Princess Kate repeated a Catherine Walker coatdress for the ‘Scottish coronation’

Okay, so before just now, I honestly thought the “Scottish coronation” today was just the British media overhyping what amounted to a church service. I did not realize that King Charles, Queen Camilla and the Duke of Rothesay (Prince William) would be dressed up in the Order of the Thistle robes. I also didn’t know that there are specific “Scottish Crown Jewels” and those jewels are in play today! Wow, so this really is a big deal. Chuck is going to be crowned with the special Scottish crown, which is not the same crown as the Imperial State Crown, which he wore to his coronation in London. Which begs the question… if the May coronation was only for England, does that mean that Charles wasn’t really the king of Scotland until now? I know that’s not how it works, but still.

Kate – who is known as the Duchess of Rothesay in Scotland now – decided to repeat a bright blue Catherine Walker coat for the occasion. She paired it with a loaner from the Royal Collection – that same diamond-and-pearl choker necklace she wore to QEII’s funeral and Prince Philip’s funeral. I guess that’s the only necklace Camilla will let Kate borrow these days. And no Scottish jewels for Kate!

Just going by the photos, there was a huge police presence on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, and there was a huge republican presence too – there were a lot of people holding up Republic’s bright yellow anti-monarchy “Not My King” signs. Surely, Charles expects those people to be dazzled by the Scottish Crown Jewels!

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100 Responses to “Princess Kate repeated a Catherine Walker coatdress for the ‘Scottish coronation’”

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  1. HeyKay says:

    I am cheered to know the people of Scotland came out with Republic signs.
    Good for them. Keep at it!

    • Geegee says:

      I am cheered by how grumpy charles looked the entire time. He is really mad that the scots don’t worship him like they should

      • Christine says:

        I’m legitimately surprised he didn’t schedule his Scubbly for the 4th of July, so he could give the middle finger to the U.S. AND Scotland, on the same day. It’s exactly what I expect from this pack of fools.

  2. Eurydice says:

    Blue shoes. Blue hat, blue bag, blue shoes. At least, she didn’t wear a tiara.

    • ShazBot says:

      Honestly surprised she didn’t throw any white in there to complete her flag cosplay

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      It’s so weird that these are considered “daytime” events for the dress code. To see the crowns and Crown Jewels coming out with guests in cocktail or business attire looks odd. You think it would be at least a floor-length gown event but definitely a tiara a big-gun jewelry event for attendees.

    • goofpuff says:

      I’m sure C&C&W are all bigly mad about her wearing that sapphire blue color because she really stands out in the sea of dark colors. haha I am enjoying the pettiness going with those four. They deserve it.

      • BrainFog says:

        @goofpuff my thoughts exactly. Bold move.
        I will say though that Kateygirl looks good here (and too thin), simply because blue is my favourite colour and the combination with dark hair is just beautiful (to me).
        Other than that: abolish the monarchy.

    • Geegee says:

      Aww I am kinda sad the tinfoil tiara did not make a reappearance. It was good for a 😃

      • Cassie says:

        I love that they all look so overjoyed at the occasion .
        Most miserable rich family I have ever seen .

    • Chica says:

      Reminds me of a British Caldenonian stewardess from back in the day

  3. Lucky Charm says:

    Another coronation without a tiara? Poor Kate, she must be devastated.

  4. Nick G says:

    It’s on in the background as my Mum is watching. The “Not my King” chants were the loudest I’ve heard yet. Also, boos as they entered St Giles. Scottish people are not playing!

  5. Teddy says:

    Those red velvet beanies that all of the UK crowns are all lined with make them look so cheap and cheesy. They would be a lot more regal without them.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Especially when they don’t shape them properly & let them get all squished down. They look even more ridiculous.
      Speaking of ridiculous, the bow on Charles’ right shoulder has slipped down & off his shoulder. Where’s his valet? He looks ridiculous, again, as he did in his purple silk jammies in Westminster.

    • Dot Gingell says:

      The Scottish ‘Honours’ date back to the 1540s and are older than the Imperial bling held in the Tower of London. I bet Trigger’s taken a big handbag to raid the safes at Holyrood and the Castle.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    Waity is really leaning back into her life before Meghan wardrobe lately huh? She looks dreadful, but her wiglets/hair are covered with that hat so that’s good.

    • MrsH says:

      It’s probably hard work for her to keep up, she’s probably exhausted. I bet she will still put in the effort if there are big occasions where Meghan got a spotlight Kkkhate feels she needs to snatch.

    • Nubia says:

      i said in another post someone must have told her to knock it off. She must have been shown side by side pics and realised how single white female she was coming off. Back to royal stepford wife.

      • Fani says:

        She made sure to publicly pat his bottom again.

        Hope someone tells her to stop doing that.

      • SueBarbri33 says:

        Yeah, it’s incredibly sad to see that she is still patting him on the bottom. I’m pro-PDA in my own life, but isn’t this supposed to be a solemn ceremony? Aren’t they in church? Enough with this already, Kate. But like I said yesterday, somebody at KP or wherever must have decided that these bottom taps play well with their supporters. If those rumors were going around about my husband, tapping him in that particular region in public (in front of cameras!) would be out of the question for me. This is the best they can come up with? He won’t touch her in public, so she’s resorted to rubbing her hands along the backside of his big old-fashioned robes in order to prove…what? I can’t decide if they think this is supposed to be “playful” or “fun” or “sexy” or what, but it’s terrible to me.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Fani, I am seeing that on full display of the DF’s website. Clueless and desperate all rolled into one CW coat dress.

      • Jais says:

        My thing is that the butt tap is fully intentional on her part. He doesn’t invite it and yet she does it for the press, for the photo. It feels transactional almost. A thing she does for the BM, for the tawdry tabloids. She knows they’ll love it, even though clearly he doesn’t. Again, no love for William, for either of them, but it’s creepy AF. This man shows her zero warmth in public and yet she’s touching his ass in public just to titillate the reporters and public. It’s such a desperate power move. I think it shows she has next to no power and is left to resort to such embarrassing tactics. It’s honestly so bizarre.

      • Layla says:

        @nubia give it a few days/engagements. She’ll bring back. Just can’t resist.

    • Josephine says:

      The Daily fail had some very rough photos of her. She needs to retire that coatdress. It was never a good look – it’s so, so dated and boring and depressing despite the color. A fresh haircut would do her some good and she’s in desperate need of styling so we can have another one of those “Kate coming in to her own” stories. She really needs to fire whoever is advising her to look like an old lady all the time.

      • Chloe says:

        Kate is back in her stepford wife era and I, for one, am happy she isn’t cosplaying meghan anymore. I think the colour of the coat dress is stunning and the fascinator is fine. I do wish she had worn her hair loose. The only piece of this look that i really hate is that necklace. It doesn’t go with the rest.

  7. beautifully broken says:

    Don’t allow Kate to wear a tiara for the “real” coronation, and she will just throw on any old coat dress for the Scottish coronation. It certainly projects an “I don’t give a f**k” feel that trumps even Camilla’s pettiness. These people deserve each other.

  8. lamejude says:

    I so so so so dislike that pearl necklace with labia charm.

    Please stop wearing it.

    • Seraphina says:

      As a jewelry obsessed individual, I gasped when I read your comment and clutched my pearls (haha). That necklace is the only item about her look that I like. Now, I will say, the “labia charm” did make me think twice about it BUT it is a beautiful necklace.

      • lamejudi says:

        I don’t mean to be crude, but for me, it’s like looking at a Georgia O’Keeffe painting. “That’s not a flower.”

    • HeatherC says:

      I hate that necklace too. My nursing background shows because when I see that choker with the empty slot right there on the base of the throat…I think fancy tracheostomy collar.

    • Jais says:

      100% agree on the labia necklace. I don’t like it and the ostentatiousness of wearing that during the day time is tacky but on brand for these people. Mostly though, I think it’s funny how Kate has been blocked from the good jewels and has to keep rewearing the same ones.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think she’s held onto it since Philip’s funeral and it’s one of the few items she has from the collection. It would look much better with a full jewel than this design.

  9. Karla says:

    Charles is the UK’s “smaller” king to have ascended to the throne. The opulent setting, the crowns, and the regal robes of his coronations seem to be a mockery of today’s society.

  10. Ho Hum more pomp and circumstance. No tiara for Can’t poor sausage she couldn’t even make one up like the last coronation.

  11. Madame Boudin says:

    Does Kate have this dress in a rainbow of colours and fabrics? She seems to wear the same thing in 50% of her outings. It’s so frumpy and blah!

  12. Nubia says:

    William looks so miserable to be in ANY of their company. And the more unhappy he looks ,Kates ridiculous grins are taken up a notch.

    • Mary Pester says:

      Sorry but is William asleep in that picture? The fourth one down I think it is. Look at the muppets in their fancy dress, Don’t they realise its 2023 and people are starving and can’t get the doctors appointments they need. The railways, the teachers, the doctors are all striking, but these wealthy parasites want to put on a dog and pony show, and THEY are the only ones that benefit from it. Kate we know you have worn that outfit before, but PLEASE don’t try and pretend your thrifty, you spend more on a hat than some families earn in a month

      • Jais says:

        Lol, the hat might actually be new.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        WanK does look like he has fallen asleep!! Maybe he was up too late last night out performing “statesmanship” duties??

        As for Keen, she looks dreadful and is blatantly trying to steal the focus off of everyone else. Did they not have a wide brimmed hat in her preferred shade of “Bitter Blue”??

        May they all choke on those jewels that have been pillaged and stolen for the sake of the Monarchy.

      • First comment says:

        @Jais, yes, the hat is new…

      • Jais says:

        Well, something had to be new😂 @first comment. Quirky hats can be done in a fun way but on such a literal seemingly un-fun person, it just doesn’t hit right.

      • Cairidh says:

        At St. Andrews he used to fall asleep in lecture because he’d been out partying the night before.

  13. Red Weather Tiger says:

    She re-wore an outfit to the Scottish coronation? A slap in the face to the king and queen! Especially since this coatdress and hat make her look like she served diet pepsi and pretzel snacks after a brief safety announcement on the flight over.

    The Not My King protesters were the highlight of the service.

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    Ugh, why the matchy-matchy shoes???

    Also, I’d like to buy shots of Islay single malt for the protesters.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      She not only has matchy-matchy hat, shoes and dress, even her clutch is in “Bitter Blue”!!! All to accentuate her Labia choker…..

      Now if you will excuse me, I must wash my eyes out with bleach.

  15. Duch says:

    Wonder if those are Diana earrings again or did she “ learn her lesson”?

    I have to say the craftsmanship of the blue hat is stunning, especially the material.

  16. Duch says:

    and .. was Order of the Thistle the Scottish honor that Camilla was just appointed to in last few months? I guess they hurried it up so she could wear the order regalia for this ceremony?

    • Nic919 says:

      I read she was given it in June 2023.

      Also odd that Kate wasn’t given a Scottish honour prior to this event.

      • Bee says:

        Kate looks pleased as punch not to be shrouded in a tacky robe. these are better than the Brit ones at least but they’re still silly.

  17. Tessa says:

    William. Looks annoyed. Kate appears to be angry in some photos.

  18. sophietta says:

    Match, match, match…..and is that hat supposed to look like it’s going to fall down her face? I will give her this – she certainly can wear that shade of blue.

  19. tamsin says:

    Charles became monarch of all the realms of which his mother was monarch, so this is just another rubber stamp thing like the coronation in England. Thank god he is wearing Thistle robes, which looks much better than whatever the English coronation outfit was. I assume the late Queen had a similar ceremony. Originally, upon the death of Elizabeth I, when James VI of Scotland became James I of England, the crowns were not merged.

    • Dara says:

      If memory serves, she did. Very soon after the big shindig in London. But she rolled up in a normal dress, hat, and handbag – which she carried for the ceremony. When she reached out to take the crown from whatever fancy-robed Scottish whosit was kneeling to hand it to her, the handbag swung a little and nearly beaned him right between the eyes. A documentary I watched leading up to Chuck’s coronation had a Scottish commentator being not very pleased that England got a giant ceremony full of pageantry and regalia, and Her Maj treated the Scottish ceremony like a ladies tea with a door prize at the end.

  20. Ameerah M says:

    Charles and Camilla both look so decrepit in these photos.

    • BothSidesNow says:

      Camzilla is looking as if she has wondered IF Charles was worth all of this pomp and circumstance. 🤔

      Or she’s constipated. Not certain which one applies.

  21. HeyKay says:

    William looks bored stiff in these photos! LOL

    Good thing William is tall and broad shouldered like Prince Phillip.
    He still looks a fool in those velvet capes but his height helps him a bit. Not much mind, a bit.

  22. Flower says:

    I think we’re really starting to see the mechanics of these 4 scheming talentless grifters – LMAO

    Kate’s outfit is interesting bc it ultimately draws the eye away from Chuck, Cam and Bill’s Royal Garter robes.

    They really are all about who gets more shine.

    I see more punishment and sh!tty headlines in Kate’s future – lol

  23. MrsH says:

    Isn’t kkkhate also wearing the blue of the flag of Scotland? Theme dressing again.

  24. dido says:

    lol this is the person that was afraid Meghan wanted her “fashion contacts”

    • BothSidesNow says:


    • Digital Unicorn says:

      This makes me laugh all day – Meghan has HW level fashion contacts which Keen was clearly jealous off. Match that with her innate style – Keen always looks like a victorian cos player.

  25. Magix says:

    Wasn’t this supposed to be about Charles? While the blue of her outfits radiates beautifully (despite the fact that she in fact looks like an old fashioned air hostess) everything you can see is her. Not Charles and certainly not Camilla. She definitely made this about her with this outfit.

  26. anotherlily says:

    This was not a Coronation. It was a ceremony of ‘ Receiving the Honours of Scotland.’ It doesn’t even have much of a tradition. It was concocted in 1822 for the deeply unpopular George IV to end his first visit to Scotland. For the ceremony George wore an invented royal Scottish outfit complete with tartan kilt and what were described as ‘pink pantaloons’ to disguise his bloated legs (these did not appear on the official portrait).

    After that no other monarch had such a ceremony until Elizabeth II in 1953. Queen Elizabeth was advised by Winston Churchill to wear day dress rather than ceremonial robes to emphasise that this was not a coronation.

    Charles has reverted to ostentation with his Order of the Thistle get-up.

  27. Jk says:

    Her teeth suddenly look so huge and fake.

  28. Amy Bee says:

    Kate’s wearing blue for Scotland.

  29. booboocita says:

    What a sour, desiccated, decrepit bunch they are. Even Kate’s gurning doesn’t improve things.

  30. Cathy says:

    Kate would like you to know that the exits are “here”, “here” and “here” and thanks you for flying Vulva Airways.

  31. DOC says:

    Waity pats Baldy on the bum like a child. It’s not a ‘loving’ PDA tap. She is reprimanding/chastising him for something he has done or she knows he is going to do. It’s to make him look like a stupid, weak fool. Remember the article that said she had ‘4’ kids…tap, tap.😂

  32. Greeneyedgirl says:

    So I really like this shade of blue. Essie has a nail polish almost this exact shade called “Butler Please”, which I guess is fitting in this case. I will say the color suits her. She looks better in jewel tones as opposed to pastels. That’s all I got.

  33. Lizzie says:

    Much like trouping the colors, Kate is wearing a color designed to stand out. Her obsession with touching him like that not just in public but when they are front and center is beyond strange. My only guess is Kate really has an obsession with bottoms and since someone has apparently stopped her from flashing her own lately, well she’s just going to grab his. Or she did it once and saw how much attention she got. I know one thing; it wouldn’t happen more than once if QEII was still alive. I have to say, she is really trashing the monarchy stature. If there was anything true about them, it was that they mostly behaved impeccably in public.

  34. Beverley says:

    Kkkhate looks a bit rough, especially in the photo where she appears by herself. Have they stopped photoshopping her? With all that duchy money, she has no access to moisturizer? She desperately needs to eat a cheeseburger!

  35. HeyKay says:

    Will she just stop patting him on the ass in public?
    Drives me crazy!
    Dammit, this is a work function in public, in a church. And she’s patting his ass like a drunken co-ed at the bar. Get some class woman.
    Hands off. If he did this to her in public there would be open season.
    If my spouse handled me this way at a work function….I’d be staying at a hotel for a week trying to cool off.
    Stop it.

    Now, all these royal family jewels are well and good, tradition ya know.
    But OTOH, can’t William buy his wife some big jewelry of her own?
    Married 12 years/3 kids, what does he gift her for her b’day or Xmas? Or have the kids give her something new?

    Charles has famously given Camilla lots of big, costly jewels during their year together.

  36. Scout says:

    Could William look less impressed?

  37. msthang says:

    Whenever Chopper does that thing he does with his mouth, he always looks like he is ready to barf!!!!!

  38. Cinder says:

    I haven’t seen them in any photos but were the new Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh really not at the Scottish coronation?

    • PamelaJudy says:

      I was wondering the same thing. Surely you’d expect the Duke of Edinburgh to be at the fancy event in his supposed realm?

  39. Cathy says:

    This is just my opinion but I don’t think this is a rewear. I think this coat/dress is new. If you look back at photos of Kate last time she was wearing it the fit looks different. Plus the fabric while very similar seems different too. It photographs like new fabric as well, the sheen is different. I have sewn for most of my life and was taught about fabric from my Mother and both Grandmothers. It’s bugged me for most of today so I went back and checked. Clever Kate if it is new as all her fans will be talking about how down to earth she is wearing a repeat “just like us” but she’s actually got a completely new outfit on, that includes the hat, shoes and bag.

    Remember Harry saying in Spare that Charles had said he couldn’t afford clothes for Meghan. I think that’s because he’s seen the crazy clothing bills Kate runs up and with no prior knowledge of what real women spend on clothes he was expecting Meghan to do the same. Little did he realise that Kate’s spending is way out of control?

  40. ales says:

    Khate has to dominate as usual. It is very practised how she scans for the camera lens. Not a royalist, but Charles waited so long to become King, classless camera hog Kate is constantly trying to take over, let him enjoy his moments as King. The UK will be in more trouble, if and when Khate the classless, clueless commoner takes over as Queen and Wills becomes King whilst being egged on by Khates grifter roots. Two sayings seem to apply, you cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear and you either have class or you dont, you cannot buy it. Money and wealth have nothing to do with it, Khates lack of class is becoming more and more glaringly evidenced by her behavior, as is her extreme narcissim.. She really seems to believe her title makes her superior, that she does not have to do anything other than feed her every whim and spend money without any limits. She seems to have no empathy and no understanding of basic human kindness, its always only about her.

  41. As usual Kate looks frumpy. Stealing all the attention but only to draw focus on her dullness. Zero oomph.

  42. Orchid says:

    Was it just me or was Kate’s color too bold? Her outfit stands out more than the King’s and the rest of the group.