“Elon Musk thinks childless people should lose the right to vote” links

Elon Musk suggests that childless people should lose the right to vote. It’s true, we should! But only if we also get to stop paying taxes, boo boo. [Jezebel]
Dior’s Fall collection is so beautiful!!! [RCFA]
Was The Idol the worst-ever series on HBO? [Pajiba]
I’m so excited for the Barbie promotional fashion. [LaineyGossip]
The Iris Van Herpen show was full of superhero gear, basically. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Robyn had a secret baby?? [JustJared]
Pom Klementieff is enjoying her promotional tour. [GFY]
Is a Before the 90 Days star faking her accent? [Starcasm]
What are some “girly” things which many men enjoy? [Buzzfeed]
Will the Church of England bless same-sex unions? [Towleroad]
This Taylor Swift fan is so funny. [Seriously OMG]

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46 Responses to ““Elon Musk thinks childless people should lose the right to vote” links”

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  1. Renae says:

    Musk needs to be De-Nutted. (Take that any way you like… it still holds)

  2. girl_ninja says:

    He’ll probably add that folks with kids should be have a vote for EACH child. He thinks he’s so interesting and clever and he is a FOOL.

  3. Matilda says:

    Translation = Elon Musk is terrified of a world with more POC than Caucasians. He wants white Americans and Europeans to breed more. One of the reasons I never had children is because people like him run the world.

    • ACB says:

      He should return to South Africa

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Musk is a detriment to American Democratic as well as the Climate Crisis in America. Boot his ass back to Africa.

      • Lala11_7 says:

        Africa has ENOUGH ISSUES with the Colonizers they have…they don’t need Musk too….☹️

      • bettyrose says:

        Where do the likes of Musk and Murdoch really belong? Their birth countries don’t want them and they’re more American than anything else at this point anyway, but why should they get to the be the loudest voices determining what it means to be American? Send them both to a private island with no internet. Let them live out their lives in unparalleled luxury if that’s what it takes. I just want them out of the public sphere.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      Yeah. It’s just good old fashioned eugenics. More of the “right type” of people, fewer of the “wrong type.”

      Peter Thiel has been pushing this idea (which I guarantee is how Elon heard it) via his pet J.D. Vance, though usually they’re more explicit that *women* without children should lose the right to vote.

      • Aidee Kay (formerly Dee Kay) says:

        “Elon Musk suggests that childless people should lose the right to vote. It’s true, we should! But only if we also get to stop paying taxes, boo boo.” <– Bravo, Kaiser. Bravo. I'm going to use this line in any future convos I have where people question my and my husband's decision to not have kids.

      • bettyrose says:

        It’s crazy how much eugenics has played out in American history and still exists now. Segregation is the most obvious example, but every single economic and social policy that groups people together by socioeconomic status influences breeding. Crusty old white dudes don’t just want more white babies, they want as many working class white babies as they can get to provide cheap labor and vote vote the party line. It’s working well for them so far.

  4. He should lose the right to be alive.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      And the right to procreate.

      • Bee says:

        I was gonna say speech but you have a point. He has enough kids!

        Kicking him off the internet would probably be the worst for him.

  5. Chichi says:

    Scary when one of the most influential people in the planet is as basic and simpleminded as you’d expect from someone who’s never left their hometown or read a book.

    • Erin says:


    • osito says:

      I think the only way to shrink him is to stop engaging with his products.

      I would be so happy if we collectively behaved as though Twitter didn’t exist anymore (and now that you can’t view tweets if you’re not logged in, for me it doesn’t).

      There are electric cars available and coming from other car companies. There are other options for solar that are not SolarLink. I support NASA for all things space-related.

      This dude needs an extended timeout, and I really wish the world would give it to him.

  6. Emily says:

    I’m surprised him and Nick Cannon haven’t started hanging out.

  7. phaedra7 says:

    What can anyone expect from him: He is one of DESATAN’s (Ron Desantis’) best buddies! Before Muskrat made this off-the-wall remark, he was showing that he is RACIST and MYSOGINISTIC, primarily towards the employees who worked for his company. The MALTREATMENT of these persons from their accounts were staggering. As the old saying/ adage goes: “Birds (in their case VULTURES 𓅐 ) of a feather flock together”! 🤷🏽‍♀️

  8. HeyKay says:

    What a TOOL! Shut Up Elon!!

    He has 10 kids at this point, none of whom live with him full time, nor ever have.
    I don’t give a flying monkey what Elon thinks. He certainly isn’t one to be giving advice on raising children.
    He hauls the youngest kids around for photo opps the same way Paris Hilton used to carry around her little dogs in her expensive designer purses.

    Money, or the illusion of having money plus gigantic Egos = Trump and Elon are both full of shite.
    I can’t believe how fast this post made me angry!

    Can we deport Elon? I vote Yes.
    Tax The Rich!

  9. BothSidesNow says:

    I think it’s time for the CofEngland to come into the 21st century and accept same sex couples and embrace the responsibility of their community and congregants too. The Pope advocates for same sex people so they should join in support so that people around the world who are LGBTQ+ can find solace, acceptance, support and acceptance.

  10. HeyKay says:

    Elon has no friends.
    I honestly think he is surrounded by yes men in every area of his life.
    His own Mother and siblings can not get him to think before he speaks publicly.
    He can and will say or do anything for attention, PR. He is doing it more often.

    Elon, Gates, Bezos. I find all 3 of them to be wealth hoarding narcs.
    If by the power of the Universe, all 3 of these men were suddenly found dead, crushed by the weight of their own self-importance, who would truly miss them, I wonder?
    Oh, lots of articles about there money, etc.

    • Andreea with 2e says:

      One of the three is not like the others. You can say what you want about Gates, but he has donated billions of dollars (not millions, billions), so he doesn’t qualify as wealth hoarder like the other two do.

  11. C-No says:

    So the child I desperately wanted that showed up as an ectopic pregnancy that almost killed me and definitely killed my fertility has now also killed my right to vote? Totally makes sense.

  12. Athyrmose says:

    Childfree, please and thank you.

  13. khaveman says:

    What an absolutely ignorant piece of nonsense from Musk.

  14. HeyKay says:

    Can we do something so Elon loses his right to speak in public?
    That’d be fine.

    The choices to marry or not, child-free or to have children? I really hope in the future it becomes a non issue which choices anyone makes for themselves.

    Certainly it is a choice and to each their own. I just wish everyone would mind their own business.
    I really think Elon should be quiet on this. OR become actively hands on with all 10 children at once, every day until the youngest turns 21. He would not last 2 weeks. Tool.

    • Eurydice says:

      No, he should have the right to speak in public. That way people can shame him in public.

    • Rnot says:

      Eh don’t wish that on the kids. His oldest daughter (who is trans) has changed her last name and gone no contact. His kids are better off without him.

  15. sunny says:

    He is a terrible human, a racist monster who is beyond simple-minded but thinks he is a genius. Cool idea bro!

  16. Saucy&Sassy says:

    When I read this, I immediately thought, “well, that’s one way to get the youth against you.”

    Murdoch is a US citizen, but Musk is not. I think if you do whatever you can to overthrow Democracy in this country it should be seen as a national security threat and that person needs to be thrown out of the country.

    • trillion says:

      I’m afraid for our youth. Seriously. Candace Owens is very up front about thinking WOMEN SHOULDN’T VOTE. How does she even have followers?

  17. Vera says:

    No taxation without representation
    wasnt this the starting point of the American revolution?

  18. Nanea says:

    Stay out of other people’s family planning, please and thank you.

    Men who are proven misogynists should lose the right to vote too, just because.

    And why am I not surprised to find the muskrat at the most rightwing F1 team there is? The former owner of RB, Mateschitz, was an Austrian neofascist, he’s dead now. The father of Verstappen’s girlfriend is Nelson Piquet, who said all kinds of awfully racist things about Lewis Hamilton.

  19. Saschafrom76 says:

    Is he even a citizen

  20. Jayne says:

    I am so sick and tired of being seen and treated as less than because I don’t have a child. When you are the only, and I do mean ONLY woman in your friends and family who has no children watch how fast you get othered and everyone disappears doing their Mother’s Day out. You are completely alone. And now apparently I don’t even deserve the right to vote for the people who have the power to take away even more of my rights. Elon can go sit on a cactus.

  21. AC says:

    He’s getting crazier each day.

  22. Siobhan says:


  23. UpIn Toronto says:

    All this talk of people having kids, when that energy should be going to what threatens us all: decimation of the honeybee

    Musk is like every other irresponsible male who wants kids, but isn’t bothered about how they are fed

    Imagine what kind of visionary he would be seen as if he asked better questions and threw his resources behind finding solutions. But no,be chooses to pickfights on Twitter

  24. shanaynay says:

    He’s a waste of oxygen!

  25. shanaynay says:

    He’s a waste of Oxygen.

  26. SM says:

    I don’t know why anyone is still on Twitter. It’s been a cesspool for years and now is owned by this idiot. IMO being active on it is supporting Musk.

  27. Dierski says:

    Such a rich dumbass. Go away, E-hole!!