“Lisa Marie Presley’s cause of death revealed, six months after her passing” links

Lisa Marie Presley’s cause of death has been revealed. [Just Jared]
I hope SAG-AFTRA & WGA leadership join forces and collective-bargain for both of their unions to get the best deal. [LaineyGossip]
Ed Sheeran’s wax figure is so good! Creepy-good. [Seriously OMG]
A Republican congressman is racist, news at six. [OMG Blog]
100% – movie budgets these days are incredibly inflated. [Pajiba]
I guess this is Margot Robbie’s last Barbie event. [RCFA]
The cute dresses of the ESPYs. [Go Fug Yourself]
The backlash against Pick Me Girls. [Jezebel]
Lindsay Lohan shows off her nursery. [Egotastic]
AI creates “the most beautiful people” from different countries. [Buzzfeed]
WHO is still trying to get people to stop drinking Diet Coke. [Towleroad]

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54 Responses to ““Lisa Marie Presley’s cause of death revealed, six months after her passing” links”

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  1. Stacey Dresden says:

    The Icelandic gal doesn’t even look Nordic to me. Neither does the Mexican. The noses are all too similar.

    • Ameerah M says:

      She does if you ignore the indigenous peoples of Iceland.

      • Mash says:

        I dont believe Iceland has an indigenous group: arctic-council.org/about/states/iceland

      • Kolsvart says:

        The “indigenous” people of Iceland are Norwegian, they were the first settlers.

      • H says:

        …please don’t tell me you legitimately think all indigenous peoples are dark-skinned. Because that’s not what indigenous means.

    • Erin says:

      Yeah most of the women look the same to me but with different eye/hair color or skin tone.

      • goofpuff says:

        Agreed. It completely ignores all the indigenous people living there who do not look like the “ideal” for that country.

    • Eurydice says:

      Actually, almost all of these “beautiful people” look the same. The men all have the same shaped foreheads, the same high cheekbones, even the same hairline- just a bit of difference in the Asian characters. And the women all look Instagram.

    • Magick Wanda says:

      I thought the Australian guy just looked like a Hemsworth.

  2. Kitten says:

    So was Lisa Marie a big drinker or..? Sounds like she was on either the brink of kidney failure or a kidney disease diagnosis…

    • Ameerah M says:

      Huh? It says she died of a bowel obstruction. Says nothing about kidney failure. And says it was directly related to lesions from bariatric surgery she’d had years prior.

      • May says:

        “She also ‘had severe metabolic acidosis, a buildup of acid in the body due to kidney disease or failure.'”

      • Kitten says:

        Thanks, May. It’s literally right in the linked article, Ameerah.
        I know she was in detox in 2016 and she said that if she hadn’t gotten help for her painkiller addiction she would have died. Apparently, alcohol was an issue as well.

        I DID google bowel obstruction and kidney disease and a blockage can lead to the intestine getting swollen from the trapped air, fluid, and food. This swelling can make the intestine less able to absorb fluid which leads to dehydration and kidney failure. So I’m not sure if this was related to her prior struggles with alcoholism or not.

      • Ameerah M says:

        @Kitten all of which can be caused by MAL-ABSORPTION. NOT drinking. She had weight loss surgery and her body was not absorbing nutrients. Metabolic Acidosis is not only linked to drinking.

      • Kitten says:

        Ameerah, Kidney failure and kidney disease can *also* be caused by alcoholism.

        And wondering and asking questions is very different from “jumping to conclusions”. Like, I simply asked if it was related to drinking. I’m not a doctor or a medical examiner and nowhere did I make a diagnosis or come to any conclusions JFC. It’s not insane to wonder if an admitted addict’s death could be related to their addiction.

      • bettyrose says:

        Only jumping in to say I appreciate these explanations. I had a bowel obstruction caused by scar tissue derived from an injury. It required emergency surgery, but the emergency was that I was in massive pain and slowly starving to death from the obstruction, which takes months. I could still absorb water and liquid nutrients, so I wouldn’t have died quickly, is all I’m saying. From the initial story, it wasn’t clear to me how someone with access to healthcare can die from a bowel obstruction.

    • pottymouthpup says:

      @May metabolic acidosis can also be caused by malabsorption due to a bowel obstruction. It’s also possible that she became septic if the obstruction lead to necrosis of the bowel tissue. This could also explain the metabolic acidosis and, if there was any renal impairment, could be the underlying cause of said renal dysfunction. This is a more likely explanation for renal impairment than alcoholism in this situation

      • NJGR says:

        She had weight loss surgery. Which can be dangerous.

      • Ameerah M says:

        EXACTLY. Thank you for saying this – lots of folks jumping to conclusions without taking in the glaring fact that she had weight loss surgery – which is notorious for causing the exact health complications she died from.

      • FHMom says:

        Why on earth did she have weight loss surgery? Was she ever obese? It’s so sad anyway you look at it.

    • Trillion says:

      my 30-something relative nearly died of a bowel obstruction due to heavy drinking. The good news is that he was able to medically detox while he was in the hospital for an entire month and he is now sober. As far as bariatric surgery, I guess only the rich can do this while being normal weight. There’s no way any conscientious doctor would agree to this nor would any insurance company pay for it.

  3. HeyKay says:

    R.I.P. to Lisa Marie Presley.
    She lived a hard life for all the money.
    Witnessed her Dad passing at 9.
    Her Mom had her involved w/CoS, chaotic marriages, struggled with drugs, lost a son to suicide, often used by the people around her.
    I think she lived a sad, often traumatic life and the loss of her son was just unbearable.
    I wish all her daughters and the new grandchild everything good and peace in their lives.

    I still love Elvis. I’m 61, raised in poverty and Elvis was also raised in poverty. He was a poor boy who grew to have huge success, folks in my area see him as one of us.
    All the money and fame and yet he came to a sad end.

    • NJGR says:

      As a fat person, I would not risk that garbage surgery for anything – it’s dangerous and has tons of possible complications. It does dependably make lots of money for doctors and hospitals though.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That’s the thing. For Lisa Marie, as with her father, she could always nfind a doctor to do whatever she wanted. That’s what that kind of crazy stupid money will do for you/to you. I, too, cannot figure out why she would seek bariatric surgery. She was never obese. Granted, she had twins a little later in life and maybe that made it difficult taking the weight off? Just speculating here, I really have no clue. Just really sad all the way around.

      • Kkat says:

        I had a gastric RnY bypass 9 years ago. If you have type 2 diabetes or are at high risk due to family getting that particular surgery will put 98% of diabetics into full remission and the 2% can control by diet alone.
        If you are at risk , you will never get it.

        Both my x husband and mom were on insulin, they both got this surgery and no longer use insulin, medications or have to control it through diet. All their numbers are better than people who don’t have diabetes.

        I gained close to 200 pounds in a YEAR, with out changing anything about my diet or exercise due to some psych meds I was on. I’m 5’10 and was eating a 1800-2000 calorie diet a day. And since the psych meds trashed my metabolism going down to a 1200 calorie diet with more exercise would take off 5 pounds about every 3 months.

        So some of us have the surgery because the benefit outweighs any risk, I lost 195 pounds and have kept it off. and I will never get diabetes. The rerouting of the small intestine is what changes things and makes this surgery different than other weight loss surgery.

        My mother and X husband were not obese , they both needed to lose 15-20 pounds. But they didn’t do it for the weight loss they did it to put their diabetes into remission. Which it did.

        It sounds to me that Lisa Marie wasn’t seeking out medical care for her symptoms, had she gone to a gastroenterologist and had some tests done they most likely would have found the hernia/scar tissue/obstruction.

    • notafan says:

      Surgeon here. She probably had an internal hernia, where a loop of intestine get trapped and blocked off by either scar tissue or else in an opening made as part of the weight loss surgery. It can cause chronic symptoms but if the blood supply also gets blocked the loop of bowel will die off, leading to sepsis and the kind of kidney failure and acidosis they found in her. In people who have had bariatric surgery they notoriously have only subtle signs of dead intestine, until they are incredibly ill. If she had been taken to the OR early enough she would likely have survived.

      • North of Boston says:

        I also wonder, given all the reports of people (often women) complaining of pain being told “it’s just – in your head, your lady parts, something you’re doing, something you’ve eaten, your weight, the flu, no big deal” when it was actually something serious and potentially life threatening like a bowel obstruction or sepsis or ectopic pregnancy or appendicitis or blood clot or collapsed lung or cancer, and people dismissing their own symptoms after hearing that time after time, whether anyone had any idea what was wrong before she collapsed.

        A friend has had Crohn’s disease for years and sometimes has to fight tooth and nail to get tests when he’s got abdominal pain or other symptoms, and then yup, there’s an abscess or blockage.

        Also keep in mind that metabolic acidosis is a known risk with certain perfectly mainstream medications for chronic illnesses, as well as when other serious health issues are present as all body systems start to get out of whack (not the correct clinical description obviously) so I would not jump to “she must have been drinking”

  4. Vera says:

    So Australia is basically Liam Hemsworth
    the Greek guy does not look greek at all

    • PJanetDR says:

      Agreed! Bad job all around.

    • pk says:

      Not to mention beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder. Also, not everyone from the same country looks the same. For example, India is vast and diverse in so many ways. Different noses, eye shape, skin color. Any AI attempt is pure garbage. Plus what does an American or Canadian look like? Those two countries in particular have vast immigration. If you want to show a true Canadian, you need to show an Indigenous person.

      • Fabiola says:

        Since it’s AI it’s probably based on people’s filtered photos on social media. With filters everyone starts to look the same.

  5. Chaine says:

    Lisa Marie’s death seems even more sad now, if that is possible. Wealthy people’s money gives them access and persuasion to have inadvisable medical procedures that average folks could not. I know it’s everyone’s choice what they do with their bodies, but what kind of societal pressures do we feel as women that Lisa Marie, who appeared to be within a normal weight range, felt the need for bariatric surgery? I know a very few people who have had this surgery and they were all in the realm of life-threatening obesity, such as a co-worker who was so heavy she could not walk without leveraging herself on one of those quad canes. Otherwise it is not worth the risk.

    • FHMom says:

      This stood out to me. I don’t ever remember her being obese. Poor girl. She absolutely had a tough life. I’m side eyeing Priscilla here, too. I have no evidence, but I wish her mom had discouraged the surgery.

      • Christina says:

        I don’t remember her being overweight, but I went back and looked and at one point she was quite overweight.

    • The Old Chick says:

      And she was taking weight loss meds (causing severe vomiting) and had recent plastic surgery. I can’t ever remember her being overweight. She must have had a lot of body image issues. I feel so sorry for her kids.
      FHMom one look at priscilla is the evidence. Her love of surgery is long standing.

    • ME says:

      What doctor would do bariatric surgery on someone that isn’t even obese. I have never seen a pic of her being even over-weight. Unless she hid it for years and never left her house?

      • pottymouthpup says:

        the same shady-ass doctors writing semaglutide prescriptions for people who aren’t legitimately diagnosed w/T2DM or obesity

      • Dutch says:

        I had a boss who had serious obesity issues and had bariatric surgery. She was very open about it and often talked about the counseling and psychological screening that was required before and after the surgery. There was a lot of things she had to give up (nothing carbonated, etc.); it was a full, permanent lifestyle change.
        That being said, Lisa Marie had the kind of money to either find a shady surgeon in the states or fly to a foreign land to have the procedure done without having to do all the homework ahead of time.

      • Magick Wanda says:

        I had a friend who inherited a good deal of money from her mother. She was ten pounds overweight and she found a doctor to do gastric bypass. For 10 pounds and a lot of money, that doctor did gastric bypass on her. She bragged about it.

    • VoominVava says:

      If she had bariatric surgery, drinking alcohol is highly discouraged. Your stomach is so small that it can cause alcohol poisoning very quickly and a host of other issues.

      • pottymouthpup says:

        alcohol wasn’t listed as COD or contributory to it. She was supposedly clean & sober since 2015 so jumping to a conclusion that includes alcohol poisoning is completely unnecessary. Most of the reports indicate that she’d been complaining of abdominal pain for some time, which is consistent with a bowel obstruction. Considering the bowel obstruction, it’s most likely that there at least some necrosis which would lead to infection (consistent with the reports of her being “feverish”). Necrotic bowel, bowel surgery, bowel injuries put people at risk of infection and gram negative sepsis. Left untreated, sepsis leads to organ dysfunction (and, ultimately, failure) which would be consistent with the comments about signs of renal insufficiency so can we stop postulating that she was off the wagon and that’s what lead to her death when there’s evidence of a health issue that can easily be fatal, especially when untreated?

      • VoominVava says:

        Which is why I was saying that most people who have bariatric surgery don’t drink alcohol. I didn’t say that she was at all.

  6. SandyK says:

    I want to get a boob lift/smaller implants to get back closer to my pre-pregnancy body, but every time I read about someone dying from plastic surgery-related complications I just think how this is such a stupid, unnecessary way to die, and question whether the risk is worth it, however low. Sigh.

    • Lace says:

      I have a relative who is a neurologist -she told me to avoid elected plastic surgery! Don’t overeat, exercise, get enough sleep, don’t smoke, watch your alcohol intake, buy good clothes and cosmetics, and learn to apply make-up like an expert. When you’re healthy, this is all you need to do to look good.

      Talking about being overweight – Andtew’s accuser has gained a lot of weight. She lives in Perth (Australia) now. Google Virginia Giuffre Perth.

    • Fabiola says:

      I thought implants had to be replaced every 10 years

  7. Ariel says:

    Oh man. As someone who’s ended up in the hospital several times with small bowel obstructions caused by abdominal adhesions… There’s a reason they tell you to go to the hospital! Sure the pain is excruciating, but if your small intestine ruptures, you can die very quickly!

    I hate that western medicine has no viable treatment for abdominal adhesions. So many folks deal with them (especially after super common surgeries like appendectomies and C-section, both of which I’ve had) and the only treatment is more surgery… Which even the docs admit often causes more adhesions.

    This creates a loop: get adhesions from abdominal surgery, develop small bowel obstructions, have more surgery, get more adhesions, develop more frequent obstructions. It’s terrible.

    I hate that this happened to her. My only hope is that maybe it will raise awareness of the issue which is actually pretty common.

    Of note: “small bowel obstruction” makes it sound like constipation. It’s not. It’s your small intestine, so the symptoms are terrible upper stomach pain, because your stomach literally can’t drain into your small intestine. It’s awful.

    • Andrea says:

      Look up Tammy Wynette. She had scar tissue from her last csection that caused a host of issues for her and chronic pain that she quelled with drugs and ultimately killed her young. I listened to a podcast and she had so many surgeries. It was eye opening regarding scar tissue build up etc.

  8. Helena says:

    When I was being treated for a cancer of the digestive system (won’t go into detail here) I had to have lots laparoscopies (key hole surgeries).

    In the autumn of last year I had two surgeries in the space of 10 days. After the second one, I wasn’t healing as fast as I had previously. Normally 24 to 48 hours later I’m back to normal. Five days after the last surgery, I was still in pain. Nausea, slightly feverish. I didn’t tell my surgeons, just suffered in silence. Until I couldn’t. I cannot describe the pain I endured for the week leading up to telling my surgeons. I have had life long painful endometriosis and two cancers in recent years. There is nothing I went through in any treatment that was as bad as this. So on the seventh day I called my surgeon. I’m in a very fortunate position that I have been blessed with an amazing team of oncologists and surgeons in my health challenges. When I called the ward where I had my last surgery they immediately contacted my surgeon. He called me at 4:30pm and I told him the pain I was in. He had commanded, yes commanded, I was to go back to the hospital and I would seen by one of his colleagues immediately. I was in hospital at 5pm. This new doctor had organised a scan for me upon my arrival and by 6:30pm he diagnosed a bowel obstruction. Adhesions, like Lisa Marie. But from all the surgeries I had had for endo and cancer. He said he would be negligent if he did not tell me how dangerous going home would be. Life and death stuff. He was clear. If he had to make the decision for me he would have me stay in hospital and would monitor me and provide hospital grade painkillers. That way if an emergency operation was required, he would give it to me. His team were ready. I spoke to my main surgeon on the phone. He agreed with his colleague. I wanted to return home to my husband and children but my main surgeon is a wonderful human and I trust him and his colleagues. When another oncologist had given up on me he promised to do his best to give me a future. He has.

    I was okay that night, just needed painkillers. Next morning they decided they’d hold off the surgery for 24 hours and continued to rest my digestive system… nil by mouth then very light soups. 3 days of this and I was feeling much better. No pain even when not medicated and all digestive functions had resumed. These had stopped the previous week during the crisis. Scans showed the obstruction was gone.

    Had I not gone in to hospital and rested my digestive system I would be dead now. People know very little about bowel obstruction but they can be life threatening. I now know what to look out for and I call my physicians immediately if I have a concern. I’m fortunate to able to afford private health care here in the U.K. I know the NHS is available for me but I think this is key in my story. I have doctors who I (with my General practitioner, husband my mother (I’m African she still has influence 😂) have chosen and built a wonderful relationship with. They advocate for me when I can’t do it for my self. I trust them.

    I am sorry that many others like Lisa Marie are not in that position. I think Lisa Marie would have been so ill, scared and in so much pain. May she rest in peace.

    • Caitlin says:

      When you make reference to the NHS (vs private) are you saying that the standard of care would have been different if you had had the surgery via the NHS?

      • Helena says:

        In short, yes.

        Very long answer is that my past experience with the NHS has not been great. I am a black woman. Been patronised and treated so abysmally I developed a phobia of hospitals. Not great with endo or cancer! My private team (including nurses and clinical psychologists) have worked hard to help me. I have heard awesome things about cancer care on the NHS and I have heard terrible stuff. I didn’t want to take a chance with either of the cancers. With my private insurance I was able to choose my surgeons and oncologists.

        On the NHS, would I have been able to call my surgeon’s team and have him call me back immediately after even though he was not working that day? Would a NHS consultant have been able to organise a consultation with a colleague within minutes of talking to me? Would said colleague have organised scans and read the reports within an hour an half of me arriving at hospital? Would a bed have made available and an emergency surgical team (including one of my surgical oncologist) been on stand by for emergency surgery should I have required it? This was all done for me on private care.

        Contrast that with my last visit to an NHS hospital before the cancers. I collapsed at home with abdominal pain. I was blue lighted to my local hospital. When I arrived nurses ignored me and when they did finally noticed me moaning in the corner, I was deluged with so many dog whistle type questions. Then nurses proceeded to move away and chat about horses and their fab nail polish. Someone in charge came by and prescribed morphine until I was able to be seen by a consultant doing rounds. I didn’t receive it until 2 hours later. By this point I had been in hospital 4 hours.

        When I was seen and they suggested I go back for a scan. In two weeks. I went home and to my private GP who got me in for a scan later that day. Private hospital stay followed during which I was diagnosed with a raptured cyst. They also noted my endo and so I had a laparoscopy to remove the scarring.

        Disclaimer this is my experience. If you’ve had fab care on the NHS, brilliant for you. It has not been for me. So I pay for my care now.

      • Caitlin says:

        That’s terrible. Very fortunate to have private insurance. I’m in Canada so I can only comment on our system which is publicly funded and in dire need of an overhaul.

      • ThatsNotOkay says:

        @Helena Thank you for your in-depth, thorough post. There are so many layers to it. But above all, I am glad you got the care you needed and are with us today. This is very scary. Hoping for your full remission on all fronts.

    • HeyKay says:

      Helena, Thank you for sharing your story and information.

  9. Ange says:

    Even AI likes to perpetuate that old myth about Scottish and Irish people being predominantly redheads. The irony is they’re most likely to look like the English model lol.