Prince William is popular in America because he’s ‘quietly getting on with the job’??

These people are as obvious as they are dangerously stupid. Remember that dumb Gallop poll which was released last week? Gallop polled Americans on the favorability of various world leaders and American politicians. Shockingly, Prince William came out ahead of Vladimir Putin and a serial sexual predator and white supremacist (Trump). I’m shocked that Americans have a vaguely more favorable opinion of William over Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler too. Even Omid Scobie was questioning the seriousness of the poll (he called it “so random and nonsensical”). Well, even more hilariously, the British media and royalist American media are still crowing about how America needs Emperor Peg. Please enjoy this undercover shady piece in the Daily Beast, in which Kate is referred to a perfect Barbie and they’re basically telling William that if he wants to remain popular, he can’t ever get a divorce. Some highlights:

What accounts for William’s favorable ranking? “Is it a testament to the wisdom of the British royal family’s policy of studiously ignoring and not responding to attacks on William and Kate and the rest of the family by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? Or does it, perhaps, offer a glance at the enduring fascination the British royal family continues to exert on the American psyche? William’s office declined to comment on the poll results when contacted by The Daily Beast. However, a personal friend of William and Kate’s said: “They have been quietly getting on with the job, letting actions speak louder than words. With everything going on in the world, people appreciate that.”

Whether this is a direct comparison to the Sussexes: The friend said: “Harry and Meghan were not part of this survey so it’s not about comparing them. But maybe the days of everything William and Kate do being refracted through the lens of Harry and Meghan are coming to an end.”

Victoria Arbiter says proceed with caution. “America is so politically divided that I’m not surprised more people overall would approve of Prince William than either Donald Trump or Joe Biden. But there is no question that there is a lingering respect for much of the monarchy across America, partly because it delivers a head of state who is politically neutral. There is huge affection for William because of Diana, and there is a sense that he is now living the happy ending that Diana never got—happily married and raising his children….I was in Boston for his last visit [also for the Earthshot Prize] and there were huge numbers of people there to see him. It wasn’t the Beatlemania we saw for Queen Elizabeth or Princess Diana, but people like him, and clearly this is a really great piece of polling for him ahead of his upcoming visit.”

Best of a bad lot: In Britain, however, people seem largely baffled by William’s elevated ranking in America. On hit daytime show This Morning news review panelist Isla Traquair said, “Most of them (Americans) don’t really know who he is…I think he’s inoffensive to them.” In the list of names offered to those polled, Traquair said, William “was the best of a bad lot.”

The Keens’ shrewd team: Historical irony may not be front-of-mind for William and Kate’s shrewd, media-savvy young team. They are instead likely to be pondering how they might leverage this evidence of William’s enduring popularity into fat contributions to the Earthshot Prize from rich American supporters.

Harry & Nacho’s shopping trip: Harry learn a little from the iron discipline that his former spinmasters at the Palace used to insist on. Let’s just say that you won’t catch William and Kate distracting from their core message by posting shopping selfies when they are in America next month.

Perfect Barbie Kate: Christopher Andersen, a bestselling writer whose latest book, The King, is a biography of Charles, told The Daily Beast: “Now that Charles is king, William is one step closer to the throne, and there is an element of gravitas attached to that. Kate obviously also accounts for a large part of William’s appeal. There is an almost unreal, practically perfect Barbie quality to Kate. If she has any flaws, Americans aren’t seeing them. Kate hasn’t put a foot wrong, and as a result she is as popular in the U.S. as she is in the U.K. All this redounds to William’s benefit. William and Kate represent strong family values, stability, devotion to duty, dignity, charm—all in strong contrast to the constantly complaining, seemingly self-obsessed Sussexes. The Cambridges seem to float above the chaos.”

Ah, fundraising: “I wouldn’t be at all surprised if William’s handlers wave the results of this poll under the noses of prospective U.S. donors to his Earthshot Prize,” Andersen told The Daily Beast. “There are plenty of rich Americans who will be jockeying for position when William and Kate visit the U.S. in mid-September anyway. But this just adds to William’s luster—who wouldn’t want to bask in the reflected glow of presumably the most popular man in the country?”

[From The Daily Beast]

As I said, this is all so stupid and they’re dumb enough to leave their fingerprints all over it. Kensington Palace spent money engineering a poll in Peg’s favor just ahead of his SOLO trip to New York. William’s advisors are telling him “you’ll be received so well, you’re so much more popular than your brother, you’ll own New York!” It’s all just so obvious and pathetic? The comments about Kate are fascinating too, because she’s not going to New York, but the royal reporters desperately want her to. That’s the actual story – they know no one actually gives a sh-t about William, and the only way his NYC trip will get any attention is if Kate is there. It’s also obvious that William is desperate for American money.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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103 Responses to “Prince William is popular in America because he’s ‘quietly getting on with the job’??”

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  1. MrsBanjo says:

    “Quietly getting on with the job.” AHAHAHA 😂😂😂 that’s amazing.

    • Ash says:

      If quietly means paying for polls and smearing your brother and his wife in the papers every single day, then I guess.

      I love how they refuse to acknowledge specific things the Sussexes said such as, William hitting Harry and William’s staff planting lies about Meghan with his full consent.

    • He has no job. I’m sure this is in response to all the good publicity Harry has been getting and the fact that Invictus is starting soon. The only job Peg has is causing hate and discontent for his brother and that’s not a job but Pegs insecurities.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      I originally read the headline as “quietly quitting,” which is so much more accurate.

      • Anna says:

        Sometimes I think “they can’t actually be THIS BAD at their pretend jobs, can they?” But it all makes sense now. They’ve been trying to quietly quit the monarchy all along.

    • Megan says:

      I had some friends over yesterday and the BRF came up. One friend said William was perfect for the job because he is inoffensive. Traquair nailed it.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        That’s so confusing to me, Megan, because I find him extremely offensive. He pals around with nasty right wing politicians, hires staff that abuse his sister-in-law, he (allegedly) cheats on his wife, he assaulted his brother, is lazy is the day is long, has never really worked a day in his life, spends money like it’s going out of style, constantly makes rude offensive “jokes” at the expense of others, and he’s racist!

        He’s the epitome of offensive.

      • Megan says:

        If you don’t follow the BRF, you don’t know any of that. Most Americans don’t follow the family and only see William at public events deemed newsworthy by the MSM (like the coronation).

      • Becks1 says:

        Right, if all you see are pictures of him a few times a year with his cute kids, you probably think of him as very benign and inoffensive. The press has done a very good job of protecting him and covering for him, and even beyond that, People mag loves him and Kate, and thats honestly where most Americans probably get their royal updates to the extent they even want said updates.

    • Vivica says:

      It’s like they have never actually met an American before. 🤔

      • Cara says:

        I know, right?? He is of no consequence and completely insignificant to 99.9% of Americans.

      • bubblegum Dreams says:

        Ok, bear with me. I did a completely unscientific poll among a few of my family members to see if they know who William is.

        Question: What do you think of Prince William?

        85 year old grandpa: ” Is that the ginger one who married that cute girl from California”

        22 year old nephew: ” Which one is that. I don’t really know who they are”

        Dad: “Nope, wouldn’t know if he walked down the street…hey be a sweetheart and grab me a beer on your way back.”

        Mom: “Is he the bald one with the really skinny wife? I like the ginger one better, he seems like more fun…”

        There you have it folks a random unscientific poll among a few American family members

  2. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Yeah…we don’t care about Kate either, so….together or solo, there’s no there there.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Exactly. I don’t know if Vickie no-eyelashes Arbiter was talking about the huge crowd being the people at the Celtics game, but The Other Brother and his “Perfect Barbie” wife were literally booed when they were in Boston. Not exactly the sound you’d expect to hear when you’re loved by the people.

      • TheWigletOfWails says:

        That’s what I always say..for all the noise about Harry and Meghan being unpopular and hated, they’ve never been booed or egged when they’re in public.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Lol @SussexWatcher. I give her a proper title, Vickie of Noeyelashes, Willing Particpant of Being Paid For Commentary On an Interview She Had Not Seen.

        Vicke of Noeyelashes is commenting on a crowd that consisted of fans of Hailey & Chloe Bailey, Catherine O’Hara and Billie Eilish. The Eilish fans were scammed into thinking she was going to be there and sing live. When, instead, she was someplace altogether different and her performance was prerecorded.

        Bostonians were not happy about any money spent for the Wails and blocking of streets and grocery stores because Willyuck & Gumby Green Wife decided to come to town. That they did this Earthsh*t prize ceremony without the actual winners present is such a f*cking joke.

  3. TheWigletOfWails says:

    The keep doing this..hyping them up before a visit and then it all goes down like a lead balloon. How are they not embarrassed?

  4. Jk says:

    Hahaha! What’s next? Will, the ‘sexiest’ bald man alive? These people….

    • LaraK says:

      Hey, don’t malign bald men! There are some profoundly hot bald men. Hell, Harry’s balding, and he’s got more sex appeal in his pinky than his William has in his whole repulsive body.

      Baldemort is revolting not because he’s bald, but because he’s a lazy, entitled, racist, and about twenty other bad things I can think of. And we point out he’s bald because it bothers him so much 🙂

    • Anna says:

      The absolute COOKING William got for that Sexiest Bald Man article has been the gift that keeps on giving whenever it resurfaces on the internet, I feel like Twitter/threads needs to resurrect it as one of the many ways the BM exists to fluff his feathers

  5. Tessa says:

    Chris Anderson saying keen is perfect. Keen s taking threatening steps to Meghan was ugly. Also the article has a false premise that will should be categorized with American politicians. Will is so obsessed with trying to outdo harry in America us pathetic. Charles can’t control his eldest son.

  6. aquarius64 says:

    You continually slag on the AMERICAN member of the BRF and you think the main culprits are popular? KP sees the social media comments on the Waleses and they know those who identify themselves as Americans have taken Spare and the docuseries as gospel. Suits should be tanking in Netflix streaming with Meghan’s presence. William is afraid the boo birds will be out and repeat of the Boston Celtics game.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Lmao, I’m neither British nor American, but I can’t imagine being so obsessed with polls about the popularity of our Royal Family in let’s say Germany (our nearest big country).

      I know some people there have a moderate amount of interest in our royal family, maybe because they don’t have their own, but doubt they care much beyond that very casual interest.
      Constantly talking about polls about such a subject strikes me as pathetic, as if we’re begging for their approval or validation.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I’ve commented before that these “popularity” polls are done because of the neediness of the BRF/BM. They are skewed.

        If the members of the BRF in England, were truly popular & likeable, they would not need a bs “poll”. to justify themselves. LOL. Will was never more popular amongst their peers than Harry while growing up. He was jealous of Harry’s likeability and physicality. The only thing Will had going for him in his early days were his looks and he was a future king(lol, daughters of aristos weren’t clamoring for an arrangement to be made). And his looks are gone.

  7. No He is popular because they skewed a poll by putting him in with people that are lightning rods one way or another good or bad so of course he came out on top. Proving that you can rig a poll to get the answers you want.

  8. Becks1 says:

    “who wouldn’t want to bask in the reflected glow of presumably the most popular man in the country?”

    Ummmm……most people? LOL. Nothing about that poll indicates that William is the most popular man in the country. He’s just liked more than Putin or Trump. So ridiculous how much mileage they’re getting out of it, and yes, it makes sense that it was put together so William can feel good about himself before he goes to NYC.

    • Flowerlake says:


      I think someone like Tom Holland is way more popular in the USA than that bland prince.

      • Moxylady says:

        Tom Holland? Ohhhhh he is BELOVED by Americans. So sweet and wholesome and funny and an incredible actor. Shit! Hahahaha I hadn’t even thought to compare Williams popularity with British actors. Hahahahahaahah

  9. Melissa says:

    Didn’t know they made a “Wiglet Barbi.or is it “ First Wife Barbie?”

  10. Nerd says:

    He’s so quiet that no one knows where he’s at and no one will see him for two months. It’s strange because it’s a pattern he does every year, yet no one is ever able to find him knowing he likes to disappear for a month to two months at a time. It’s like a royal version of where’s Waldo.

  11. Kelsey says:

    With WHAT job?!

    I am so tired about hearing about these unemployment benefits recipients “getting on with the job”. Where?!

  12. L4Frimaire says:

    Agree this article is lame and desperate. They really want Kate to go with William to New York and they’re really bothered by that photo of Nacho and Harry goofing around in the gift shop in Tokyo. Other than that, don’t get the point of this article.

  13. BlueNailsBetty says:

    “ But there is no question that there is a lingering respect for much of the monarchy across America, partly because it delivers a head of state who is politically neutral.”

    Girl, no. Just no. One of America’s biggest holidays is the one where we celebrate breaking away from England and its monarchy.

    No one in the US has “lingering respect” for the monarchy except for the extremely wealthy white supremacists who cling to power even if it is faux power like the politically neutered British monarch.

    Stop embarrassing yourself.

  14. Tessa says:

    Will does not want Kate there. He is trying to play single dad. Kate Will be desperately trying for pda and will wants no part of that

  15. Beverley says:

    This crap was written for the British public. The absurdity of thinking the future British king is going to *own* New York!!! Can the British public understand that we rejected their monarchy and governance almost 250 years ago? We broke up with Britain and, like Harry and Meghan,
    we’re never going back. Britons need to stop obsessing about William’s popularity here. Britain doesn’t control America anymore. Not to mention, it doesn’t sit well with many Americans when Meghan is racially abused while the tabs claim it’s just her *Americanness* they disdain. If they’re going to be bigots, own that shit! But don’t insult us and then try to play Americans for fools.

    Stay home, Pegs. We don’t want you and damn straight don’t want to pay for you. Stay home where you can grift all you please.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, the audience for these articles feel like royalists and the royals themselves. They need to read this to soothe their egos. Will never get over the fact that they start their day with all the tabloids sitting in front of them at breakfast. Talk about a toxic feedback loop. They live in a cycle of hate. Harry is like the one person in a movie, like invasions of the body snatchers or something, yelling at everybody to see what’s happening.

    • EBS says:

      I promise, the British public are not sitting around caring about this. Most people are focused on how they are going to feed their families, pay their rent/mortgage, and if they have a spare couple of minutes they can think about how they are going to hear their houses this winter. This is not at the forefront (or even in the back) of the minds of anyone other than royal reporters.

  16. AnneL says:

    Why does William need American money? Doesn’t he have a literal fortune of his own?

    Hands off our dollars, Bulliam. We threw off your yoke more than two centuries ago, and as I recall taxes had something to do with it.

    • MSTJ says:

      Cash for honors maybe? 🤷‍♀️

      Charles did it when he was Prince of Wales, it’s William’s turn now that he’s the Prince of Wales. 😏

    • Jais says:

      Lack of Russian oligarchy funds maybe?

    • Jet says:

      He only spends his own money on himself. All his projects and charity work are outside or government funded. He collects 50 million a year allowance from the King and the sovereign grant for being a Royal spokesmodel.

  17. Lady Digby says:

    Will’s image does rely a lot on happy marriage to university sweetheart plus cute kids. Kate is gulp, the glamorous one of the so called super Seven and those 90 royal engagements would be missed if jazz hands got DIVORCED. Everyone is reminding FK that he owes a lot of his “popularity” to his happy marriage , many folk still resent CC over how Diana was conned into an unhappy marriage. Adultery when Kate was pregnant and then pegging around won’t play with the Fail readers one little bit. IMO FK is royally pissed because he is stuck with KM forever and ever hence his barely repressed anger and contempt whenever he is forced to appear with her. He would like to banish her but he can’t so he rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw in disgust!

  18. Molly says:

    For heaven’s sake. “If she has any flaws, Americans aren’t seeing them.”
    Her. They don’t see HER.

    How about a poll of Americans to see how many can name the immediate family members of the reigning sovereign – including the sovereign himself?

    • Tessa says:

      The sainted Kate spin again.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      I’m torn because Marge should be higher. Ask someone in there 50s and Marge will come in.

      1. Camilla- don’t know how she looks nor does anyone care.
      2.. Philip- or that guy that’s kinda tall.
      3. Elizabeth 2 -hmm
      4. Prince Charles – not king. Prince.
      5. Princess Anne. No one knows princess royal. And they don’t know how she looks.
      6. Prince Andrew.
      7. Princess Diana. Died but was married to the queen son. Still included.
      8. Princess Margaret. Yes, she is still I’m the mix.
      9. The redhead.
      10. Prince William.
      11. Diana’s boys.
      12. The Duke of sussex.

      Visually people know the Duke of what’s before Kent. Don’t know he is a Duke but know they have seen him before.

      • Becks1 says:

        Not Americans. I don’t know any American who would recognize the Duke of Gloucester who is NOT a royal follower. I mean hell most americans don’t know that Edward exists.

      • Jet says:

        Anne looks a lot like Margaret. Generic Windsor.

      • Jet says:

        You forgot Edward and Sophie, formerly of Wessex and now Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. He’s the nice bald one who was quite handsome in his youth and she’s the blond Kate back-up who got in trouble for selling access but is now popular again. Have very nice children who plan to work instead of being Prince and Princess.

        I think more people recognize Princess Michail the Social Climbing Racist of Kent than Prince Michael the generic Windsor of Kent.

  19. Miranda says:

    What I love is that they’re touting these poll results ahead of his visit to NYC, a place where those results are irrelevant at best. I can’t tell you how much it would please me, as a New Yorker, if William takes this nonsense to heart and shows up expecting throngs of American royalists, only to be met with eyerolls and indifference. Given our diverse population and his reputation for being disdainful of anyone who isn’t white and wealthy, that’s actually probably the BEST he can hope for.

  20. ⁷Tree says:

    Kate isn’t impressive. It’s as simply as that. Only thing impressive about her is she can still do a little sports and be that thin. She is painful looking in person.

    The press was relentless with chasing William when he was young. I will admit he needed to get them off of him. By being boring it helped him. However he can’t expect for the world to give him money simply for being. He really should’ve stayed in the armed forces. He should’ve made Kate enroll. They banked on harry giving them a pass.

  21. MSTJ says:

    The Tory government in England is squandering billions of the country’s money and William plans to visit the U.S. for donations from rich Americans for William to personally squander. 🤦‍♀️

    I thought Earthshot had a full chest from when it was founded (Bezos, Bloomberg and the likes donated millions IIRC…. £50m or so?) They need more? I guess rich people giving money to mediocre royals for access to the honors is how it works….Cash for honors. Oh well! 🤷‍♀️

    Thankfully Harry doesn’t engage in that.

  22. Yesgirl says:

    This articles make me wonder if there is a resistance from the inside to take down the royal family. I mean it the only thing that comes close to sense in putting this stuff out there.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      I think it’s the opposite. William wants to hide but they are forcing him to do stuff. Trying to beat Lil brother and leaking to the press is pushing William to do events. The minute harry retires is the minute William does 1 event a year.

  23. Eurydice says:

    I don’t think there’s any particular respect for the RF in the US, but there is interest in them as a specific kind of celebrity. It’s part of the BritBox, PBS, Downton Abbey, The Crown, etc., a weird and antiquated world, populated by not-quite-humans.

    I have to laugh at the comparison of Kate to Barbie. I guess he was thinking “Barbie is a blockbuster movie, let me use that as a reference,” but it’s really not a compliment. So, does that make William Ken?

  24. Laura D says:

    William is popular in “Overseas.” How long before we’re reading that William is looking to capitalise on this “popularity” and will be setting up a base in Montecito? Seriously, the guy is so unhinged when it comes to his brother I wouldn’t put anything past him.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      I was surprised that William didn’t move to Canada when harry moved there. Ofcourse William would find a place that was grand’er than harry. That’s when I assumed William wanted harry to leave. Now I bet William wants him back.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Does “overseas” include Jamaica? I’m pretty sure that’s over a large body of water too. Recollections may vary, my recollection is that he was fired live on tv due to the BRF’s “popularity”. Could be wrong?

  25. Snuffles says:

    “ On hit daytime show This Morning news review panelist Isla Traquair said, “Most of them (Americans) don’t really know who he is…I think he’s inoffensive to them.” In the list of names offered to those polled, Traquair said, William “was the best of a bad lot.”

    This. The majority of us don’t care or give him a second thought.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Snuffles, I agree. I was surprised it was stated. The bm needs to pick a lane. They actually think that claiming Meghan’s ‘Americaness’ endears Americans to them? What idiots.

      Does Wont want American dollars for HIS foundation? Is that what this is about even though he’s here supposedly for Earthsh!t?

      The one thing the bm is not taking into account is the fact that the Queen might have been of interest to some Americans, but I don’t think any of the rest of them are.

  26. tamsin says:

    The whole article is nauseating. Notice there is no mention of what their actual job is and what they are actually doing. Obviously the Nacho and Harry selfie really got under their skin. They wish that William had a good friend like Nacho who helps him raise serious money for Sentebale and is fun to be with. And two men who love their beautiful and accomplished wives. Mind you, I can’t imagine William as someone fun to be with or showing pride in Kate. William is developing into a very dour person.

  27. Vanessa says:

    I’m so confused William and the British establishment spent sevens years trashing America and now all suddenly William wants Americans to love him . He is truly a pathetic individual no one cares about him or Kate all his trip going to do his cost us tax players money and cause a traffic issue. Why is forcing himself on a country he doesn’t care about him no one wants him here since Harry and Meghan has been in the USA William has been in America twice when before he and Kate hasn’t shown up in the USA for decades. William is so obsessive with Harry Harry lives rent free in William mind while Meghan and Harry are thriving William is still obsession with beating Harry .

  28. JMOney says:

    If this had been a legitimate poll this would be all over celeb magazines here and plethora of websites. Instead its only on what The Daily Beast? This is Billy’s way of doing PR in the US since he doesn’t want to come over here to provide more evidence of his lack of popularity. The US is a big market for the UK hence the “special relationship” and it matters to the royals that their popularity be neutral at best in the US. Most people in the US don’t know and honestly don’t care about any royals.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      It’s a very one-sided relationship. There is almost no benefit to the usa anymore.

      And with covid most eastern seaboard cases originated in the uk! Trump didn’t close the airfields fast enough. I doubt england gets that same treatment during the next pandemic.

  29. Dee says:

    I read that as “quietly quitting the job” which is a lot more accurate.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      He did quit for a few years didn’t he. That makes the most sense. He quit so the palace made up all those “air ambulance” stories. William quit but needed money. So he briefed against harry so harry wouldn’t be considered a candidate.

      Kate never did the job so …. lol.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    The phrase “hasn’t put a foot wrong” — often uttered about Kate — is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. It’s so dumb and lazy (like W&K, really).

    • ⁷Tree says:

      She has put a foot wrong. Many times. She’s not political so she should be domestic. Not being able to fold baby clothes. Not being able to mix a crepe nor able to flip one. That’s putting a foot wrong. Lol. The crepe may have been to heavy but kate should’ve known that. It was pathetic.

    • Jaded says:

      They keep repeating that stupid trope of Kate “not putting a foot wrong”. Nothing could be so wrong. The bum-flashing? The Marilyn moments? The ill-prepared, mumbling idiocies when she had to do something substantive like her round table with Dr. Biden? Her catastrophic visit with Queen Margrethe? The white supremacy flop tour of the Caribbean? Her clear lack of interest, intelligence and involvement with her so-called charities that keep folding? Neither she nor her lazy blockhead of a husband are the least bit popular in America. Most Americans couldn’t give a toss for the BRF, they’re nothing more than a quaint and rather silly anachronism.

    • Eliora says:

      They paint Kate as a “Stepford wife” and then act as if she is aspirational to today’s modern woman. The BP needs to be so serious. Kate is not Barbie, at least not the modernized ones as portrayed in the 2023 blockbuster. She is instead what conservatives imagine a 1950s Barbie to be, vacuous and without an ounce of agency. The comparison, in the context of the article, is not a compliment but an insult.

    • To be fair, it wasn’t her foot that was put wrong during all those “underwear optional” “protocol sanctioned” official royal events she used to attend

  31. Mary Pester says:

    Quietly getting on with what? The job of taking tax payers money, the job of avoiding PAYING any tax, the job of playing action Ken to his wife’s inaction barbie? I love how they think this “poll” sorry, royal financed poll has relevance to real life? How many people took part compared you how many people live in America? Do they also want to talk about the 95,000 and rising “poll” (partition) to disband the monarchy? What will willy boy do then? Prance around in all the uniforms he didn’t earn?? Honest to god they make me sick, what next, will they pay the film industry people on strike to line up outside his hotel (as in rent a crowd) as opposed to the people who will just ignore him and carry on with their own lives, or can we expect some dodgy camera angles ala trump, to make a few hundred seem like a few thousand?

  32. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “There is huge affection for William because of Diana, and there is a sense that he is now living the happy ending that Diana never got—happily married and raising his children….I was in Boston for his last visit [also for the Earthshot Prize] and there were huge numbers of people there to see him.” Victoria Arbiter must be taking something that alters reality.

    I see that they’re determined to keep that MAGA base–or is the christian nationalists– with “William and Kate represent strong family values, stability, devotion to duty”. Devotion to duty. Alrighty then. But it goes on: —all in strong contrast to the constantly complaining, seemingly self-obsessed Sussexes.” Too many Americans have seen the docuseries and read Harry’s book to believe this. The rest could care less.

    There may be some of the MAGA base on site to welcome him. Anything is possible. Earthsh!t simply isn’t a thing here. He doesn’t have enough of a draw to make it a BIG thing. I suspect he wanted it to be as big as Invictus. I just don’t see that happening.

    Are there a lot of wealthy people flocking to see Wont and give him money? It’ll be interesting to see what kind of draw he has, because I just don’t see it. Unless they’re giving him money for personal favors in the UK. That would do it.

    • ⁷Tree says:

      I thought earthshot was real. After the award ceremony, I think it’s some sort of money scam. It could just be a pr campaign. Something is missing.

  33. Mslove says:

    Pegs is just another nepo baby who poses for photos, and puts his foot in his mouth because he’s a useless lump.

  34. Amy Bee says:

    This piece just confirmed that KP paid for that poll.

  35. Harper says:

    Sounds like the Firm was a tad bit worried that William was going to be held accountable for his assault on Harry and that it would affect donations to EarthStuff. So they commissioned this poll to tell the American deep pockets that no, there is no lasting negativity connected to Burger King beating up Harry and breaking the dog bowl, so here is our routing number and please send the money asap.

  36. Sarah Daniels says:

    I know Isla Traquair personally – and she’s right – I’m Canadian – I don’t think Americans have a clue in general about Peg and Buttons – except what they see in People magazine…

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Sarah Daniels, I agree with that statement. Although with Spare on the loose all over the Country what people know encompasses what’s in Harry’s book. I’ve helped that along when I loan my copy of the book to people. I like spreading it around.

  37. kelleybelle says:

    They still frothing at the mouth for American popularity. Good luck with that, especially after Spare. Such desperate dimwits. Wait ’til the Invictus Games, they’ll lose their minds at all the success and positivity.

  38. AC says:

    Not surprised as the Brits are already condescending towards Americans, they think they can also Control what we think. Imo the American royalist journalists are being paid by the BRF. I can think of a few US journalists being paid . Considering that both Biden and Trump favorability has always been below 50% it’s not a surprise even on this poll they cracked below 50% 🙄🙄. Ask random Americans out in the street if they want royalty back and want “Barbie” Kate for their Queen. You’ll get a very very different answer. Even the MAGAs would answer NO esp if they have to pay taxes for them 🤣
    These idiots no nothing about Americans and that’s a period.

  39. Well Wisher says:

    As a general statement – Is it correct to assume that he is that popular in the US? Most importantly – Why is this news??

    The money would have been better spent in therapy….

  40. Eliora says:

    Lmao this is so pathetic that is actually funny. Do they have any idea just how many people live in the USA? Millions. This poll, where barely 1000 people participated, didn’t even have William polling that well. He received a 37% overall favorability score. In other words he barely won and he was up against literal warlords. This is NOT a serve. This is sad and desperate. Trust and believe that very few Americans know who William and Kate are. Americans can’t even tell you the names of their own political leaders and these fools think they know W&K, foh. 🤣🤣🤣

  41. I feel very irritated with the palace public relations team forcing people to see Charles and Camilla, William and Kate as politically correct families. Charles cheated on Diana not only with Camilla, but also with other women. William has been acting like a divorced man, going out on his own, going to bars and dancing a lot, all away from Kate. When the two are together, it’s clear that he despises her. I doubt that Americans pay attention to William and also, if Americans were fanatical about perfect families, they would never have enriched the Kardashian family. In addition to all this, the excess of charisma and ability to deal with the public that Harry and Meghan have, William and Kate totally lack.

  42. Marivic says:

    William’s vanity poll. How much did he pay Gallup?

  43. jferber says:

    The “quiet part” is those two being on perpetual vacation. There IS no work part, depending, of course, how you define the word “is.”