VF: Rupert Murdoch ended his marriage to Jerry Hall by email, she was blindsided

Vanity Fair’s new cover story is all about “the real life Succession,” aka Rupert Murdoch and his game of thrones. Who will control his empire once he’s gone? Which of his children is favored? Honestly, I don’t even care at this point, which is why I skipped this story at first, that was until I saw that there was some interesting gossip about Murdoch’s fourth marriage, to Jerry Hall. Hall and Murdoch’s marriage came to a swift end last summer, and I widely assumed that was because Jerry wanted out. Turns out, not so much – Rupert wanted out and he shocked Jerry by just texting her out of the blue one day, telling her it was over. Some highlights from this VF story:

People in Murdoch’s orbit wonders if he’s lost the plot. Last June, Murdoch abruptly left his fourth wife, model-actor Jerry Hall. For two brief weeks this spring, he was engaged to Ann Lesley Smith, a 66-year-old former dental hygienist turned conservative radio host with QAnon-style politics. (Smith told an interviewer in 2022 that COVID was a “plandemic” hatched by Bill Gates at Davos.) “Rupert has been radicalized by his own echo chamber,” said a person close to him, explaining his initial attraction to Smith. In January, Murdoch scuttled a plan to merge Fox and News Corp—which would have centralized Lachlan’s control over the television and publishing divisions—after major shareholders balked. “It was a harebrained scheme. They got their ass handed to them by investors,” said a person close to the Murdochs.

The Dominion Voting lawsuit. The crisis has led to an existential threat: the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems brought against Fox News. The blockbuster trial is set to begin in April, but even if the parties settle before then, Dominion’s legal filings have already publicized internal communications that revealed those at the highest levels of Fox News didn’t believe Trump’s stolen election conspiracies even as the network was cravenly promoting the lies for ratings. (In one email, Murdoch called Trump’s fraud claims “really crazy stuff.”)

Courting Jerry Hall: After a few weeks of dating, Murdoch and Hall flew on his private G650 jet to Texas to meet Hall’s Fox News–loving family. Hall left Texas at 16 to model in Europe, but as she watched her relatives line up to receive Murdoch like he was the king of red America, she realized that her family’s approval meant a lot. Six months into the relationship, Murdoch proposed. “Mick was so unfaithful to you, I’d never be unfaithful,” Murdoch told Hall, according to a person briefed on the conversation.

Murdoch found Trump appalling. “Rupert knew he was an idiot,” a person close to Murdoch said. Murdoch was a longtime champion of immigration reform and free trade and loathed Trump’s nativism and know-nothingism.

Jerry Hall hated Trump: “During dinners we had with Jerry and Rupert, Jerry wouldn’t hold back,” Cashin, Hall’s friend, said. According to a source, Murdoch wanted to buy a house in Florida to be closer to Mar-a-Lago, but Hall refused. Hall told friends she was alarmed by Trump’s lack of qualifications or respect for the office. At a lunch shortly after the 2016 election, Hall asked Trump to reroute the Dakota Access Pipeline away from Native American reservations that were protesting the project. Trump responded by asking if she wanted to serve in his administration as head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. “It was horrible. I couldn’t wait to get away,” she later told friends.

Blowing up his marriage to Jerry: At the age of 91, Murdoch blew up his fourth marriage. Hall was waiting for Murdoch to meet her at their Oxfordshire estate last June when she checked her phone. “Jerry, sadly I’ve decided to call an end to our marriage,” Murdoch’s email began, according to a screenshot I read. “We have certainly had some good times, but I have much to do…My New York lawyer will be contacting yours immediately.” Hall told friends she was blindsided. “Rupert and I never fought,” she told people. There had been disagreements over his antiabortion views and some friction with the kids over Hall’s rules about masking and testing before they saw Murdoch, according to sources. But Hall never felt Murdoch treated these as major issues.

After they finalized the divorce two months later: One of the terms of the settlement was that Hall couldn’t give story ideas to the writers on Succession. Hall told friends she had to move everything out of the Bel Air estate within 30 days and show receipts to prove items belonged to her. Security guards watched as her children helped her pack. When she settled into the Oxfordshire home she received in the divorce, she discovered surveillance cameras were still sending footage back to Fox headquarters. Mick Jagger sent his security consultant to disconnect them.

Jerry believes that Murdoch was already seeing Ann Lesley Smith: Looking back, Hall told friends that Murdoch had simply moved on, the way he had ended previous marriages. “She was devastated, mad, and humiliated,” Cashin told me. On the first day of Lent in February, Hall told friends she made an effigy of Murdoch, tied dental floss around its neck, and burned it on the grill.

His failed engagement to Smith: Murdoch and Smith had planned to marry this summer. He proposed with an 11-carat diamond engagement ring said to be worth upwards of $2.5 million. Then, a little more than two weeks after rolling out news of their engagement, the pair abruptly called it off. One source close to Murdoch said he had become increasingly uncomfortable with Smith’s outspoken evangelical views. “She said Tucker Carlson is a messenger from God, and he said nope,” the source said.

[From Vanity Fair]

This is insane! A then-91-year-old man sneaking around with an evangelical side-chick when he has a wonderful wife at home – VF details how much Jerry cared for him when he was sick with Covid and when he broke various bones. She was literally his nurse and primary caregiver, and they kept each other company during the lockdown. And he dumped her when he met some hot-to-trot nutcase. No fool like an old fool! Well, at least the Dominion Voting lawsuit will weaken his empire even further. And the sh-t about the security cameras at Jerry’s house!! Holy sh-t.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid and Cover Images.

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42 Responses to “VF: Rupert Murdoch ended his marriage to Jerry Hall by email, she was blindsided”

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  1. equality says:

    Her family greeted him like he was the “king of red America”? What’s wrong with these people?

    • Truthiness says:

      Texas. Land of oil, guns, football, Ted Cruz, and judges who decided that the FDA was in error 23 years ago when it approved mifistpronone. Apologies to any Texan celebitches out there.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Misogyny and racism.

  2. trillion says:

    Being married to Rupert Murdoch sounds about as exciting as going to a coronation

  3. ThatsNotOkay says:

    This article needs to be read in full to be believed. SUPER bonkers. And Wendy Deng, Putin’s rumored girlfriend, Ivanka’s best friend, is guilty of elder abuse and a violent assault, breaking Murdoch’s vertebrae? I wish Succession had gotten into that level of batshit yt people, 1-percenter privilege problems.

    • A says:

      I don’t believe any of that about Wendi Deng, tbh. All that stuff about her being a Chinese spy, Putin’s girlfriend, etc., were all things cooked up by Murdoch to smear her during and after their divorce. I take anything that decrepit old cretin spits out using the might of his media empire with a grain of salt, and so should everyone else. All those allegations also smacked of more than a little bit of racism; the whole east Asian “”””dragon lady”””” who seduces a wealthy powerless white man for his money, but secretly exploits and harms him.

      Given how his children with Wendi don’t have any voting power on the board of his company, but all of his other white children do, including the white daughter he had with his first wife, chances are much higher that a lot of the stuff that comes out about her are just not couched in any truth.

      • sansfarts says:

        Totally agree with this, but I think his two kids with Deng not having voting rights has to do with the fact that they’re decades younger than the other four, and the other four just wouldn’t have it. I don’t know if it’s necessarily racism on Rupert’s part, or just ill intentions on the elder siblings’ end.

      • bananapanda says:

        Wendi is no saint – she broke up the marriage of the Cherry family that sponsored her student visa to California, then ditched that guy for someone younger, then moved on to angle for (still married) Murdoch. She is very very ambitious and ruthless.

        She’s also only a year or two older than Lachlan and James so that was always going to be contentious.

  4. HeyKay says:

    Jerry Hall was outta her mind to ever take up with him in the first place.
    He is scum.

    91 y/o with a bajillion $$, no soul at all.
    The Devil can take him any time now.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Well at least Jerry got a killer Oxfordshire estate out of it. I googled it and it is definitely killer.

  5. ScorpioMoon says:

    I was disappointed when Jerry married him because I always got good vibes from her, but he’s essentially the devil. I hope she got a good pay out and the house she got in the divorce is her dream pad, because damn, she’s really been through it. The part about Mick sending his guys to disconnect the surveillance is interesting, but maybe not a surprise. Mick treated her like absolute garbage, but they have four kids together and were in a relationship for like 20 years, so I have to imagine he does still SOMEWHAT care about her general safety and well-being.

    • BQM says:

      He was a shit partner but post split they’ve always seemed to get along.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That was my feeling about her marriage to him as well, disappointment. She was one of my all-time favorite models, just a little bit older than me, coming from a small town in Texas, not trying to hide that fact or change herself to suit others. The industry was after her to fix her teeth (she didn’t), cut her hair (she didn’t), but she got a lot of runway work & print work. And she’s allowed herself to age & is still living her life to the fullest. But she married this evil troll (well two, if you throw in Mick). I think after Mick, she was dating a lot of billionaires, so I guess this worked for her.

    • zazzoo says:

      To paraphrase Ewan Roy (because I don’t remember the exact quote): There’s an argument to be made that he’s more responsible for mass death than Hitler. Jerry Hall isn’t some naif who’s not complicit in this.

  6. Peanut Butter says:

    Jerry was naive if she ever believed the ruthless billionaire she chose to marry would treat her any differently than he has treated others. And I was naive for being initially shocked she would marry that amoral greed-monster.

  7. Sean says:

    I haven’t read the ful VF piece yet but I heard a rumor that someone in the Murdoch family has been leaking details of their lives to the writers of HBO’s Succession and Rupert is not only paranoid about it but suspected it was Jerry.

    I’ve read some of the happenings in that family were pretty much copied and pasted into storylines for the show.

    • A says:

      In the article, it says that Murdoch’s oldest son accused his younger brother of leaking those details to the writers of Succession.

  8. Truthiness says:

    Some karma is heading its way to Murdoch, the judge is steaming over Fox evidence they were hiding for years. He ruled that if Dominion has to conduct more discovery over hidden evidence, then Fox will have to pay the costs and he’ll appoint a special master(can’t be defunded). Plus Murdoch lied, saying he had no role at Fox, then later it was revealed he was executive chair. The judge told Fox “You have a credibility problem.”

    It’s not enough karma for that slimy man but it’s a start.

    • Maryth says:

      They said murdoch left fox decades ago. I thought that sounded strange. So he has been “in the complete know” this whole time. Mmmm. And knew he should lie about it.

  9. Coco says:

    I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy for Jerry outside of any abuse she may have faced in her marriage to him.

    I wish nothing but Karma for Murdoch.

  10. ⁸Maryth says:

    His kids ruined that marriage for him. They seemed happy together. Murdoc should start giving his kids their inherentce now so they can stop scheming.

  11. HeyKay says:

    These people live such bizarre lives to my way of thinking.

    Jerry and Mick were together for 20+ years, 4 kids, he cheated constantly, she turned a blind eye, etc.
    Murdoch is vile. Period. His marriage/divorces/pitting everyone against everyone, etc.
    Money, power, control, fame, me, me, me. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    I bet his 3 older kids are hoping he goes, soon as possible.
    I’d like to see Karma come for Murdoch, Hard.

  12. Nicegirl says:

    I did not know security cameras could be so tiny and hard to detect until very recently. That’s dastardly. I hope Jerry is doing great now.

  13. Sof says:

    I’ve never paid much attention to the Stones’s American wives, but how do you go from Mick Jagger to Murdoch?

    • BeanieBean says:

      I think in order to maintain a certain lifestyle, she needed/wanted stinkin’ rich. I seem to recall she dated several billionaires after Mick.

  14. Eggbert says:

    Wow how shocking that one of the most despicable, moralless, powerful men in the world would treat his fourth wife badly

  15. Mcmmom says:

    Well, yeah. A quick google revealed a lot of these details. He left her and she was blindsided.

  16. Christina says:

    Welp, it looks like her Murdoch doll burning in effigy worked like a voodoo doll. A toast to Jerry! 🍸

    All the crap he got away with for so many years may finally catch up to him.

    She comes from conservative people, but she never seemed to run with any. It is compelling that she wanted her family’s acceptance after all those years. That makes me sad for her. Maybe she would have never married him if she didn’t feel she needed their approval in the end. Being without family is hard, but so many people go through it. I wish she’d of been strong enough to just reject them. They sound horrible and toxic, like her ex. I thought that maybe she’d become like Murdoch politically, but it sounds like she never did from these excerpts.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I snorted when I got to the part about the voodoo doll on the barbie! That’s the Jerry I’m fond of. I hope she writes a follow-up memoir to her first one, Tall Tales (I think that was it, too lazy to google).

    • Coco says:

      Or many she holds the same views and married him because he was a rich old man that could give her the life she wanted.

    • Truthiness says:

      Cheers for getting rid of hot stinking garbage! 🍸🍸 I’m hoping Jerry’s mojo isn’t finished working against Rupert and his vile tabloid empire.

  17. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I cannot imagine Hall saw any “worth” in Murdoch other than his money. Which is ok because it’s not like Murdoch could expect a woman to marry him if he didn’t have money. But if Hall kept up her side of the bargain and was a good wife, then she deserves whatever $$$$ she can get out of him.

    Side note: I could be mistaken, but in the back of my mind, I think I read Hall did not name the woman Jagger was cheating with in her divorce papers, even though she knew the other woman’s identity. That always seemed classy to me.

  18. A says:

    “Jerry, sadly I’ve decided to call an end to our marriage, […] We have certainly had some good times, but I have much to do…My New York lawyer will be contacting yours immediately.”

    What the f-ck kind of break up email is THAT?!?!?! “Sadly I’ve decided to call an end to our marriage”???? “We have had some good times, but I have much to do”?????? WHAT?

    Also, I get a weird feeling that the Fox News-Dominion lawsuit is much bigger, with much greater stakes, money-wise, than originally thought. The whole thing is going to trial soon, right? If Murdoch and Fox News lose, they’re on the hook for 1.6 bn, potentially. That’s a hefty chunk of change. I wonder if maybe that’s what Murdoch is talking about when he says “I have much to do”. But otherwise, the whole email is low key hilarious. It’s up there with Jeff Bezos’ godawful sexts and poetry to his girlfriend.

    • ML says:

      Honestly, I disbelieved the email breakup—I figured JH had come to her senses, dumped him, and then he came up with this story to make himself feel better… that is one heck of a breakup email though. RM is beyond trash and JH must have known that. There is a sort of poetic justice in the fact that he almost died, she nursed him back to health, he offloaded her, she burned a voodoo doll and now that she’s not with him, he’s finally paying for his Foxian crimes.

  19. jferber says:

    I read that she got 305 million dollars from Murdoch for 6 years of marriage. I’d like to believe that. I hope she spends it however the hell she wants, but mostly on herself. Always liked her, but she put up with too much from her men.

  20. Claire says:

    Wow! Just wow!

  21. bisynaptic says:

    “Mick was so unfaithful to you, I’d never be unfaithful,” Murdoch told Hall”
    Jerry sure knows how to pick ’em.

  22. Katie Beanstalk says:

    Jerry Hall looks like a circus clown. She should do children’s birthday parties.