marriage to Kate?

  43. Cinders says:

    Yikes. And this is from a PW-friendly reporter, writing a 40th birthday hagiography.
    I think it demonstrates the real problem with PW, the elephant in the room, is not the affairs, not even the laziness, but it’s much more fundamental than that. His character is flawed, and fundamentally unsuited to the role he’s destined for by accident of birth. Arrogant, aggressive, racist, everyone walking on eggshells around him? Jeez.

  44. Rapunzel says:

    It’s interesting that this weekend The Fail had a headline story about how “angry” Harry was. I didn’t read it, and don’t know who it was by. So I have no idea if it’s connected to this story. But I immediately thought it was projecting William’s incandescence on Harry.

    It’s fascinating that Jobson is proving that here.

    And y’all know I’ve always believed Will and Harry’s big fallout was over Will saying something racist about Archie.

  45. Kathleen says:

    William is a narcissist in a system that by its nature creates them. QE/PC can’t control him and wring their hands but do nothing. For everyone around them it’s horrible. My former BIL threw a China plate filled w/ Christmas dinner at my MIL’S head for mentioning kindly how much she liked his GF. They apologized to him. They walked on eggshells. Kate probably does too which is why she is so filled with anxiety. You see it in photos. What a monster. I believe every bad thing written about him and agree Megan wasn’t deferential and that was his issue. She brought up the crazy behavior. I’m divorced, Harry left.That rift will never be healed. I would bet he is verbally and emotionally abusive in private as well.

  46. NotSoSocialB says:

    “William has become a Windsor; he’s careful, he’s prudent, he’s considered, he’s calm, he’s a composed character who does a lot of thinking before he agrees to things.”

    From a previous article about PWT… jesus, these column writers are so schizophrenic about their straw grasping. My god.

    • Jais says:

      Was that an excerpt from the Tina Brown book? It def seems Jobsen listens to sources from CH while Tina Brown listens to sources from the Cambridges. Brown saying William is calm is a direct contradiction from what Jobsen is saying here.

      • Well Wisher says:

        It is apparent that Tina’s recent book attributed to Harry the similaritly described anti-social behaviour in Jobson’s book.
        I guess it is about telling one’s side of the narrative. The reader is left with a biased viewpoint based on the sources.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      That is a hilarious description since the Windsors aren’t exactly known for being prudent and calm. Explosive tempers are the norm, not the exception in that family. Even the Queen’s father was notorious for exploding in anger at the drop of a hat while her grandfather was a huge bully. If you look at that family in a historical perspective it becomes very very clear that there’s a long-standing pattern deep dysfunction among people who o not know how to manage their emotions.

  47. Jaded says:

    William is a loose cannon, an uncontrollable narcissist and liar who seems to relish intimidating everyone around him. I’ve never had screaming fights with any of the men I’ve been involved with, even when things were rocky or we were breaking up. It’s not in my wheelhouse. So the fact that he and Khate have frequent screaming fights (I remember something slipped out years ago about a bad fight they had when they were in Mustique) only shows how sick their relationship is. I only hope their kids haven’t overheard them but kids are very perceptive and realize pretty early on that there are problems between mummy and daddy. Unfortunately they also tend to blame themselves because they become fearful of losing one or the other parent. Some regress developmentally, becoming aggressive and throwing tantrums, especially boys. Sounds like William doesn’t it…

    • booboocita says:

      I sincerely hope the nannies at least have the prudence and foresight to take the kids away whenever W & K are mid-tantrum. No child needs to witness that.

  48. MyCatLovesTV says:

    I’m bummed that I won’t be alive when they make the movie “The Madness of King William.”

  49. Katie says:

    It’s almost as if a tax payer funded family business is a bad idea…

  50. Over it says:

    He didn’t mean it, it was said in the form of a joke. NO ROBERT, YOU BEING A RACIST CANNOT TRY TO EXPLAIN AWAY RACISM. WILLIAM IS A RACIST. ITS A FACT.

  51. MangoAngelesque says:

    So he’s a typical, classic abuser. He always apologizes after lashing out, his horrible words are totally a joke that he can’t BELIEVE you’re actually mad about, you’re so sensitive, gawd.

    “I’m sorry I screamed/hit you, baby, you just made me so angry and you knew I was having a bad day. I bought you flowers, I love you, let’s just move on…” over and over and over.

  52. Slippers4life says:

    Once again, M said, “there were conversations and concerns about how dark his skin might be when he’s born.” When pressed there were “several” conversations and CONCERNS. This is not “oh do you think the baby will have red hair and beautiful dark skin?” They specifically had CONCERNS about how dark his skin might be and there were SEVERAL conversations. If someone was having several “light hearted” conversations with me about the same thing, I’d think they “doth protested too much” and there were ulterior motives…anyone would. Jobson is saying it’s “oh just joking” gaslighting at BEST. No doubt, he’s very much racist!

  53. Athena says:

    So we’re suppose to believe it’s not Charles who questioned how dark the baby will be because Jobson tells us so. There’s a story not too long ago that it was Charles during breakfast with Camilla who brought it up.
    Let’s not forget that William refused to acknowledged Archie as his nephew when Archie was born, “I already have a nephew” is what he said.

  54. H says:

    What I don’t get is how they can, presumably with a straight face, talk about how William has a furious temper and blows up all the time and then turn right around, in the same set of quotes, to claim that he only exploded on “rare” occasions. So which is it? Either he’s a monster who takes it out on everyone, or it’s so infrequent that we’re supposed to believe he doesn’t abuse the staff. (Personally I don’t believe that somehow he’s got anger issues but somehow suppresses them enough that they’re observed but not substantially felt by his employees).

    It’s almost amusing watching the palace pretend to be upset about Megan’s supposed bullying while simultaneously acknowledging AND downplaying their own staff abuse. We already know they treat their employees terribly! More pearl-clutching and handwringing, and still no evidence of misconduct on behalf of Megan.

  55. Tursitops says:

    Chuckles is acting like he has no idea how his sons ended up this way. It’s as though he is intimating “Who the hell raised these kids?!” Hey pal, either you were involved and observant so you saw what was happening or else you didn’t participate and weren’t hands-on so you were blind-sided when they became adults. I’m thinking it’s the latter.

  56. minnieder says:

    With all of the money he has, why are his teeth so jacked up and yellow? Kate spends tons of money on clothes, shoes, purses, Botox etc so why doesn’t he at least whiten his teeth?!?

  57. Gabby says:

    It’s been some time since Kaiser treated us with that snaggletooth pic of TOB.
    Thank you for making my Monday.

    • Roo says:

      It never fails to make me laugh. Now if it were any “regular” person, I would not comment on or judge their teeth because that would be rude and unkind. But with the spoiled and vain TOBB, I laugh. 😏

  58. CourtneyB says:

    I’ve always thought it was William not Charles. Primarily because Harry said it was ‘damaging’ to name the person. Charles is over 70. People weren’t going to be super shocked if he’d made an comment ranging from insensitive to racist. But William? He was in his 30s, he’s supposed to be more enlightened. I mean, we know he’s not but the average person? That was NOT the look they wanted for the ‘glamorous saviors of the monarchy’. Added to this Harry being good with their relationship being ‘space’.

  59. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    And yet, there are people who insist Will and Kate are good parents because, I guess, they release family Christmas cards every year? They seem to seriously think a cute photo is proof of good parenting, even though we have no way of knowing if the kids are exposed to verbal abuse, racism, etc. at home. Everything is just so superficial with them.

  60. Amanda says:

    There isn’t a non-racist way to frame the skin color conversation, and it is amazing to me that these ppl still try to find ways to excuse it.

    • SuzeQ says:

      Adding my thanks to Kaiser for that photo.
      And PW’s defensiveness on the allegation of racism was a tell. Who barks out a sentence like, “We are very much not a racist family”? A racist, that’s who.
      Someone who is comfortable with his own statements on race (and had even a smidge of media training) would have calmly said something like: “I think we all have to acknowledge our racism. But we love our nephew Archie dearly and we’re elated to welcome him into the family.”

  61. Serena says:

    Can I also say, that cover is horrendous. The font is tragic and Baldy looks like just a floating head lol.