Who is Millie Mackintosh? She’s a British reality star famous for appearing in five seasons of Made in Chelsea. I’ve never seen it, although I know it was a popular reality show and the “stars” of the show are locally famous within the UK (and nowhere else, probably). Millie is 33 years old and once her reality stardom kicked in, she moved on to being a professional fashionista, makeup artist, influencer type. Well, in 2015, Millie apparently met an American actress named Meghan Markle. They got along, they hung out together in London when Meghan was in town, and then Meghan dropped Millie as a friend shortly after Meghan met Prince Harry. This is all Millie’s version of events, mind you. Millie spoke about being “ghosted” by Meghan in a recent podcast:
“Made in Chelsea” alum Millie Mackintosh says Meghan Markle cut off all communication with her soon after she began dating Prince Harry. “She cut me dead,” Mackintosh revealed on Wednesday’s episode of her podcast, “Mumlemmas & More with Millie & Charlie,” explaining that the last communication she had with her ex-friend was an icy text response after Markle’s relationship with Harry went public. “I never heard from her again and I never messaged her again because I felt like she kind of told me to f–k off basically in that message. Meghan Markle ghosted me, babe.”
Mackintosh, who first met Markle at a hotel opening in Istanbul around 2015, said she just wanted to make sure her friend was OK during the deluge of media coverage at the time. “I do know what it’s like to have a lot of media attention. It can be really overwhelming and it can be unpleasant, so I messaged her and just said like, ‘Hey, hope you’re OK. Thinking of you.’” Mackintosh said Markle responded with an “abrupt message” that was unlike any conversation they’d ever had before. “What I read from that message was that she maybe needed a bit of space. Maybe needed to cool off, she was angry, she was maybe under a lot of pressure … So I didn’t message her again … But I did expect that we would stay in touch.”
The British reality TV star, 33, said she believes the Duchess of Sussex ditched her because she didn’t want to be associated with a reality star. “What could I offer her at that point? She had met her prince. I was on a reality show so … I’m guessing she was like, ‘I can’t be associated with ‘Made in Chelsea.’ I’m going to be royal.’”
Mackintosh also admitted the snub made her feel “a bit like s–t,” especially when she wasn’t invited to Markle and Harry’s 2018 over-the-top wedding. She said, at the time, the media began writing “loads” of inaccurate stories claiming she had been uninvited.
“That was quite hurtful because I hadn’t done anything, but my name is being dragged through it in quite a negative way,” the podcaster shared. “It was a bit embarrassing.”
Mackintosh explained that when she first met the former “Suits” star, 41, in 2015, they “got on like a house on fire and spent the night partying and having fun and we just stayed in touch.” She said that Markle then traveled to London and didn’t really know anyone or her way around the city, so she took the actress under her wing. “I took her to my favorite spots and she didn’t know that many people so I kind of connected her with the best places to get your nails done, like my little black book. I gave her just like all my contacts,” the makeup artist said.
According to the model, the close pals’ friendship changed after they had their last interaction at a hotel in the Cotswolds in southern England.
“She was staying there and said, ‘Just come and hang out.’ What I thought was going to be like a day of yoga and chilling ended up being rosé and margaritas in the pool and we had, like, a really fun afternoon,” Mackintosh said, adding that Markle was “really fun.” The duchess’ former friend then noted, “That was the last time I saw her.”
Mackintosh said that during their final hangout, Markle divulged that she was seeing Harry and figuring out where things were going to go. “I thought, ‘Great that’s nice for her. I don’t know [Harry] just to clarify. I never met him. I was, like, ‘Great,’ didn’t really ask too much about him. Didn’t really think too much about it at the time. If only I had known.”
Granted, if I met Meghan, I would sprinkle that fact into conversations for years too. But I have to say that it doesn’t even sound like Millie and Meghan were super-close friends? They were just two people who were kind of friendly for a year or so. A friendly acquaintance, someone you have fun with at a party, not someone who will be in your life forever. Meghan really had these British people up in their feelings, didn’t she? And everything we know about Meghan and how she interacts with people, it sounds pretty out-of-character that she would text an acquaintance anything like “f–k off and don’t contact me again.” It was probably more like “I’m really overwhelmed right now with everything going on, can I catch you later?” If this was after Meghan and Harry’s relationship had been outed, Meghan probably didn’t know who to trust and who would sell her out as well. Oh well! No one is obligated to be your friend.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
- 156795, Meghan Markle spectates from the stands on day ten of the US Open Tennis Championships. Queens, New York – Wednesday September 7, 2016. Photograph: © Ron Angle, PacificCoastNews. Los Angeles Office (PCN): +1 310.822.0419 UK Office (Photoshot): +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 sales@pacificcoastnews.com FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE
- Meghan Markle waves to the crowd as she after a visit to youth-orientated radio station, Reprezent FM, in Brixton, south London to learn about its work supporting young people. The Reprezent training programme was established 10 years ago in response to the rise in knife crime, to help young people develop and socialise through radio.,Image: 508107662, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR SEVEN DAYS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon.red – sales@avalon.red London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: – / Avalon
- 108416, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – Monday November 11, 2013. Meghan Markle arrives for ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ premiere at Leicester Square in London. **UK, FRANCE, AUS, NZ, CHINA, HONG KONG & TAIWAN OUT** Photograph: © i-Images, PacificCoastNews **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** LOS ANGELES OFFICE: +1 310 822 0419 LONDON OFFICE: +44 20 8090 4079,Image: 528868499, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS, DIRECT SALES ONLY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN CAPTION – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon.red – sales@avalon.red London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: i-Images, PacificCoastNews / Avalon
- 108954, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – Tuesday November 19, 2013. Meghan Markle attends The Fourth Annual London Global Gift Gala at the ME Hotel in London. **UK, FRANCE, AUS, NZ, CHINA, HONG KONG & TAIWAN OUT** Photograph: © i-Images, PacificCoastNews **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** LOS ANGELES OFFICE: +1 310 822 0419 LONDON OFFICE: +44 20 8090 4079,Image: 528999238, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: WORLD RIGHTS, DIRECT SALES ONLY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE IN CAPTION – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries contact Avalon.red – sales@avalon.red London: +44 (0) 20 7421 6000 Los Angeles: +1 (310) 822 0419 Berlin: +49 (0) 30 76 212 251 Madrid: +34 91 533 4289, Model Release: no, Credit line: i-Images, PacificCoastNews / Avalon
- Millie Mackintosh attending the Babylon UK Premiere at BFI Southbank in Waterloo, London, United Kingdom.,Image: 749318784, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: To licence this image, email info@sidetrack.london for more information., Model Release: no, Credit line: Cat Morley / Avalon
- Millie Mackintosh attends the EE BAFTA Film Awards 2023 at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre in London, England. Sunday 19th February 2023. -,Image: 757504838, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NORESTRICTIONS, Model Release: no, Pictured: EE BAFTA Film Awards 2023, Credit line: James Warren / Bang Showbiz / Avalon
This is so strange. People get attached way too quickly. Why would she think she would get invited to her wedding?
8 years and she hasn’t moved on? .illness needs grief counseling maybe?
An asymmetrical attachment can be extremely hurtful – whether in friendship or love. When one person is predominantly attached to someone who simply doesn’t care to invest the same amount of energy into building the relationship, they can feel scorned.
I must admit that I have been on both sides of the spectrum: I’ve been used and hurt by non-reciprocal friendships more time than I can recall. Yet, every time I lean towards self-pity, it dawns on me that I have been hurting people’s feelings as well, by failing to reciprocate and respond at all to their miscellaneous invites.
My hurt feelings or my never-to-be friends’ or lovers’ dismay at my neglect, say nothing wrong about me or them, because our inner worth and value are not defined by our ability to force others’ acceptance.
Therefore, I wish that young woman wouldn’t think the less of herself because she didn’t receive the Markle seal of approval, the same way Meghan will never put her sense of self-worth into question for being denied the Windsor seal of approval.
Trans-personal validation is a sign of popularity not a judge of quality and character. That tv celeb needs to move on without begrudging anyone, and dedicate her energies to those appreciate her. I hate cinnamon. Doesn’t mean cinnamon doesn’t taste or smell good, though.
Well said, @Sugarhere!
I learned a long time ago that people meant more to me than I did to them. I am peripheral to pretty much everyone. They have their own lives to lead and once in awhile we talk/chat, but I am peripheral and sometimes it hurts. I have had to teach myself non-attachment as a result.
And who is she?
I have never heard of her before now. Her claiming the tabloids talked about her taking her around London? When? Also why would she invite you to her wedding when you in your own words, had just met her? WTH.
And I wish people would stop using the word friend when it comes to anyone they have ever met. Even people you work with probably aren’t your friends. And I bet this woman and Meaghan never were alone together. I’m sure there were a lot of other people there also.
Let’s not read too much into this. She’s a reality star and this is a good story for her. How much of it is actual reality is highly debatable.
I tend to agree. Sugerhere’s analysis was so much more thoughtful than this situation probably deserves. Simplest answer is usually correct: Meghan realized that it wasn’t wise to be hanging out with a reality star; reality star still tries to make a story out of that brief relationship. Or even simpler: Megs didn’t like you enough. 😛
@SQUIDDUSMAXIMUS, Agreed. Meghan made the right decision when she severed all ties with her, at a time no one could be trusted, not even her own father.
Don’t you think your Meghan-centered perspective makes you miss another important point: no matter how childish it is of this tv starlet, the fact that she lingers on this means her malaise is real. And when someone tells me they haven’t digested something, I’m not the one to doubt their pain.
The reaction might not be justified 8 years after what may strike us as a non-event, but her subjective feeling of having been looked down upon, is still her reality.
Besides, she didn’t go spill dirt to Piss Morgan, so I don’t quite see how this late admission directly benefits her. It might just be therapeutic.
Right @ELX. An English reality star met an American cable series star in 2015. An American cable series star that also happened to have a very popular blog/website was taken under the wing of reality star that’s 8 years younger than her for contacts? That’s almost even more funny than the idea of Meghan asking Kate for her fashion contacts. LOL everywhere.
Meghan was already great friends with Markus Anderson/sen? Soho House had greater global recognition than Made in Chelsea. Markus would have greater contacts than Millie. Is it possible that Millie is feeling hurt about the friendship not going further? Of course. It’s also quite possible that Meghan was able to connect a tabloid story to Millie. Clout chaser Millie.
Millie is being purposefully vague about the text exchanges.
See, people who have been friends with Meghan for years have only talked about what a great friend she is, so I tend to read these stories with a grain of salt. Also, if I ghost someone, there is usually a good reason for it. I mean, a REALLY good reason.
But if you follow Millie’s story. She was the one who ghosted Meghan not the other way around.
I wonder if this is another difference between Brits and Americans, because you don’t really see these complaints from Americans. We tend to be a more itinerant people, and this is particularly true of actors who go from one set location to another. And, of course, we are more upwardly mobile generally, whereas Brits tend to stay in their own class and those divisions are more rigidly enforced.
So it makes sense that some “friendships” or contacts would not be that deep or long-lasting for Americans, but not for Brits.
Harry warned her about certain people and Meghan listened. Especially after the horrific headlines and racist stories were coming out about her.
I don’t blame Meghan one bit.
Indeed and she moved in the same aristo circles as the royals do – she was in the same reality TV show (Made in Chelsea) as Spencer Mathews, Pippa’s BIL.
You have to wonder if this woman leaked some details to the press about their ‘friendship’ early on and this was a clue to Meghan that she could not be trusted.
Someone who becomes famous for participation in a reality show will try anything to remain relevant and make money. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case here.
Who IS this person? Some Z-list celeb. Never heard of her.
So, every human that is within a 1/2 a mile of H&M is going to be selling stories for $$ to the tabs, now?
Hard. Pass.
Meghan met these people Piss Morgan included during promo for Suits right? Then she was probably being friendly in a professional manner, she didn’t owe them a friendship for life. And once Harry got wind, he probably told her which thirsty people to stay away from.
Agreed. As a visiting American actress, it was good for her to be friendly and make connections with whomever she crossed paths. But Harry would know who to avoid, especially if tabloids are dangling large sums of money for exclusives. And Meghan literally, did not do anything wrong. She didn’t hurt this lady’s dog, badmouth her in the press, give her the cold shoulder in person, etc. I lose touch with friends, especially those overseas, because I’m too busy living my perfunctory family life. Can’t imagine how small my social circle would become living the life Meghan had to.
There’s some weird obsession with everyone’s “contacts” in these articles, almost like people were given talking points — Kate and her “fashion contacts” and now this: “…she didn’t know that many people … I gave her just like all my contacts.”
“She didn’t know that many people?” That’s easily proven to be untrue — she was/is good friends with Marcus Anderson who works for Soho house, not to mention Violet, the friend who introduced her to Harry. Those two people alone could have hooked her up with ALL the place to be and go in London. Meghan did not need a D-List reality star to connect her to people.
And don’t get me started on Kate’s “fashion contacts” — Meghan worked in Hollywood for over a decade and attended fashion shows on the regular and was friends with many designers, but SHE needed fashion contacts from Kate? Please, gurl.
Apologies @Anne. Didn’t see your post before I posted above. The whole ‘contacts’ thing is so very odd and doesn’t make sense. Millie would not have more contacts than Markus or Meghan. He was globally known and, apparently, royally known. Since W&K were avid watchers of Suits. She(Millie) was not the power broker she claims to be.
And, honestly, Violet didn’t introduce them. Harry saw Meghan on Violet’s Instagram, and was like, hello my darling, with the funny filters. Please V, connect me up with this woman who broke my conveyor belt. I need to meet this person. Hook me up.
How cringe, she sounds so thirsty. More like she’s disappointed she missed out on milking her connection to Meghan.
With her obvious big mouth, Meghan was right to ghost her!
That’s what it sounded like to me, like she was hoping to hobnob with all the people Meghan would be meeting while being the royal GF.
Maybe I don’t understand the current definition of “ghosting”
But saying you someone sent you an icy text basically telling you to F-off contradicts any claim they ghosted you. Because ghosting is just vanishing without saying boo, right?
Also, it sounds like the Duchess actually was the last to text, because this person decided not to reach out after MM’s text. So who ghosted who now?
Yea that’s not even what ghosting means.
I read it like that too. That Meghan gave a Luke warm response to whatever she was proposing and she got the message that Megs was not interested and didn’t try again.
You’re right in your definition and understanding of what “ghosting” means. I also got the impression that this woman wanted to jump on the Meghan “ghosted” me bandwagon. Why not, it seems to be so profitable, just ask Meghan’s father.
I say we need receipts on that text. I feel Millie is the kind of chick who would have given us the text verbatim if it really was that awful. Spill or let it be Millie. It may have been „I can’t text or talk right now“. My guess is dramatic interpretation.
Those were my thoughts exactly!! IF Meghan sent you a proper 🖕🏻, let’s see the it, otherwise STOP talking about Meghan!! We have heard from her vast group of friends that Meghan is a solid friend and ally. This Z-list wanna-be “influencer” doesn’t have the goods, so to speak, so I don’t believe her.
I think Meghan is savvy enough to assess who she could trust and who she couldn’t. You didn’t make the cut, Millie. That says more about you than it does about Meghan.
So here we have another (almost someone), deciding to get another 5 minutes of fame at Megan’s expense. Knowing that she knows the middleton clan doesn’t surprise me, (shallow as fk like them), does nobody else find it strange that Megan and Harry left this toxic island 3 years ago and she comes out with this pile of poo now. Maybe she needs to engage that vacuum brain before opening that mouth, because she has just made herself look stupid
agree, Mary Pester!
Agree. If you’re worth the friendship, would you be kvetching about it to the press literally years later?
Why is this any of Meghan’s fault… we all know how the media would have played their acquaintance. What we don’t know is how much or how little the rota would have paid for an exclusive with Millie. Meghan did not create the rules when entering the royal family — but sure is hell gets shit for at least trying to play by them (before their marriage).
I wonder if the grey men told her to cut ties, like they did with her niece.
I think that’s a good theory. I watched the first few seasons of Made in Chelsea so I was aware of Millie. When the tabloids had lists of her UK friends and who might be at her hen party, Millie was on the list. There were pics of them bicycling together. The tabloids made it seem like they were BFFs so it must have been awkward for Millie. I get that she is trying to sort of clear things up. I don’t think Meghan did anything wrong. She was very trusting of the Firm and followed their rules/advice in the beginning.
I was thinking possibly one of the grey men had Meghan’s phone by that time & sent the text. They took her passport & keys, why not phone?
Like the bullying accusations, Millie doesn’t say what Meghan said in that text so she’s free to talk about her “feelings” about it without any context. Other than that *yawn*.
Yes, the vagueness is what gets me. Meghan texted something and all we know is how this person interpreted it. Honestly, for all we know, meghan just didn’t use any emoji or exclamation points and this person sees it as a giant snub.
I posted something similar before reading the comments, but it was along the lines of what you two wrote. I’m always suspicious when people talk about what they supposedly said, but don’t bother to report the exact words of the other person. Do that and let people make up their own minds. If Meghan’s text message was that bad, you’d better believe she would have reported it. Instead, all we have is what this woman “feels like” Meghan said, you know, basically. Yeah.
Sorry to the actors, reality tv stars and performers who may read this but: the fact Meghan Markle as so few friends of the striving celebrity type reveals her good moral character. Wannabes complaining that Meghan ghosted them is the opposite of character assassination.
Exactly! A “reality ” performer is the last person you would want to be close friends with during a difficult time.
It’s weird that people who met with Meghan a few times act like they were best friends for years and was dropped. I read about this in another article and it sounded like a text relationship with a couple of meets. People need to get a grip.
Funnily enough, it was a deranger who debunked this woman’s story! There are articles out there that this Millie woman was invited to Meghan’s bachelorette party. Look at the articles from 2018. So…her timeline is all off. Granted, the deranger made comments about how Millie and Meghan hung out in Turkey, where Harry also was, and thus Meghan and Harry met before the two of them claimed in some nefarious Turkish sex worker plot, but putting that aside. Millie is full of it.
If I were Meghan, however, I would be reaching out to old friends the palace had forbidden me to associate with, like she did her niece who was excluded from the wedding. In fact, maybe Meghan has already–and for one reason or another (Harry warning her about her), Millie didn’t make the cut.
I think that in life it’s not what you do but how you do it. I even think Maya Angelou says that people won’t remember what you say to them but how you make them feel.
I like Meghan as much as anyone but it sounds like she fumbles those kinds of situations where she needs to distance herself or break-off the relationship. What comes to mind is seeing and hearing how painful it was for her niece not to be invited to the wedding (while watching H & M’s documentary). If I were the niece, it would be hard to both forget and forgive that based on how both portrayed the relationship. However, to me, Meghan was very cool to pragmatic about it. Having those characteristics aren’t a failure but it can be alienating and can create enemies out of people who were otherwise friendly or even allies.
Just food for thought,
Human beings have a surprising tendency to act like…human beings. I know I’d have no idea how to navigate being thrust into a very public position, how to manage relationships not just with close friends and family, but with aquaintances (who would be more numerous than I could likely recall). Let’s not taint Meghan with the curse of perfection. She’s a human being, she makes mistakes, but not a single thing she did (nor truly, anything she was actually accused of) warrants the vicious and relentless abuse she got from the British media.
I don’t trust this person’s account. Not because it might actually be true. It very well could be. But to say it out loud right now, knowing it would be coopted by the tabloids, racists, and derangers, is itself a hostile act. This lady can’t act like, “oh, I’m just telling my anecdote”. Telling it now, to these people, means you are fine with the way Meghan has been treated. That’s what makes her a thirsty, feckless cow.
We are not going to debate Meghan Markle’s ability to maintain family relationships and friendships in response to a * former Made in Chelsea cast member*.
We are not going to debate a WOC’s character because a white D-list celebrity says the WOC did not answer her text message.
You captured what I was basically saying in 1 sentence. Bitch has an agenda.
I thought the same thing, there’s a pattern here. I bet The Firm was on her ass about her circle and she didn’t know what to do because it’s a very unique situation, but ultimately, it falls on her.
She has re-established contact with the niece, but not this woman. Likely, there is more to the story than Millie is admitting. People fall out with others all the time. It’s only a big deal, apparently, when it involves Meghan. She’s apparently supposed to maintain close contact with everyone she’s ever met. It’s like the royal “protocol” crap that only applied to her. As far as the big formal wedding, I imagine anybody Meghan tried to invite got closely scrutinized by the royals and vetoed if they didn’t approve.
What I think is interesting is how all of these former “friends” seem to find their way to a Murdoch rag or the Daily Fail. Two publication entities that Harry and Meghan are suing or have sued (and won). Coincidence? I think not. As far as fumbling relationships, look at the people who have been “booted”. People who have been proven to be toxic af, people who are thirsty and looking to make a buck. I would call that discernment on Meghan’s part, not a ” fumble”.
So true!! It’s these leeches that Murdoch has his deranged find and usually with cash offers!! Followed with a script as well! They want bang for their bucks!!
This woman’s account makes zero sense she’s also not using the word ghosting right. She said Meghan responded in an abrupt way so what the heck was she even responding to?
But Meghan didn’t ghost her. Millie didn’t respond back to Meghan’s last text. That means she ghosted Meghan.
This Millie person’s reach has exceeded her grasp. She comes from a very wealthy family and seems to think that and her reality TV gig makes her some kind of superior being. I’ve almost always chosen friends carefully and when I haven’t, and let someone into my life who turned out to be not good friendship material, I’ve regretted it. Millie was still in the “vetting” phase and Meghan decided that it wasn’t a good match, simple as that.
There is a lot of overlap between the Made in Chelsea crew and the 30 and 40-something royals. Pippa’s brother-in-law stars on the show and I think both Eugenie and Beatrice have connections as well. I always thought that if Kate hadn’t married William that either she or Pippa would have been on the show. Sliding doors.
Harry was once reportedly friends with Hugo Taylor. He married Millie in 2018.
The comment that I responded to got deleted so I’ll just repost here.
Just going to cosign what Kaiser said, no one is obligated to be your friend. If someone realizes they don’t vibe with you for any reason they can stop communicating with you.
And lol at Meghan and Harry’s wedding now being described as “over the top”. The Sussexes has the entire British media smoking out the window right now I swear.
That made me laugh too! It was a royal wedding, they’re all over the top!
7 years later, when you have a show to promote, how convenient!!!
I was just about to mention that it was interesting that Millie Mackintosh sat on this story for seven years, but now she’s talking about Meghan. If Millie didn’t have a show to promote, Meghan’s name wouldn’t be coming out of her mouth.
Timing is indeed very suspect.
Meghan is still friends with her mates, take Markus Anderson for example and all her Cali ladies.
Also, I feel like I did see a tv show with Millie and Meghan. Before Meghan got married. Kind of a “who is Meghan Markle” thing, I think. They rode bikes together. It was painted as if they were besties… but also like maybe they just met. I remember thinking it was a bit random but also not random bc the royals and the Made in Chelsea folks are really one and the same. And then I expected to see Millie at the wedding, but she wasn’t there. Ok, now I am wondering if I am crazy. That would be a really boring false memory. Anyone else who lives in the UK remember this? What?!
Nope, that picture and their relationship was reported on previously. It was clearly more of an acquaintanceship. Just to add, this Millie person is complaining that Meghan cut her off while literally betraying her and making her look bad with a vague, biased story. So if Meghan did assess her as disloyal and likely to turn on her for profit, she was right.
I’m guessing if M sent her an icy text all of a sudden,there was a good reason, like she figured out she sold her out or something of the sort.
We really don’t know if the text was ‘icy’ as that is a purely one-sided interpretation years after the fact.
London is rife with friendships based on socialising that fizzle out when people’s lives change and they stop going out as much. It’s not a surprise, and it cannot be a shock to someone who’s entire friend circle is built on partying. Maybe she thought since they were all “in the industry” there would be a longer connection but this could describe the life cycle of 5-6 great but short lived friendships I’ve over the years.
I think Millie was the “Annoyed by Meghan’s Emoji-laden Texts British Friend. Remember the story that came out about a British friend of Meghan’s who sent a text voice message out (to a group?) In which she complained about how annoying Meghan and her emoji-laden texts were. And, then she accidentally sent it to Meghan as well?! The story then went on to say that, understandably, the friendship cooled and the annoyed British friend was not invited to the Sussexes’ wedding.
At the time, I thought that it was this Millie because there was no explanation as to why she and Meghan were no longer friends and she did not get an invitation to the wedding. Also, this story mentions that Meghan replied to her in a way different than she had before. Emoji-free?! Maybe Millie had sent the message or replied to it in an equally insulting way.
It is really grasping of Millie to do this, bring up Meghan and bashing her for the attention; but why do this now? This would have happened in, what, 2016? Also, if Millie was the Texting Friend, she is lying about why her and Meghan’s friendship ended. I want the real story to come out because I have a feeling that it would be Millie with egg on her face!
I remember this woman doing interviews where she talks abut Meghan, and she sounded like a good friend. However, later it turns out this Millie person was not invited to the wedding, along with one of Meghan’s agents, who also talked about Meghan. So maybe Meghan did not invite people who were making money off of their acquaintance with her. Strange, if true, that she was invited to the bachelorette party, though and later not invited to the wedding. Sounds like there is more to this story. She does sound rather thirsty though. Why come out now about how Meghan “ghosted” her? Seems like she is joining a growing company of people who tried to make money from spending time with Meghan.
I would also imagine that Meghan had far more freedom to invite whomever she wanted to the party than she did to the formal wedding.
Millie, I don’t believe you. And you choosing not to respond to Meghan’s last text means she didn’t ghost you. So what really went down bc there’s definitely something missing from this sad but obviously tall tale.
What mature woman at the age of 33 is whining about someone choosing not to be her friend? This “woman” sounds like a junior high school drama queen and she needs to grow up. Anyone she claims she’s friends with should re-evaluate that relationship bc it looks like she will throw anyone under the bus for 5 more minutes of fame.
But is it ghosting if *you’re* the one who never followed up after or if the person told you to bugger off? Quote: “I never messaged her again because I felt like she kind of told me to f–k off basically in that message” Did she tell you to eff off, or did you read too much into what she wrote? And if you thought you were such good friends, why didn’t you text back a few hours later to ask if y’all were cool? Someone telling ME to eff off is not that person ghosting me. Also, it’s been eight years–move on!
See this exactly why Meg and this woman acquaintance didn’t last long . The fact that she felt the need to talk to people about whatever they had or didn’t have friendships wise . Tells me that if the likes of the daily mail has showed up at her doorstep if Meg And her had remained in contact, she would have sung like a bird at the mention of the first few zeros for her story.
“If this was after Meghan and Harry’s relationship had been outed, Meghan probably didn’t know who to trust and who would sell her out as well.”
Ding! Ding! Ding!
This. Meghan was under seige in the media and probably closed ranks to her nearest and dearest. Millie was a casual acquaintance that didn’t make the cut.
Thirst thy name is Milly. She sounds like a high school girl. There are plenty of people I have been “friendly” with that I don’t consider friends and hang out with all the time. Meghan had a LOT going on when her and Harry’s relationship got outed – including being literally STALKED by the press. She pulled back into her inner circle of people she knew well and trusted. Which was smart. Considering that this Milly person feels the need to whine to the press about Meghan not wanting to be her friend anymore her instincts were correct. It’s not all about you Milly.
The Meghan didn’t really know anyone in London so I took her under my wing bit also seems questionable, I thought she already knew a bunch of people and was quite well connected.
Yeah, that’s fishy.
Millie is a prime example of a person who prefers it when they feel they are in the one-up position, but their head starts spinning when their “one-down” levels up. To be clear, M was never in the one-down position, but any woman of color knows this dynamic all too well of people who think themselves better, and prefer it when they are the “mentor” or “expert” and can “help” you, but when you level up, watch out.
Great point, I agree and have experienced that myself when I leveled up or surpassed someone who couldn’t handle not being top dog anymore.
Yea. That’s all bs. Suits was popular in Canada, the US and the UK. lol the Cambridge’s were fans too. I did not know there was a show called Made in Chelsea or a person named Millie Makintosh until today. Sure, Millie, Madame Duchess of Sussex was asking YOU for contacts.lolfl
This gal can form a support group with pm, English People Who Have Walked by Meghan Markle, Then She Ghosted Them!!
Thank you Lizzie!
This is absolutely the best comment on this particular overworked thread!
Here’s my take. She texted Meghan at a time when things started to get really crazy and overwhelming, maybe circumstances took over. She didn’t clarify if Meghan was angry at her specifically or if it was just bad timing. So she never texted Meghan back to ask what was really going on, and you know what, maybe she was advised not to be friends with a reality tv star she only met a few times. That may be the harsh reality and she figured it out. Maybe it was thoughtless on Meghan’s part but I suspect that a lot of casual acquaintances did not stay in Meghan’s world as the palace walls started closing in. However, I find it annoying that this person is trying to center herself in Meghan’s life when Meghan had way bigger issues to deal with. Where was she when Meghan was being constantly attacked daily in the British press? If she’s upset they didn’t stay friends, that’s her right but it is what it is and this happens a lot when people go into public life and come under scrutiny.
I’m less interested in these stories about M ditching friends post-Harry and more interested in the stories we’re NOT getting about Kate ditching friends post-William.
That’s because they still want to use Meghan as a human shield and there will always be a walk of protection around Kate and William. They can freely gossip about the Sussexes but one negative thing about the Wales and it’s a column from on of their go-to scribes or a legal letter. It just seems so random this woman talking about something they happened years ago but Meghan sells.
It doesn’t sound to me that Meghan viewed her as a friend but more like an associate/acquaintance. I think Millie was projecting her feelings onto Meghan’s last text. She assumed that Meghan was mad with her and she ghosted Meghan. But it’s weird how British people who have met Meghan assumed that they were her friends when she was just being friendly to them. I guess it’s a testament to how nice she is that she treats everybody she meets well.
Meh. This thirsty hanger-on gets the major side eye from me for speaking about this to the press for clout and to self-victimize. None of this rings true, and even if it did, and for whatever reason, M told thirsty hanger-on to fuck off, I am inclined to believe M had every reason to cut this person out. I had a friend who spent years belittling me and putting me down, racial micro-aggressions, the works. When I leveled up my life, she made sure to get her digs in, but also to keep hanging on so as to latch on to my successes and keep tabs for the sake of having an inside view. I tried addressing it, but the conversations were pointless DARVO games, so I ghosted her. She still texts and calls periodically, but I never pick up or reply, because I know that every conversation is going to be her excavating for information she can use to belittle me or make herself feel better. Women, and especially women of color, have to become extremely astute at cutting people out, no regrets. If M cut out people, then I applaud her, because it is a sign of someone with boundaries. And anyone who would *ever* go to the press knowing the full scope of the situation, well, anyone who would cut off this thirsty hanger-on did the absolute right thing.
I don’t follow Made in Chelsea, but my understanding was that the MIC crowd were adjacent to Pippa via her Terribly Moderately Wealthy husband’s brother Spencer, who does loads of reality shows. It was a savvy connection to make, even if it wasn’t possible to maintain it.
Sometimes your gut instincts about people kick in even though on the surface the person you’re getting to know seems fun, nice, whatever. It’s happened to me a few times with people I didn’t know well where *something* seemed off and I decided not to see them again. I think this is what happened to Meghan, and she’s certainly intelligent and savvy enough to trust her feelings. That this Millie person is publicly kvetching about it 8 years later seems very odd, maybe she’s just clout-chasing or her acting career has petered out and she’s hungry for attention — she seems very self-obsessed.
So many gaps in her story. And the last time they met, she acts like just drinking by the pool wasn’t enough. Did she get too drunk and say something unfortunate? I remember reading that Meghan does ghost people because she doesn’t like confrontation.
Meghan only had a falling out with that woman named Nikki who sold her out the moment Meghan and Harry got engaged. Her former friend sold pictures and videos of Meghan to the daily mail and went on and on about Meghan ex husband. This narrative of Meghan ghosting people is completely false because she has friends she had since childhood and others friends she still friends with . Once again a white woman is trying to make a name for self on the back of dragging Meghan notice how she never mention what she said to Meghan she keeps very vague where she comes off looking innocent while people are bending over backwards to make Meghan seem like the bad guys . The only people who not In Meghan lives are toxic people who trashed her and making money off her . This woman really was a friend to Meghan what didn’t she stand up for Meghan in the seven years she was being dragged.
What is infuriating is that these stories are getting picked up and played all over. Anything ‘bad’ about Meghan is reported with glee. Can you image CNN carried the story with the composer …’Meghan’s disguise?
I hate to give air to this. But, the only thing that would show to me is how much Meghan was willing to give up to fit in and work for the FIRM.
She cut off all her sources of income, maybe eliminate a few aquintances, was spending her own money, because she thought within that FIRM, she could make a difference to other people’s lives. And ALL this hate and LATE, LATE stories is what she got for her efforts!!!
Quit saying she cut people off like she was in the wrong. A former friend sold her out to the tabloids for money. And her own damn ex husband was like she (former friend) is a liar and that didn’t happen. The whole thing was gross.
“I felt like she told me to f-off basically.” Hm. This woman quotes what she reportedly said to Meghan (in cases like this people always try to paint themselves as pure, as this woman did here). However, the woman doesn’t even say what Meghan’s response was, she just says what she “felt like” Meghan said “basically.” Maybe it’s all the investigatory work I’ve done, but I smell a rat. A rat who would like to be famous. And, if I were Meghan, I wouldn’t consider her a lifelong friend either, and we know that Meghan has friends from college days and beyond.
You’re absolutely right. Mille’s account is giving Issendai’s Missing Missing Reasons: https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html
Someone ghosts you, hurts your feelings in 2015 and you complain in 2023? Also what is this Brit obsession with fashion contacts?? Kate thought Meghan wanted her fashion contacts, Millie is claiming she gave Meghan all her contacts. Meghan was a brand ambassador who designed capsule collections, attended fashion shows and was friends with designers. She did not need people’s fashion contacts. She WAS a fashion contact. Plus she already had friends in London. She was in and out of London so much that the manager at Soho house would kiki with her when she came to town.
Whether its the British press, royal family, or random influencers these Brits want to be important to Meghan and they are so angry she does not and has not ever needed them. They are so bitter and unrealistic about what value they added to her life. If these people could make Meghan why didn’t they make themselves? Why are they so unaccomplished that they have to use her name to get any attention?
Its mental health month and all the jealous Meghan haters, should seek help and move on. Its been 5 yrs since she married Harry and over 3 years since she left Britain. MOVE ON.
All this B!!
Like her sister saying she would be a waitress without THEIR father, so why don’t you use that same father to make yourself.
That’s what they should all do, use what they would have so ‘generously given’ Meghan to give to themselves and make themselves rich and fulfilled!
They do it because she’s Black and act like she doesn’t know how to build up contacts for herself. It’s just calling her “lazy” but in another way.
Never heard of this woman until she made sure to have Meghan’s name come out of her mouth on a podcast. Congrats, Millie, your cheap ploy worked 🙄
Never heard of her(here in the US) until she named call Meghan. looks like one of those Z-list celeb that wants attention to be honest.
Yes, this woman is lying for clout for sure. I’m sure other randos are claiming the same thing, “I saw Meghan at the basketball game and she wouldn’t say hello at the sushi joint. Print that!”
I just want to say that the pic of MM in the black dress with the stars is one of my favorite pics of her.
ALSO, I don’t buy for SECOND that this woman “didn’t really think anything about it” when she found out Meghan and Harry were seeing each other. I think one would have to spend QUITE a bit of time, trying to find a British person who doesn’t have strong feelings about the royal family, good or bad.
Any British people in the comments, please correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, interesting that she won’t tell us what Meghan actually said in this “icy” final text message….I wonder why……/s
Wow, another stage 5-fame clinger on has popped out of the woodwork! Surprise, yet another needs to keep Megan’s name on her mouth for more/continued relevance!
Wow. Apparently Black women should be thankful for their white friends and keep all of them close. Why am I not surprised by her f-ckin entitlement and assumption that Meghan owes her something.
How could this woman actually work in entertainment but somehow NOT know that not everybody you hang out with, or have fun with, is going to be your close or forever friend? She’s so full of it.
Interesting that this story is coming out RIGHT at the same time that Kate is getting roasted for her fake ass piano bit…….🤔
*Sorry if this has already been noted, I’m an eager beaver sometimes when it comes to commenting…*
As a newly minted royal of course she had to cut ties with anyone in the field of amateur journalism, reality TV, or influence peddling. This isn’t rocket science.
Soooo, Meghan was correct in her caution about Millie being opportunistic, since Millie did go on to sell her out….years later, at a moment where attention would be most advantageous as another victim of angry black Meghan. Because there is zero percent purpose to this podcast disclosure except to gain attention and notoriety over a DM that Millie interpreted to be hostile, and one she chose to not reply to in the first place!
Wow. So, so, so sad that Minnie Mackintosh was ghosted after not responding back to Meghan’s last text to her. Sounds kinda like what happened to that poor, poor, poor Rebel wilson when Meghan didn’t give her the effusive love and warmth that rebel clearly should have received (even though rebel’s mother exhibited invasive child-stalking behavior to Meghan).
What this read is she was like one of them then she got her strike so changed up everything. She must.
She doesnot necessarily owe them apology but a little better cut off than that she has been doing it seems.
Respectfully, what?
Real friends have real conversations not texts. Boom!
@JB- ok, boomer.
(Get it??? Because you said “boom”, so I said “ok, boomer”, but also because my generation is perfectly comfortable saying things over texts that lots of older folks wouldn’t! 😂 it works on multiple levels!! 🤣)
Richard eden of all people called her out in 2018
You’re mumbling, @MyTake.
Get the shidt out of ur eyes so you can see more clearly.
And repeat after me: “Princess Meghan owes no obligation to randoms in Britain who want to hang on to her coattails and drag her down.”
Aww ur arrogance…
It can throw out of .. again ~
Advise have her relatable…
I was just browsing not even have particular like or dislike …