Kylie Jenner: I cried nonstop for three weeks after having my second baby

The fact that we don’t know Kylie Jenner’s son’s name is odd to me. I don’t have a problem with parents not sharing their kids’ names nor do I feel like Kylie has to tell us his name. But she did tell us they named him Wolf right away and then made a point of telling us they’d decided not to call him Wolf (a name I love, btw) and then never told us his official name. And we don’t know Khloe’s son’s name either. But they’ve never withheld the girls’ names – it’s all just odd to me.

What unfortunately made sense to me was Kylie’s description of how bad it was for her after she gave birth to her son. She told sister Kendall Jenner this week on The Kardashians that she had the ‘Baby Blues’ following Baby Boy Webster’s birth and cried almost every day for the first three weeks, just like she had after Stormi’s birth. Kylie looked it up and since the symptoms matched how she felt and went away just when the internet said they would, she’s convinced that’s what it was.

Kylie Jenner opened up about experiencing postpartum “baby blues” following the birth of her second child, a son, whose name we still do not know.

“It’s been really hard for me,” Kylie told her older sister Kendall Jenner. “I cried nonstop every day for the first three weeks.”

Kylie explained, “It’s just the baby blues and then it kinda goes away. I had it with Stormi too.”

“Your hormones are probably all over the place,” rationalized Kendall. Kylie responded, “No, I cried for, like, three weeks. Like, every day to the point where I would be laying in bed and my head would just hurt so bad.”

While Kylie didn’t consult an actual doctor, she said a Google search helped her realize she was only having the baby blues, not postpartum depression, because it only lasted for six weeks.

[From Yahoo! via Hollywood Life]

It makes sense to me that Kylie experienced this because I had the Baby Blues too. At least I thought I did. But Kylie defined it as a up to six-week period postpartum and The Mayo Clinic says it’s only a week or two after the baby’s born. Mine was 12 weeks. But then yeah, it just vanished. What neither Kylie nor I did was tell a doctor about our depression and health professionals say you should. So if you are postpartum and feeling empty or crying continuously like Kylie said or feel a sense of despondency for longer than two weeks, consult your doctor. You deserve to feel joy during this time. It’s a horrible and scary feeling that leaves you thinking there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t, you are a good mom – reach out to someone. I’m glad Kylie’s feeling better and has her family to lean on.

I’m also glad Kylie’s talking about embracing her postpartum body. Granted, she looks amazing, but she’s acknowledging her body has changed since birth and that she loves it. I know, I know – it’s the Kardashian-Jenners we’re talking about. But for them, this is progress.

Phot credit: Cover Images

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15 Responses to “Kylie Jenner: I cried nonstop for three weeks after having my second baby”

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  1. Seraphina says:

    I am not a fan of this family – never watched an episode of their show either. BUT it is wonderful more women are speaking about PP – even women with lots of money who have all at their disposal get it. I had it and I was told my mom to get over it and I should rejoice I had a healthy baby and delivery. Well, the mood did not change. IT IS DIFFICULT. The more we talk about this the more women who may be struggling with it can be helped. They need to know they are normal, they aren’t horrible mothers and they can get help.
    That said – I love that dress she is wearing in the first pic.

  2. J. Ferber says:

    Imo, she’s saying she loves her post-partum body until she loses the weight on her own or has a tummy tuck/ liposuction/whatever and then say breast feeding made the weight slide right off her.

    • ME says:

      I’m surprised she said she now has saggy breasts. Doesn’t she have implants? Can they sag after giving birth? I learned something new. Also, of course she’s going to get the usual KarJenner nip and tuck and say it was all due to diet and exercise. There are rumblings and rumors that Kim and Khloe are both taking a diabeties pill to lose weight even though neither of them has diabetes. I know the name but won’t post it because I don’t think it’s a good idea at all (if true).

  3. Alarmjaguar says:

    To be fair, when I was breastfeeding (full disclosure, twins) the weight did slide right off me! If only I’d stopped eating ice cream as they began to tapper off… 🙂

  4. Maddy says:

    They are saving the name reveals for the season finale.
    Also, the boys have never been as “valuable” in that family as the girls. Really, really sad, but that’s how they roll.

    As for her baby blues story, could very well be true, could just be her storyline for this season. I just don’t trust them.

  5. Murphy says:

    I wonder if the delay in the name release is due to some delay in the trademark process.

  6. Sue says:

    For the first 3 weeks after having my baby, I would start crying at 5pm every single day like clockwork. Maybe because I knew night was coming and I wouldn’t have the chance to sleep much. Postpartum is so tough. Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture for a reason. It is not bliss. I wish It had been. I’m happy for those who did experience that euphoria but I sure didn’t.

  7. AMA1977 says:

    I had PPD with my first and was so anxious that I would again with my second, but I (thankfully) did not. You really don’t realize that something is wrong until you’re through to the other side; at least, I didn’t. I’m glad she is feeling better and talking about it publicly, because it is something that lots of women experience and normalizing it helps.

  8. Huckle says:

    Her clothing always looks so uncomfortable to me. Kim’s too. Not everything needs to be skin tight 24/7.

  9. whatWHAT? says:

    maybe she was subconsciously realizing her baby’s father is a piece of kaka.

  10. jferber says:

    whatWhat, I read her baby’s father settled with the family of one of the ten people who died at his concert (9 more settlements to go, apart from the injuries/trauma, etc.) . How could she be with him knowing his recklessness, incitement and indifference caused so many deaths, the youngest a ten-year-old boy. Just wow.

  11. j says:

    Most women I know are completely unprepared for the trauma of childbirth, never mind the post-partum period. They are practically discarded after birth; expected to self assess, know what to ask and what to do with little to no support. I guess in addition to being mothers to our children and husbands and aging parents, we must also know how to be our own doctor.

    • Justwastingtime says:

      I appreciate how many women are talking about this. I can’t think of a friend who wasn’t traumatized to some degree by giving birth. And, the baby blues are incredibly common. I have my first child before the era of looking everything up on the net. Thank God for a friend telling me about them right before I gave birth, otherwise I would have thought I was going crazy for crying over every little thing.

  12. Identicaloskar says:

    It’s different for everyone but the average is a week to a month. The first week I was terrified of breaking his neck by accident. The second week the crying started. I had doctors monitoring me for it though, because I was at risk and I’d had a stillbirth. I just remember being more depressed and anxious than EVER, and all the weird fixations.