“Mr. K apologized to Angelina Jolie about the tattoo kerfuffle” links

Mr. K explained Angelina Jolie’s new finger ink and apologized to Jolie for accidentially starting all of those rumors. [Just Jared]
Jennifer Lawrence & I will bring back palazzo pants. [Go Fug Yourself]
Women describe how the Red Pillification of men has affected them. [Buzzfeed]
President Bartlett turned up at a SAG-AFTRA strike! [LaineyGossip]
Crown Princess Victoria wore H&M Conscious. [RCFA]
The live-action Little Mermaid gets the Honest Trailer treatment. [OMG Blog]
Swifties are mad at a Taylor Swift look-alike. [Pajiba]
Drew Barrymore’s stalker was arrested outside her home. [Socialite Life]
Kim Cattrall’s cameo showed the fans what And Just Like That should have been, but wasn’t because of Sarah Jessica Parker’s ego. [Jezebel]
Ed Sheeran should have called his album Pumpkin Spice. [Seriously OMG]
Trendspotting: a lot of Canadian tuxedo energy these days. [Egotastic]
Dear Abby got a question about bisexuality. [Towleroad]

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24 Responses to ““Mr. K apologized to Angelina Jolie about the tattoo kerfuffle” links”

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  1. BeanieBean says:

    I’ve never seen an Honest Trailer before. That was spot on!

    • Mia4s says:

      The Honest Trailer series is honestly (heh) pretty great. And very funny.

      All I know about the Little Mermaid rehash was the five year old girl I brought got restless and pretty bored several times. It was dull, visually and otherwise. And made too long by unneeded (and some outright BAD) additions. Get your act together Disney.

      • Normades says:

        Halle Bailey was the best thing about the movie. Afterwards you’re right it was boring and I fell asleep during one of the underwater numbers.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    I didn’t know that there was a kerfuffle regarding Angelina’s new tattoos.

    That Taylor Swift look a like needs to chill.

    That person stalking Drew went from the city to Hamptons to harass her. I hope that she has lockdown security for her and her family.

  3. Scout says:

    Can anyone direct me to the full story on SJP and Kim Cattrall?

    • Mia4s says:

      In short?….nope. 😁

      It gets danced around by all parties involved. My guess is the full story won’t be told until one or both main parties are long gone.

    • Murphy says:

      The full story is SJP is a tyrant who owns the entire cast, except Kim.

    • Mocha says:

      You can start by reading the NY Post article “Inside the mean-girls culture that destroyed ‘Sex and the City'”. Team Kim all the way!

  4. Twin Falls says:

    I’m glad he was arrested. How scary for Drew Barrymore.

  5. Lorelei says:

    That Buzzfeed article…YIKES

    • Lady D says:

      That was sick and scary as hell at the same time. It also made me sad.

    • Ange says:

      The amount of men who are now completely comfortable demanding a ‘submissive’ woman on their dating profiles is genuinely scary. They’re so emboldened now, and why wouldn’t they be? Everything out there in society right now is reinforcing their beliefs that women are less than.

    • CruzMom says:

      Same!!! All of it kind of freaked me out, to be honest. I’ve been married to a wonderful (formerly?) liberal man for 20 years, but I swear I’m starting to hear red pill dog whistles here and there. The issue is that I’m the working parent and he is a stay at home dad. I have always been much more into my education and career than he was, so when we had our daughter, we could afford for one parent to stay home and it made sense that it would be him. Then we had our son, who has multiple disabilities, and it was no longer an option to have 2 full time working parents. It still made sense – I made more money, he hated his job, and he loved being a dad and homemaker. And he’s really good at it! I’m often jealous, to be honest. But I’m also totally in love with him and the family and life we’ve created. But no joke, in the last 6-12 months, he has started to say things like how hard things are for guys (when I continue to face completely unhinged sexism in my corporate workplace). He’s even sent me Jordan Peterson podcasts and said he loves RFK Jr. It’s so startling, it’s hard to describe. I’m trying to handle it with kid gloves. I mean, I understand our lives are probably not what we fully expected (although, in many ways, they are better), but it’s hard to understand why he is now feeling so emasculated 12 years in. I’m hoping he will soon realize he’s cheering for a team he wants nothing to do with, but it’s really scary to think of this incel bullsh-t working its way into our lives.

  6. Justwastingtime says:

    My 14 yo Swiftie-obsessed daughter saw the Taylor Swift lookalike at a third LA mall (Century City) last weekend. Unlike what happened at the malls listed, I think most of the shoppers immediately knew it wasn’t Taylor Swift. According to my daughter they mocked her for her faux bodyguard who looked really young.

    My daughter was not amused in the slightest.

    • DK says:

      I can’t believe I watched the Fake TS’s tik tok video explanation of it, but I did (and I will never get those 5 minutes back – so much “I don’t care what you think,” while clearly enough to make both a Tik Tok & Instagram essay-length post in response).

      However, she does reference something to the effect of “I don’t follow Taylor’s every move so I didn’t realize what was happening at that time” [i.e., something that was going on while she was at one (or both or all?) of the malls] – does your daughter (or anyone else here?) know what that means? Did she do something more than annoy fans by just copycatting TS? Like did she undermine something Taylor was doing at that same time, or cause actual danger or something?

      • Nicole r says:

        From the article-

        It didn’t help that, earlier that weekend, Taylor-obsessives ambushed the singer at Jack Antonoff and Margaret Qualley’s New Jersey wedding, where she was a guest.

  7. Sass says:

    People in the AJLC comments comparing Carrie to Meghan and accusing them of becoming “uppity” more or less, 😵‍💫

    As for Ashley, honey you’re not an actor. You’re an impersonator. Like all the Marilyn and Elvis impersonators. That’s fine. Don’t try to call yourself something you aren’t.

  8. Jess says:

    I think it’s insane that all fan groups can’t help but mentioning either Brad or Angelina or Jen in a disparaging way whenever either one of them is being talked about. They have all moved on.

  9. Kip says:

    Does anyone know the designer of Angelina’s rings/ jewellery in the infamous middle finger tattoo photo? I’m dying to know who the designer of her amazing rings is… can’t find any info anywhere online

  10. saltandpepper says:

    So happy tattoo issue has been sorted, good grief. Of course AJ isn’t that petty. They look beautiful by the way, very delicate.

  11. Ann h says:

    Bet she’ll never step through their door again. I hope flutterlips for attention guy loses business. He shouldn’t be talking about his clients at all.

  12. kel says:

    Brad’s PR team was already throwing shade at Angelina in the tabloids, because their problem is making it clear that Brad Pitt is more famous worldwide than Angelina, which is not true. They should break out of the bubble. Huge ego, god!!