The Mail: Prince Harry would have preferred to be cross-examined by Oprah!!

Prince Harry’s mere existence gags the British media, but Harry’s appearance in a London court this week has just made the British media lose their collective minds. What’s awesome is that even though Harry is suing the pants off all of these newspapers, he still smiles and waves to the photographers waiting outside the court. It was the same back in April, when he made those surprise appearances at a court hearing for his case against News Group too – the photographers were tripping over themselves, calling out “Good morning, Prince Harry, this way, sir” and Harry would smile and wave. Those are the photos the newspapers had to run. Gagged ‘em.

Anyway, these are photos of Harry entering court today. This is likely his last day of court, although obviously the case will go on in his absence. As much as the British media wants to make this solely about Harry, there are other plaintiffs in this lawsuit, other people who have been harmed, abused and hacked by Mirror Group Newspapers. They will testify as well, and so will some of the Mirror’s editors and journalists.

On Tuesday, Harry spoke in court about his disgust for the way the British newspapers “gang up to protect each other,” which is especially true in his case. This lawsuit is about Mirror Group Newspapers, but every British tabloid is acting like MGN is their family. Speaking of, the Mail’s front page story today is a Jan Moir column in which she pours scorn on everything about Harry’s first day of testimony, argues that he should provide incontrovertible proof that he’s the victim of a vast criminal conspiracy, and hysterically claims that Harry would have preferred to be cross-examined by Oprah. It feels like Moir and others have simply lost the plot.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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50 Responses to “The Mail: Prince Harry would have preferred to be cross-examined by Oprah!!”

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  1. Scooby Gang says:

    The fact that they continue to fuel these bullsh#t narratives during THIS particular trial is astounding. Not surprising. But astounding.

    • Cara says:

      And he was interviewed by many more people than just Oprah. They really hate intelligent black women, don’t they?? I think they should permanently take Oprah’s name out of their filthy mouths.

      • Tiffany says:

        Which proves that Oprah is one of the world most prolific interviewers.

        They really think everybody stupid on these streets.

      • Couch Potato says:

        An intelligent black women with informal power, wealth, connections and global fame. They’ve written stories about Harry for decades and non of that combined have come close to the global reach her only interview with him and Meghan had. They seethe with envy because they’ll never achieve that, even in their wildest dreams.

  2. The big problem with the tabloids that he is suing and even those he is not suing is that Harry is telling the truth. These tabloids do not understand the concept of Truth! Therefore all they know is theatrics and lies. They will report everything but the truth.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    I mean, who wouldn’t prefer to be crossexamined by Oprah?

    • Slush says:

      Literally this. Not enjoying being questioned by opposing counsel is not unique to Harry.

  4. Jais says:

    The BM were hoping that Harry would lose his ish on the stand, but by all accounts, he’s been cool, calm and collected. So jan Moir and the rest are streeeetching to find something to say. He doesn’t have to provide exact evidence in this civil case, just probability that in one instance he was hacked.

    • Polo says:

      Yup and based on some of the transcripts especially yesterday that seems to have been proven.
      I’m thinking he’ll win but we shall see what the judge decides after all this is over.

  5. Beverley says:

    Despite every courageous thing Prince Harry has done – two tours of duty in Afghanistan, moving his family from England for their safety, suing the British press beast – they still want to portray him as a coward? Make it make sense!

  6. Nic919 says:

    There is a serious issue with the papers being sued by Harry not ever mentioning this at the start of their articles criticizing him. It should be legislated to identify their conflict of interest. That they don’t is a major conflict of interest and shows then deception they practice every day again the general public.

    • Mei says:

      Totally agree!!! I wonder if his lawyers are going to use the negative coverage of the trial as further proof that the media do not care about who they are throwing under the bus because they are always in it for themselves, and it is clear this has always been the case.

      It would have been much better if they weren’t allowed to report on it at all if they were named in the suit, but here we are. Imagine that, they wouldn’t have been able to report on one of the biggest stories of the year and it would have been incredible to watch them try to get around it.

  7. Mary Pester says:

    @Jais, you are so right, it’s the cowards in the press quacking like flock of demented geese on Christmas eve 😂they also wanted to report on crowds booing Harry, problem is the only shouts I heard was people shouting, gol get them Harry, or just Harry with a smile on their faces, just like the smile on Harry’s

    • Jais says:

      “Quacking like a flock of demented geese on Christmas Eve” 😂😂😂 You have a way with words, @mary pester! That line took me out.

    • The crowd outside of the court building shouted “ thank you, Harry !, we stand with you Harry !, we love you Harry !” No “boo Harry!” Definitely no booing. He’s so much loved and missed. And the rotas, this A. Platell, and William and Kate are seething with hate and anger and dribbling with so much jealousy. They know they cannot bring him down no matter what they do. Haha !

  8. Rapunzel says:

    Lolz. This just shows they’re shook. Mentioning Oprah is a desperate move.

  9. Snuffles says:

    I heard one legal commentator state that Harry only needs to prove ONE instance of UIG (unlawful information gathering) in order to win his case. MGN needs to
    that there were ZERO instances of UIG. Since they already admitted to one instance, they’re already losing.

  10. Chantal says:

    I wondered how long it would before one of the bitter bettys brought up Oprah. Another name they can’t keep out of their mouths. It really burns them that a Black woman, who’s also a billionaire, got the coveted interview with the millions of views and ad revenue! And the constant infantilizing is annoying. Schmaltzy embrace? Someone needs to get these clowns a dictionary, a thesaurus and 2 Xanax bc these “articles” keep getting more embarrassing with their unhinged headlines and these not even well made up words. What headlines will they create and cry about after Harry’s testimony concludes?

  11. GDubslady says:

    The Mirror Group already admitted to illegal information gathering with regard to Harry. Anything else He provides is just gravy. Of course defense counsel wants to set Harry up but it hasnt worked. Counsels questions

  12. Blue Nails Betty says:

    “… hysterically claims that Harry would have preferred to be cross-examined by Oprah.”

    “Trust me, you don’t want to be cross examined by Oprah”, whispered James Frey as he applied more ice to the burns Oprah inflicted on him in 2006.

    • Snuffles says:

      Guuurll! *I* felt personally traumatized after Oprah fileted James Frey on her show for lying about his personal story.

  13. GDubslady says:

    Sorry for run on sentence. Counsels questions seem to be for purpose of giving Daily Mail headlines rather than persuading in court since the defendant has already admitted to at least one instance of illegal information gathering.

  14. Loretta says:

    Harry was so good yesterday and today he was even better. So proud of him!

  15. Mary Pester says:

    @Jais, BRASSY REBEL, and all my CB friends trying hard to keep a smile on my face today and show support for our ginger warrior, but inside my heart is breaking. My brother is being laid to rest tomorrow but the doctors say I’m not well enough to attend the funeral, so please offer up a little prayer for him

    • Blueberry 🫐 says:


      Oh Mary I’m so sorry that you’re in this difficult place. My sincere condolences to you and your loved ones. You are a lovely person, selflessly thinking of Harry’s plight.

    • JanetDR says:

      So sorry@ MaryPester. Sending prayers for his peaceful transition and comfort for the family and an extra hug for you,

    • Jan90067 says:

      I’m SO sorry, Mary💔. My deepest sympathies to you and your family 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻

      Although your heart is breaking, know that your brother’s soul/energy will feel you with him.
      ((((((((Hugs to you}}}}}}}

    • Persephone says:

      **Hugs** @Mary Pester
      I’ll be praying for your brother and you.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Oh, Mary Pester, I’m so deeply sorry. Losing a sibling is like losing a piece of yourself (I lost my eldest sister to breast cancer a few years ago).

    • Blithe says:

      @MaryPester, I’m sending out sincere prayers to both of you. I’m deeply sorry for your loss. 🙏🏽✨🪷
      May you be blessed with the presence of the grace of your brother’s spirit — and with the certainty that his spirit will continue to be touched by your own. I hope that you and your family are able to find comfort and loving connections amidst your grief.

    • Chantal says:

      Hugs and prayers @MaryPester and my sincere condolences.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Aw, goshdarnit, @MaryPester. May you find peace.

    • Beverley says:

      @Mary Pester. I’m so sorry for your loss. May your brother’s memory always be a blessing.

    • Jaded says:

      @MaryPester — how sad! Sending you and your brother (even though I don’t know him, if he’s anything like you he’s wonderful) much love and sympathy. May his soul continue to be by your side in the coming days.

      • one of the marys says:

        Ahhh Mary such sad times for you and your family. I’m glad this community can offer you some respite and humour

    • SIde Eye says:

      I’m so sorry for your loss Mary Pester. Sending you my sincere condolences. And I’m so sorry you aren’t well enough to be in attendance.

    • lanne says:

      So so sorry MP. Sending you healing thoughts. I’m at my parents house with my baby and it was so hard to not see my dad come out of his office to greet us when we arrived. It’s so hard to lose loved ones. You may not be there in person but your brother knows your spirit will be there. Be well.

    • Bklne says:

      @Mary Pester: May perpetual light shine on your brother, and may his memory be a blessing to you and all your and his dear ones. Sending you hugs!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Mary Pester, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. It’s hard not being there in person, but I found this and I hope it helps you, too:

      Perhaps they are not stars in the sky,
      but rather openings
      where our loved ones shine down
      to let us know they are

    • bisynaptic says:

      So sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing to you.

    • Jais says:

      Just seeing this @mary pester and I’m so so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine you and your brother together having so many beautiful and funny memories. Your sense of humor knows no bounds and y’all must’ve had some times. Keep those memories tight in your heart and mind and revel in them as much as you can. Sending you ❤️

    • Miss Connie says:

      Mary Pester, I’m a very long-time reader, but a first time commenter who needs to express sympathy to you and gratitude for your excellent, thoughtful commentary and for the times you’ve made me laugh out loud. Bless you, dear lady, and prayers for you and your brother.

    • MelodyM says:

      I am so very sorry, may his soul rest in light. I’m sure he knows what’s in your heart, and that you would be there if you could.

    • dawnchild says:

      Prayers for strength and grace at this difficult time… that’s a huge blow

  16. Becks1 says:

    By all accounts from people actually IN the courtroom Harry is doing quite well – composed, calm, answering the questions well. so I think he’s handling this quite fine, even if its not Oprah talking.

    Like he doesnt’ understand the difference between cross-examination and an interview with Oprah.

  17. JanetDR says:

    I’m not a big fan of this cover photo of Harry because he looks so much like his father at this angle.
    LOL – so they know who Oprah is now?!

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    These clowns need to remember that Oprah is more of a journalist than they’ll ever hope to be. She started her career in local news as a young Black woman and co-anchored a local news broadcast — she had to be 10 times as good as her white male peers to win an anchor’s seat.

    Her interviewing skills are excellent.

  19. Emme says:

    @Becks1, the media are crestfallen to the point of being maddened that Harry hasn’t lost his cool no matter how he’s been baited. They’re goading him in the hopes he’ll erupt in temper, but they’ve backed the wrong horse with that. William is the one with the ungovernable temper!

  20. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The Mirror is in trouble, because Harry has made it clear they did something illegal to get flight information. That’s a security issue so no one would be giving that information out. He said the only way would have gotten the flight information is by blaging . . . or blagging. Where a reporter posed as someone else in order to get the information they otherwise would not be able to get. That’s a HUGE problem for the Mirror.