President Joe Biden formally announces that he will run for re-election

We’ve known for a while that President Joe Biden would run for reelection, despite his advanced age. I’m fine with it – he’s already been a great president, and I will be happy to vote for four more years. I’m also fine with Kamala Harris staying on as Vice President. While the dumbass insurrectionist caucus loves to hate VP Harris, she has done exactly what she said she would and what Joe Biden said she would – she’s been included in all of the big meetings and big decisions of the administration, and she’s been employed strategically by the administration in interesting ways. Well, today, Joe Biden formally announced his re-election campaign. He didn’t do it with a speech in Scranton or Delaware. Instead, his team put together one of the best political videos I’ve ever seen.

You have to understand how unique this is – when someone announces their candidacy, usually their advisors force them to go purely positive and optimistic, especially for the first leg of the campaign. The advisors would say: don’t go doom and gloom, people want an upbeat message, then you can talk about the issues once they have a positive idea of what you stand for. Joe Biden said “no way, Jack, people have to know what’s at stake.” He put LGBTQ+ rights front and center. He put abortion rights front and center. He put the insurrection front and center. He put book-bans front and center. That’s important. It’s important that Biden not only knows exactly what he’s fighting for and against, but he’s also willing to say it out loud. He trusts people to make up their minds. He trusts voters. Dark Brandon has got my vote.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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91 Responses to “President Joe Biden formally announces that he will run for re-election”

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  1. Tashiro says:

    I’m fine with him running again.

  2. JanetDR says:

    Yep! Go Joe and Kamala!

    • mellie says:

      Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them racist…. I also believe Obama chose Hilary Clinton for her knowledge of foreign policy/affairs and I bet i can find on this blog where two years ago I mentioned Susan Rice….but ok? Wow. Keyboard warriors are tough.
      Sorry but I’m not alone thinking Kamala is subpar and Joe is too old. I’ll still vote for them but the approval rating is low…

  3. Torttu says:

    Go Joe!
    He will win again.

  4. Ameerah M says:

    Well I need to dig out my old Joe Biden/Kamala Harris campaign shirt. Run Joe, run!

    • Flowerlake says:

      So happy about it!

      I think he does a good job.

      I hope Democrat voters will focus on all the good things he’s doing, instead of letting Republicans goad them into changing the conversation to their made up fantasies.

      One problem Democrats have is that lots of people who benefit from Democrat policies only hear the craziness the Republicans come up with and not the positive things Democrats are doing.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    The website has Dark Brandon t-shirts showing Joe with red laser eyes – I’d love to get one but don’t think they’d ship to the UK. Am loving how he and his team have truly embraced that meme – it really triggers the MAGAts.

    • Nicole says:

      That have Dark Brandon Tshirts?! I am totally buying one on payday! Yay!

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        They did but not there any more maybe all sold out. Screenshots are all over SM.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        I’m in Texas, and I’m afraid to walk around with a Biden t-shirt, but DAMN that video was AWESOME! Gave me goosebumps!

    • HamsterJam says:

      @Mabs A’Mabbin Molly Ivins was from the great state of Texas, she once strategized how to get the vote out, it devolved into “just put a bumper sticker on you car that says I am the GAY that Anne sent to take your guns away” and see how far you could drive in Texas without getting shot.

      She also famously said, “If you were to take all of the idiots out of the Texas legislature it would no longer be a representative party”

      • Frippery says:

        I feel you. I don’t want to get murdered over my tee shirt.

      • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

        I remember her. Quite the firecracker lol. Texas legislature = The Lege…”Let me start this discussion by pointing out that I am not anti-gun. I’m pro-knife. Consider the merits of the knife.” lmao

        Edit to add: I’ve even considered wearing a red hat when I go vote. My mail-in vote in 2020 was sent back to me saying I’d made a mistake. I didn’t. I drove my ass and shoved it in the box myself. Ugh.

      • Meghan says:

        It is always the highlight of my voting experience to go into my TN precinct and loudly say “DEMOCRAT” when they ask which ballot I want to vote on.

      • Pam says:

        God, I miss Molly Ivins! Yes, I’m happy they’re running again. It’s tiresome that people think she isn’t doing a good job…she’s not in a bunker strategizing two heinous wars, like some former VPs…Also, we’ve seen her in the senate in hearings, ripping people a new one, so she’s tough when she needs to be—oh, yes, that’s what the Republicans don’t like…she’s a strong woman who doesn’t put up with crap.

  6. trillion says:

    hell yes. I was negative about Biden initially, and he has performed much better than my cynical self predicted.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    It’s a very good ad. I hope he wins and is more radical in his second term.

    • Flowerlake says:

      I agree.
      Just posting this here before the next comment as I think it’s important that people read this first:

      If you do a search on google in this way, you can find posts by me on this particular website: “Flowerlake”

      Now, if I do the following, I find far fewer comments: “Felicity Fox”

      And most what I can find for “HL” is not a user commenting but other stuff that also is called HL.

      Guess talking about Biden being ‘too old’ was very important for some to come commenting suddenly.
      Seems some people just come here to push Republican talking points.

  8. HL says:

    I’m disappointed, but not surprised. I’m tired of old men. And both Biden and Trump are super old men.

    • Felicity Fox says:

      Agreed. He *is* too old. There are age minimums for the presidency, and there should be maximums as well.

      • Knkaren says:

        Admittedly, he’s old. But age is unique to each individual and I know some 90+ people that can kick my butt intellectually. And, we’re not voting for one man, we’re voting for the team they surround themselves with; the policy makers and the committee chairs, the court appointments and the respect of world leaders. I’ll take team Biden, with joy. TFG and the GOP would install their band of goons and grifters, certain to do immeasurable damage to us both here and abroad.

      • Flowerlake says:

        Not too old to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations.
        Not too old to do a lot for America’s infrastructure, which will have benefits for years to come.
        Not too old to lower prescription drug prices.
        Not too old old for marihuana sentencing reform.
        Not too old to reauthorize the US Postal service reform.
        Not too old to reauthorize the violence against women act.
        Not too old to have the most diverse administration in history.
        Not too old for many, many things.

        Even Fox News can find good things to say about him:

        But yes, keep talking about ‘too old’ and nothing more.
        The Republicans love your effort for their cause.

    • blue says:

      Joe is too old. Would he make it to age 86, the end of a 2nd term? Idk, but people will be considering the VP who’d succeed if he doesn’t. Kam isn’t everyone’s choice. Except for grilling Kavanaugh, her Senate career wasn’t outstanding.

      • Maida says:

        “Wasn’t outstanding” beats “was a disaster” every time, though. After the last six years I will never again vote Republican — and I once worked for a Republican rep on Capitol Hill. The GOP has now become a cult of personality hellbent on establishing a dictatorship.

      • Ameerah M says:

        You are really pulling out the blatant GOP talking points today, huh?

      • Flowerlake says:

        Ameerah, you’re spot on.

        Glad there are more people seeing through this.

    • HamsterJam says:

      Seriously? That is the worst you can through at him? He is “too old”

      Go ahead and vote for the mentally unstable Handmaid’s Tale party then.

      • blue says:

        The opposition hasn’t yet selected their candidate & much depends on that choice. Joe’s already shown some memory slips & increasing “misspeaks.”

      • HamsterJam says:

        Blue, the actual F, I will choose “misspeaks” and a strange propensity to smell women’s hair over the american taliban every day of the week.

        On a fundamental level there is only one political party out there NOT attacking a woman’s right to choose.

      • Flowerlake says:

        I used to read on this website before I started commenting and I notice that there are always Republican-leaning figures coming out of the woodworks just when American election times are near.

        Of course with typical Republican talking points like ‘too old’ instead of anything substantial.

        Biden is doing great things, but they don’t want to discuss that.

      • HL says:

        What makes you think that because I’m disappointed, I’m of a sudden going to vote Republican? I’m entitled to my opinion, thank you.

      • Flowerlake says:

        “I’m entitled to my opinion.”

        Nobody said you weren’t allowed to speak or give an opinion.
        Typical thing that right wingers say when someone gives an opinion about their opinion.

      • HL says:

        @Flowerlake Please stop calling me a right winger. As you can see from many of the comments on this thread, I’m not the only person wishing for a younger candidate. Disappointment doesn’t mean I’m going to vote red. What’s disappointing is that I think this is going to be a harder fight for Biden/Harris to win.

    • Wendy says:

      Agreed — too old, clearly has cognition issues and we are still two years out plus a four year term — Harris will be a bigger issue this time around because he is unlikely to make a full second term and her popularity becomes a question whether it helps or hinders the ticket.
      I know we aren’t supposed to say these things out loud but I was really hoping for a concerted effort by the DNC to field a younger team.

      • blue says:

        ^This! There’s history for considering the weight/influence of the VP candidate. Remember McCain-Palen?

      • HamsterJam says:

        Wendy, clearly your demographic is Team “I am vaguely unsatisfied”

      • Maida says:

        Blue, “the opposition” HAS basically selected their candidate — latest poll shows 80 percent of Republicans backing Trump. And we know EXACTLY what their policy positions are, because they are showing us that every single day.

        Lower taxes for the wealthy, deep cuts to social programs for everyone else.
        A total abortion ban with no exceptions.
        Continued legislation targeting the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans.
        Book banning and attacks on teachers and libraries.
        No limits on gun ownership — no permits, no training, no limits on weapons.
        No protection for the environment.
        A purge of anyone who dares to disagree with the party (see: Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger).

        And continuing support for the most dishonest, hateful president we have ever had, whose rhetoric amped up the attack on the Capitol and who is now openly rooting for Putin to win his war of aggression on Ukraine.

        To be on board with “the opposition” means signing up for all that. That you, Blue?

      • Wendy says:

        @Hamster — please stop with the ‘clearly you are this or that’ — this forum is for respectful discourse. I have an opinion and I stand by it. You seem to equate “damn, I had hoped for new blood” with “oh well, guess I’ll vote the other way.”

        I think many of us had hoped for strong NEW Democratic leadership that would extend beyond just the next four years — I find it baffling that there isn’t ONE person under the age of 70 to put forth to lead the party forward? This is a fight for the very future of our nation and I have thoughts on staking those hopes on a horse that is questionable to even finish the race.

      • Ameerah M says:

        WTH do you mean by “issue” Wendy?? Some of y’all are so obvious with your Twitter talking points.

      • Flowerlake says:

        Funny how these “Biden is too old” people all came here to agree with each other in the span of less than 15 minutes.

        Two of whom barely ever posted here before and two others that have names that make it hard to check up on post history.

      • Fabiola says:

        A younger candidate that is in touch with what really matters to people. People need the necessities like food, housing, utilities. Inflation has caused people to barely make it every month. Also, most families need two incomes just to pay their basic bills but daycare takes a lot if that income. What are the candidates gonna do about that?

    • ML says:

      Whereas I would prefer someone younger and a bit more to the left, I’m glad I know who I’m voting for! There is no other choice: a vote for any other party or even sitting out the election helps the other side to fill up the courts, encourage weapon ownership, pollute the environment for generations, allow strangers to regulate access to (pregnant) people’s uteruses, bar people of color and younger people from voting, bleeding money from healthcare and education. Please sign up to vote!!

      • lucy2 says:

        All of this.
        It’s very clear the harm the GOP wants to do, and is doing, and it’s incredibly important for everyone to come together and vote for the person who can beat them in the election. And vote Democrat down the ballot, every election.
        I say that as someone who was an Independent for most of my voting life and who would welcome some viable 3rd or more party options, but the reality is right now, if you don’t vote Democrat, a Republican will win.

    • Fabiola says:

      Not to be ageist but Biden is too old to run for another term. In his speeches he already forgets things. He needs to step aside and let a younger candidate come in. The younger folks also can’t relate to him. I doubt he will win.

  9. HamsterJam says:

    My Catholic Mother refuses to believe that Joe is Catholic because he is on team “it is an inalienable right to choose what you do with your body” instead of team “Force them wimmins to birth the young’uns”

    • Lightpurple says:

      My Catholic mom, her sisters, and their mom and aunts are and always have been pro-choice because, while they would never choose to end a pregnancy unless there were health problems, knew girls and women who died from illegal abortions and because of medical complications when abortion wasn’t legal. They believe in separation of church & state, and so does Biden

  10. Wednesday Addams says:

    I’m voting for him. He has done such a great job for the working people of the US.

  11. TheOriginalMia says:

    Biden Harris 2024!! Whoo hoo!

  12. HeyKay says:

    As a life long Democrat, I am not happy to hear that Biden is running again.
    I have no idea who else the Dems could run, but I fear the MAGAs with go wild on any Republican candidate.

    I hate Trump. DeSantos is never going to get my vote.

    Hoping for a positive turn around on any big issue to help Biden hold on.
    I fear the DeMs are in for a hell of a fight.
    And yes, Harris is not popular here in the Midwest, at all. She could be a problem. I was at one time convinced that John McCain was the front runner until he chose Palin as VP. That killed his campaign for a lot of people. Not that she was a woman, she had little experience.

    • HamsterJam says:

      Another member of the “vaguely unsatisfied” party then.

      There is a reason that we don’t put human rights up to the popular vote because half of the country is still upset that they can’t own people.

      • HeyKay says:

        I’m not vaguely unsatisfied.
        I’m simply saying I think Biden/Harris are in for a hard fight to get re-elected.
        I have never voted Republican in my life.

        I’m in the Midwest, MN a huge traditionally blue state, and I am saying Biden and the entire Dem party is losing ground in my area.
        At a rate that scares me.

        The Republicans are gaining power even here. Even my town elections were more dirty, radical talk Us vs. Them.
        Joe needs a solid, BIG win, a turn around that even the Rs can’t BS away to help him.

      • Kitten says:

        Assuming we’re “vaguely unsatisfied” because we’re not enthused to vote for Biden is really condescending and presumptuous TBH.

        @HeyKay–my husb is from Iowa and seeing that state go from purplish in 2015 to almost solid red in 2023 has been really scary. I assume that a lot of young Dem voters are just leaving IA for jobs..not all Biden’s fault, but scary nevertheless.

    • Wendy says:

      the up side is that Trump and DeSatan hate EACH OTHER as well and I hope they destroy each other.

    • Ameerah M says:

      The Mid West full of racist yt folks doesn’t like Harris? Shocker.

      • HeyKay says:

        Careful please. Many in the Midwest are solid Dems. Please stop labeling entire States and their populations racists. Thank you.

      • mellie says:

        Agree with HeyKay – please and thanks!
        Blue county stuck in a red state

      • Ameerah M says:

        @HeyKay – Don’t “careful please”me, thanks. I was born and raised in the Midwest and still currently reside here. As a Black woman. And yes – it’s full of racist yt folks. Even the Libs who think they aren’t.

      • mellie says:

        Ameerah – c’mon……just because many of us felt Harris wasn’t qualified doesn’t mean we are racist. He SHOULD have picked Susan Rice (I know she’s getting ready to step away), but she is very knowledgeable in Foreign affairs and that was where many felt he was lacking.

      • Ameerah M says:

        @Mellie – We’re not playing this game today. She is/and was just as qualified as any of the other VP candidates. And you mentioning another Black woman (also qualified) is a TELL. Also mentioning Joe Biden as LACKING in foreign affairs knowledge is HILARIOUS. The man was VP for 8 years. He was the person Obama sent to deal with World leaders. He was the Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. And before that he served as the RANKING Democratic Member in the Committee for TWO decades. To say Joe Biden lacks Foreign Affairs knowledge is frankly laughable.

  13. Southern Fried says:

    A smidgen of critical thinking will guide you if you want to vote and if that vote will count.

  14. HeyKay says:

    Who is considered the Up & Coming Democrat?
    I can’t even think of a known, popular, under 65 y/o Dem Gov or Senator who could be the next bright Candidate for the national level Dems.

    I feel that DeSantos has gained a good PR campaign on the R side. Not his policies, but the push is there “Not Trump, Younger, Handsome, Wife/kids traditional family unit, Served in the military, etc,” There are a lot of voters who like him bc he’s being presented as “Presidential looking” until or unless you learn what his policies are, Wow. No.

    Yes, Bidens age does have an effect on voters.
    B&M were very good candidates, young, attractive, well educated, well spoken, and they had a few years of being “The next bright leaders”
    I’m 61, and I’d like the Dems to find a strong, young team to run.
    The MAGAs still see Biden as leftover from OBamas time, they are unhinged, but they are going to go all out, money and votes and crazy talk to get the Rs back in.

    • Wendy says:

      Gavin Newsom is really the only name that stands out – he seems to be positioning himself a the “it” guy with his shots at deSatan —- Governor’s tend to do well but I’m not sure his record in California is going to help.

      • Knkaren says:

        Jay Inslee, Gretchen Whitmer, Jared Polis, Julian Castro, Hakeem Jeffries, Ayanna Presley, Michelle Wu, Gina Raimundo, Seth Moulton, etc., etc.

      • Fabiola says:

        He has done an awful job with California. I voted for him but I don’t see any improvement in the state. Everything is getting worse. The homeless issue and high cost of living.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Gavin Newsome, Pete Buttigieg

      I would add Amy Klobuchar to that but I want her in Schumer’s spot.

      In 2028, I would add Maura Healey – she has to get through a term of Governor first

      • Wendy says:

        I think Newsom will have issues with his record in California — I def agree with you on Buttigieg and the above poster who mentioned Polis (who is my Governor) — he was just reelected in ’22 but will be strong on the national stage in the future.

      • HeyKay says:

        Amy Klobuchar, a fine Dem. She’s very well liked here in Minnesota.
        But, on a national level?
        She gained no speed or connections in the last national election and even we the voters in Minnesota knew she had no chance.

        Senator Al Franken, at one time, did many good things for the people of Minnesota but on a national level? I don’t think so. And of course he is now out of politics.
        Our current Dem Gov. Walz is getting a lot of negative reviews during his time in office despite MN having a current state surplus of $17Billion.
        I doubt we Dems will hold the Governors office, no matters who the Repubs run, they are coming after him hard, dirty, and constantly. His Lt. Gov has zero chance I think.

    • Gelya says:

      Peter, Cory, Castro, Amy. There are a lot of up and coming Dems.
      I love Biden. Easy vote for me. I wish somebody younger was running. As a GenX I am becoming disheartened we won’t see our Gen on a ticket until the conversation comes up we are too old.
      I understand why Biden will run again. I respect it. I know traditionally other Dems won’t run against him. I wish this election term they would.
      I have a fear the Pubs are already vetting Gen X Ultra scary conservatives to run. That does truly scary me.
      It is our turn. In eight years it will be the Y’s turn. There will not be a change unless our Golden Gen can step aside and let this happen.

  15. Maida says:

    Really hope the people grousing vaguely about Biden and Harris in the comments here keep 2016 firmly in mind. A lot of people didn’t vote for Clinton because they just didn’t vibe with her.

    That’s how we got Trump, who gave us:

    An even larger gap between the rich and the poor in this country
    A reactionary Supreme Court stripping rights from female, LGBTQ, and nonwhite Americans
    The unfolding disaster of the COVID-19 pandemic (“it will go away” to “let’s just inject bleach”)
    An unprecedented attempt to invalidate votes with lies and mob tactics (remember that Georgia phone call?)
    An attack on our nation’s Capitol that even Republicans denounced before they got scared of Trump again (looking at you, Lindsey Graham)

    Not voting or voting third party is equivalent to voting Republican.

    • Fabiola says:

      Is there any way Hillary Clinton can run again? I’d rather have her as a candidate.

  16. @poppedbubble says:

    I don’t give a *$ck if y’all (everywhere, not addressing anyone directly here) are unhappy with Biden running again. The question is will you vote for him? If not, then you are part of the problem. Imagine democracy literally being at stake and being all like, “Well we’ll see who the other side runs.” What is wrong with folks?

    • Ciotog says:

      There are very few Republican officials who aren’t fascists, at this point. Those who weren’t were chased out of the party.

    • Wendy says:

      @Popped — I don’t see anyone considering voting Republican, no one is saying let’s see who the other side runs. I’ll vote for whoever the DNC puts forward — I was hoping for younger, more forward thinking candidates that could carry the party forward in the long run.

      This exact conversation is going to happen again — we need candidates for the FUTURE.

    • Dara says:


    • mellie says:

      I’m definitely voting for Biden, but I’m not gonna lie, I’m concerned about the age. I want to see some of the younger Dems out there….that’s what keeps your party moving forward, YOUTH with new fresh ideas that appeal to more YOUTH and families.
      I’m still a big Pete B. fan and I wish he was running, but I know that’s not going to happen.

      • julia8524 says:

        Pete screwed up with the air fiasco in Dec and most importantly the train derailment in Ohio.

  17. Kitten says:

    He’s too old and uninspiring but I’ll vote for him if he’s the nom because the alternative will be a fascist. It’s just crazy how 50% of Dems voters don’t even want Joe to run again yet as a party they cannot seem to come up with a viable alternative to an old white man who’s been entrenched in politics for far too long.

  18. HeyKay says:

    If Biden needed to step down for whatever reason, could Harris win a re-election?
    Who would the VP choice be?
    Bernie has to be out, Elizabeth Warren lost speed, who is the next generation of Dems? Can’t be any Kennedy at that level.

    And, sadly yes, a lot of people vote “Anyone but this person.”
    I still think that was part of how Trump got in.
    I also think Trump only wanted to run bc he wanted attention, he didn’t want to be President.

    Gavin Newson will not get elected. His record in CA is just firepower to the Repubs, they are tearing him apart every time he says anything.
    He does have the name recog. tho.

  19. ohrhilly says:

    Dark Brandon has my vote. We needed steady and thoughtful leadership. This is the 1st time in years that I don’t have to worry about a president starting WW3. I cannot stomach another 2016.

  20. HeyKay says:

    JMO, but Biden/Harris need to go hard, in order to win.
    PR release, not a PR photo op or WH press meeting, but a written release on a steady schedule of issues they are making progress on.

    *Inflation/cost of living, SS is secure
    *Womens health issues/birth control rights
    *The banks/investments are secure
    *Healthcare and health insurance costs
    *Solutions to the rise in crimes and/or homeless issues
    *To me Biden needs to counter attack the negative, fascist talk of the Rs.
    He must go hard to “Bring us together.” Stronger together, Ask not what your country can do for you, etc. JKF, B&M, even Teddy K., were such strong public speakers they communicated and kept working to move in the same direction.
    The Reps constantly divide, divide.

    He has a hell of a lot on his desk. I thought B&M had to shovel out from under the Bush disasters but Biden is getting sh*t from every corner, for years.
    The younger Dem leaders really, truly need to have his back, come out strong and do Not let up.
    The list I made here is what almost everyone is worried/unhappy about in my area, and the Reps are hammering constantly on FoxNews, etc. I’m aware Biden is working hard but his PR team does not seem to me to be cracking the Reps BS. And he needs to!

    • Kitten says:

      Your list pretty much covers everything I’m concerned with (not “crime” so much for me as gun violence) but I’d also add the housing crisis. It makes me so damn sad that future generations will struggle to find even an affordable starter house/condo. Nothing has radicalized me more than the house buying process we went through during the insane market in 2021. We HAVE to focus on building more affordable housing everywhere and preferably multi-units in the densely-populated, expensive US cities.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Did you see the gun legislation passed in…Wisconsin? Effective immediately. I need to check and make sure of the state, but it’s a beautiful piece of legislation.

      Washington, that’s it. lol

  21. Frippery says:

    I am tired of Joe Biden having to whoop Donald Trump’s ass, but, here we go again …… He may not be “exciting” but he is what we as democrats have. Everyone enjoy your ice cream and vote blue.

  22. Rnot says:

    I don’t see a better alternative but I’m very uneasy with this ticket. What if Trump drops dead? Biden’s saving grace is that he’s the Trump-slayer. It’s not certain that he could defeat some republican dark horse candidate with less baggage to turn off the swing voters.

  23. HeyKay says:

    Good point.
    If Trump is out could the Biden/Harris ticket take the win against say, Ron DeSantos?

    If DeSantos gets the Nomination, he could push all the crazy he wants, plus play up the Young, Handsome, Veteran, Traditional Family, he has young children which he will use to push “the future I see” Repub. BS he can think of.
    DeSantos seems to be polishing himself up to make a hard run at being the next Republican star, he’s getting advice and support, notice that he has also gone on a diet lost a good 30lbs., you know he’s already got a team of advisors, I bet.

    If Trump runs, who is he going to use as advisors?
    Ivanka has said she will not. If Ivanka is out, so is Jared.
    Mel didn’t want to be First Lady the first time, I doubt she’d support another run. If Trump divorced her, would the Trumpers still adore him?
    Trump is overweight, and over 70+ now.
    Most importantly, can’t the Feds make something stick to disbar him from running for elected office? They have time yet, barely.

  24. Well Wisher says:

    Due to his record, President does not need luck under normal circumstances, so I extend best wishes to him, it is admirable he is much better than the alternative.

  25. AC says:

    I’m one of the democrats who would prefer for Biden to retire and have someone new run. However he and Kamala will still have My vote. So far, they both have done a great job. I really do not want any Republicans control of our government esp the mess and chaos they have created. And to be honest, Biden isn’t getting the credit he deserves. During his administration the job gains and Wall Street have been record breaking. Many People are still spending a lot in this economy, the reason the fed keeps raising the interest rates to calm down inflation, as the economy hasn’t slowed down. And The tsunami red wave didn’t really happen during last year’s midterms, which was partly because of Biden.
    Also as a Californian, I would have supported Newsom. He has kept us safe during the pandemic and he’s done a great job , not perfect, but who is perfect. Even with the recall election and the general election, Newsom won a landslide in CA. Under his leadership, CA has the 5th largest economy in the world(the state overtook the UK) and will soon become the 4th largest economy in the world. And in regards to the homeless in CA, we do have many shelters to house them. But these shelters have rules to abide to, which is no drugs and no alcohol. And some of the homeless don’t want to follow these rules. Not to mention, many of these homeless came to CA from literally other states. It’s not just a California problem when other states can’t take care of their own homeless population and tries to ship them to CA!

  26. Andrea says:

    I do think Joe is a touch too old, however, I feel women and gay/trans freedoms hang precariously in the balance. So Joe it is!

  27. bisynaptic says:

    I’ll vote for him, again. We have to keep Biden in the Oval Office, until his cohort dies out.