Lady Anne Glenconner is ‘a great fan of King Charles…he’s going to be a great king’

Lady Anne Glenconner is on a blitz of American media to promote her second memoir, Whatever Next? Lady Anne is 90 years old and kind of a publishing phenomenon – her first memoir was a massive success. She spoke to People Magazine this week, and she also chatted with the Daily Beast’s Royalist column. Lady Anne was Princess Margaret’s longtime lady-in-waiting and friend, and seeing Margaret up close for so long has given her certain ideas about how spares should behave, meaning… she does not think much of Prince Harry’s move to America, nor does she think much about Harry telling his story. Some highlights from her Royalist interview:

Her abusive marriage: “I sort of hinted at the domestic abuse in the first book but I felt I really had to talk about it in this book properly. It was the right time to write about it, partly because of the queen consort, Camilla, who is doing so much to highlight the dangers of domestic abuse. I had so many letters from people saying that they had been through these difficult times as well, and I thought it may help people. At the end of the book, I’ve got 24 addresses for domestic abuse charities and help organizations, so if people are in trouble they can get help.”

Divorcing her abusive husband wasn’t an option: “Look, I want to say this: I really don’t recommend putting up with it, but, yes, I did. In a way it was easier for me because he spent a lot of time in the West Indies. But ultimately it was how my generation did things. My generation wasn’t brought up to divorce. My mother was wonderful but she was quite strict. She used to say to me, ‘You’ve made your bed and you have to lie in it.’ She brought me up to carry on, to try and cope and to have a stiff upper lip.”

Her late husband: “He was often a wonderful companion, a beloved father. He was also an incredibly selfish, damaged, and occasionally dangerous man… I lived with domestic violence and abuse for most of my marriage.”

Whether she’ll be invited to the Chubbly: “I’d love to be, of course, but I don’t think I will be as it’s so much smaller. Even the peers are having to ballot for a seat. If I’m honest I would be absolutely thrilled to be invited, but if I’m not I can watch it on television and probably get a better view!”

She still has dinner with Charles at Sandringham sometimes: “Yes, I’ve known him since he was a little boy because my mother was a lady-in-waiting and he used to come up and stay at our house in Holcombe [Norfolk]. My mother taught him to drive around the estate and my father taught him to shoot. I’ve always known him. I’m a great fan of King Charles. I think he’s going to be a great king. He is so passionate about so many things like climate change, and he’s so interested in young people and such a great supporter of young people through his Prince’s Trust charity.”

Whether the Sussexes will be welcome at the coronation: “I really don’t know. Charles would probably like them to come but I just don’t know. I don’t particularly like talking about Harry and Meghan, but the interesting thing is that of course I knew and was with another “spare,” Princess Margaret. I never heard her criticize the queen in any way. She was so loyal to her sister. The only thing she did say was that she wished she’d been better educated. The queen had tutors who came in from Oxford and Cambridge to teach her, but all Margaret ever had was a governess and I think that did annoy her. She did gripe about it a bit, but other than that she was completely loyal.

Margaret didn’t have her own house: “And the queen had everything! Margaret didn’t even have her own house in England. The only house she ever actually owned herself was the one that we helped to build on Mustique. But I never heard her complaining about anything. It seems to be a sort of new thing that people are always victims. But the thing is, for our generation, Princess Margaret and I, we lived through the war. It was extremely frightening. We were bombed, she was bombed at Windsor, I was bombed at school, we slept in cellars, food was rationed, we lost lots and lots of people. Many friends lost their brothers or parents in the war. Life now seems wonderful in comparison—and my heart goes out to the people in Ukraine or other war zones who are going through all of this all over again.”

Queen Camilla getting rid of the role of lady-in-waiting: Does Lady Glenconner feel a tinge of sadness at their demise? “Well, I do actually, because we were very useful. We were the eyes and ears.”

[From The Daily Beast]

I think Lady Anne’s mindset about her abusive marriage is very relevant to how she views the Windsors, specifically Harry and Meghan. Harry and Meghan were victims of abuse as well – William physically assaulted Harry, and the Sussexes were emotionally and financially abused. Lady Anne definitely seems to feel that people in abusive situations simply need to… stay with their abusers and not even try to break those cycles of abuse.

Also, the more I think about Camilla doing away with ladies-in-waiting, the more I believe that Camilla thinks she doesn’t need a bunch of senior ladies to be her “eyes and ears.” Don’t get me wrong, I think Camilla is friendly with all of those older aristocratic women, but Camilla has her own “eyes and ears” – her connections in the British tabloid media.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instar, ‘Graham Norton’.

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51 Responses to “Lady Anne Glenconner is ‘a great fan of King Charles…he’s going to be a great king’”

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  1. WHAT says:

    He’s already proving what 👑 he’ll be. The Lady hussey is 🔙 in the Royal fold carrying on official duties. It’s in the daily smell. They’ll all represent him fine during the Chuck fest

  2. Jais says:

    But then she says she felt she really had to talk about the abuse properly in her new memoir. So isn’t she now doing the same as Harry? Why is it okay for her and not him?

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      That stood out to me as well. I guess she thinks because she put up with it at the time, Harry should have just put up with it too.

      And lol at the lie about Margaret never complaining.

    • Debbie says:

      I know, right? She can talk, but neither Harry nor Meghan can talk about their own lives and experiences. But, she can not only talk about her own life, she feels that she is free to talk about the Sussexes lives as well. That is some system. And, incidentally, the only way that Charles can be a “great king” is if they lock up ALLLL the pens.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        She doesn’t see what H&M endured as abuse. If someone is abusing you relentlessly, and they are not your spouse, it doesn’t qualify. I’ve noticed this view from many other commentators as well.

    • Aviv says:

      Because Lady Anne was being physically abused and could have been killed.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Emotional abuse which drives someone to contemplate suicide is ABUSE. Being assaulted by your out of control brother is ABUSE. Using the purse strings to control your son while the system has demanded he remain dependent forever is ABUSE. Does everyone in Britain insist upon defining abuse so narrowly? Way to prove my point.

    • PrincessK says:

      This woman is desperate for money, her husband left her high and dry. She is writing all these books and doing interviews to pay the bills. Nothing more nothing less. The family home is apparently falling to bits.
      She should be one of the last persons to criticise Harry.

  3. Guess she must have gotten a very coveted (not) invite to the chubbly.

  4. equality says:

    I wonder if her views on divorcing an abusive man would have been different if he had been Joe the mechanic and not someone with a title. And did mom’s “no divorce” garbage apply to “no counseling” if the man was so “damaged”? Her view seems to be the “spare” needs to knuckle under to the “heir” and get nothing in return because someone of the exact same blood shot down the birth canal first.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed., equality. It’s shocking, to me, that this is the person the royal family has chosen to speak for them. She sets things back over two generations every time she opens her mouth. It’s disgusting.

    • Lara (the other) says:

      The woman is 90 years old, the generation of my grandparents. For an average woman in her gerneration divorce was unthinkable. My grandfather regularly beat my grandmother an his children with a belt (the scars on my fathers back are still visible and he is 75 now) and it was his legal right. Same with the right to martial realions, aka legal rape. Women were not allowed to work or have their own money without their husbands consent.
      Divorce meant poverty, social disgrace and even loosing your children.
      Counselling didn’t exist.
      She states the facts of her generation, doesn’t say, thats the right way to do it and I think its unfair to judge her behaviour decades ago by todays standards.

      • Christine says:

        Right. I’m 48, let’s pretend I murdered someone, 30 years ago, but it was a generational thing. Do you still really feel old people are clear of any judgment for rape and murder? This woman is defending everything that is wrong in England.

        “My grandfather regularly beat my grandmother an his children with a belt (the scars on my fathers back are still visible and he is 75 now) and it was his legal right. Same with the right to martial realions, aka legal rape. Women were not allowed to work or have their own money without their husbands consent.”

        You are promoting rape and beating, for some reason. Please, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY.

      • equality says:

        You might want to read Bay Tampa Bay’s comment below where she talks about this woman’s grandmother getting divorced for cause.

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    Whatever “great king” means.

  6. I think she’s talking to Kate when she talked about divorcing abusive husbands “ I don’t recommend putting up with it.” Hello, Kate, are you there? Listening, are you?

  7. Dee says:

    Margaret just had that house on Mustique. Like it’s a tiny shack, LOL. She lived in 1A in Kensington Palace. That must’ve been awful.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      If The Crown is to be believed even a little, Margaret did plenty of complaining. And I don’t blame her. She got a very rotten deal in her desire to marry Peter Townsend. It seems to have made her a very bitter, petty person as she got older. Tragic.

      • Christine says:

        This. Margaret is a tragic figure, in the royal family, and they just don’t see it. This woman certainly doesn’t, even though she seems to want us all to believe she cared very deeply for Margaret. Sure you did.

  8. BayTampaBay says:

    Lady Anne Glenconner is talking out of both sides of her mouth as her maternal grandmother was granted a divorce for domestic abuse and other grounds. Lady Anne talks about the divorce and domestic abuse (with a kitchen knife) in her first book.

    Per Wikipedia: Lord Hardwicke married Ellen Russell (known as Nellie Russell), a New Zealander, in April 1911. They were divorced in 1926 on the grounds of his misconduct (domestic abuse) and infidelity. They had one daughter, Lady Elizabeth Mary Yorke, and were the maternal grandparents of Anne Glenconner.

  9. Chantal says:

    “Even the peers are having to ballot for a seat”… Are they having a lottery/drawing for aristocratic invitations to the ClownFest? Oh dear…

    Her messaging re DV is confusing and concerning. I don’t like how she downplays the mortal danger DV victims are in. But good for her for at least including organizations for DV survivors as resources. Take note BRF. The least you can do after your photo op is provide contact info for available resources of whatever cause you “champion”.

    It also sounds like she is begging for an invitation. If she really has known C-Rex since he was a child, then she knows damn well that he will be a terrible king. I mean, his own parents knew it so…

    Also, as a monarch, how do you reconcile the whole “ordained by God” philosophy with the knowledge that your heir sucks?

  10. HeyKay says:

    When can we expect the greatness to get started?
    He is King.
    Flipping joke, these people.

  11. Eurydice says:

    Does it matter whether or not Charles is a good king? It’s not like he can be voted out of office.

  12. kelleybelle says:

    I want to be ill and it’s not even 10:30am yet. Charles was an awful husband, an awful father, is an awful human being and can’t even give a speech. He has to read his words in that puggy, repulsive voice. UGH.

  13. Snuffles says:

    The ACTUAL British motto: Keep Calm and Carry…..all of you trauma and pass it on for generations to come.

  14. GoldenMom says:

    Says the world’s best judge of character.

  15. Jaded says:

    Methinks Lady Anne is trying to polish a turd. Margaret was difficult, and I’m sure there was plenty of complaining and b*tching about being the spare. She also would have had to renounce her claim to the throne as well as her royal allowance in order to marry Townsend — she chose to not marry him for those reasons. She went on to live the life of the idle rich — drinking, smoking and partying with young lovers after her marriage to Antony Armstrong-Jones crashed and burned.

    • BQM says:

      Yeah, the Margaret stuff is just a fairytale. She could have married townshend. She chose not to. She wanted all her royal perks and prerogatives. If it made her bitter, that’s on her.

  16. JCallas says:

    So she can write multiple books about her about but Harry and Meghan can’t talk about theirs. I wonder if she thinks bashing the Sussexes will earn her an invite to the Coronation.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      There really was not much in the first Lady Glenconner book about the Sussexes. Maybe paragraph or two at the most.

  17. Teagirl says:

    I can’t for one minute believe that the royal family suffered rationing of food. Food most certainly was rationed, as were many other items. I bet they still ate very well. It’s rumoured that King George VI liked bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning. Six years of war and I bet he still had that every day while his subjects suffered through shortages and products like powdered eggs and powdered milk, courtesy of the New World. My late mother always used to say all her family was slim from reduced food intake but the Queen Mother, at that time the queen, looked like she never missed a meal. Not a royalist, the old mater!

    • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

      They had the loophole of sneaking in rationed foods from their estates, off the ration. King reported to be hogging a full week’s bacon and butter ration every morning.

      Same with the clothing ration. Easy if you already have a huge wardrobe in storage, lots of shoes, furs, hats and a massive stash of fabrics and trimmings.

  18. Well Wisher says:

    I grew up with some of these traditions, do e.g. do not air dirty laundry, no children out of wedlock etc.
    It became interesting how differing generations within this norm dealt with life as it unfolds, while clinging to tradition with its fingernails.

    Judgement, that dreaded word, vary depending on how much one knew of a particular situation, but love and compassion often times overrule any potential societial stigma.

    Divorce remain a dirty word for some, but others prefer peace within a relationship and refuse to settle for anything else.

    She is of a particular culture and adhere to its principles, if one listens without prejudice one will get an opportunity to put the actions/ non-actiond/ reactions of her class in context. It is easy to do with distance emotionally and otherwise.

    As to her opinion of the King, it is just that, hers.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    “I think Camilla is friendly with all of those older aristocratic women, but Camilla has her own “eyes and ears” – her connections in the British tabloid media.”


    • Well Wisher says:

      The last paragraph resonates for me because, Camilla understand that she would never be fully accepted in these circles.
      To find the much needed people’s consensus, she cultivated the tabloid media.
      It is interesting to see where this leads.

      • BayTampaBay says:

        Camilla and her family is VERY MUCH accepted in the highest aristocratic circles, both tiled and non titled gentry.

        Her ex-husband and his family were EVEN MORE accepted in the highest aristocratic circles, both tiled and non titled gentry.

        Camilla does not need any one to due her bidding as she goes directly to her personal sources in the British Tabloid Media to get her point (spin????) across.

  20. QuiteContrary says:

    It may be just the angle, but Meghan looks tired in that photo. I hate that she had to dim her light to avoid pulling focus from KKKamilla and KKKhate.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      QuiteContrary, ITA. There is a silver lining, however. KKKamilla and KKKhate have each other. Thank about it–it doesn’t get much better than that.

    • Blithe says:

      I wonder how long it took Meghan to see that the people she was expected to dim her light for had so little light themselves.

    • PrincessK says:

      I think she was pregnant with Archie.

  21. Bellaluna McKenzie says:

    Honestly, I don’t really give a hoot about her opinion on Harry and Meghan. First of all, her entire view is through outdated lens. And second, of course she’s going to back the BRF. *yawns*

  22. Robin Samuels says:

    She’s well-scripted – “Compassionate about climate change and young people.” So Prince Phillip didn’t teach Charles how to drive or shoot? I understand why Charles is detached from his sons and doesn’t know what love means regarding family relations. Harry is correct; it’s important not to duplicate your parents’ shortcomings.

  23. Bisynaptic says:

    She’s doing a whole lot of complaining, isn’t she.

  24. Serena says:

    “Camilla, who is doing so much to highlight the dangers of domestic abuse..” big fat LOL.

  25. HamsterJam says:

    Lady (I am Proud that I was Raised to be My Husband’s Punching Bag) Glencommer.