Granted, I’m not a fancy-smancy Hollywood director or casting agent or movie promotional expert. But it seems to me like it’s really bad business to cast Chris Pratt as the voice of Mario in Super Mario Bros Movie and then the entire f–king promotional tour and every interview is all about how Pratt’s voice sucks and he shouldn’t have been cast to voice Mario? Like, I get it – it’s all “buzz” for the movie, and die-hard fans of the video games will see the movie regardless, but… I don’t know, it’s not like Hollywood lacks Italian-American actors? There were easier ways to cast this.
Pratt and the director recently spoke to THR about why Pratt isn’t doing the famous Italian accent for Mario. Their reason: because Mario is from Brooklyn. It never occurred to them that Mario could be an Italian immigrant living in Brooklyn?? Pratt also claims he was “nervous” about taking the voice work and he worried he would screw it up. Pratt also said “I think the movie is fantastic and I think your childhood is firmly intact.” Surely that’s the end of the conversation about his voice work, right? Nope. There are literally dozens of other interviews where it’s the FIRST thing he’s asked.
Chris Pratt has a message for those upset about his lack of an Italian accent in the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie. In a recent interview with Extra, the man behind the movie’s titular role encouraged fans of the franchise to “go watch the movie, and then we can talk.”
“I really think that once you see the movie…,” Pratt, 43, said before changing his thought. “And you know what, in all honestly, I think you probably need to watch it twice.” As Pratt now explains, he knows the Super Mario/Nintendo universe has a “passionate fanbase.”
“I understand, I’m part of it,” he told Extra. “This is the soundtrack to your youth. You don’t want someone to come along and cynically kind of destroy it as a cash-grab with the movie. I fully understand that. You do not want that to happen. There were so many hearts and souls in mind dedicated to making sure that didn’t happen.”
Pratt continued, adding that the film — based on the franchise that launched with the 1983 arcade classic Mario Bros. and later the 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System game Super Mario Bros. — “honors the world of Mario.”
So his big message is: go see the movie twice and then we’ll talk? Pass. I guess everyone’s going to be talking about his dumb voice for the next month though.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Special Screening Of Universal Pictures, Nintendo And Illumination Entertainment’s ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ held at the Regal Cinemas LA Live & 4DX Movie. Featuring: Chris Pratt, Katherine Schwarzenegger Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 01 Apr 2023 Credit: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Special Screening Of Universal Pictures, Nintendo And Illumination Entertainment’s ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ held at the Regal Cinemas LA Live & 4DX Movie. Featuring: Chris Pratt, Katherine Schwarzenegger Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 01 Apr 2023 Credit: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Special Screening Of Universal Pictures, Nintendo And Illumination Entertainment’s ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ held at the Regal Cinemas LA Live & 4DX Movie. Featuring: Chris Pratt Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 01 Apr 2023 Credit: Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Abaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Dear god he is such an insufferable snowflake – maybe he and that Piquey plonker can start a whiney b!tch boy club and we can troll the sh!t outta them.
Only reason that I will be paying to watch this movie is because my son is crazy about all things Super Mario otherwise I wouldn’t bother.
It’s a travesty that he got cast as the voice of Super Mario. pos that he is.
He is lucky I read this article once.
Bitch I ain’t even gonna see it once!
Also someone needs to teach his wife to either pose or dress more consciously – her feet make it look like she’s wearing her shoes backwards.
Pratt the snowflake seems to think that IF you see the movie TWICE that you will be able to experience his artistic performance and void over his initial crappy performance. If you are trying to sell this convoluted excuse then you are the problem NOT the solution!!
seems weird to be like “oh he’s just from Brooklyn” like he doesn’t have a very distinct voice that’s been used for decades lol.
just hire voice actors! this desire to hire big name celebrities rather than people who actually have the skill (voice acting, singing, etc) is painful. sometimes it works well but most celebrities aren’t Robin Williams level voice actors lol.
Hello, why not Bobby Cannavale? Italian enough without being offensive. Michael Imperioli? Any Italian american actor with a natural brooklyn accent?
Seriously. SO many other better options!
Hell, they could have used Joe Pesci and I’d pay to see it.
Joe Pesci would have brought the house down!!!
Additionally they could have hired Bobby Cannavale as well as the other actors that @ K suggested but they didn’t and now they are stuck with the dud that Pratt is and always has been. Maybe Pratt should look into another profession as he clearly isn’t cut out for acting as his precious ego can’t take the criticism. 🙄🙄🙄
He could ask his MIL or possibly their church for “divine intervention”??
I can’t stop staring at that ridiculous dress Katherine is wearing and the way her feet look crossed like that.
So many Italian-American actors actually from NYC and they couldn’t even try to find one. Or even just someone who’s got the voicework range to pull it off. And most of the hype I’ve seen on sm about this movie is in reference to how delightful Jack Black is. Not good for Pratt.
She appears to have a crotch spider. You don’t notice it at first what with the massive belly cross, but… yeah, that outfit is a choice.
Yes, the dress was a horrendous choice as well as offensive. Did she need to pee badly?? Bcz that’s all I am imagining while she stands there…… excluding crotch spiders of course.
“She appears to have a crotch spider” made me laugh so hard I got the hiccups! Thank you for this 🙂
Is that a big cross on the front of her dress?
I should probably read Kaiser’s article but I see a photo of him and just roll my eyes and snear. What a horrible Chris.
What IS she wearing?
Schwarzy’s dumb smile always annoys me.