Donald Trump got indicted in Georgia, Happy RICO Charges Day!

RICO charges, bitches!!! Donald Trump has now been indicted for a fourth time. It is truly a year-long Indictmas!! Donald Trump’s fourth indictment in thirteen months comes from the state of Georgia, and this is also about Trump’s criminal efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and ratf–k his way into a dictatorship. While Trump and his cronies pulled a lot of sh-t in a lot of states, Georgia was a special case, because the state-wide vote was so close and it took days to count every vote. Trump and his people were interfering with the election, tampering with the process at every level and colluding with local Republicans in Georgia in a massive criminal conspiracy. RICO charges, baby!!

Donald Trump was indicted in a fourth criminal investigation on Monday night, shortly after a Georgia prosecutor presented evidence to a grand jury regarding the former president’s efforts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results.

Through a majority vote, the 23-member jury revealed that they were ultimately convinced by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ case against Trump and his allies, signing off on her office’s proposed criminal charges after reviewing evidence and hearing testimony. The result was a 41-count, 98-page indictment covering 19 defendants.

Trump faces 13 felony counts: racketeering (violation of the Georgia RICO Act); three counts of solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer; conspiracy to commit personating a public officer; two counts conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree; two counts of conspiracy to commit false statements and writings; conspiracy to commit filing false documents; filing false documents; and two counts of false statements and writings.

The Fulton County charges bring him to a total of 91 criminal counts he’s been indicted on this year between the four investigations, several of which come with recommended prison time. If convicted of violating the Georgia RICO Act — classified a step above felony, as a “serious felony” — Trump would face a mandatory minimum sentence of five years.

Eighteen allies were also charged, including former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows; former Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, Bob Cheeley, Ray Smith III and Kenneth Chesebro; former assistant U.S. attorney general Jeffrey Clark; former Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer; and current Georgia state Sen. Shawn Still. Additional defendants include a GOP strategist, local elections officials, an Atlanta bail bondsman, a publicist, an Illinois pastor and a onetime congressional candidate.

After the indictment was processed on Monday night, Willis said that she would request a trial date within six months with the goal of trying all 19 defendants together.

[From People]

This Georgia indictment is probably the coolest one of all because this time, they really will frog-march that ratf–king treasonous monster to booking, where he will be fingerprinted, weighed and photographed for his mug shot. Might I suggest a mandatory delousing and a wig removal? Another fun fact is that Georgia allows television cameras in court, so his trial in the state will be televised.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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121 Responses to “Donald Trump got indicted in Georgia, Happy RICO Charges Day!”

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  1. Smile says:

    These charges will stick!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      And leave a mark!

    • Duchess of Corolla says:

      I hope they will, but I will believe it when I see it. This monster oozes his way out of everything. He is disgusting, and seemingly impossible to stop. If he actually receives any meaningful punishment, I will be amazed.

      Everything crossed, because he needs to be gone. If he isn’t stopped, if he somehow gets back in office…I can’t even.

  2. AmyB says:

    This is a perfect indictment. Some people are saying it’s the best indictment ever, the likes of which have never been seen before.

    Bravo Fani Willis!!

    We may see supply shortages again as these trials commence….for popcorn 🍿 🤣

  3. NJGR says:

    He’ll be so upset that a Black woman is doing this to him! (happy sigh)

    • ThatsNotOkay says:

      He already is and is calling her “racist.” Oh, the projection. The absolute deflection projection.

    • AmyB says:

      Don’t forget the Judge in his case in DC is also a Black woman – he will not be able to contain his racist rage. It is glorious to see this criminal con man finally start to see the justice he deserves!!! I know it is hardly over yet, but these cases are strong, and kudos to Fani Willis here – she did incredible work for the last couple of years putting this together.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        YES!!!! Brava to Fani Willis as she is bringing him down!! And she isn’t taking any shit from him or his band of merry minions either!!!!

      • Jaded says:

        As is Letitia James, the NY AG going after Drumph in the $250 million financial fraud case. Oh my, oh my, the irony is delicious!!!

  4. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Kanye West’s former publicist is among the indictees. LOL!

  5. Twin Falls says:

    Let’s go!!!

  6. seaflower says:

    Go Fani!

  7. Flowerlake says:

    The crazy part is that MAGA call it a witch hunt by the Democrats, while Republicans are the ones lining up to testify against him

    • Juju says:

      I was at dinner last night with my SIL and her idiot boyfriend who was like “criminalizing your political opponents is Communism” . I couldn’t hold back! I replied “not if they are a career criminal that’s repeatedly breaking the law. Just because he was president once doesn’t give him life long immunity from consequences!” He lives his life spouting that rules don’t apply to him, but the law applies to everyone and he tried to pull off a con that was too high profile and the consequences are coming for him.

      • Kitten says:

        No but really WTF is he talking about? Is he talking about The Great Purge? Stalin wasn’t a communist–he was a dictator who hid behind communism in his quest to establish despotism. And Marx didn’t believe in criminalizing his political opponents simply because they held opposing views.

        It’s effin scary how many people throw around the term “communist” or “socialist” while having absolutely ZERO understanding of the history behind those terms. And I doubt that will improve given red states’ obsession with destroying public schools and re-writing history.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    Lock him up! Lock him up!

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    I can’t believe that HRC was on with Maddow at the very moment the indictments came down. Wish I could have seen that. Having worked on both of her campaigns, I think I have PTSD and could use her reaction as therapy.

    • Truthiness says:

      Clips are on youtube. Hillary had been scheduled long ago to talk about an article she just wrote, the Weaonization of Loneliness. It’s such a great interview, she laughed at the circumstances that forced her to comment.

  10. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m just so excited to see which of his confederates roll on him. Any bets who goes first? Meadows or Giuliani?

    • Jen says:

      I’d assumed Meadows had already flipped to the feds to avoid charges there. So my money is on him flipping here, too.

      • AmyB says:

        Isn’t Mark Meadows cooperating with Jack Smith in the Jan 6th case? I think many of these people will flip – RICO charges face a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years.

      • Trillion says:

        and no option of a pardon!

      • Jaded says:

        Even if Meadows has flipped he’ll still be facing charges, but they won’t be a severe.

    • Truthiness says:

      There’s an unindicted 20th co conspirator who has already flipped and the guessing games are ON IT to figure it out. Someone guessed Jared, we don’t know. As this trial will most likely be televised, we’ll get to see the drama 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

      • Raspin says:

        There are 30 unindicted coconspirators. I’m guessing more than one has or will flip.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        I was hoping to see Lindsay Graham’s name so I wonder if he’s a [currently] unindicted co-conspirator based on how he’s squealing his pro-Trump BS because they’re leaning on him

  11. Seraphina says:

    They moved quickly last night. I tried to stay up and hear the names. Hearing her name them one by one (especially the first 4 was like eating a really decadent cake – piece by piece).
    Now two things worry me – he could ask for the trial to be heard at the federal level – that means no cameras. Which would be a huge loss to the optics since last night we were all glued to the TV sets and will add validity to his deplorable actions.
    And two, Georgia past a law that they can remove a prosecuting attorney. Not sure how it works but many are saying that won’t happen. I don’t know. This man has made a deal with devil and is able to slither his way out of crap the rest of us would be in jail for.
    Lastly, Princess Ivanka and Souless Jared are named NO WERE. Are they cooperating witnesses?????

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Jared and Ivanka did all sorts of dirty deeds but I think they were smart enough to disappear as soon as Trump lost the election. They need to be investigated and prosecuted as unreported foreign agents for all those shady offshore payoffs.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        Yup. Ivana and Jared were the two biggest thieves right behind Drumpf. They both deserve to be investigated, prosecuted and jailed as well.

        We all know that Jared walked out of the WH with loads of cash from their time in the WH!! They need to be prosecuted as well. They are just as complicit as her father is, and well Jared’s father as well.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I don’t think either of them were involved in the Georgia or Arizona shenanigans. Princess Nagini of the Most Sacred Horcruxed Vagina was most definitely involved in the plotting of January 6, going so far as to tweet support to the terrorists as it was happening; arguing with those who challenged her, and deleting all of it when it was clear Pence and Pelosi had escaped and the terrorists would not succeed with their coup. Jared Riddle spent much of the post election period in the Middle East making arms deals he called peace accords, enriching himself, and giving away the the Western Sahara – something which every single president since George Washington avoided getting involved with.

    • Truthiness says:

      About removing Fani Willis: MSNBC had the previous GA attorney general on, who is very Republican. He said she is a very solid hard working DA, he respects her a lot. The Georgia Republicans f-king hate Trump for the mess he brought.

      • Seraphina says:

        I hope you are correct and heard something close to that – BUT MTG is from Georgia and she has a very strong hold on that area. Granted it may be small but she is crazy and poses a significant threat along as she has McCarthy wrapped around her finger. I I hope I am wrong.

      • Truthiness says:

        I don’t blame you, that new Georgia law is scary. If they were going to remove her though, it would be done and dusted long before this. The high ranking Republicans in Georgia are so pissed at Trump, he put them in danger of Maga crazies retaliating.

  12. Aimee says:

    Every day I wake up and check my phone to see if the f$&ker has kicked the bucket. But I’ll take this too.

    • Seraphina says:

      I’m really surprised he hasn’t had a stroke or something. What he is facing is no laughing matter and let’s be honest – he isn’t in the best shape and he is older.

    • Pip says:

      He’s a narcissist & in my current lived experience narcissists live forever :-/ Either because they know it pisses us off or just because they never worry about anyone else so have far less stress in their lives.

      Surely one of these cases will bring him down for good ….?

    • tealily says:

      I’m taking bets on Giuliani. I feel like he probably won’t make it to court.

    • maisie says:

      You and me both, Aimee. However, I’m almost equally convinced he’ll go on the lam before he is actually tried. Remember: his buddies Putin, MBS, Erdogan, Netanyahu, etc. are equally aware that he has dirt on them, and rather than allowing him to spill it to the Feds (as he’s stupid and has no self control), they may well “spirit him away to safety.” Heh. If only. Wonder if those guys feel the same way about Ivanka and Jared? Interesting thought. This is all very Godfather-y but on an international level (and make no mistake: Trump is Fredo, Jared is Tessio, Ivanka is Clemenza).

  13. Becks1 says:

    happy RICO day!!!

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person…..

  14. ML says:

    One of the few times I will say thank you to Raffensperger.
    Now Go get him and his crew!

  15. Linney says:

    Great news, and it sounds like the Georgia prosecutors are precise and brilliant. There is no doubt in my mind his “loyal” co-defendants will be squawking like parrots. It’s one thing to pledge loyalty to a dangerous, racist, fascist nut; it’s another to be willing to go to prison for him. Still, I am skeptical. I have gotten my hopes up too many times that justice will be served. It also blows my mind that a chunk of the population believe in him one hundred percent and that he is the current Republican frontrunner. Very few top Republicans are speaking out against him. What is wrong with these people? Don’t they understand what they are doing to this country and that they are destroying their own party? Yes, I get they are racist pigs who want an all white, Christian country operating as if we live in the 1950’s, but even so, the support he gets blows my mind. I was speaking recently with a Trump supporter (hard to do without things getting ugly), and he said he absolutely believes it is a witch hunt. He said, “If they didn’t investigate Hilary over her emails, why are they doing this to Trump?” When I replied that Hilary WAS investigated over the emails, he said, “Not really. And what about Hunter Biden?” I mean, there is no reasoning with these people.

    • Giddy says:

      I stayed up last night to hear Fani read out the indictments. It was glorious. My only disappointment was that I had hoped she would also nail Lindsey Graham for his attempts to change the Georgia vote. But it was still wonderful.

      • BothSidesNow says:

        @ Giddy, that was one snake that was unfortunately not included. I was miffed that his ass wasn’t hung up with the rest of them…..

      • MsIam says:

        Maybe Lindsey is the unindicted co-conspirator. His ass was all up in this.

  16. SarahCS says:

    I don’t know much about the US legal system but ‘racketeering’ seems so appropriate for him (even if it probably doesn’t mean what it sounds like to me). Everything in his life has been a grift and a racket, he’s done nothing legitimate and may finally have to face some consequences.

    • Jaded says:

      Basically, racketeering means to commit, attempt to commit or to solicit, coerce or intimidate someone else to commit to an unlawful act.

    • maisie says:

      Please. Racketeering doesn’t begin to cover it. Those of us who lived in NYC during his days of attempting to dismantle the city knew perfectly well who he was: a gonif, a grifter, a megalomaniac, a proud and unrepentant racist, an abuser of women, an idiot, a fameho and a welscher on charity pledges, a wannabe mobster and a real criminal who cheated people, never paid his debts, and bragged after 9/11 that his “building was now the tallest in Manhattan” (yes, this was what he took away from the most horrific tragedy ever to occur on US soil) . No one would listen to us. And here we are at last.

  17. The Hench says:

    American Celebitches – am I right in understanding that because these indictments are at the State level, even if Trump won in 2024, he couldn’t pardon himself out of them like he could the Jan 6th trial?

    • CrazyHeCallsMe says:

      Yes. These are state charges and cannot be pardoned at the federal level. Also, by Georgia state law, the Governor has no power to pardon the conviction.

    • Ana says:

      That is correct!

      • Chantal says:

        @CrazyHeCallsMe That’s wonderful news!

        @Lara I’m not sure. I know that unfortunately there aren’t any laws preventing him from running for prez while imprisoned but I don’t know how he could possibly serve as prez or if the Repubs who are too afraid to withdraw support for him now will continue that support if he’s convicted of any of these crimes. How will our govt deal with a prez who as a convict shouldn’t get any type of security clearance and who will spill any and all secrets for the right price and/or to protect his hide? Will the warden, the guards and other prison officials have to be given top level security clearance too bc of how heavily scrutinized he and any correspondence and packages would have to be? What about the “all prison calls are recorded and mail opened and visitors documented” protocols? I would imagine that TPTB (the powers that be) are already thinking of contingency plans for this possible logistical and high level national security nightmare. The White House would be replaced and renamed The Big House or the Jail House as the formal residence! Where would State visits with world leaders and foreign dignitaries be held? Will they have to paint his toilet and other fixtures gold? Where will the Secret Service sleep? Nightmare! And we know that the MAGAs would jump thru any hoops to re-elect this moron but would the more sanely self serving and selfish Repubs really allow the US to become a laughingstock on the world stage by allowing an imprisoned wanna be dictator convict be prez/commander-in-chief of the mighty US armed forces?

        And on top of all of the possible convictions he faces, Trump should also be worried about his probably impending imprisonment regardless of location bc he’s made a lot of very powerful enemies, both foreign and domestic.

      • Roan Inish says:

        If Trump is convicted and sentenced to jail, that should be sufficient reason to cancel his SS protection and any courtesy security clearances that ex-presidents are usually accorded. He grifted before he became President, he continued to grift throughout his presidency and has done nothing but grift post-presidency. Lord let him be sent to prison and never heard from again.

    • LBB says:

      You are correct! And in the state of Georgia the Governor also can’t pardon him if he is convicted. A beautiful thing, this man will see jail finally!

    • The Hench says:

      Woohoo! That gladdens my heart. Thanks for the replies all – I was worried he would slither out of all his charges if he managed to delay trials long enough to get elected. Good to know he can’t with these.

  18. Bumblebee says:

    The best part for me is that they are treating him like everybody else. All 19 indicted together. All 19 expected to turn themselves in. All 19 with the same trial date. Not so special any more, is he? Trump is going to freak out and his fellow rats are going to flee the ship.

    • HoofRat says:

      I’m astonished that Trump and Ghouliani’s passports haven’t been seized, as it seems they would be a significant flight risk. ‘Course, where would they go? Trump’s certainly outlived his usefulness to Russia and Saudi Arabia. I’d let them flee, but only together to a treeless island with no Diet Coke, phone service or means of escape.

  19. Jais says:

    Fani Willis!

  20. Jessica says:

    I am filled with such glee this morning. I didn’t see it last night, then saw the guy on TikTok with champagne for each indictment and he ran over and got a RICO bottle, so then I ran to google. What a great day! CNN said he has 91 charges across all 4 indictments… like, he’s totally innocent y’all!! (/s)

  21. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Fani is a boss. She used their full government names. 😂🤣😂

  22. ACB says:

    Fani is not playing with him, but as of this morning, he’s trying to move it out of Fulton County. Could he think most of us POC would vote against him? He has 13 counts, he cannot be pardoned, and according to our news this morning here in Atlanta, there will be some mug shots. I LOVE THIS FOR HIM!

  23. JEB says:

    I’ve heard some people say he can’t go to prison, “because Secret Service”! Uh, if he’s convicted of crimes against the American people and government, won’t he be stripped of his Secret Service detail? Why would we American taxpayers pay for that anymore? And if it’s a safety in prison issue, put him in solitary with a 24/7-problem solved. LOCK HIM UP!

    • JEB says:

      *24/7 guard

      • Raspin says:

        Regular prison guards get to to go home and night. There’s no reason why the Secret Service can’t pull shifts inside of the prison.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:


      That is something that is infuriating to me. If a president (current or former) is convicted of breaking any anti-America laws (treason, sedition, subverting the will of the people in any way, feeding crappy hamberders to athletes, whatever…) they should lose all government benefits including pension, health insurance, protection details, all of it.

      Any time an American commits treason, in any way, it’s bad. But for a *president* to do it should result in life in prison.

      • Traveller says:

        Why would any criminal ex-president be allowed continued benefits – at all?! IMO, it a WORSE form of betrayal for the leader of this country to commit these criminal acts than a common citizen.
        If this is so, it is an important loophole to plug……post haste!

  24. Lucy2 says:

    Wohoo! I’m home recovering from an unexpected surgery, and this is great news to help me heal!

    • BothSidesNow says:

      @ Lucy2, get better soon and I do hope that the news of RICO Day makes you smile and happier all day long!! Sending you virtual hugs and excellent juju too!!

    • tealily says:

      Ah! You get to lay on the couch and watch the news all day! Feel better, I’m sure this will help!

  25. Rapunzel says:

    He is freaking out on social media, claiming he will release a report on Monday completely exonerating him.

    RICO has him shook. Truly shook.

  26. Trillion says:

    On one hand, I am loving the memes. On the other – this is dark and very serious shit. Dead serious. This is no consensual oral sex in the White House stuff. Or even Watergate. If we don’t come together to at least some degree and come away stronger, better, and healthier, we are so truly F&%#ed. A lot of people need to either take hard looks at themselves and find the light, or go crawl under rocks to remove themselves from the society with whom they refuse to acknowledge even the bare minimum contract.

  27. Donna says:

    Well, his legal fees just jumped up astronomically, especially if he tries to pay for co-defendants so they don’t flip. I don’t think any amount of donations can cover all the fees and still pay for a campaign. Poor broke Trump. I love it

  28. tealily says:

    And a happy RICO charges day to you too! I was about to go to bed when I saw the news break on social media. Tuned in to the press conference and went to bed giddy! I keep thinking of that Justin Jones quote, “we are in the find out portion of our movement.” Perfection!

  29. Dawn says:

    Can we make his indictments a national holiday i.e. Happy Indictment Day, Happy Indictmas, Happy HalloIndictmentween….Happy the MFer is In Jail Day….Open to suggestions….

  30. LarkspurLM says:

    Rico (not) Suave!

    I keep singing this song in my head 😉

    Go Fani!

  31. Saschafrom76 says:

    I’m pronouncing the charges the way he pronounced Pwerrto RicO and it is bringing me a lot of joy highly recommend

  32. BeanieBean says:

    Whoop whoop!!! Racketeering charges!!!!

  33. Eve Vane says:

    The best part of his legal woes is he is unable to find a lawyer willing to defend him due to years of not paying his bills.
    He once tried to pay a lawyer with a horse.
    This is fitting bc an expensive lawyer would have probably tried to get him off on a technicality or try to plead down the charges in some way.
    He’s stuck with the bottom of the barrel. To call them ambulance chasers would be to fancy a title for this group.
    On the other hand if he had the best he would sabotage his defense by going on his Truth Social with his insane rants.
    I hope he keeps ranting himself right into jail until his trails starts.

  34. Kitten says:

    LOVE to see it. Dude must be losing what’s left of that tiny brain watching all the walls crumble around him. I just hope he brings all of his corrupt enablers with him.

  35. Jaded says:

    Seeing him in handcuffs will bring me great joy. I really hope he’s held at the very least on home arrest and at the very best in jail so he can’t continue campaigning and spewing bile.

  36. Aidee Kay says:

    I am over the moon today. This feeling will be surpassed only when that motherf–ker is convicted and jailed.

  37. Sunny O says:

    Trump is the new RICO Suave.

  38. Hannah says:

    Happy RICO Day. I might not know much about the USA legal system, but I know I’m scared asf of RICO (& the IRS)
    Surely this 🤡 now has more criminal indictment’s than 95% of actual incarcerated criminals. Congratulations Georgia

  39. Midnight@theOasis says:

    A dear friend practices law in Atlanta and was livid when Georgia enacted its RICO law. Georgia wrote its RICO law so it was easier to charge and convict young black men. Never was it intended to be used as Fani Willis used it. Oh what a tangled web was weaved😂

    • CrazyHeCallsMe says:

      One of those wonderfully rare moments when the United States long history of racism comes for a white man.

    • tealily says:

      Love to see it!

    • ChristineM says:

      Oh I did not know that @Midnight@theOasis. Knowing a strong black woman turned the tables on this white MF that was originally to punish the black man, that is Chef’s Kiss. I’m so happy right now knowing that so TFS!

      PS, Love your user name too 😉

  40. AC says:

    It will be even better when he actually (and hopefully) goes to Jail.

  41. Mrs. Smith says:

    What a day!!! I hope Donny saw Hillary on MSNBC with that huge grin — that’s a trigger. Ooh, what else, Fani stating that everyone charged have until next Friday to turn themselves in (!). Sweet, sweet schadenfreude. And honestly, those fake GA electors POS are toast. You know they have zilch info to flip. They may plead guilty for a reduced sentence, but that’s still gonna be years in prison.

  42. Wannabefarmer says:

    Ahhhh, the sweet smell of a mugshot. Finally.

  43. DaisyMay says:

    “Mandatory delousing” 🤣

  44. bisynaptic says:

    #LockHimUp ❤️

  45. LaurenW says:

    What great news!! Karma has come it big time and getting her dues from the orange menace. 91 charges is astronomical!!!

  46. Agreatreckoning says:

    These are beautiful RICO charges. Nobody knows more about RICO charges than Donald Trump.

    The way Fani enunciated their full names and other names they go by was beautiful. I hope this leads Trump to spending time behind big, beautiful prison walls. Seeing Trump in an orange suit will be a beautiful thing.

    It’s still beautiful news on the 2nd day of Indictmas.