“Mindy Kaling went to InStyle’s (un-branded) Day of Indulgence?” links

I think Heather is correct here and InStyle’s Day of Indulgence has been rebranded (or un-branded) so as to fly under the radar. [GFY]
That Selena Gomez photo has become a great meme. [Buzzfeed]
Lori Harvey can really wear anything. [RCFA]
Review of Red, White and Royal Blue. [LaineyGossip]
Bryan Johnson’s youth-quest has got him looking sickly & old. [Pajiba]
Kelly Rowland looks amazing in Georges Hobeika. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Matthew McConaughey’s son Levi looks so much like his mom & dad. [JustJared]
Southern gay folks are amazing. [Towleroad]
Genie Bouchard will do anything but play tennis. [Egotastic]
Is Whoopi Goldberg leaving The View? [Seriously OMG]
Madonna has new tour dates. [Socialite Life]

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29 Responses to ““Mindy Kaling went to InStyle’s (un-branded) Day of Indulgence?” links”

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  1. Lisa says:

    I have truly lost all respect for mindy. After how she ended Never Have I ever: i just can’t buy her pro girl love yourself crap. I mean seriously she promotes a teen girl of color going with an emotionally abusive white boy that is a horrible message to send young girls. So sick.

    Not to mention the story of Lee pace and whatever happened with Renee rapp

    • Roan Inish says:


    • Jeannine says:

      Oh my God! I lost respect for her about the alleged Ozempic usage and not owning up to it. Now this! And by this I mean the Lee Pace story, which I have not read until now. Yes, he’s hot, but body autonomy, Mindy! And threatening your staff?! Nice hostile workplace.

      • Lisa says:

        Yeah I saw her producing some doc about sexual assault and all the comments being like we just ignoring what happened on the mindy project so I googled and was shocked about the Lee pace story and her reaction to her staff.

        And I do really have issues with her need to put vibrant smart women of color with white men who abuse them. Doing it on Never have I ever a show about a girl finding her who worth, when they literally had exponentially more popular couple with a man of color who built her up just felt to sick for me. Like what kind of message does she want to send?

        But then when you add in what she did to Lee maybe she just doesn’t believe in respect, kindness etc.

        It’s sad because she is talented but her obsession with being part of the White boys club damages her work.

      • Coco says:

        The fact that Mindy thought that story was cute/funny and didn’t see a problem with it makes me think she does it on the regular.

    • Jenn says:

      Pretty sure it was based on real-life events (after high school, Mindy went to Dartmouth while BJ Novak went to Harvard). I liked the show a lot and didn’t read the leads’ rapport as toxic, but that’s still no endorsement of Devi’s “situationship” happening in real life.

      • Lisa says:

        It was toxic no other way to describe it but toxic and abusive. And to ignore what happened in that show with those two characters is supporting sending toxic messages to young girls.

        Also Mindy didn’t know BJ Novak until they worked on the office it was in no way based on real life.

    • Normades says:

      I dunno. I liked the ending of Never have I ever because it showed that Ben truly was in love with her at the end. Paxton matured into his own person.

      • Lisa says:

        Ben didn’t love her at all come on. He was a horrible abusive jerk to her until the last episode. And never cared or saw Devi as a person just what she could do for him.

        While she should have ended up with Paxton from a narrative and audience interest perspective. I truly don’t care about that, I care about the message that Ben liked, loved or cared about Devi and was a healthy option. He didn’t and wasn’t. He is an emotional abuser, who mocked her grief, told the entire school she lied about her paralysis to get attention, called her ugly and when called out on this BLAMED HER FOR HIS BEHAVIOR. He then was horrific to Aneesa and used her to hurt Devi and make her feel small, and when she didn’t fit his needs he made Aneesa feel like trash. This is not a boy that is worth a damn, or should be held up as someone who cares about you or is healthy. To promote that to young girls is vile, inexcusable and why so many women end up in abusive relationships.

        The boy that pulls your pig tail doesn’t do it because he likes you, he does it because he wants to make you feel small and control you.

        Then you add in what she did on SLOCG and the Lee Pace and it is impossible to ignore that she is a problematic person.

      • kirk says:

        I haven’t watched last season of Never Have I Ever, but comments here make it sound like high school? Dunno.

        Never heard about her getting fresh with the Galactic Emperor Daddy on Mindy Project, trying to catch up 😳

  2. ClaireB says:

    Why is InStyle’s Day of Rich People Nonsense being held outside someone’s garage?

    • DaveW says:

      And the 1%r’s private Ed Sheeran concert in the Hamptons over the weekend. Poor rich folks looked so hot and sweaty, they’re just like us. 🙄

  3. DaveW says:

    The more I read about Bryan Johnson…whoa! His rules for anyone he dates are wild, though based on his schedule and when you’d be permitted to interact you wouldn’t actually have to spend much time with him. And he stopped using his son as a forced blood donor, so yay.

    But all that money still can’t prevent his hair from going gray. Also all that money and race to retain his youth, you’d think he’d splurge on a good colorist and stylist.

    • BW says:

      It reminds me of Charlotte Collins from Pride & Prejudice. She contrives to spend as little time as possible with Mr. Collins by encouraging his hobbies (bee keeping and writing sermons and whatever). So she has a contented life and she’s well taken care of, and she just has to avoid her husband as much as possible.

  4. Nlopez says:

    Can’t stand Mindy or her brother . He pretended to be Black and got into med school.

    • Little Red says:

      That is so messed up. I wonder what it was like growing up in their family.

      I know many first-generation Indian immigrants like to think of themselves as “honorary” white people and how they are better than THOSE people AKA all black people and other immigrants since many come here with advanced degrees and English proficiency.

    • Roast says:

      Camala Harris is counted as black, and she is primarily Indian (which an English-Jamaican father). She says she was brought up as a black girl, and doesn’t make the distinction of where her “blackness” comes from…just that it was the tone of her skin.

  5. Reborn Rich says:

    I adore Mindy’s dress. Let’s see. I view Mindy K as an extremely talented woman who has internalized white supremacist ideas about herself and men. This issue is persistent in her work. Because I love so much about her work, I will not write her off because I hope she will grow in her critique and self love.

    When people on here knew how problematic Brad Pitt was, folks still cheered him on. Yet a brown woman who has blazed a unique path is held to a higher standard. MK has many years to grow and change. I want that for her and all who care about her work.

    • tealily says:

      Who exactly is cheering Brad Pitt on?

    • Coco says:

      No one is holding Mindy to a higher standard to Pitt and who on here is cheering him on.

      Are ok with Mindy sexually assaulting not only her employee but her coworker and then threatening to fire staff if they tell anyone about it when they told her what she did was wrong?

    • Lisa says:

      I am sorry but this is a joke. I have given Mindy years of passes, I defended her against all the critiques about Mindy Project, but seriously it has been decades of her being called out about her obsession with abusive toxic white men and her lack of respect for people of color. At a certain point you have to admit you don’t want to learn and grow, and you aren’t open to feedback. Feedback that is coming from real places with people. And when she writes shows about adults fine whatever, not great but adults, but to write multiple shows targeted at young people and to have those same young women end up with the men that call them ugly, mock their grief and need for mental health and use other Indian women to belittle and hurt them or say they lied about their sexual assault it is not ok. It is vile.

      She went on a talk show and admitted to at minimum sexual harassment and employee intimidation. It is not wrong to call that out, and I am sorry but there is something amiss in this situation because almost all of her shows have insane turnover including usually losing a lead. There is a common link and it is worth looking at.

      I think she is very talented but there is no reason to give her a pass for her behavior at this point, especially when she has received nuanced and fair critiques.

      • Reborn Rich says:

        This is so over the top. That is what is ridiculous. Turning MK into a villain is truly bizarre. Showing her no grace is messed up–but not surprising.

        Turn your wrath on someone truly deserving.

      • Lisa says:

        Wow Reborn, you need to calm down. No one is turning Mindy into a villain they are pointing out FACTS!!!

        Facts that at no point can you dispute. In fact you said worse about her than anyone here. You said she held white suprematist ideals. I didn’t say that, I said she doesn’t listen to real critiques of her work that are valid and problematic. I’d say the same thing about Tina Fey. She doesn’t want to learn and grow and promotes dangerous and problematic ideals in her shows. Which have been called out by many people and she doubles down and ignores. That isn’t learning and growing or taking in feedback.

        I have shown her grace for decades. I defended her against all this crap with Mindy Project, I have defended her on this site when people attack her relationship with BJ. However, there is no defending what she did with Lee Pace and her staff when they let her know it was wrong. Another proof point she doesn’t want to learn and grow.

        However, I think you taking this approach of going after people saying we aren’t showing grace when you said she was a subscriber to white supremacist ideals is a bit much.

        However, if you want to discuss what I said (which did not turn Mindy into a villain i use to be a massive fan but have started liking her a lot less because of these issues) and try and dispute the facts I have stated go for it, but something tells me you can’t because you know it is true.

  6. Juls says:

    Thank you for the gay southerners link! If any Celebitches here aren’t familiar with Trae Crowder, please check him out! His Rants on Facebook are awesome.

    McConaughey’s son Levi looks like Oscar Isaac!

  7. VoominVava says:

    Oh, come on. Genie has been playing tennis, she just didn’t get past qualifying in Montreal so she did some commentary for the tournament. (She also had surgery on her elbow a year or so ago) Why do we hold these players to such high standards like it’s so easy that they just decide to win a tournament / match? I see so many tennis ‘fans’ post awful comments on the players’ social media, I just don’t get it. Off my soapbox, I just feel defensive of them. They work hard to be where they are and only a handful win consistently.

  8. Honoria Glossop says:

    While I think Mindy is bright, I don’t think she’s the strong feminist she thinks she is portraying. She really seems to need a lot of validation from white men and even white women. Not sure why that is …given how bright she is.