Ana de Armas is a brand ambassador for Louis Vuitton, and I believe that most of her looks are custom-made by the atelier. Which means that she doesn’t have to wear most of the crap they throw down the runway. But if she’s getting custom looks, don’t you think they should be more… noteworthy? I don’t know. She wore this LV look to last night’s SAGs and while the silhouette is generally fine and the style is okay, I just dislike this? The detail on the straps bug me. Anyway, while Ana has been nominated for lead actress awards across the board, she’s not winning anything for Blonde. Thank god.
Danielle Deadwyler in Louis Vuitton. I like this? Danielle has been getting some really good looks during the awards season. I like this LV better than Ana’s.
I don’t think Barry Keoghan has worn a traditional black-and-white tuxedo the entire awards season, bless him. I like that he’s mixing it up. Lovely guy. He seems to enjoy being at the Hollywood award shows, he was cozying up to the EEAAO people, especially Jamie Lee Curtis.
Speaking of refusing to wear a traditional tux, here’s Eddie Redmayne in Saint Laurent. He looks wonderful!
Photos courtesy of Getty.
Both of those dresses are kind of meh. Eddie is mixing it up, nice! I wish more of the men paid attention to their fashion.
I like the fabric of Ana’s dress, and that beige-y champagne color looks great on her. She is styled very well; a busier print on the dress so simple hair and make up and accessories. I love her bracelet.
The fabric is what stood out to me. I think sometimes designers could let themselves sit back a bit more and let the fabric shine, I largely dislike the top/front part of this and think it could be lovely if they just sorted the chest and straps out. Not everything needs to be avant-garde weirdness.
It’s one of those dresses that was a lovely drawing.
I think Ana’s dress would be much prettier without the shoulder bows. Overall, she looks lovely. Agree that the fabric has enough drama to carry a simple silhouette here and they should have let it shine instead of “designing” all over it.
Danielle’s dress is gorgeous and she looks beautiful. I love the mermaid effect of the skirt.
I’m sorry, but I think Eddie looks ridiculous. I mean, everyone should wear what they like and what makes them feel good, but IMO there is no improving on a sharply tailored suit. I don’t like a fussy blouse on anyone except Prince.
Anna’s dress reminds me of the scene in the cartoon Cinderella when the birds are helping sew her dress …not in a good way, she is beautiful, but those arm decorations are a no. Eddie’s look is perfection!
I thank Anna’s dress would have been better without the bows. She does look lovely, though.
I like the idea of Danielle’s dress but the whole silhouette should be shifted a few inches higher. It makes her look shorter, I think.
Eddie’s look is fun and dashing. However, I see belt loops but no belt. That’s not good. Either take off the loops or wear a belt.
I found the opposite to be true—Ana’s dress is so well-fitted and gives off Miu Miu/early-aughts Marc Jacobs vibes. Her styling is girly but the deep V saves it from looking too prim and fussy. Danielle, on the other hand, got dealt a horrible hand—ill-fitting and cheap-looking, with sloppy proportions that remind me of the sashimi section at a Japanese supermarket. It looked “pageant” and off-the-rack, far from haute couture.
The top of Danielle’s dress doesn’t work for her build. She’s wide with broad shoulders (like me) and delicate straps just accentuate the broadness. A different cut would’ve worked. Off the shoulder, wider straps with a deep v, even boatneck. If these fashion houses are custom-making dresses they should optimize for body type!
The skirt of Danielle’s dress is also a knockoff of an iconic Dior style, the Junon.
Better than the last one, the fabric is beautiful. Danielle looks super pretty and I would totally wear Eddie’s outfit.
Danielle looks fecking glorious. What a dress.
And Eddie does not pass my “WWMW” test — meaning, “What Would Mogutu Wear?” He looks like Mogutu. Many a man do recently, unfortunately. Like caricatures of human beings.
Ana is just drop dead gorgeous, my god!
Danielle’s dress is nice, but the propositions are off.
Right?! How did I *just* notice how beautiful she is? Her eyes are insane, my goodness…are they gold?!
Eddie Redmayne is giving me Julie Andrew vibes in this look for some reason and I don’t hate that. Not at all.
I’m getting Cate Blanchett
Ana de Armas looks fine. I think she should be grateful she is not getting the same horrible stuff Michael Williams got when she was dressed by LV.
Eddie for the win. I don’t know if I love the shirt, but he looks so happy he pulls it off. Barry needs something slimmer fitting, but he looks appropriately dressed. Danielle’s upper half of the dress is not good and Anna’s dress looks unfinished. Like a previous poster mentioned, the dress looks like the work of Cinderella’s birds.
Omg, I think Ana’s dress is awful. Danielle’s dress is pretty-nothing great but fine. I’m really happy Michelle Yeoh won and I’m hoping she gets the Oscar over Cate, but I was actually rooting for Danielle to win here at SAG just as an F U to the Oscars and because I think she delivered the best acting job of the year last year. Period.
I would like Anna’s better without the black bows on the straps. She is so pretty.
Danielle’s is interesting but I don’t love it.
I feel meh about all these looks.
LV and Chanel are always punishing their contract girlies on redcarpet lol so keeping that in mind Ana’s dress is a pleasant surprise. It would have looked much better without those strap thingies, also her make up and hair is simply gorgeous in these photos.
I think Ana looks absolutely ethereal. She should keep employing whoever did her makeup here. It’s so flattering!
Adore both Keoghan & Redmayne’s looks. It’s so refreshing to see men try to bring some originality to their awards looks.
the dress on Danielle Deadwyler looks a rip off version of the Dior Junon collection. Look it up, the scallop bottom of the dress it totally being stolen to me.
I gasped when I scrolled down and saw Eddie Redmayne’s lewk. I love every single thing about it!
I find tendrils so cheesy in a formal updo! Maybe that’s where others are seeing the Disney princess thing.
I am a sucker for scallops in clothes and home decor, so I kind of like Danielle’s dress.
Eddie looks like a dandy and like he’s having a great time!
I would really like Ana’s dress if the bows or tassels were removed. Her hair should have been pulled up.
Don’t like Ana’s dress. The bows are distracting and the skirt is wide at a very unflattering point. Danielle’s is better but derivative of 50s Dior. Love, love Barry Keoghan’s suit. Very cool and modern.I like how he’s dressing for award show season. That movie was depressing as hell but the acting was so good and he and the others deserve their nominations. Eddie’s look kinda reminds me of the Seinfeld pirate shirt.
Overall, I haven’t been very impressed with most of Ana’s custom Louis Vuitton looks since she became an ambassador. She’s had maybe one or two really lovely ones (the pink dress in Venice was a standout to me), but for the most part they’ve been boring, ugly or both. Her SAG dress fits into the both category.
I’ve seen some surprisingly beautiful custom LVs (Danielle here, for example) so I’m wondering if the misses come down to Ana and/or her stylist’s input?
Eddie looks like he’s channeling Murphy Brown. 😁
The shoulder bows overpower Ana’s dress. Just ordinary.