King Charles will ‘always keep the door open’ for Prince Harry but won’t ‘apologize’

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex only did one public thing around the Christmas holiday: they released a statement condemning The Sun and Jeremy Clarkson for Clarkson’s violent and misogynistic column published two Saturdays ago. That was it. We have no idea if the Sussexes called Charles to wish him a merry Christmas, nor do we know how and where the Sussexes spent the Christmas holiday. Which makes it especially hilarious that the British media acted like an island full of lunatics obsessing over what Harry and Meghan did or said and what King Charles will do next. Harry said they’re moving on. Meghan said “that’s my husband’s family.” But Salt Island still has to salt it up.

King Charles will ‘always keep the door open’ for Prince Harry despite his Netflix docuseries, even though there probably won’t be an apology to the Sussexes, the Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English has said. In the latest episode of Palace Confidential on Mail Plus, she said the Royal Family has likely made a ‘conscious decision’ to Keep Calm and Carry On after the six-part documentary was released this month, detailing Harry and Meghan’s royal career.

The couple made a series of bombshell claims in the Netflix series, while allowing viewers a rare glimpse into their engagement, their wedding and their life in the US. In the wake of the finale, Rebecca told Palace Confidential that the Royal Family are likely ‘angry and very hurt’ about some of the things that were said in the series.

She added they have made a ‘conscious decision, all of them together, to not respond, to not get bogged down on this – they’ve got a busy end of the year to just Keep Calm and Carry On’.

Rebecca added that the fact Harry and William are corresponding by text and not phone call – as was depicted in the docuseries – is ‘actually quite sad’.

She said: ‘It’s a very sad situation when two brothers aren’t even talking and that’s how they communicate now – if at all.’

The royal expert went on to claim that, despite the Netflix series, King Charles will more than likely ‘always keep the door open’ for his youngest son, Prince Harry.

‘I do think there has been a mishandling of the situation on both respects, and Buckingham Palace definitely did bend over backwards to help him – I know that, I saw it with my own eyes,’ Rebecca said. ‘But of course they do it in their own funny little way and that probably wasn’t enough for Harry and Meghan. I think there’s probably a cause for reflection on both sides.’

However, she said the Royal Family probably don’t think they owe the Sussexes an apology.

[From The Daily Mail]

I can’t believe Becky English even admitted that the Windsors “mishandled” the situation too. They went from the passive voice – “mistakes were made” – to “the Windsors made mistakes.” And no, the Windsors didn’t bend over backwards to help Harry and Meghan. The Windsors went out of their way to bully Meghan to the point where she would either try to take her own life or leave the country. They never, ever expected Harry to leave with her. They never expected Harry to choose his wife and children over his privilege. Anyway, there’s something so pathetic about the British media constantly talking about whether Charles and William “can forgive” this or that, when the Sussexes have taken it completely out of their hands.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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58 Responses to “King Charles will ‘always keep the door open’ for Prince Harry but won’t ‘apologize’”

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  1. C says:

    Then you might as well close the door, Tampon.

  2. Emily_C says:

    Harry said that Charles lied. That’s bending over backwards to help?

    • cws says:

      I think that’s part of the “mistakes were made along with removing his security while William revealed his location.
      Plus revealing his location in California.
      Calling it a mistake now is only because it looks bad to the public. Charles would never apologize for trying to abuse Harry into obeying

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Charles won’t apologize, because then he’d have to admit his jealousy and pettiness and his well, let’s not shrink from it – crimes. Taking Harry, Meghan & Archie’s security away to “punish them for leaving” the way he did to Diana, is attempted murder. They all KNEW at the palaces what the threat level was against the Sussexes, because they helped make that threat level HAPPEN when they seeded the press against them, on Charles and William’s orders.

        It’s stochastic terrorism, at best, what Charles pulled.
        I’ve seen some discussion on Twitter about Charles’ first rumored bout of Covid – not the one he exposed Mummy to, to hasten *her* death and take the Crown – but the first one, when the Sussexes first fled to Canada, remember? The theory was that Chaz didn’t actually have Covid at the time, he just played the card to get Harry to call with concern. Classic narcissistic behaviour on Chaz’s part. From that convo, it’s likely he figured out where they were and then leaked it to the press, knowing they were in an extremely vulnerable position (because Chaz had planned it that way).

        The way that all rolled out, so quickly… I don’t believe in coincidences. Not after Diana. Not after seeing the way they’ve basically been hardcore following the “Harm Diana Playbook” ever since Harry started seriously dating Meghan.

  3. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Chucky: You owe me an apology for abusing you.
    Bride of Chucky: I will dictate to my racist, decrepit friend the contents of an article I want published about the woman I, as champion of domestic abuse survivors, abused myself. And then she needs to apologize to me for my abusing her.

    • goofpuff says:

      Textbook what they did to Princess Diana. They are just doing it to Harry and Meghan now. I think the betrayal from Wills is what hurts Harry the most. Seeing his brother turn into his father. But Wills has always been his father, briefing against Harry unbeknownst to him for a long time (Nazi outfit to cover Wills own racist party and costume).

      • Miranda says:

        Wait, the Nazi costume was Will’s idea? For a racist party? Please elaborate on this, I had no idea!

      • SpankyB says:

        @Miranda – I believe Wills was in blackface at this party. It could be a different party though, they seem to like to throw racist parties.

      • Kristin says:

        @Miranda, My understanding is that someone (i.e., probably William) gave Harry the costume to wear and that William was wearing an equally offensive costume at the same party, but no pictures were taken or leaked of his costume, only Harry’s. Which makes one think that maybe the whole thing was a setup to once again throw Harry under the bus as the scapegoat to make big brother William look good in comparison.

      • Miranda says:

        Jesus, that’s awful. And completely unsurprising.

      • aftershocks says:

        There are still articles available on the Internet about Will’s love for costume parties. For his 21st birthday, in 2003, Will had a costume party at Buckingham Palace. Will chose a colonial African theme, and dressed up as an African chief, wearing a grass skirt, and as rumored, blackface. Harry may have been abroad or in the military at that time. In 2005, for another costume party hosted by Will, big bro went with Harry to pick out costumes. It’s been gossiped that Will chose the Nazi costume for Harry. At the very least, Will did not discourage Harry from wearing it. At the 2005 party, Will reportedly wore a black and gold African leopard costume.

  4. Peachy says:

    I hope there’s enough fuel left in the KeepKalmKarryOn Kopematic Machine™ to get them through Spare. 🙄

    • Mary Pester says:

      Look, no matter how much the Palace toadies in the press try and spin things, the Royal family have form and are running true to it. Princess Margaret said “if they can’t control you, they will try and control how others see you”, and Diana said “that which they can’t control, they seek to destroy”. Both of those lovely independent women refused to follow the antiquated family rules and look what happened to them! The media turned and tried to make them nigh pariahs! False stories, lies and twisted facts. The Royal family care about THEIR privilege and nothing more. They expected Harry to remain the scapegoat for all of Williams failings and when he dared to start living his own life, they decided he had to be sacrificed, along with Megan and the children. Harry and Megan are better and safer away from the Palace cess pit

  5. Naye in va says:

    To the point they made in the doc: Harry TOOK Megan and left. He didn’t leave with her. He said it was totally his idea. They can’t fathom she didn’t make him do it

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      They can’t admit he left of his own accord or has any sense of his own agency, because that would break their preferred narrative of “Harry is being held hostage by a biracial woman, but he’s always welcome back on Salt Island if only he’d ditch his harridan wife and non-lily-white children, and resume his compliant role as Silent Family Scapegoat and Whipping Boy”.

      British media is rabid with misogynoir. They should seek treatment.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    ‘I do think there has been a mishandling of the situation on both respects, and Buckingham Palace definitely did bend over backwards to help him – I know that, I saw it with my own eyes,’ Rebecca said.

    Charles took away Harry’s security detail! What the hell is she talking about bending over backwards when the most important thing Harry asked for was being denied. The people are so stupid and think that everyone else is stupid too.

    • windyriver says:

      I’d include the last bit, which I think is even more ridiculous and outrageous: “But of course they do it in their own funny little way…”

      They outed their location, then took away their security. A real laugh riot.

      • Rapunzel says:

        “They do it in their own funny little way” means they didn’t do it all. Becky is basically admitting that they didn’t really bend over backwards.

    • Amy Bee says:

      The press and the Palace believe that Harry and Meghan being given roles that they believed should have gone to more senior members of the family was bending over backwards to help them. They don’t get this wasn’t the help that Harry and Meghan wanted or were looking for.

    • Eurydice says:

      And what exactly did she see with her own eyes? Was she in the room while everyone was bending over backwards?

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Rule number one: Rebecca English LIES.
      This is the same woman who should have been jailed for her part in the Phone Hacking Scandal. Instead she was rehired. Calling her a snake would be an egregious insult to snakes.
      Never believe a word of the verbal diarrhea that falls from her lips.

  7. what's inside says:

    Charles would love to rewrite history. In fact he has been doing it for decades and this is just his way of moving forward with rewriting the Sussex Saga. He is a real bastard.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    The door is always open for Harry. No mention of Meghan or even his youngest grandchildren. Point duly noted by Harry, I’m sure.

    • Amy Bee says:

      And I’m sure Charles has told Harry that if he leaves Meghan all will be forgiven. One of the Royal correspondents for the BBC has said that the family believe that Meghan has radicalized Harry. They have always believed that if Harry left Meghan and the children that he would return to the fold. The one year review was put in place with that in mind and it was ended a month earlier when Harry and Meghan announced they were having another baby.

      • Snuffles says:

        Oh, no doubt. When Harry said the family wouldn’t meet with him until Meghan left the country, I knew they did that thinking if they could get Harry alone and convince him. And when Harry said Charles was saying things that just weren’t true, I’m sure it was basically telling Harry that Meghan radicalized him, that everything was great and working fine before Meghan, and he’ll live to regret it if he left. They probably did their damnedest to try and convince Harry to leave Meghan. Harry said there were 5 options on the table. He mentioned only options out loud – all in, all out, half in/half out. What were the other two? I’m convinced it was leave Meghan and we’ll pay her off and invoke that ancient monarch law to take custody of Archie. And leave both Meghan and Archie, pay her off and have Harry start over with a nice white aristocratic woman they’ve chosen for him.

      • Kingston says:

        Youre right bout the 2 missing options. There must hv been something sinister abt them why H didnt elaborate on them in the docu. And youre probably right about what they were. I really hope H desnt hod back in his book.

  9. Flowerlake says:

    Haters often act as if it’s Harry that’s dominated by a mean wife.

    If we use that trope, seems to me it’s Charles. He was known for talking to trees etc. His wife is the one hanging out with Morgan and Clarkson. Wouldn’t surprise me if she pushes in a lot of conservative, hateful rightist views.

  10. Snuffles says:

    Charles and William will never apologize or change because that means admitting that the institution that they have dedicated their entire existence is wrong. And if they do, it all falls apart. It would be an epic existential crisis not only for them but the entire country.

    Harry and Meghan know this by now. I honestly think they would be happy if The Firm and the press just stop and leave them out of the conversation entirely. But that won’t happen either because the institution need to make an example of them so the public won’t start wondering what’s the purpose of financially supporting the royal family. And to terrorize any others in the family, especially the next generation, from doing the same thing.

    • Kokiri says:


      Let’s pray at some point people sod wonder “what exactly IS the point here?”

    • windyriver says:

      I think the RF and media are about to run out of mileage with the “Look over here at what Harry and Meghan are doing” strategy and I’m curious to see where we’ll be at this time next year. Sure, they’ll always have their core group of believers to pander to with anti-Sussex content. But the documentary did its job. The Clarkson article and now this Politico piece have been widely condemned and clearly show how unhinged the media has become when it come to H&M, and rational people see that. After Spare comes out, I’d be surprised if either Harry or Meghan say anything further specifically about their time as working royals. As Harry said in the series, you can’t move on to the next chapter until you finish with this one. They’re not waiting for an apology or acknowledgment. They’re moving on.

      Meanwhile, H&M have been gone for three years. TQ is dead, and things are changing. The economic and political environment in the UK is perilous. No more hiding behind the shield of a beloved monarch for the RF. Both Camilla and Charles have made multiple poor decisions, and poor PR decisions, in just the last few weeks. Many former patronages are unfilled. The total number of engagements by family as a whole is pathetic. “It’s so sad Harry and Meghan can’t bring the family for Easter”, and even, “Will they come to the coronation?” will fill space, but only temporarily. It’s interesting this article refers to the Windsors making mistakes. Let’s see where the media go next.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    It’s obvious that the Palace did respond to the docuseries by issuing the talking point that the family will “Keep Calm and Carry On”. The entire royal rota is using that talking point. Becky English stating that BP mishandled the situation is interesting but doesn’t tell the whole story. She is attempting to place all the blame on the Royal Family and to exclude the press’ role in the situation. I also think that she realizes that it’s not so easy to dismiss what Harry and Meghan said in the docuseries. Harry talking about the joint statement and what happened at the Sandringham summit put the Palace into position in which any refutation would require further explanation.

    • Chrissy says:

      I’ve often thought that Harry should have secretly recorded that mtg at Sandringham. He knew it would be difficult but imagine if he could have outed Peggy for the racist loose cannon he is, for all the world to hear. It would have been the end for the BRF.

      • Persephone says:

        How do we know that he didn’t record it…?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Like Persephone says, “How do we know he didn’t”?
        There’s something to be said for keeping one’s powder dry.
        Rota and the Fam all know that the Sussexes are the King and Queen of RECEIPTS
        So even if he *didn’t* record it, they’re going to worry that he did, unless they pulled some stunt where Harry was required to surrender his phone prior to the conference to ensure that didn’t happen.

  12. Erin says:

    If they (the windsors and BM) truly wanted to show that they don’t care and are done with the Sussex’s then stop writing about them multiple times a day, it’s pathetic.

    Also, after seeing all of these pics it’s so freakin bizarre to me that people actually get up on Christmas morning to sit outside in the cold just to watch a group of people walk by. No one could make me want to do that.

  13. Ali says:

    Well the new Queen rail roaded Diana at her husband’s Birthday party & showed up there even though she was banging him & the mistress….

    The new King accepted gift bribes allegedly & once wished he was a tampon & meddles in politics.

    These aren’t people that apologise.

    I think the final edits on Spare will reflect the lack of apology & efforts to appease the Sussexes. In fairness the royals have seemed to not leak anything that could be used for bad sussex press since Netflix.

    • Kokiri says:

      1. We don’t ever have to be “fair”to the British Royal family. Ever.
      They were born into unimaginable wealth & privilege. Fairness left centuries ago.
      2. They did leak though. The lunch with known Meghan haters, & the lack of condoning the abuse at Meghan by Jeremy IS leaking. Silence is consent. Consent is language.
      Hope that clears a few things up.

  14. Is this all Rebecca English’s opinion? I noticed she didn’t say palace sources or friends close to the royals. According to her, none of that exists, and don’t know how all those rumors got started. Where ever did she get “Made a conscious decision” not to respond?

  15. Lizzie says:

    I think Harry just wanted acknowledgement, but since then his father kept silent about the Sun’s Jeremy Clarkson degrading and dark sexual comments about the duchess. There is no repairing the relationship IMHO.

  16. Eurydice says:

    I “correspond” by text with my brother all the time and we get along great.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Charles doesn’t believe that the Royal Family didn’t so anything wrong. They allowed Harry to marry the woman he loved. So there will never be an apology.

  18. Jais says:

    If my brother planted stories smearing my wife, he’d be lucky just to get a text message.

  19. Lili says:

    Chucky needs to take a moment and think about his life, and all the decisions he has made and then think about Harry’s life and his decisions

  20. ChillinginDC says:

    Good lord. The differing talking points by the RR is exhausting. First it was they were angry and refuse to speak to Harry, now it’s a door that is open. At this point I still am 50/50 if Harry attends the coronation, but after the docuseries, I think Meghan is done done with Harry’s crappy family and I don’t blame her.

  21. Well Wisher says:

    Imagine not knowing your son and/or ‘once close’ brother, that you gave them an ultimatum.
    Either chose privilege with mind numbing conditions or become an engaging and loving husband and father.
    He chose the latter, understanding how lucky and privileged he already was living his new life.
    He chose Meghan and Archie.
    He also refused to be bullied and slandered.

    He left.

    It no longer matters if the door is open. As a wise person on twitter made two wise observations.
    Having a negative emotion like ‘sad’ and ‘hurt’ to somethings in the docuseries does not excuse the described horrible behaviour.

    Harry is now longer responsible for the narcissist’s emotional response to him choosing his personal well being.

    His brother will never has to take ownership nor face appropriate consequences to his terrible behaviours.

  22. Robin Samuels says:

    Rebecca English is doing what they pay her to do – tell lies. Everyone knows the royal family responds through the ROTA. The world has evolved, and the British monarchy has not. Allowing Harry and Meghan to leave was a tragic mistake, and the damage to their global image is permanent. Charles had the golden goose in his hands. Still, he allowed his jealousy and vindictiveness to overcome his ability to reason.
    English thinks we didn’t watch the docuseries. According to her report, I’m not sure she did. There was much negotiating, from moving to another country to relinquishing titles. The Queen, representing Buckingham Palace, bent backward to correct the multiple misdeeds. That may be why they received a private escort to the church during the Jubilee. There were too many wrongs, and it was too late. It’s common for people to communicate with friends or family in another country via text messaging. The brothers are not talking because William and Kate fed the ROTA, a constant diet of Meghan and Harry stories through Jason Knauf. He was involved in every leak, from the relationship reveal, the Thomas Markle fiasco, the departure, and Meghan’s lawsuit.
    Rebecca English can suck a lemon and have several seats.

  23. Tessa says:

    So does the open door of Charles also apply to Harry’s wife and children

    • ROAA says:

      No. Charles or the charming as Meghan calls him😉, does NOT consider her or her children family.

  24. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I suspect there was more than one royal family member who watched the docuseries. I wonder if they need hearing aids? I ask because Harry very clearly stated that California is “our” home. I understood him. He spoke clearly. It was a declaratory sentence. What part of that is telling anyone in the brf or bm that Harry wants to go back?

    Rebecca English saw with her own eyes something that the royal family did behind closed doors? Has she planted audio/video equipment around their residences? Enquiring minds want to know.