Dlisted is shutting down and we are sad

From CB: In 2006, when my son was a year old and I felt isolated living in Switzerland with my then-husband, I found solace in the growing celebrity blogs like PopSugar, JustJared, I’m Not Obsessed (RIP), Moe Jackson (RIP), The Superficial (RIP), Pink is the New Blog (RIP) and most of all, Dlisted. Dlisted was so unlike anything I had ever read before and it was raucously funny. While I knew I had more gossip analysis to offer than laughs, I was inspired to start Celebitchy. Once we got going, Michael K was generous with advice and links, and we continued to follow his lead by starting a podcast after his launched in 2019, a year before we would truly need more at home content. We still get so many ideas and leads from the clever, funny, unique content at Dlisted.

There have been a couple profiles of Michael K and we’ve listened to his podcast. He’s just as humble, thoughtful and funny as his writing has been these past 18 years. Michael K has announced that he’s shutting Dlisted down at the end of this week. While we understand we’re super sad. Honestly the burnout is real in this job. Not to presume, but It’s hard to have the entire internet reviewing your work and telling you how to do your job.

We know that whatever Micheal K. does next he’ll do it with all the care and humor he’s brought to Dlisted, we just wish we could continue to be entertained by him and his team. Dlisted is such a gossip staple, and we will miss it so much.

From Kaiser: I only started reading Dlisted when I started this job in late 2008 and I quickly became obsessed with Michael K’s humor, phrasing and writing. There are so many celebrities and idiosyncratic stories I associate with Dlisted. Michael K is a giant in the independent blog arena as well as one of the funniest writers in the business. He will be missed and so will Dlisted.

From Rosie: I discovered Dlisted sometime in 2006, when I was looking to expand beyond my very first go-to celebrity site, Pink is the New Blog. I have so many fun memories of the site thanks to Michael K’s brilliant, hilarious writing: Prince Hot Ginge, Hot Slut of the Day/etc al, the Lohan/Paris Hilton era, and more. I discovered Celebitchy, Pajiba, The Superficial, and more through Dlisted. Wishing MK & co all the best!

photos credit: Avalon.red and via Wayback Machine

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96 Responses to “Dlisted is shutting down and we are sad”

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  1. Jenns says:

    I still think about this post whenever I’m having a bad day and it never fails to cheer me up.


    • AlpineWitch says:


      I am still lurking there and some of the posts still had me in stitches!! I’ll miss DListed, it was unique!

      • Karen says:

        I’m going to miss Dlisted like mad. I remember years ago, I went to the American Music Awards and ran into the one and only Phoebe Price in the bathroom! My first thought was….OMFG, I have GOT to tell Michael K, he is the only person I know (Sadly, I don’t really know him) that would appreciate a “celebrity” encounter of that magnitude, lolol.

    • Kristin says:

      I can never not think about this any time I see anything Kirk Cameron (or sad birthday) related. Hahahahahaha!

      • JustChelle says:

        The end of an era. Michael K is a legend! His glorious, snarky writing helped me get through some of the worst moments of my life, for almost two decades.

        I have the same, sad pit in my stomach as when TWOP shut down. Almost all the pioneers of snark blogging are gone – or going. (Note to CB and TLo – pleeease don’t even *contemplate* following suit – at least not for a good, long while).

        Michael K deserves all the accolades and love he’s undoubtedly receiving. He will be so missed, by so many.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @JustChelle I am still not over TWoP closing down.

    • Tara says:

      HAHAHAHAHA…I just about spit my water at my screen. Thank you for this! Dlisted is one of the funniest sites I’ve ever read, celeb-centric, or otherwise. Thank you, Michael K!

  2. FeedMeChips says:

    I was so sad when I heard this the other day. Michael K is a true legend, and is responsible for a lot of my favorite vocabulary. Never forget Basement Baby!

    • Danbury says:

      BASEMENT BABY! I totally forgot about that one!
      The Hot Slut of the Day was my fave.
      I’m so sad it’s shutting down, but also, I get it. Thanks for the laughs Michael K!

  3. Digital Unicorn says:

    Am really sad to hear this but am sure it frees him up to continue his real passion – stalking Prince Hot Ginge in California.

    His cutting wit and nicknames will be missed but I look forward to seeing what else he does.

  4. Enigmatica says:

    Goodbye to MK and his grandma’s chanclas lol …. I started reading during the Lohan/Britney/Hilton days … I had never read anything that made me laugh out loud so hard…. It was caustic and raucous – one of a kind blog… as a ‘Brit I was forced to learn about people I would never have normally come across such as Phoebe Price and her 🐔 cutlets lol 😂 I switched over to CB in later years as I really loved the commentary on the political pieces … i stayed away for good when the whole H&M mess went down .. it seemed to get nasty…. But in 2009n I couldn’t get enough of it and as a blog, it is and ALWAYS will be the stuff of LEGEND

  5. Emma says:

    No word of a lie, DListed was the first place I went when Harry & Meghan’s engagement was announced, because the Prince Hot Ginge stuff was always hilarious. Michael K did not disappoint! So grateful for the laughs.

  6. PunkyMomma says:

    I’m all sorts of sad over this—during my darkest hours Michael K could make me laugh out loud. *pours one out for Dlisted*

    • Minnieder says:

      I’m with you punkymomma. What sad news to wake up to on a Monday morning 😥

  7. dina says:

    Aw, this is sad to hear. Dlisted was always one of my faves, his humor and writing are so great

    • Carmen says:

      His posts were funny-mean. The comments were plain mean and very often nasty. They seemed to be trying to outdo each other to see how nasty they could get. I stopped reading the site.

  8. OSTONE says:

    Long live Dlisted and Laura Jeanne Poon!

    • Rachel says:

      Dlisted was my first step away from fluffy mainstream celebrity news (aka People). Just a good Christian mama from the south, I was shocked – SHOCKED – I tell you – when I snorted aloud with laughter reading his takes. To this day, my husband, who does not give two $h!t$ about celebrity gossip still calls Harry “Prince Hot Ginge”! You’ll be missed Michael K! The true OG!

  9. Heather says:

    It’s crazy how genuinely sad I was to hear this. Dlisted will be sorely missed 😥

  10. Beech says:

    Clutching my belly, tears streaming down my face out loud laughing. Michael K and Dlisted simply the best!

  11. WiththeAmericann says:

    I never read Dlisted, but boy did I feel this “ Not to presume, but It’s hard to have the entire internet reviewing your work and telling you how to do your job.“

    And for some reason, at least in my job, everyone in real life ALSO feels the need to tell me how to do my job. The burnout is so real and people are absolutely obnoxious and clueless.

  12. Tia Maria says:

    This makes me so sad!! I was an avid reader during the glory years of Lohan/Hilton and still popped in from time to time. It led me to this site so I’m forever grateful.

  13. Southern Fried says:

    What I saw there were shitty comments about this site from the posters anytime there was a blurb about Meghan and Harry. Tbh I didn’t know of it though for years so maybe I missed lots.

    • JP says:

      I used to hang out over there, but the commenters could be pretty awful. Many try to emulate Michael K’s writing style, but they can’t tell the difference between being witty and being cruel.

      • otaku fairy says:


      • Nicole says:

        This right here. I used to read Dlisted everyday until my office blocked it so I didn’t have the frequency of views. I think the commenters are crazy mean sometimes. No one could emulate Michael K and he will definitely be missed.

      • tealily says:

        I love the post, but I’ve always skipped the comments.

    • Lux says:

      Yes. Love Michael K, hated his commenters post-Sussexit. You can tell that the writers were trying to write with wit/balance, and then the commenters just showed themselves to be incapable of being anything but bigots.

    • UptidyFish says:

      The comments were always horrible, as far as I can remember. I stopped reading at the hight of Angelina’s and Brad’s separation. I mean, the comments reek of misogyny in any case but, man, they hate Angelina with the power of a million suns. So I don’t want to imagine what they say about Amber Heard, Meghan Markle, Evan Rachel Wood or other “wrong” deemed women.

  14. Tiff says:

    Over the years I was ran away 3 times but No matter what was going on in the comment section micheal k post was balanced. He was fair and would included a -how did we get here- line on a subject. Which is why I would go back.

    I refound celebitchy through the comment section. Who would’ve thought the dlist commenters was royalist. Like fight and lie to the death royalist!

    I wonder what micheal is doing next or does he just want to go out on an upswing. Cause let’s face it the new crop of celebrities are boring and untalented.

  15. Becky Mae says:

    OMG so sad! Dlisted got me through the trauma of my Dad passing in 2007….
    For my 40th, in 2010, I made a giant Hot Slut of the Day Polaroid frame as a photo prop and, even though most of the guests great no clue what it was, they totally got it! I sent Michael K pics of that night and he graciously replied at how thrilled he was… He’s so, so brilliant and I found Celebitchy from them…

  16. sunny says:

    Michael K is an icon of celebrity gossip. His site made me laugh so many time over the years and there are still posts or turn of phrases of his that I still use.

  17. FHMom says:

    My heart broke a little when I heard this. MK’s writing could cheer me up with just a few lines. I wish him nothing but the best in whatever he does next.

    • DeeSea says:

      +1 @FHMom. Michael K’s writing could always turn a bad day around, and I’m so grateful for all the joy, laughs, and wittiness that he’s blessed us with. I hope he takes some time to deeply rest and reflect on his iconic legacy—and then I hope he chooses to bless us with something completely new and fabulous!

  18. zinjazin says:

    Aww this is sad and nostalgic..thanks for the laughs MK!!!

  19. maisie says:

    The chicken cutlets and the adventures of Shauna Sand’s Lucite heels kept me coming back for YEARS. MichaelK, you will be missed.

    • Linda says:

      How could I forget. Shauna Sands, Empress of Lucite!!! Wonky McValtrex, Prince Hot Ginge, STAINS, and of course Chicken Cutlets. Truly the end of an era.

      • Elon's Sink says:

        OMG! Thanks for the memories! His nicknames and writing style made me cry with laughter! Hubby and I used to crack up while reading his articles and his nicknames like The Difficult/Fist Brown, Hot Harry on a Horse, Porn Iguana, etc. I’ll miss you, MichaelK.

        @Kaiser, thanks for the pics of Chicken Cutlets.

  20. teehee says:

    Oh no!!! No more chicken cutlets, no more typos and it stays

    My story is similar. I find a lot of “company” in the many blogs I visit regularly (including Tumblr), each with a unique personality.

    It will be missed!!! I owe him a lot of entertainment and shared time.

  21. otaku fairy says:

    ♪ …Though hope is frail….it’s hard to kill.

    • Mashedpotatoes says:

      Not a Dlisted reader but that’s When You Believe, right?

      • otaku fairy says:

        Yep! I was so happy to see this news that this was the first or second song that popped up in my head for some reason.

  22. BQM says:

    This is so sad. Dlisted and those days of celebitchy got me through some rough times back in the day. And still provide lots of entertainment. I hope the site stays up so those fabulous stories remain to go back and reread. So many nicknames, like Pimp Momma Kris, just became how I think of some people. 😆

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Agree!! Michael K’s writing brought me such a joy and uplifted me when I thought that I couldn’t laugh anymore. But Michael K was always able to restored my laughter with his cheeky posts which was an exceptional talent. This is a truly sad news. I will miss you Michael K and look forward to your return. 😢

  23. Pocket Litter says:

    Dlisted and Michael K, you have brightened my life over some dark days. Thank you. 💜

    • Christine says:

      Same. Trent and Pink is the New Blog were my starters, that immediately gave me Dlisted and MichaelK. This is a really sad day, the last holdout.

  24. Ellie says:

    Michael K is an absolute legend. He had that magic ability to say outrageous and terrible s—t about everyone and somehow still do it with love.

    I stopped reading Dlisted when he stopped writing regularly. He was probably still running the site but the stories have been written by other people for years. They could never emulate Michael K’s style though they did try their darndest. So I have already said my goodbyes but this still feels like the end of an era! Godspeed Michael K and please keep writing!!

    • Kokiri says:

      It went from hilarious but humble, that difference between great comedy & the kind that picks on people & then says “you’re too sensitive “.
      MichaelK was/is a great comedian.

      But the comments section is terrible. Sexist, misogynistic. The pure hate Angelina gets there is so awful, Meghan too.

  25. trillion says:

    MK=LEGEND. Go in peace.

  26. Missy says:

    Omg Dlisted is how I found this site!! I continue to this today to think of Prince Harry as Prince Hot Ginge, Michael K. was the voice that kept me going through my days in college and grad school

    • Dss says:

      This is truly the end of an era. I have been following D-listed since the beginning. Michael K is a national treasure

  27. lamejudi says:

    Michael K always wrote the best memorials for celebs. They were richly detailed, honest but fair. I usually came away with a better understanding of the person who’d lived in the spotlight. I’ll miss his talented voice.

    • Blair Warner says:

      I agree completely about the memorials and Michael K striking the right balance between snark and kind appreciation. MK, if you are reading this, thank you for sharing your talents.

  28. Totorochan says:

    Who else would make sure always to call the Queen THE QUEEN? Who else would write with such verve about ESCANDALOS and abuelitas? Who else would be self-deprecating and more (hilariously) critical of themselves than of the celebs they were writing about? Who else would let me know that Nic Cage wearing a shirt with his face on it or RiRi’s cotton candy wig and hard nips IS the look? Who else would mingle ironic-but-not-ironic nostalgia posts about kitschy 80s plastic toys with celebrity gossip? Who else could bring a tortuously involved sentence with vocabulary choices you didn’t know were possible to a gloriously coherent conclusion? (Sometimes when I hadn’t read the byline and was vaguely wondering who’d written a post I’d think “ONLY MK could have managed that sentence” and I was always right.)

    MK you will be missed. Best of luck in whatever you do.

  29. Queen Meghan’s Hand says:

    I remember talking to a friend about The Wolf of Wall Street and without noticing I kept calling Leo, Leonardo DeCatchaho.
    Michael K is truly a genius. His ability to create nicknames for celebrities that nailed their personalities and personas is unmatched.

    • Normades says:

      My favorite was Charming Potato (Channing Tatum).

      • Abby says:

        I didn’t realize Charming Potato came from over there! Ever since that nickname came over here I ALWAYS think of it when I see him. Ruined it! hahahahaha. When I look up some random old pins on my Pinterest board, if I search “potato” a photo I had pinned of Channing Tatum comes up and it makes me laugh and laugh.

  30. girl_ninja says:

    I used to enjoy Dlisted before the commenters always diss and talk sh!t about Meghan and Harry. Those commenters had all the smoke for Angelina too, never holding Pitt accountable. So while Dlisted will be missed I won’t miss the folks that visit that site.

    • Libra says:

      Where will those folks go to spread their hatred and misinformation about H and M now that they have been denied a platform? Here?

    • Mashedpotatoes says:

      Yes, I read Dlisted a few times and thought the writers and topics/angles were really funny. The commenters were rough though! The foul language in the comments section, I think, is what made me leave.

  31. Kristin says:

    I rarely post, but this is such a big deal I just had to. Like so many of you, I’ve been starting my days with dlisted (which later lead me to Celebitchy) since 2006 and I’m so sad that is about to end!! Big thanks to Michael K and everyone there for the many many many many laughs!!!

  32. NotSoSocialB says:

    Some 10-15 years ago, I read the comments on a Britney Spears thread and laughed myself silly- it had something to do with birthdays and cheeto farts and something printed on a pair of underwear. I’ve looked for it a couple of times in the archives, but they are so deep, it’s hard to find.

    HSOTD and Prince Hot Ginge. D listed will be so very missed.

    Michael K & D Listed are iconic.

  33. Normades says:

    I’ve been reading Celebitchy, Lainey and Michael K since 2006. Dlisted was laugh out loud funny and I wish him all the best

  34. Sugarhere says:

    DListed’s comment section on Kourtney Kardashian’s gender reveal made me howl laughing, and I’m still hilding my sides.

    Their commentators and moderators are mean in the good sense, foolhardy, and completely on the loose: There’s a whole lot to learn from their hilarious handling of savage political incorrectness. The end of an era.

  35. lucy2 says:

    I’ll miss the site. Michael K’s writing was always fun and funny. The comment sections were…not great, but overall it was always an amusing place to visit.

    • Mashedpotatoes says:

      Only went a couple of times and thought the writing was hilarious but the foul language and snark in the comments section was too much.

  36. Qtpi says:

    Love me some Dlisted. Got me through pregnancy and breastfeeding boredom twice. Endless months of being stuck in a chair and being able to scroll his gossip and the comments. Good memories!

  37. Saschafrom76 says:

    I started reading him in 07 found you through him 😭

  38. Beach Dreams says:

    Eh, I have mixed feelings. It used to be a lot of fun, but in 2015/2016 there was a distinct increase in racist comments and eventually I stopped visiting and commenting. I still remember constantly fighting with one regular poster who loved to post grossly edited images of various black female celebrities and that asshole loved to feign ignorance. Can’t imagine the mess the comment section must’ve become in these past few years. When D-Listed was good, it was damn good, and I’ll have fond memories of that era of the blog.

    • Vi says:

      Well in 2018 or 2019 I wrote “yeah I forgot how many racist are over here”. One of the super commenters got my post removed. A poster named whorific von pig f broke down how they did it. She got into an argument with someone and called them out. I was put on moderation due to that same trick. I think Micheal caught on after awhile because he changed the commenting rules.

  39. Jeanette says:

    Oh this is so sad..he had me at Wonky McValtrex.

  40. Myeh says:

    I love D-listed and Micheal K’s sense of humor, originality and hot takes on calling out everything honestly, directly and hilariously. I remember back in 2007-ish reading bland gossip on people and predatory reporting on tmz which made me sick. A hot Google search to fact check a wuzband’s coworkers wife’s xenophobic opinion of kim kardashian led me to Celebitchy and the awesome blog links at the bottom of your page. I miss the days of yore on the internet and the sassiness of the gossip which made me laugh without feeling mean spirited. I’m going to miss D-listed and I hope they know how many times they’ve made me laugh in public, snort my coffee out one nostril and inspire me to casually borrow their verbiage to make others laugh in my life. I wish them so much happiness and success in their future.

  41. Sunny O says:

    I will miss you Michael K.

    You and your website got me through some dark times.

    You will be missed.

    I wish Muchael K and all of the Dlisted writers all the best for their futures.

  42. TheOriginalMia says:

    DListed is a trip. Will miss it. The commentary and nicknames were always on point. Wishing Michael K nothing but the best.

  43. Allegra says:

    Michael K is the best there ever was in the genre! He will be sorely missed.

  44. HeyKay says:

    I’ve been reading Dlisted since lockdown.
    I enjoyed the postings and the comments.
    I hope the closing is not related to any health concerns. Or bad situations.
    Best wishes to all involved.

  45. K says:

    I have read and loved DListed as long as I have been with Celebitchy. Michael K is a master at his craft. Hilarious, outrageous and thoughtful. He writes with such an amazing understanding of human nature. He doesn’t just point out the absurdity and flaws of others. He’s brave enough to point out his own. And he’s wise enough to laugh at himself harder than he laughs at anyone else. His obituaries are mini master classes on how to be ultimately kind. And his true love and appreciation for animals has been lovely to see as well. I wish him every success.
    I actually teared up at the news. Also a special mention for Alison and her take on Tori and Dean. IYKYK. I love the writers there so much. Celebitchy is my only gossip safe space now.💜

  46. Tara says:

    So sad. I am pretty sure he coined “Rojo Caliente” for Cynthia Nixon’s Ginge. I still love it and it still cracks me up.

  47. D says:

    I’ve gone off and on DListed just because the comments section can get nasty and it’s just a pile on of negativity. They can seem liberal and progressive but then if a woman they don’t like is written about all that goes out the window. I do love Michael’s writing and hope he will continue to do that in some way.

    • otaku fairy says:

      I will say that they were surprisingly, refreshingly mature and progressive about the Megan Thee Stallion/ Tory Lanes trial from hell. It’s as if they were *this close* to self-reflection. Normally they as a community are very much a part of the problem when it comes to any abuse of women who have rejected female modesty. A broken clock is right twice a day I guess?

  48. Gelya says:

    My husband & I screamed NOOOOOO! when we read he was ending DListed. He brought so much joy every day into so many lives. I discovered Celebitchy because of DListed. I will miss Michael. I hope only for the best things for him and lots of hot ginger’s for the rest of his life.

  49. CruzMom says:

    No!!! I was still waiting for the podcast to resume!!! This is truly sad news. 💔 I’ve read DListed since the very beginning, when I was a baby attorney working a million hours a day. Taking regular DListed breaks genuinely helped me maintain some level of sanity. I introduced a now-retired partner to it, and to this day he will send me particularly hilarious DListed articles.

    I still read the blog every day, and while all the writers are great, I wait until the evening so I can start with Michael K’s Night Crumbs and Birthday Sluts. And he is the first and only place I go for obits – what someone else said about his kindness is spot on. Michael K is a legend and all I can hope is that he’s stopping the blog to focus on writing his undoubtedly fascinating memoirs (or perhaps a series of trashy novels based on the adventures of Prince Hot Ginge). We ❤️ you Michael K!!!

  50. Bread and Circuses says:

    I am sad about this too! Michael K’s talent, wit, and kindness will be missed.
    And he is kind, despite the ruthlessly-funny knicknames; he revels in the absurdity of celebrity gossip, but he doesn’t punch down.

  51. Jackie M Nelson says:

    loved the site over the years. one of my faves “The Deaner”

  52. tealily says:

    I haven’t been a regular reader in years, but I’ll always click on a Dlisted link! Michael K could turn a phrase like no other. RIP — it was a fun ride!

  53. Duchess of hazard says:

    Noooooo!!!! He really got me through some dark times. I loved his work! His sense of humour was bitchy but with love.

  54. Lisbeth says:

    His obituaries were always sweet, I appreciated that. I loved the fact that he used words in Spanish (chichis, chancleta, etc). I gasped when I read the site was shutting down, but as always, Celebitchy put things in perspective, and now I get it.

  55. LaUnicaAngelina says:

    Michael K and Dlisted is how I discovered Celebitchy. I proudly won a “Caption this Contest” once or twice (I wish I could remember what they were.) He’s so funny and relatable. He’s half Mexican and for me, him representing meant the world. Michael K always reminded me of my cousin (rip) in humor and looks. It’s the end of an era.

  56. rea says:

    Come back to us as a writer; we miss you.
    Its unfortunate you came back with the information about DL. I will miss DL while I was not a frequent users they had great pieces back in the day. A lot of changing and unfortunately blogs/celeb news websites are going downhill the content is not there. Its all too generic nowadays.

  57. Silent Star says:

    Oh.noooo! Very sad about this. Celebitchy and DListed are literally my top 2 go-to sites for entrainment and escapism. 🙁 They will be so missed!

  58. Goodbye Romeo says:

    Sans fards!!!

    Reading these comments is taking me back!!!! Gosh, I think I even remember him writing about Katie Price!!!

    I stopped reading ages ago, I feel like I almost got a computer virus from his site or something, but he was hilarious. He will be missed…he is our Hot Slut of the Day!!!