“Princess Charlene wore Akris to the Golden Nymph Awards” links

Princess Charlene wore Akris at the Golden Nymph Awards. [JustJared]
This story is bonkers & I can’t even wrap my head around it. [Dlisted]
Gwen Stefani just loves fashion so much. [GFY]
Are we watching the Wham documentary on Netflix? [OMG Blog]
The Wonder Years reboot has started up again. [Seriously OMG]
Kim Kardashian & Lewis Hamilton chatted at the LV show. [LaineyGossip]
The Summer of Kylie Minogue’s “Padam Padam.” [Pajiba]
Tucker Carlson’s mommy issues explain so much about him. [Jezebel]
Kim Kardashian & Kourtney Kardashian are still beefing. [Buzzfeed]
Elton John: Homophobia in America is like a virus. [Towleroad]
Gwendoline Christie wore Giles… it looks like a silk bedsheet. [RCFA]

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17 Responses to ““Princess Charlene wore Akris to the Golden Nymph Awards” links”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    Princess Charlene looks lovely. Her haircut is still on point but the dress is just sort of hanging though I love the color on her.

    • Josephine says:

      I like the color as well and I think it’s quite flattering. She was on a run of wearing a high neckline which I did not think flattered her. I adore that she doesn’t feel compelled to wear princess dresses.

  2. HeyKay says:

    Glad to see her back, she has had a rough time.
    I like the haircut and style.

    Are Caroline and Stephanie retired from events?
    Have not seen them for a long time.

    Re: Link above about WHAM! doc on Netflix
    I can’t watch this. George Michael and Freddie Mercury were both so very talented, I can’t stand to recall how sadly their lives ended. R.I.P.

    • Maeve says:

      Caroline still does a reasonable number of events, I don’t think Stephanie does as much. They both usually put in an appearance at the big Monaco events like national day and the rose ball.

  3. Chaine says:

    Charlene looks worlds better with this hair color.

    • Christine says:

      She does, it’s taken at least a decade off, but she still looks so effing sad.

  4. Bookie says:

    I’m so happy that Princess Charlene looks great and healthy. Not that I’m that invested in Monaco royalty, but I was actually kind of worried about her. She looked so unhappy and unwell there for a while.

  5. Whyforthelovel says:

    Agree 100%. Bookie I am glad as a person she looks healthier! She look so so very unwell. Could care less about her Royal status just wanted her OK for her kids

  6. Hannah says:

    I think the jewels are a bit flashy and too formal for this outfit and the outfit could have been a size smaller, but I’m just so happy to see a small smile on her face, her skin is looking good, I love her natural coloured hair and wish her peace, quiet, good health and happiness with her children

    • May says:

      The fit of the dress is fine on her and goes with the style of dress. I don’t get where the notion came from that Royal women need to be poured into a dress to look good. Not everyone needs to dress like Negative Ease Kate.

  7. Mei says:

    Wow Gwen doesn’t look anything like herself in that picture :/

    • Kitten says:

      It makes me so sad. Naomi Watts is her age and has gotten work done but it looks amazing and so subtle. Gwen just looks like a completely different person. 🙁

  8. Concern Fae says:

    The submarine stepson would have been fine if he just hadn’t posted. Posting with “but they would have wanted me to” is forever a bad move.

    • Coco says:

      Exactly and it doesn’t help that after his comments about Cardi B he was on an only Fans site and comments under a picture of a girl with very little clothes on and her bare butt out something like ( you look good pray 🙏 for my dad)

  9. PJ says:

    It’s been a while since Princess Charlene aka Prisoner Bride has been seen. She looks nice but I always feel bad for her.

  10. Blueberry 🫐 says:

    Princess Charlene looks absolutely stunning. Understated elegance.

  11. j.ferber says:

    She looks healthier and stronger than I’ve seen her in a long time. Hope she’s on her way to full happiness, peace, health, and finally, escape. I can never NOT get the sense that she was in Monaco against her will for a very long time.