Zac Efron has a new interview in the London Times and it’s pretty unremarkable apart from the end. The journalist went back into the restaurant bathroom after finishing the interview and saw Efron getting all fan boy with Robert DeNiro. The 22 year-old told DeNiro all wide-eyed that he loved his work and DeNiro rolled his eyes and looked at the journalist like “who the hell is this kid?” I wonder if he was finished doing his business yet or if Efron accosted him at the urinal.
There’s also an interesting revelation from Efron where he says he’s embarrassed for claiming Leonardo DiCaprio told him “if you really want to screw things up, do heroin.” Efron seems to have been joking and he sort-of admits that DiCaprio never said that. I had to re-read that passage a couple times though as it’s worded ambiguously. I can’t tell if Efron is admitting he made up that quote from DiCaprio, or if he’s saying that he shouldn’t have repeated it out of context:
On not wanting to be typecast as a heart throb
“I’m rewatching Leo’s transition, from my perspective,” Efron says. “He is the best barometer for me. It’s amazing to see actors who have been able to sustain this for so long and keep positive, still focused on the work, still trying to make their best film.”On Leonardo DiCaprio telling him not to do heroin – he was joking
He admits he’s still completely star-struck, although he cringes when he remembers meeting Leonardo DiCaprio. He later told a journalist DiCaprio had told him: “There’s only one way you can mess this all up. Just do heroin.”“Oh my God, I can’t believe I just did that to him,” Efron recalls feeling when he read the story. “It was a joke, it was meant completely in sarcasm, but it came across so differently in print. I was devastated. I tried to call Leo and say, ‘Dude, I’m so sorry, that’s not at all what I meant to say.’ It was the worst feeling in the world.”
When he meets Robert DeNiro in the bathroom
After Efron and I have said goodbye, I wander out to my car, but double back to use the loo. To my surprise, Efron is in there, gesticulating towards an older man who looks incongruous in a tweed shooting cap, thick glasses and a long brown raincoat. The older man seems taken aback by the attention. “I just love your work,” I hear Efron gushing. The older man, who looks vaguely familiar, mumbles a thank-you, raising an eyebrow to me as he leaves. He seems to have no idea he’s just been accosted by one of the most famous young stars in the world.“Oh God,” Efron says after the man walks out. “I can’t believe I just did that. He must think I’m so ridiculous. Did you see who that was? Oh my God.”
I rattle my brain. Why, I realise, that was Robert De Niro. Zac Efron and I have just met Robert De Niro in the gents
[From Times Online]
Efron really isn’t the brightest bulb and he doesn’t seem able to play it cool with Hollywood bigwigs. He’s making up quotes from Leonardo DiCaprio and accosting Robert DeNiro in the men’s room. The kid is really trying to shake his heartthrob image, but there’s something so goofy about him. JayBird covered an interview with him last week in which he said his silliest moment was pranking his school friends with a mannequin hand. When he retold the story though it was like he still thought it was funny and clever.
He’s only 22, and he has time to mature. He keeps talking about how he’s trying to work toward a career with longevity. It could work out for him, but I doubt he’s cut out to be Scorsese’s muse like his idol. The article reminds us that Efron turned down $10 million to star in the Footloose remake, which he explains by saying “I felt it was something I had done before.” We’ll see how he feels in five years.
Efron is promoting his his role in Me and Orson Welles, also starring Claire Danes. It’s out now in limited release in the US and will be out in the UK on December 4.
This kid needs to go grab Megan Fox and hibernate in a cave for the next five years.
Zac, that was a breech of man code in the john. Didn’t your dad teach you anything.
I think it’s actually kind of sweet story.
A MAJOR breach.
I’m curious, how was it a breech? (This guy code thing is far beyond my sphere on knowledge! Grew up with 2 sisters and my mom..)
I’m not a man, but my son tells me (I heard of this before) that no man should engage another man in conversation if either man has his little guy out. Or extremely recently had his little guy out.
Comedy 🙂
Deniro will take a role in anything these days. Sadly, Pacino has followed his lead. But Pacino jumped the shark early on by starring as a gay cop in ‘Cruising’. The worst movie ever!
Ah, he’s a kid. Give him a break…I’m sure that if you all saw Robert DeNiro in a toilet you’d go all fanboy/girl on him too.
And I’m still a bit miffed he said no to Footloose…I enjoy watching the little unicorn dance around.
I kind of think it’s sweet that he fanboys. It’s so much better than if he were swaggering around like he thought he was King of Hollywood/Prince of Disney.
Making up quotes that make Leo look like a druggie = awesome (way better than the mannequin hand prank)
Apologizing after = wuss
Gushing over DeNiro in the toilet = completely unavoidable
He’s just a kid after all…at least he’s a good actor (although he did star in that cheesy teen romance HSM) and he seems very down to earth. I used to hate him cos I though he was just another overrated teen star but after a while I’m starting to love his childish attitude.
AhHH back from the vet. Not looking too good for my boxer. Anyways, Snowball, I can’t tell you too much about the breach, because that in itself is a breach but I can tell you a little. Eyes…definitely no lower than the shoulders. Talking,,,maybe a grunt and a head nod. Farting is permissible at the urinal. Absolutely no hand shaking.
All the Parade quotes in that other article are rehash from old articles that they redressed trying to make them look new. You do realize that right? The mannequin hand thing was a prank he played on the HSM3 set… that’s the most obvious example of how Parade really screwed around with what he said. Lazy journalism if you ask me.
And I can’t blame him for freaking out on DeNiro.
No excuses with ‘he’s just 22’. He’s just dumb. It’s not like his line of work requires a genius IQ. The majority of people in the entertainment industry aren’t smart.
Just like Melanie Griffith. She is renowned for being ignorant about the Holocaust. Then there is Gwen Stefani. In every interview she is like a stereotypical blonde bimbo and the most unremarkable celebrity of all in each interview, and I’ve read them for twenty five years for the freak show factor, has to be Madonna. Madonna has absolutely nothing to say and she’s much older than Efron.
Although I’m not yet forty, I’ve read enough celebrity interviews to see the pattern. They’re all rehearsed. Their agents tell them what to say.
If each male celebrity that said, “I don’t want to be typecast as a ‘hunk’/sex symbol/etc” gave me a buck, I’d be able to buy myself a Ferrari and that includes di Caprio, Brad Pitt, Alec Baldwin, all of whom -at the beginning of their careers, said the same or something similar. A lot has to be said about the Hollywood agent.
Ok – I am going to make a guilty confession. I used to smirk whenever I saw a Zac Efron stuff – thought he was a stupid punk – but then… (and here’s the guilty confession part) I watched High School Musical – I think it was 3. Those kids had to have worked REALLY hard to make those movies.
He might be young and a bit dumb (who of us weren’t at that age?) – but he worked hard and has nothing to be ashamed of.
Now, as long as he doesn’t express any political views, he should be okay.
e: How does it make Leo look like a druggie? I think it does the opposite. If Leo were a druggie, he’d probably encourage others to do it too! I don’t think it was that bad. Zac is cute, he seems modest & has respect for his elders…..