The January 6th Committee has Donald Trump’s terrorist blooper reel

The January 6th Committee was in primetime again last night. I took a CBD gummy and went to bed, but I’m catching up on what was covered in Thursday evening’s proceedings. The committee used their primetime slot to focus on Donald Trump’s response to the unfolding terrorist attack on the Capitol. We knew, at the time, that Trump was glued to the TV in the White House, watching the attack unfold. We also knew that there was a very obvious lack of law enforcement or security response to the insurrection – the National Guard was not called in for hours and hours. Notably – and I don’t think this was covered in the hearing – the FBI didn’t really arrive en masse at the Capitol either. We still don’t know why the National Guard wasn’t called in for hours and hours though. I think the answer is simply “because Trump didn’t want to authorize the Guard to come in and disperse his MAGA terrorists.” So what was highlighted in Thursday’s hearing? From the NYT:

Trump ignored pleas to call off his supporters: Members of Congress, aides and his own daughter, Ivanka, made pleas to Mr. Trump to call off the violence as it unfolded in front of him on television. But witnesses told the committee that Mr. Trump not only ignored them but repeatedly signaled that he did not want anything done. Text messages and audio obtained by the committee showed that protesters massing at the Capitol were paying close attention to Mr. Trump’s words. Representative Adam Kinzinger, the Illinois Republican who helped lead the hearing, said that the president, after learning of the Capitol breach, resisted putting out a tweet saying “Stay peaceful.” “He told Mark Meadows that the rioters were doing what they should be doing and the rioters understood they were doing what President Trump wanted them to do,” Mr. Kinzinger said, referring to what Mr. Trump told his chief of staff, Mr. Meadows.

Trump never spoke to the Pentagon or law enforcement: Through a range of witness testimonies, the committee demonstrated that Mr. Trump never reached out to the heads of any law enforcement or national security department or agency in the government to seek help in responding to quell the violence. Fox News footage, which Mr. Trump was watching from his dining room, showed how the Capitol Police were under siege, massively outmanned and struggling to repel the crowd. But the president remained unmoved.

VP Pence’s Secret Service detail feared for their lives: Testimony from a White House security official, who had access to what Secret Service agents in the Capitol protecting Vice President Mike Pence were saying to each other over their radios, showed how agents feared for their lives as protesters drew near. The committee declined to identify the official and masked the official’s voice. “There was a lot of yelling,” the official told the committee. “A lot of very personal calls over the radio, so it was disturbing. I don’t like talking about it, but there were calls to say goodbye to family members, so on and so forth. It was getting — for whatever the reason was on the ground the V.P. detail thought that this was about to get very ugly.”

Cassidy Hutchinson was a credible witness: The committee helped bolster the credibility of Cassidy Hutchinson, the West Wing aide who provided dramatic and damning testimony to the committee last month and quickly was attacked by Mr. Trump and his allies. One of the most significant disclosures from Ms. Hutchinson was that there was an angry dispute between Mr. Trump and his security detail in his car when the detail refused to drive him to the Capitol to join his supporters. Testimony played on Thursday from an anonymous White House security official and a sergeant in the Metropolitan Police Department who was driving in Mr. Trump’s motorcade corroborated that claim. “The only description I received was that the president was upset and was adamant about going to the Capitol,” Sergeant Mark Robinson said in testimony of his deposition played at the hearing. “And there was a heated discussion about that.” Other testimony played by the committee showed that White House aides believed that if Mr. Trump headed to the Capitol he would have been joining a violent event.

Trump refused to admit that the election was over on Jan. 7: A day after the assault, Mr. Trump taped an address, but he still could not bring himself to say that the election was over. Outtakes from that address obtained by the committee showed an angry Mr. Trump telling the teleprompter operator to edit out of the address a phrase about the election now being over. His daughter, Ivanka, can be heard responding to some of Mr. Trump’s edits.

[From The NYT]

I’m including some of the relevant videos below. The fact that the Jan. 6th committee has the f–king outtakes – a terrorist blooper reel! – of Trump’s on-camera statement is f–king wild. The chaos of the Secret Service recordings at the Capitol… it’s so upsetting and disturbing. Like, I think Mike Pence is a complete a–hole and I don’t agree with him politically whatsoever, but the fact is that he does deserve credit and sympathy for his actions that day. He stayed in the Capitol, with his family, and he and Speaker Pelosi still f–king certified the g–damn election even though Donald Trump sent a terrorist mob to murder him.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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63 Responses to “The January 6th Committee has Donald Trump’s terrorist blooper reel”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    His voiced and face disgust me but I still watched this reel and was nauseated. He really treated the presidency like a personal play pen and this reel proves that and that he’s just some shitty game show host. What a disgrace. I don’t think we will ever truly recover from the damage the republicans and the millions of racists who voted for him have done.

    Josh Hawley running for his life out of the Capital was a delight though.

    • Nicki says:

      Yes me too, re: his face and voice. Grotesque. And Kaiser’s “terrorist blooper reel” is brilliant.

  2. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Yestradah, all my troubles seemed so far away…

    Wait, no.

    Yesturday, all my–

    Yahtaday, all–

    Forget it.

    The day before today, all my troubles seemed so far away…

  3. K says:

    His true crazies will never let him go but you can already see the rest of the Republican party inching away. It’s looking like DeSantis and Pence but if course it could change.

  4. equality says:

    I can see Pence’s agents being afraid of being killed but isn’t that what they signed up for? My understanding is they are trained with the idea that they give their life if needed to protect the ones they are guarding. One reason I couldn’t imagine ever taking the job.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes but no? I mean you obviously sign up for that, but I also think they did not expect that they would be in danger from a mob being incited by the president.

      • equality says:

        True. You don’t expect the president to basically take out a hit on the VP.

      • Lightpurple says:

        They probably all believed that were it to happen, it would be by catching a stray bullet aimed at a president, not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher and hockey stick, while bear spray rains down, by an insane mob sent to kill the VP by the President.

    • Emmi says:

      I think it would be utterly crazy to NOT be afraid of being killed. That is human and not something you should ever try to train out of someone. It’s a healthy response. I would imagine the Secret Service people simply learn how to channel that. There’s also a chance that you’ll get killed every time you get into a car but it’s the worst outcome we accept, we don’t really sign up for it I would say.

      I feel like this horrific fact, that the President of the United States pretty much egged them on to come after his Vice President, doesn’t get stressed enough? I know the world is burning and the past decade has desensitized many of us but the PRESIDENT wanted his VICE PRESIDENT KILLED! WTF??? 5 years ago, if someone had written a screenplay with that in it, people would have thrown them out of the room.

      These outtakes … my god.

      • DK says:

        Remember when 45 began his presidency and all those ridiculous things happened right out the gate: lying about crowd size at his inauguration, his National Security Advisor lying about contact with Russians, firing the FBI director because 45 couldn’t force him to ignore that whole Russia scandal…

        and even the reasonable GOP folks said, “He’s just new to being president, give him time, he’ll realize you can’t do these things.”

        And he never learned and it got worse and worse for years until yes, POTUS tried to have VPOTUS assassinated so he could steal an election he was already well aware he’d lost.

        And now we (like, reasonable Americans! NY Times columnists! etc) debate whether it would be appropriate for the Dept. of Justice to even charge him, given he might run against Biden, and it might appear political.


        The entire world has lost its common sense.

      • Erin says:

        @DK- totally agree with everything you said. It boggles my mind that people are just shrugging their shoulder in apathy to all of this. That even the so called “liberal news media” is so calm about all of this and just debating about it like it’s some tax reform. The right got thousands to storm the capital over a lie and we can’t even get people upset about FACTS! Facts that have been put in our faces over and over again. I have no hope.

    • kirk says:

      Do you swear an oath to support and defend the constitution of the U.S. against all enemies, foreign and domestic as a federal employee? Yes. Sadly, in the U.S. there are more domestic threats than foreign. I am completely sympathetic to any LEO calling their families to say goodbye when they realize they could be impaled with U.S. flag by domestic mob that’s been incited by donald and supporters. And I would never glibly say, well the LEOs should be ready to die since they signed up for it.

      All of the televised hearings are available on Jan 6 Select Committee youtube channel:

      • equality says:

        It’s their literal job. If you don’t like the terms you don’t sign up or, to me if guarding someone I wouldn’t give my life up for, you sign out and say, “no thanks”. It’s the same as serving in the military, you don’t go in looking to die but you know what can happen. And, being armed and trained, they were in better shape than the majority of people in the building.

  5. Julia K says:

    He is unhinged. Truly not living in reality. The testimony and tapes will form the basis for a not guilty plea due to insanity

    • Giddy says:

      The world’s biggest narcissist was our President. He is a dangerous man and has demonstrated that he was willing to destroy our country in order to build up his own ego. I honestly believe that he would have let that mob murder Pence for not carrying out Trump’s orders.
      Wikipedia says: Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with others’ feelings.

  6. Becks1 says:

    We watched this last night for about an hour, and omg. “yesterday is hard for me to say”??? WTF. The outtakes were so disturbing, because it was 24 hours later, and by that point you would think he and the people around him would have realized how effing BAD this was. And yes, the election was over by that point Trump, no matter what you said, because congress effing did their job and certified the results.

  7. KBeth says:

    He is an utterly repulsive human being. Everything about him makes my skin crawl.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Same here, KBeth. I’m from Australia, and have always detested this creature, Long before his stupid reality show even. He is repugnant. I cannot think of one redeeming quality this maggot has. He should be drawn and quartered for what he has done to America and her citizens. I cannot wait for this to be over so we don’t have to ever see or hear from him again, even though he will likely be that bad smell you can never get rid of.

  8. Vera says:

    As a DC resident who only lives a couple of miles from the Capitol, I am still traumatized and fearful of similar attacks in the future. We had a citywide curfew beginning at 6pm that day… sirens and helicopters blaring for hours… MAGA attacks on residents in neighborhoods where they were staying.

  9. Kitten says:

    What sticks out for me if his body language. He physically recoils when he’s forced to tell the truth. He can’t even admit to himself that he lost; can’t say the words. Narcissist,

  10. Flo says:

    Why won’t Pence testify? THEY ALL KNEW WHO TRUMP WAS yet they did nothing to stop him. Everyone in his administration is complicit

    • FHMom says:

      Pence really is a coward, but not for the reasons Trump says.

    • TIFFANY says:

      Pence is saving it for his book and POTUS run. Both will flop.

    • Valerie says:

      I used to think that the idea that Trump had something on Pence et. al was ridiculous. The guy couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. But now I wonder. He had initially distanced himself from Trump, which I thought was the right direction to go in. Now they’re all buddy-buddy again, and he’s acting as if nothing happened. Seems fishy. They’re all cracked, as far as I’m concerned.

    • Lucy says:

      Ok, it wouldn’t actually surprise me if he did have something on Pence. He had Falwell Jr black mailed into his endorsement (although I think they all wanted to), which opened the evangelical flood gate of support.

      • Sofacat says:

        I’m from the UK, and really want to know what can be done now, after all of this investigation, to hold him to account? What could he be charged with, and how could that go?

  11. FHMom says:

    I just don’t understand what the end game is here. We know what he did. The facts are more disturbing than we could have imagined. Are these hearings supposed to dissuade people from voting for him again? Discourage him from running? My favorite — charge him and lock him up? He definitely belongs in jail for treason or supporting a coup or something, but is it going to happen? My guess is no. All these Republicans who criticized him on Jan. 7th have collective amnesia.

    • Riley says:

      Same same same

    • Barb Mill says:

      It’s the money. He made millions being president, running for president, saying the election was stolen. If he runs again and gets the nomination I’m pretty sure he will win again. Putin will see to it. Who knows how many national security secrets he stole. How much money he got from all the pardons he gave. All the deals they made at trump properties. Who knows what was in all those boxes of documents he stole when he left the white house. Not to mention the 2 billion dollars Jared Kushner got from Saudi Crown Prince 6 months after he left the white house.
      For the GOP it’s a way to stay in power as a minority. The big lie has been the justification for over 400 voter suppression bills have been introduced in many states and many have passed.

      • Julia K says:

        He won’t run if he cuts a deal. Don’t send me to jail and I’ll go away and retire from political life. Just guessing but stranger things have happened. His kids will be left dangling in the breeze.

  12. Southern Fried says:

    When we watched I thought he said anus instead if heinous. Lol an anus attack… it actually tracks with President PoopyPants.

  13. AnneL says:

    I will never say that life doesn’t imitate art again.

    That blooper reel reminded me of an actual old SNL sketch with Darrel Hammond (I think) playing Trump being interviewed.

    I really really want to know what the SS is trying to hide with those deleted texts.

  14. Digital Unicorn says:

    I watched the Netflix documentary on that day – man it was terrifying, esp the body cam footage of the police in the building. Those morons who made up the mob were like feral rabid animals – I shudder to think that would have happened if they had got into the senate floor before the lawmakers were evacuated.

    Trump only told them to back off when it became clear that the mob wasn’t going to be able to do his dirty work for him – which was to get their hands on Pence and the certificates to stop Biden becoming President. His coup failed but only by the grace of god.

  15. shoochai says:

    “‘Yesterday’ is a hard work for me to say”



  16. Lightpurple says:

    I want to know what transpired that led the National Guard to take orders from Pence, who had no authority to command the Guard unless the 25th was invoked

    • Truthiness says:

      I want to know what the texts read from Secret Service, esp since we know MAGA members were amongst their ranks. Did Trump order the detail to physically remove Pence and keep him away? Chuck Grassley “somehow” thought Pence would be unavailable and Grassley (next in line as president pro tempore) was prepared to accept the false slates of electors, certifying Trump instead.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      I think the 25th was basically unofficially “invoked” once the commander-in-chief refused to contact military & law enforcement as the insurrection unfolded. The 25th had been referenced more than once during Trump’s tenure & we know after January 6, he was threatened with it. That threat suggests to me that Pence knew he had a majority of the heads of executive departments willing to sign off on a statement Congress that Trump was unfit for office. So the Guard likely treated Pence as Acting President with the idea that by the time Trump allies challenged Pence’s authority, the 25th would be in place. Trump couldn’t bear the humiliation, so they never had to formally invoke it.

  17. dina says:

    the outtakes OMGGGGGG. No words.

  18. Carol Mengel says:

    So let me get this straight. This POS can’t pronounce yesterday and there are still a**holes waiting to elect him again in 2024.

  19. jferber says:

    Equality, too bad all the police forces in Uvalde, Texas didn’t believe they took on the duty of sacrificing their lives if need be. And these are fucking local, state and federal POLICE cowardly allowing a bunch of CHILDREN to be assassinated by a madman.

    • Dilettante says:

      My thoughts exactly.

    • equality says:

      I agree. It’s another job where you should understand that you are risking your life and health to protect those who are unable to defend themselves.

  20. jferber says:

    Carol Mengel, Yes, that is exactly the case.

  21. Lock him up says:

    He is a horrible, evil person who belongs in Jail

  22. Trump is a Ghoul! says:

    Trump says “I don’t want to say the election is over!” like a petulant child says “I don’t wanna take a nap!”

  23. Valerie says:

    God, get the hook.

  24. Mrs. Smith says:

    I’ve read tons of books about the French Revolution and what happened after the mobs started filling the streets. They literally ripped people to shreds. Mob rule is TERRIFYING and it’s pretty significant that those officers and agents (trained to stare down any danger) were calling their loved ones to say goodbye in case they didn’t make it out alive. Jesus.

  25. Jessica says:

    Last night was the only hearing I watched… I can literally feel my blood pressure skyrocket when I hear anything about Jan 6 (or Trump really), so I’ve been staying away from real time consumption. But holy cow. The evidence they have of just how bad it really was is terrifying. And now I can’t figure out the secret service- they’re scared for their lives but go out of their way to show contempt of congress by deleting their text messages? Wouldn’t you want to make people experience consequences for putting you through that? Instead they’re covering up for something? Wtf happened that day? Were they legit getting text messages to just straight up assassinate Pence?

  26. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    I cried January 6th, and there he is, gritting his teeth at words condemning the insurrection. He’s beyond revolting. I can’t think of vile words to describe him. He’s a deadly disease.

  27. Diamond+Rottweiler says:

    I gotta say, Pence wasn’t motivated by doing the right thing anymore than Liz Cheney is in leading the hearing committee. These are two *ultra* conservative, completely shady, bigoted assholes who only stepped up when the chaotic evil they helped put into power and keep in power nearly burned the whole GOP money machine to the ground (alongside the Constitution). This isn’t about them suddenly having some kind of moral compass or admirable belief system. It’s about taking away the (formerly) useful idiot’s flamethrower before he quite literally destroys the corrupt machine they’ve built. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as necessary–but I hope people don’t forget for a second who these two rapacious creatures actually are.

    • Sumodo1 says:

      Bless you for crystalizing the essence of what I think will ultimately be the downfall of the hearings the hard right categorized as “a show trial.” If Liz Cheney (and the GOP members on the panel) don’t intend to prosecute T-rump, may they all suffer public shame and disgrace, and lose their bids for re-election. That’s a history lesson they won’t forget.

    • SAS says:

      @Diamond&Rottweiler Yep yep yep. I’m not American so don’t feel I can really participate in these difficult discussions, but my view from the outside is that Trump is the outlier in the party. He’s a monster and a madman, but Pence and Cheney are true deep conservative republicans. They won’t walk the country down the same path of destruction Trump would, but it would be a dark path nonetheless.

    • Leesa says:

      I don’t agree with almost anything Liz Cheney represents, but I do believe she’s running this committee because she believes Trump is a danger to US democracy. She voted to impeach him for the Jan 6 insurrection, and that along with leading this committee will likely mean she loses her seat this fall. She represents the vanishingly small old GOP, not the MAGA GOP. Pence supports Trump, period. Even after almost being killed by his followers.

  28. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I think that DOJ, Merrick Garland, need to charge Trump with as many crimes as he can. I beieve the January 6th Committee has done his job for him. He hired a prosecutor who is very experienced with RICO cases and I think that’s an avenue he wants to pursue, but it takes time.

    I believe what needs to happen now is that the people need to start an arrest Donald Trump movement or Trump is a Traitor (which I happen to believe is true). It’s got to be loud and ongoing. That could be what all of the politicians are waiting for–to see what the majority wants. If apathy wins, we’ll just have a continuation of all of this. We’ll just have DeSantis instead of Trump, and that actually might be worse.

  29. phaedra7 says:


    (sorry for the all caps–I’m just very happy about this!) 🤗