Nicholl: Princess Kate was ‘mentored’ by QEII, Kate is ‘well prepared’ for her role

This story made me remember something a bit curious – remember how Queen Elizabeth made a point of doing a day of events with the Duchess of Sussex soon after Meghan’s 2018 wedding? Meghan even got to travel on the royal train with Her Maj. It felt like a very big deal, that QEII was making a point of being publicly warm to Meghan. That irritated the f–k out of Prince William and Kate, especially Kate. QEII had never singled out Kate in that way, although we don’t know if QEII had tried and been rebuffed by Kate’s overwhelming laziness. While Kate did a handful of events with QEII in the early years of her marriage, Kate had never “gotten” that kind of special one-on-one attention from her grandmother-in-law. So… it’s funny to watch Kate furiously try to embiggen herself by trying to act like she and QEII were super-tight from the word go. So says Katie Nicholl.

The Princess of Wales had a ‘phenomenal’ mentor in The Queen and ‘isn’t trying to emulate’ Princess Diana in her new role, an expert has claimed. Royal correspondent Katie Nicholl – author of The New Royals: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown – said the late monarch offered huge support to the Princess before she married into the Royal Family in 2011.

Speaking to Ok! , the expert said Her Majesty ‘made her private office and ladies-in-waiting’ available to Kate ahead of the Royal Wedding so she could familarise herself with the inner-workings of royal life.

The author said: ‘[This meant Kate] could go and talk to them first-hand about what it was like to do royal engagements and how one should behave. And she took up that offer and made sure she benefitted from that experience.’

In turn, the expert highlighted how Kate always prioritised spending time with the late Queen – who wanted to make sure the future Princess of Wales was ‘well prepared’ to take on the role.

Referencing how the couple took their children Prince George, nine, Princess Charlotte, seven, and Prince Louis, four, to Balmoral every summer, she added: ‘Those were precious, valuable moments for Kate to develop a close relationship with the Queen. And they did have a good relationship. Part of that relationship was mentoring and the Queen being able to pass on her advice, her values and her guidance.’

As her mother-in-law was the last royal to hold the title of the Princess of Wales, the expert said Kate is aware that she has ‘formidable shoes’ to fill. However, the expert says Kate is intent on ‘carving her own identity’ within her new position.

‘She’s not letting anything overshadow or overwhelm the Princess of Wales that she wants to be,’ Katie added. ‘I think that’s very much to her credit and her confidence.’

Rather than directly ’emulating’ Princess Diana, the expert says the Princess of Wales prefers to pay her respects with her jewellery.

[From The Daily Mail]

One, Kate IS trying to emulate Diana, but she only wants to emulate her dead mother-in-law superficially, through jewelry and clothes. Kate thinks if she wears Diana’s earrings and dresses in Diana’s ‘80s fashion, people will love and respect her like they did with Diana. Kate has never understood that Diana had that magic, the emotional intelligence and charisma, to work a room or connect with people. As for Kate learning so much from QEII – please, before Kate and William’s wedding, no one in the Windsor clan liked or even knew Kate. QEII let it be known that she thought Kate was lazy and dumb for hanging around for a decade, waitying for the ring and being William’s beck-and-call girl. Reportedly, QEII really didn’t make an effort to “prepare” the married-in women for much of anything. Sure, she had staffers offer Kate and Meghan some tips, but it’s not like Liz was creating protocol lists or anything.

(Honestly, there’s more evidence that Camilla “helped” Kate learn the role more than anyone else. Camilla took Kate to lunch before the wedding and they’ve seemed especially thick as thieves after Liz died. They both looted the old lady’s jewelry as soon as possible too.)

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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61 Responses to “Nicholl: Princess Kate was ‘mentored’ by QEII, Kate is ‘well prepared’ for her role”

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  1. equality says:

    “Rather than directly ’emulating’ Princess Diana, the expert says the Princess of Wales prefers to pay her respects with her jewellery.” In other words I am not going to try to do good work or be nice to people, I just want to wear the loot. If she learned from the ladies-in-waiting like the one just dismissed, that explains a lot about her. I wouldn’t brag about being tight with them. I’m sure they all share the same attitude.

    • Lucy says:

      I can’t believe they said the jewel part out loud. Oh, she just wants to wear the jewels, not do any of the actual work Diana did. Can you imagine? Can you imagine knowing you’re going to be compared to Diana all the time, and deciding that wearing her jewelry is definitely the best way to ‘honor’ her. And dressing like your husband’s dead mother. Anyway. As always, they need more therapy than there’s time in their busy schedules /s

    • Becks1 says:

      I howled at that part. I can’t believe Katie Nicholl came out and said that! It’s just about the jewelry for Kate.

    • Nic919 says:

      Katie Nicholl was the one who wrote a “biography” of kate and basically confirmed how lazy kate was and I think it is her book where one of Kate’s cousins is spoken to and confirms that kate cares about nothing but herself and doesn’t care about the world around her.

      • Persephone says:

        I wonder – does Khate ever read these things about her? How does she not feel ashamed or mortified???

      • notasugarhere says:

        She’s also the one who was 1) infatuated with Harry and 2) whom Kate used to call from hotel rooms telling her where she and William were on holiday so Nicholl could get the scoop.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    It actually astounds me the lack of self awareness and lack of dignity that Kate has. To have people constantly making excuses for you and propping you up because you have no personality and nothing to offer. She has chosen to be a lazy bum who prefers to shop, have babies and wear curious fashion. I just can’t believe that a woman her age on a world stage still acts this way.

    It also goes back to Meghan being everything Kate wishes she could be and hating that because Meghan is a black woman.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      Someone wisely commented yesterday that this is exactly the role the RF wanted for William’s wife: someone “beige” to linger in the background, make babies, and wear clothes. She was never supposed to be anything more, lest she make Wills look dull in comparison. Those Windsor boys sure don’t like their shine taken away by females!

      Which draws attention to the incredible misogyny of the RF — and almost makes me wonder if Kate has been coached to NOT do more. This is no excuse – there are plenty of excellent avenues to support passion projects that do not involve stepping in the limelight – but I do wonder if Kate’s laziness/lack of initiative has the perfect match in a family that desperately wants to cling to legitimacy by overshadowing everyone else.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Nah, I don’t think she needed to be coached because she’s always been THAT lazy. The only things she’s ever put real effort into are chasing after William and her physical appearance…the latter of which was never spectacular but is especially a lost cause now. Must be real bitter for her to look into the mirror everyday and see a face very different from all the highly edited photos.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate was lazy well before she was engaged at 29. There is a whole decade in her 20s where kate barely worked and spent time shopping and going on holiday. And the only charity event that can be linked to kate during that time is the roller skating event where she tricked Beatrice by not telling her it was a theme party and spending time on the floor of the skating rink.

        William likely saw this and realized she would never outwork him which to him was a selling feature.

      • Becks1 says:

        If Kate wanted to work more, she could. She does not. full stop. It’s not about outshining or outworking anyone else. She’s a boring person on her own, she’s beige enough; if anything, if she worked more, her engagements would get LESS coverage bc people would be so used to them. The reason her events get covered so much is bc she does so few of them.

      • windyriver says:

        Yes, I think the RF wanted someone undramatic – but they expected she and Will would do what members of the family normally did, the routine “ribbon cutting/hospital opening” type of appearances the rest of the family did for decades. She wasn’t supposed to just sit around, dress nicely and have babies. We’re talking 10+ years ago, before it was clear Will himself had few interests and no intention of doing any substantive work. He may have wanted other people, but in the end chose a woman completely on the same page with him. And they seemed to get along fine doing mostly nothing in the early years of their marriage.

        There’s no way TQ or Charles could have been happy with how Will turned out – wasn’t the story that Philip delayed his retirement because W&K weren’t stepping up? If Will is trying to do more now, it’s because he’s competing with Harry, and at this point his status as heir is all he has going for him. I suspect, with Meghan in the picture, Will realized what a dead loss Kate really is. At the very least, what she could do, without outshining anyone, is actually educate herself and do the work consistent with the Early Years project she’s promoted. Maybe just learn to do better with public speaking. She hasn’t because she doesn’t care, that’s not what she signed up for. What she’s accepted is her husband’s disdain, his blatant cheating. As far as her role doing nothing, living in palaces and decked out in jewels, that’s exactly how she wanted it.

    • lanne says:

      I take all of the “hasn’t put a foot wrong” nonsense to “you better not put a foot wrong.” Kate is in a guilded cage. She’s a pretty broodmare, a government-issue Wifebot 2011 version. The Heir couldn’t have his brother’s dynamic wife outshine his own. He’s supposed to be the star, damnit, not Harry and definitely not Meghan.

      She has accepted that role as it is. She didn’t think she could subvert it, or find her own niche within it. She seems to have no interests, dreams, passions, or identity outside her marriage. She could be replaced with a robot and no one would notice. But even though I pity her, I don’t feel any empathy for her, because she actively chose this, and she tried to destroy another woman to keep her silly pedestal. She’s Serena Joy, or any of the other Commander’s Wives who have no identity other than their pedestal, and who need all those Marthas and Handmaids and Econowives underneath them to feel a sense of superiority, which is their only purpose for existence. She’s the epitome of the white woman who chooses her pedestal over the advancement of women, and will work actively to diminish the advancement of women to keep her exalted place. She has shown us who she is. We ought to believe her.

      • notasugarhere says:

        You are giving every excuse in the book to a lazy, racist, petty, self-infantilising meangirl who has chased this life since she was 14. Kate had plenty of opportunity to find a different husband, work, build a career, all of it. She chose to hound William, be his convenient bedmate, and give up all self-worth in exchange for this life. Kate chose that, not her stagemummy, Kate. Enough with the excuses. Kate is not a victim in any way.

      • lanne says:

        I called her Serena Joy and said I had no empathy for her at all. I called her a robot that could be replaced without anyone noticing. I said she has accepted this role based on her own sense of superiority, and she’s no friend to any woman. I fail to see any excuse or Victimhood for OfPeggington here. Yikes.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah @Lanne is definitely not giving Kate any excuses lol.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Yes she is, Becks1, when she states ‘you better not put a foot wrong’, that Kate is somehow being forced by William or the Palace into badly-dress broodmare status. No one is controlling Kate, the Palaces aren’t forcing her to be useless, lazy, and mute. Those are all choices Kate has made for 20+ years. So yes, lanne is still casting Kate as the victim of Palace manipulation and control.

      • Emily_C says:

        No, she is not giving Kate excuses. Kate is not some supervillain mastermind with poor little Willy and the rest of the BRF on a string. Of course Kate is a victim of the palace — it’s a cult. And a high-ranking member of a cult who isn’t the actual leader is always both victim and villain.

  3. Ariel says:

    They write and write and write – and there’s no *there* there with Kate.

    No personality, no areas of real interest, no skills, no dazzle.

    But it’s like she’s a blank space.

    She’s too old to be this … nothing.

    • Nic919 says:

      I would disagree that there is nothing. What we have seen is incredible nastiness toward Meghan whenever they are in the same room. The blank look is really a facade hiding the jealousy she has for any woman who she views as competition. But she is unable to hide her feelings with Meghan.

      • windyriver says:

        I’ve seen this comment in a few places, that Kate has no personality. It only looks that way when she’s working because she has no knowledge, no interest in the place she’s visiting, and only cares about the photo op. Behind the scenes, and in other situations, like the walkabout with Harry and Meghan, etc., her real personality comes across perfectly. She’s a thoroughly nasty person.

    • Well Wisher says:

      One can total the varying write-ups with one word, “whatever”.

      After the 5th variation of the same nothing, a brain that thinks critically shuts down whenever the subject matter arises.

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    Kate “emulates” Diana by wearing her jewelry? Well, at least she knows she can never be the person Diana was. Not that she would ever try.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    I have no doubt Kate was jealous of Meghan’s relationship with the Queen.

    • Well Wisher says:


    • Cessily says:

      Yes I believe that also, so now she is trying to rewrite history by making her relationship with the late Queen more like Meghan’s was. Is there anything about Meghan she hasn’t tried to make her own?

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        But I can believe the late queen “mentored” Kate, if “mentored” means the queen told Kate what her place is, how Kate’s role is to pop out kids, and how she needs to stand silently by as William wanders. We have seen the queen ignore Kate, and we’ve seen her award Kate for remaining silent in the Rose affair. So what I described really is my view of Kate’s relationship with the queen.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Yeah, especially since Elizabeth really didn’t seem to like Kate at all. Wondering what Kate did for work, being aggravated by Kate setting her up for a photo-op post-wedding, leaking numerous times how displeased she was by Kate’s lack of engagements, blatantly snubbing Kate at that Dec. 2020 meetup…Kate probably felt this keenly. I’ve sometimes wondered if that clear disdain from Elizabeth was partially why Kate seemed cold as ice throughout the mourning period. Every other working royal, whether genuine or not, displayed *some* sense of sadness/grief at one point, but she never did. I sincerely doubt it was a matter of “people expressing their grief differently” either.

      • Dilettante says:

        Which is why the private office and ladies in waiting were made available to Kate, and not the queen herself.

  6. MaryContrary says:

    I can’t believe this woman gets paid to constantly write this drivel.

  7. Janey says:

    If she was so well prepared by TQ what on earth has she been doing the last 10 years, when we’ve been told she’s learning the job or being keen? Which is it?

    • Well Wisher says:

      All she needs is a decent EQ and common sense, lots of manners, it will boost herself esteem. Her public persona will be noticably enhanced by being a decent human who occasionally does some royal “work”.

  8. Julia K says:

    “Beck and call girl”. Well stated. Pretty much sums it up and ties it with a ribbon.

  9. Lizzie says:

    The endless blathering about ‘new roles’. Really, what’s new other than the titles? William is still heir and Cathy is still his wife. They continue to be lazy and step out for photo ops. Funny too that they are bragging the queen reached out before the wedding, TEN years ago. We all saw the queen had Cathy’s number from the beginning and never changed her mind. Also, I think the queen treated Meghan differently (aside from just plain liking her) because Meghan came into her marriage as person used to, and indeed excelled at, being on a public stage. Meghan didn’t need the training that the perpetual intern Cathy still needs.

    • Roo says:

      @Lizzie, I agree. I don’t understand all this hype about their “new roles.” It’s the same old lazy, incurious, racist, elitist couple – nothing new to see.

    • jferber says:

      I doubt Kate or William read anything beyond their own publicity. Incurious people like them, human slugs if you will, do not read for pleasure or instruction (the two reasons the philosopher Horace gave). As selfish as they are, they really don’t care what other people think. They have no taste for literature, art or any of the other humanities. I can’t believe someone wrote they’re good at being human because I’d disagree. Being human also means compassion, altruism, curiosity, an appreciation of beauty, etc. They shown none of these characteristics. So no, they are not readers. Narcissists can’t take the time away from themselves.

  10. Becks1 says:

    If the Queen mentored her and prepared her for her role she did an awful job, just saying. But also, as we’ve said before, why would the queen mentor Kate? Maybe in regards to a walkabout or something, but someone like Philip (the consort) or Camilla or even Anne would have been a better mentor for her. Kate is not going to be the monarch.

    anyway this just cements for me that Kate is lazy and is just in it for the clothes and jewels. As if there were any doubt, lol.

    • ML says:

      Exactly, if QE2 mentored Kate, either she did a very poor job, or Kate was incapable of learning from her. Not likely. “But what does she do?” Summed up the queen’s attitude toward Kate, and I bet the latter was meant to feel that. And still she’s been unable to speak publicly, give a little speech in a foreign language, speak intelligently about early childhood after making it her cause over the past decade, refrain from disappearing for weeks at a time… thank goodness Diana had a jewelry collection and pictures of her at work in the 80’s and 90’s to emulate.

    • Nic919 says:

      Yes exactly. Philip is the one she should have been emulating not the queen. Kate will never read what’s in a red box or do anything that relates to a constitutional role.

      But if you compare what Philip did during his marriage despite not having an official role and what kate has not done, it looks even worse which is why they don’t bother.

  11. The Old Chick says:

    Wasn’t Camilla technically the Princess of Wails? She might not have been addressed as such but married to POW? All this embiggening of kkkate comparing her to Diana is laughable. I’m actually surprised she’s not dug out Di’s old clothes for a rewear with big blue?

  12. aquarius64 says:

    But it doesn’t say WHAT Kate is doing to make the role her own. This woman is a waste.

  13. notasugarhere says:

    Typical Nicholl BS. W&K rarely take their kids to Scotland and only for 2-3 days total each time. They don’t hang out at Balmoral, it has always been a quick obligation trip and then they’re out. As for QEII mentoring Kate? This is the same BS they peddle about CP Mary. Margrethe is NOT prepping Mary to be Queen, she is prepping her son (and HEIR) to be king. Kate’s role models/mentors would be Philip and Camilla, Mary’s would have been Henri/Henrik.

  14. Rapunzel says:

    So okay, this is a huge tinfoil tiara theory, but I can’t help but think the BP is intentionally exaggerating with these demonstrable untruths (like QE2 mentoring) about W & especially K. Like this is just so palpably false its got to be on purpose.

    • ML says:

      The reason I believe it to be untrue is that Kate and QE2 interacted together for years and this never came out while the queen was alive. Now that she’s no longer around to refute the traineeship, we’re hearing about it.

  15. Serena says:

    “The expert says the Princess of Wales prefers to pay her respects with her jewellery..” that’s her priority lol. As if wearing her jewellery alone could ne a sign of respect..btch, please!

  16. Dee says:

    Kate’s been giving off “shallow as a saucer” vibes since well before her wedding. Hilary Mantel got slammed, but she got it right.

  17. kelleybelle says:

    “Still writing bullshit for a living?” — Prince Harry

    Kate wasn’t prepared to be Duchess of Cambridge nor is she prepared to be Princess of Wales. She is an empty, vapid nothing in obscenely expensive, dated clothing. I am really starting to loathe these two fakers and their sudden interest in America. They’re jealous of Harry and Meghan, end of.

  18. Jaded says:

    Khate may be dumb as a box of mall hair but she’s canny, cruel and manipulative, all under the guise of being “bland”. However her astonishing laziness cannot be hidden, nor can her jealousy and hatred of Meghan, who simply by being biracial, and being her smart, compassionate, accomplished and charismatic self, has created this chasm in the family. Khate’s stupidity really came to the fore during Tiara-gate, Tights-gate, Meghan Made Me Cry-gate, and at the Commonwealth church service and walkabout after QEII’s funeral. She is NOT well-prepared for her role and never will be. She’s an albatross around the BRF’s neck.

    • Well Wisher says:


    • notasugarhere says:

      I’ve written before, I think this is part of why William chose her. Charles gave him an out – marry her or cut her off, you’re ruining everyone’s reputations. But William the Thin Skinned was being pressured by the press to marry her, so he caved. Plus Mummy Carole was threatening to remove his freebie holidays and cheese toast. He wanted the cover of the Middleton family allowing him to live like a single man after marriage, the business arrangement marriage, wanted the freebie holidays Carole arranged, wanted the lazy cover of ‘newlywed, cannot work as a royal’ as he was pushing 30. IMO I think he also wanted to stick it to the Windsors by marrying someone completely vapid, lazy, and inept as he is. He regrets it now, wishes he’d been able to land Jecca instead.

      • Emily_C says:

        I don’t think Will regrets marrying Kate. He spent 10 years trying to get other women interested in him and it didn’t happen. Kate is perfect for him — she’ll never outshine him because she’s as lazy as he is, and she lets him cheat as much as he wants as long as he’s discreet. Though he does get jealous of the attention paid to her clothes.

        Will would absolutely flip out if he was married to someone who worked /at all/. Let alone someone who got upset that he cheated.

  19. sparrow says:

    So well-mentored that she laughed and giggled like an idiot at her brother in law’s wedding; pulled wasp faces of bitterness at the Commonwealth church service; and then stared at Meghan in a dramatic piece of vicious nonsense at the Windsor flowers. Whatever people think about the queen, she at least kept her feelings to herself in public. Middleton is like a jealous child; she couldn’t even be dignified at the flowers laid in memory of her so-called mentor.

  20. Well Wisher says:

    It is established that the late Queen was impressed with the Sussexes and ‘promoted’ them right after the wedding, before their successful Oceanic tour.

    The was an announcement of the gift of earrings to Meghan on royal visit via train.

    Prince Phillip was on record of his acceptance.

    The late Queen and her husband’s ready embrace of Meghan is one of the reasons for the Sussexes distress due to bullying via media leaks.

    The Queen allegedly suggested that William either marry Kate or let her go. She was as welcoming with Kate as she was with Authumn, since she loved all her grandsons.

    It is time that Kate demonstrate the level of training she received.

    It is pass out up or shut up.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Well Wisher, I wondered why OfWilliam is suddenly here in the US with Fails. When this was first announced it seemed Fails would be by himself. Is this C-Rex letting her show if she is capable of doing something without screwing it up? Although the bm keep trying to sell her as the jewel of the brf, I don’t see that that is being embraced. Is she going to end up being skewered by the bm in the not–too-distant future as her faux pas pile up?

  21. Murphy says:

    The Queen used her company as an indicator of favor. Thus what does it mean if she hardly went near Kate?

  22. jferber says:

    Thank you again for using that horrific picture of Kate and then transitioning immediately to her lush ways. I think she’s been “mentored” by Camilla for that one. And no, Kate is neither well-prepared nor suited to her role. I doubt the queen mentored her at all. Kate was ducking work the entire time the queen was alive. The queen’s question, “What does she DO?” is as apt today as the day she made it (some twenty years ago).

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      jferber, I think OfWilliam stayed as far away from QE as possible. I don’t think either of them liked each other, but QE had the power. I have a feeling that OfWilliam was told more than once to start working.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    So Kate is going to honor Diana — who pointedly embraced people with AIDS, walked through fields that had been studded with landmines, and took her young sons to visit homeless shelters at night — by wearing her jewelry?????

    Kate is such an empty vessel.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      QuiteContrary, but they’re very sparkly!!! Heaven knows that’s the only way she’ll sparkle.