Anti-vaxx pet owners put animals at risk, some believe dogs can get autism

I keep up with all vaccinations recommended by my doctor. I didn’t think we’d be in a place where your status needed confirmation, but here we are. I get regularly vaccinated because I believe in science. You know, that thing that all of reality operates in? So the epidemic of anti-vaxx nonsense that’s gotten louder in the Covid era has really accelerated my levels of Fran Lebowitz caliber anger. Now a new study out of Boston University is not helping my heart rate: researchers have found that about a third of pet owners are extending the anti-vaxx ethos to their dogs. Some, heaven help us, even think vaccines are causing autism in pups.

The impact of anti-vaccine activists is spreading beyond humans. A recent study found many dog owners are skeptical of vaccinating their pets — even though that leaves animals and humans at risk.

The study, led by a researcher from Boston University’s School of Public Health and published in the journal Vaccine, found a sizable minority of dog owners have some hesitancy toward canine vaccines. Over one-third (37%) said they believed the shots were unsafe; 22% thought they were ineffective; and 30% thought they were unnecessary. Overall, 53% of dog owners endorsed at least one of these three misconceptions.

“My co-authors and I were stunned by how prevalent this phenomenon is,” lead author Dr. Matt Motta told CBS News.

Motta says an unvaccinated pet is a danger not just to other animals but also to the humans around them.

“If there are more unvaccinated dogs out there, the risk of disease transmission grows,” Motta said.

While almost all states require rabies vaccinations, there are several other shots that veterinarians recommend for dogs.

“Obviously, if you get rabies, if you don’t get treated right away … you die,” says Dr. Todd Calsyn, a veterinarian at Laurel Pet Hospital in California. “Parvo [canine parvovirus] and distemper, for sure, can be fatal.”

According to the American Pet Product Association, about 65 million households in the U.S. have at least one dog.

For California resident Sinjin Chun, vaccines keep him confident that his dog Koby will stay safe while playing with other pets at the beach.

“I think it’s pretty necessary,” he said of vaccinating pets. “Dogs are just a lot dirtier than we are and they can pick up a lot of different things and if they’re spreading those things around it’s not good.”

The study also found that some common vaccine misinformation has been projected onto pets.

“Nearly two-fifths of dog owners believe that routine vaccines administered to dogs can cause them to develop autism, which is a fundamentally human diagnosis, not something that we observe in canine populations,” Motta says.

There is no evidence vaccines cause autism in humans or animals.

[From CBS News]

Again: there is no evidence vaccines cause autism in humans or animals. Vaccines don’t give Spot autism, they protect him from canine influenza. I guess I’m lucky with my Girl in that she wouldn’t miss a vaccine for the world — she’s notorious at our vet for being just as affectionate when they stick her with a needle as when they’re scritching her ear. “I love you too! More shots please!” The mere suggestion, though, of a dog having autism reminded me of Allie Brosh’s blog/book Hyperbole and a Half. She has hilarious commentary on her own depression and depressing situations (no really, she wants you to laugh!) that she writes up like comic strips, accompanied by computer drawings so awful they’re fabulous. One of her more memorable episodes was a series of tests she conducted to gauge her (beloved) dog’s mental acuity. It didn’t go well. The fault is not vaccines, but sometimes it is genetics.

photos credit: Caleb Fisher and Robert Larsson on Unsplash, Binyamin Mellish, Mikhail Nilov and Ivan Babydov on Pexels

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49 Responses to “Anti-vaxx pet owners put animals at risk, some believe dogs can get autism”

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  1. JanetDR says:

    Allie Brosh makes me laugh so much, it’s the drawings that put it over the edge!

  2. Abby says:

    This makes me all kinds of mad. The diseases that canine vaccines prevent are horrific and often deadly. That’s why they’re given to EVERY dog.

    Also the vaccine = autism mindset makes me so angry. It’s a harmful ideology, both from understanding autism and for the health of our society. We joke that cats are autistic, (my autistic child delights in this idea) but of course it’s just silly.

    • equality says:

      Right. If these fools had ever seen a pup die from parvo or a dog seizuring with distemper, they might prefer supposedly “autistic” behavior. I hope someone is making sure these fools at least get rabies shots for their pets since it is a big public health risk.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      I wrote a long ass thing that deleted.

      I live in Colorado. There are more dogs than children here. People let their completely untrained and unsocialized “babies” off leash at every chance. The amount of mountain bikers I’ve seen almost pushed off a mountain by a dog, as well as the incredibly fast change from fun loving to aggressive behavior towards my small and terrified of dogs children is awful. I now carry an air horn and mace for dogs. I don’t jog alone ever. And I live in the mountains where coming bear and moose and Bob cats walk through our front yard at all times of the day. We have missed events becayse we have a moose in the yard and you just don’t F with moose. Not in a car. Not on foot. Take the size you think they are and double it. That’s a juvenile. But the reason I don’t run is the “free range” dogs.

      My child was bit by an off leash dog at a hotel when he was 6. The owner was Australian and said his dog hadn’t bitten him. Then when shown literal bite marks on my child, said that my child had provoked his baby. When I confusedly said – dude this is America – and pointed to the 12 plus security cams trained on us – he picked up his dog and ran.

      I had no idea what to do.
      Protocol is this. You call the police. Which is terrifying as I don’t trust the police. But they contact the health department and then they have someone come and examining the bite. Or at least ask for pictures etc depending. They did keep trying to get me to call and ambulance but he didn’t want a bandaid much less an ambulance. Plus the cost $$$ and they admitted that they didn’t have rabies shots in the ambulance and couldn’t actually do anything. But it might help if we sued him. However they could not find the man as his partner had the room under their name and obviously he had taken off running.

      I also didn’t know that the skin was considered broken even if it was like a one skin layer of abrasion that your child would not ever even ask for a bandaid for. Like if you rub your knuckles against the wall to hard. Not BLEEDING. just a scrape.

      I cannot say enough good things about the Colorado public health department. They listened to me over and over again, they did so much research to try and find the dog owner so we could try to get the dogs vaccine record. They assured me regarding the percentage of dogs that are vaccinated and the very low prevalence of rabies due to vast mitigation efforts and getting vaccines out to farms when farm dogs have a new litter.

      This article makes me feel sick.

      • Bumblebee says:

        Moxylady, that must have been terrifying, not knowing if the dog had rabies or not. And people with unleashed dogs make me so angry. Those dogs create problems for people and for leashed dogs.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      The anti-Vax people have a deep-seated hatred/fear of Autism, and it is disgusting. I mean, I know vaccines don’t cause austism, but those people believe it does — and they would rather have their children or pets DIE than end up with autism. That disturbs me so much.

  3. SarahCS says:

    I’m struggling to process this a little and not fall into a pit of despair. Why has science become the enemy? Why are people so prone to believing this utter and dangerous nonsense?

    On a lighter note, we’re not going to talk about cats huh?

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I know it’s more complicated that this but I blame Bush/Cheney when people were proud of deciding who they wanted for president based on whether they wanted to have a beer with them, and intellectual curiosity became the enemy.

      I just cannot understand the idea of being anti-science (and then bragging about it, as if you did a thing)! I hate antivaxxers and wish they would all go live together in isolation and see how well they do. Same with the red states who want to secede…go right ahead and see how you do without being subsidized by the blue states. Dumb fcuks.

      Argh, makes me so mad.

    • MF says:

      Every since anti-vaxx thinking exploded during the pandemic, my estimation of humanity has really plummeted. It’s extremely demoralizing.

      We’re facing an existential crisis in climate change (on top of future pandemics and serious diseases), and if anything can save us, it’s science. If large swaths of people don’t believe in science, we might as well just give up as a species.

    • North of Boston says:

      “Why has science become the enemy?”

      Because people on the right end of the political spectrum figured out they can use the demonization of intelligence, education, science, thoughtful consideration of history, facts, etc to gain and hold onto power. Get the base riled up, angry, scared, enough they won’t notice that the conservatives have been undermining the common good for decades. Give them an identity they can latch onto that makes them feel special, makes them feel superior for being less educated, for being bullies, that means they don’t have to aspire to anything, and they will turn on whoever ‘the right’ points them at. Give them outrage and what-aboutism and they will focus so entirely those distractions, keeping up with the latest folksy or faux-clever name calling and catchphrases, feeling thrilled they are part of the bully club, they won’t look at the details of what’s actually going on.

      Trump and the current GOP Congress are just the latest version of it. Trump and his administration completely weaponized anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-reality rhetoric to the point their cult members lobbed death threats, stormed newsrooms, public offices and town halls and even the US Capitol.

      They don’t want people listening to the economists and financial historians who can point out factually that in the modern era in the US the country is consistently left in worse financial, economic, competitive standing following Republican control of Congress and the White House and in better standing following Democratic control (with the first 1-2 years of Democrats coming into power usually spent digging out of the hole the GOP left behind) And they don’t want people listening to scientists, public health officials who would get them to think about the common good, the future when instead they can create chaos, polarization, distraction, distrust of professional media, experts to retain power and wealth.

      “Trust ME, only I can fix it!” And some people are only too willing to go along with it, if it gives them an excuse to do what they want anyway (not bother taking their dog to the vet, not wearing a mask, not bothering to think about the well-being of other people)

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Animal rescue person here – we were already seeing some folks refuse to vaccinate their dogs for this idiotic reason prior to COVID so the uptick is a huge matter of concern.

      @SarahCS – it’s amazing how many cat owners do not vet their cats at all unless/until they become noticeably sick. I’ve had to do an inordinate amount of education about how cats do need vaccinations beyond their initial kitten series

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Blue states (for non-Americans, that means, predominantly, democrats run the state) have higher levels of education, wealth, and longevity, which are all related. So being educated = democrat, and republicans view them as the enemy. The same with the environment — republicans can’t really hate having clear air and clean water, right? But those are things that democrats want, so republicans have to be against it.

      And it’s self-perpetuating. Once republicans eschewed education and health as “democratic” causes, the GOP leaders now had under-educated and closed-minded members that they could control, and keep the cycle going.

      • North of Boston says:

        I think of the kind of person who not only buys a Hummer, but then slaps a “my Hummer is wasting all the gas your Prius is saving” sticker on it shows a culty destructive I don’t give a flying F about anyone but me attitude

        In a person, it’s obnoxious; in a powerful elected official, it’s going to have negative consequences for many people.

  4. Finny says:

    Some people rather deal with shingles, pneumonia and all the other illnesses that they can be exposed to. I believe in protecting myself and my animals. I get my yearly flu and now also covid booster shots, my tetanus when due and next year I will add shingles and pneumonia vacc. I have witnesses first hand what shingles can do and I don’t want to go through that myself.

    We have 2 outdoor and 3 indoor cats and we make sure all are vaccinated and up to date. I’m fostering for our Animal Services, and I always have unvaccinated kittens around that can have God knows what. I get them as young as 24 hrs. old and nobody knows what any kitten has been exposed to. Animals that appear healthy can suddenly get seriously ill and die within days. I had that experience with my foster kittens numerous times. Even we can bring viruses into the house that are dangerous to the health of our pets and there are illnesses that can be transferred from animal to humans without us knowing until there are symptoms. So, people that are anti-vax are not only endangering their animals but themselves, their kids, elderly, and everybody immune compromised. If you rely on your own immune system, you play Russian roulette.

  5. Rachel says:

    Ugh, the idea that serious illness/death is better than having an autistic child breaks my heart. As a mom to 2 autistic boys, I cannot fathom choosing them not being here! Also, our dog is fully vaccinated (because vaccines are amazing), and I’ve long thought he may be autistic-LOL! Or maybe as a neurodivergent family(because genetics!), we chose a dog that fits really well into our household-Ha!

    • equality says:

      Well put.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      Yes (and I wish I read your post before jumping into a different post above). Kids with autism are still kids, just like short kids, or deaf kids, or shy kids, or whatever else these parents see as “less than perfect” — but that doesn’t mean you should want them dead instead. I truly cannot fathom how these anti-vax people think they are good parents.

      • Beana says:

        Thank you!! My son is autistic and my husband and I strongly suspect we’re also autistic, just undiagnosed (and trained to mask since birth). The idea that a core part of who my son is, is regarded as a fate worse than death…makes my blood boil.

  6. DeepfriedDallasite says:

    Heavens to murgatroy, this can’t be real. I have said that statement one too many times since 2016. We don’t deserve pets as it is, now this. I hate it here.

  7. Therese says:

    I think you should vaccine your dog where it’s necessary. There are no cases of rabies in Germany , still vets are giving vaccines even though it’s just necessary if you are travelling with your dog. Other vets give annual vaccines even though they are just required every 3 years. And you have to remember that it is always the same dose for a Chihuaha and a Great Dane.

    • CC says:

      It’s great when a population can eradicate a deadly disease like rabies through vaccination. But what if a third of German pet owners refused the rabies vaccine for their pets? Rabies is a horrific way to die, and far too many people in Asia and Africa without widespread pre or post exposure access to the vaccine are killed by it every year. The only reason Germany and other countries will be able to continue to say their rabies free is adherence to the vaccine campaign (some nations, like Australia, also rely on strict border control).

    • Dara says:

      Does Germany not have bats or other wildlife that can transmit rabies? Wild animals don’t exactly stop at border crossings to present proof of vaccination, so don’t assume it isn’t in your environment simply because someone’s beloved household pet hasn’t caught it.

    • Lara (the other) says:

      While Germay is considered Rabies free, the borders are open to wild animals. There are still cases in eastern europe and people taking rescues home from there without vaccinating on quarantaining first.
      Incubation time can be several month, even a bite or scratch from a healthy looking animal can be deadly. And the is no cure for rabies once the symptoms start, neither for animals nor for humans.
      Thats the one vaccine I wouls never miss for my cats and one I get regularly updated for my own travels.

  8. Sean says:

    I recently found out a long-time, trusted friend is anti-vaxx and anti-mask.

    We don’t see each other often, usually just exchange texts and talk about meeting up. We finally managed to meet and catch up a few weeks ago. Prior to getting together, my friend told me that over the last few years, their social circle has gotten smaller over the last few years due to differing ideologies and they’d been making the difficult decision as to who they want in their life.

    Both of us have always leaned left politically and socially and since 2016, I’ve had to distance myself from multiple people as well because, well, everything. I thought that’s what my friend meant.


    It turns out they’re a huge anti-vaxx and anti-masker. They began telling me how they “knew” mainstream media and the government was misleading us about the pandemic (including Fox News). How they found “alternative” news sources that provided medical and scientific evidence that Covid-19 was a bioweapon purposely released for population control and the mRNA vaccine is “gene therapy”, altering the DNA of the recipient.

    They also told me they were against masking up and refused to comply when the the mask mandates were in effect because their immune system was “robust enough” to fend off any bacterial or viral infection. They actually said THEY shouldn’t have to be “inconvenienced” by wearing a mask when they know they don’t need it.

    They even told me they’d been disinvited from family gatherings in 2021 and 2022 because they weren’t vaccinated or taking any precautions. They were fine with that because they had “principles” to stand by.

    They also said they wouldn’t be voting for Biden next year because Biden called the unvaccinated “the enemy”. How dare he, my friend said. Unvaccinated individuals are American citizens and Biden called them “enemies”?

    They also said they “know more” about healing and keeping healthy then conventional healthcare workers do because they’ve “studied nutrition” whereas doctors haven’t.

    I was so, so disappointed to hear all of this. But I didn’t argue with them, there’s no point. These people don’t argue or converse in good faith. Whatever medical or scientific fact you offer up, they already have some fantastical BS in their head to counter.

    Reflecting on all the years I’ve known this person, their viewpoints made sense. They’ve always been about holistic approaches to health, choosing to rely on “nutrition” to stay healthy without medical intervention. I didn’t think this viewpoint was a problem. Until we had a deadly pandemic that needed scientific intervention.

    What really struck me about my friend’s words was the self-centeredness of it all. So many “I” and “ME” statements. And that’s what it’s ultimately about with anti-vaxxers. It’s not about the greater good or keeping their community safe. It’s about THEM and THEIR PERSONAL FREEDOMS. And the arrogance and delusion to think they know better or more than trained professionals who’ve dedicated their lives to the study of medicine and science.

    This person was always a dear friend and while they don’t hold their viewpoints out of malice (unlike MAGAs), I don’t think I’ll be seeing them again.

    • Hillary says:

      Studies show that the biggest factor in getting people to shift their ideas is one-on-one conversations with a trusted person who questions them & gets them to process their own beliefs. It can be hard, at the moment, but plants seeds. This person was likely emboldened in their ideas when a “normal” person listened & even may have thought they swayed you, which deepens their thinking of being right.
      Growing up with the idea that we “don’t talk politics” and stay pleasing for everyone needs to shift- individual relationships vs society.
      Street Epistemology is a great resource to find tools to talk to these people.

      • Sean says:

        I hear you and while I didn’t get argumentative with my friend, I did gently push back. I let them know of the personal experiences myself and my family (several who work in healthcare) have gone through during them pandemic.

        I, like many others here have been fighting these battles since 2016 (or earlier). At this point, I’m just exhausted. It’s also hard to get them to consider another viewpoint because in my experience, they just retort with an “article”, video, etc that confirms their bias. As I wrote, they don’t argue in good faith.

        Another factor, especially with people like my friend is ego. These folks are incredibly arrogant and self-assured in their “knowledge”.

        Thank you for recommending Street Epistemology, though. I’ll check it out.

    • Andrea says:

      Had to ditch a friend who supported the Canadian truckers and was against lock downs. She is anti vax and a massage therapist. She had a child during the pandemic and I wonder if she will get her child vaccinated at all. She believes hugely in essential oils for curing everything. She also wanted ivermectin when she caught covid and was mad Canadian healthcare wouldn’t give it to her. I will not be meeting up with her again.

    • JudyB says:

      Ditto on the people who insist that since they eat organic foods and exercise regularly, that they are protected from COVID.

      And how can people who read forums think they know more than trained medical people? I know of one person on an unrelated forum that insists that her nursing education provided her with far more knowledge of nutrition and its help in curing disease than any medical doctor. (She also sees a chiropractor who has advised her to avoid vaccinations!) Most of us have stopped responding to her posts, and just ignore her, which at least has slowed down her preaching because she gets no responses.

  9. CC says:

    Good time to encourage everyone to get their seasonal human vaccines! The new Covid shot and the flu shot, plus others such as RSV and pneumonia if you fit the demographics. I received my Covid and flu vaccines on Friday. I was very tired over the weekend but luckily didn’t feel actually bad. And unlike a dog, I didn’t even need to get poked in my butt!

    • JudyB says:

      I got the RSV shot about three weeks ago and the new COVID shot a week ago. I am waiting for the flu shot until late October on the advice of my (real) doctor. I have had all the previous COVID shots, plus a couple of extra ones because of a weakened immune system, and I had not had COVID, in spite of having been with people who unknowingly had it.

      And my kids and grandkids have had all their shots, also.

  10. Kate says:

    I truly thought this was an Onion headline

  11. Dylan says:

    I grew up in India, where thousands of people die horribly each year from rabies from dog bite. I am still paranoid about petting dogs whose owners I do not know. There are plenty of videos uploaded to YouTube by Indian doctors who for educational purposes show clinical presentation of rabies in small children and adults. There are even remnants of a Phillipino video from the 1980s showing an entire ward of rabies victims. Every damn pet owner who declined rabies vaccine should be required to watch all of these. My vet said it’s become a real problem even in my semi-rural Texas county where rabies exists in wildlife.

  12. Lau says:

    I never understood people who just apply their own bullshit ideas to others (pets included). Why would you wish for your pet to catch some disease that could so easily be avoided ? (New pet owner here and very very freaked out about her catching any sort of disease)

  13. Hilary says:

    I adopted an adorable puppy from the shelter who was vaccinated, but had already contracted Distemper, then traveled to my state which previously had zero cases (three once the littered arrived here in a crowded shelter). Screw these people. 2/3 of those puppies did not survive & the families that had to watch the disease progress in horrific ways, my thoughts are with them.

  14. Jocey says:

    Have these people not seen/been traumatized by Old Yeller?

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    I love my dog far too much to risk her getting an illness that could be prevented by vaccination. Same applied — to the thousandth degree — with my children.

    Anti-vaxxers are deranged.

  16. Celebitchy says:

    One of my sons is a veterinarian. His office does not make appointments with owners who refuse to get their pets vaccinated. This is to protect his staff, and also the pets of responsible owners. Irresponsible owners kill their pets with their uninformed opinions on science, and put their communities at risk.

    • JudyB says:

      Good for your son!!! I would bring my animal to his clinic on this basis alone.

      Do any of you watch the veterinary programs on TV? Inevitably, someone brings in a sick dog and find out that the dog has a potentially fatal disease because he was not vaccinated. At this point, the owner is in tears and claiming loudly how much the dog is part of the family and how much they love him and would do anything to fix him.

      Like, they have never heard of animal vaccinations?? Duh.

      • North of Boston says:


        I’ve also seen it when a dog comes in with Parvo. Usually it’s a small puppy and the poor things get so sick and look so miserable. There’s not much the clinic can do aside from keep them warm and hydrated. Why would anyone who claims to love their pet subject it to that?

        And it’s striking how the veterinary staff reacts to having an animal with Parvo at the clinic- no joke full isolation and high level sanitary protocols kick in . They do NOT want Parvo spreading anywhere because it’s awful, incredibly contagious to unvaccinated pets and often deadly.

        Anti-science idiots are being gullible (to propaganda) and selfish leaving their pets needlessly vulnerable to disease that could be prevented

  17. Jaded says:

    Jenny McCarthy was one of the first ring-leaders of anti-vaxx conspiracies, followed by Jim Carrey, Alicia Silverstone, Jessica Biel, RFK Jr. and the Trump administration’s ridiculous anti-science hyperbole. Celebrities have a lot of influence over the public, and now they’re going after pets…SMH. Mr. Jaded’s daughter, with a Master’s degree in education and soon a PhD, has never had a flu shot. When covid hit she refused to get a shot because she “didn’t know what’s in it”. This woman is principal of a private school, and is in daily contact with hundreds of kids. I remember several screaming telephone conversations he had with her (she did the screaming, he was ever the calm voice of reason), but it took a couple of months and radio silence from him to convince her to get the damn shot. Good thing she did because there were 2 covid outbreaks at her school she had to manage. Anyway, all this to say anti-vaxxers don’t seem to realize that this a community responsibility, that if they allow diseases to be spread to people and pets with their selfish “IT’S ALL ABOUT ME” anti-vaxx attitude, it could kill people and pets.

    I have an indoor cat and he gets vaccinated every 3 years. If anyone has ever seen a pet die as a result of feline leukemia, FIV, or a dog die of distemper, parvovirus or influenza, it’s heart-breaking. I cannot believe how stupid these people can be and they shouldn’t be allowed to own pets.

  18. Steph says:

    Let me make this clear: anti vaxxers are crazy. I don’t believe vaccines cause autism.
    That being said, I don’t believe autism is fundamentally human. There used to be a show called Orangutan Island. I’m convinced one of the orangutans was autistic. I think his name was Donald. He even stymied with rocking. I can only find small clips on YouTube if the show but if you can find the whole series let me know. And tell me what you think

  19. LynnInTx says:

    What kills me is there is a sizable contingent of the very people who should KNOW BETTER, who are very vocal about their anti-vax beliefs. A very dear friend of mine used to work at a vet’s office, and apparently one of the vets on staff there had ‘misgivings’ about the rabies vaccine in particular – this was 2008-ish so well before Covid – and so my friend picked up her anti-rabies-vax beliefs up from him. Her mother is a full blown anti-vaxxer MAGA-idiot who eggs her on. She (friend) now blames the vax for both her former dogs getting cancer. They were both rescues from a puppy mill, inbred, and related. But in her mind, that has nothing to do it with, it’s only the rabies vax. It blows my mind because she is so on-top of everything else related to her dog’s health, but because her old boss put it in her brain to begin with, she has a huge blind spot when it comes to rabies shots. And this same friend’s DOCTOR is yet another very vocal anti-vax idiot. I used to go to the same doc, and quit because she started getting weirder and weirder with her medical beliefs – including f’ing iverm*ctin for Covid treatment. My faith in humanity shrivels and dies a bit more every day.

    Fortunately – and this is about the ONLY thing I can appreciate the government in Texas for – there has apparently been a law passed requiring current rabies vaccines (or current vaccines in general) for a dog to see a vet for ANY reason. That is what friend said her current clinic told her anyway. (I don’t have a pet anymore, so I don’t know). So, current doggie is now fully up-to-date on his shots – much to the owners displeasure.

  20. Nina says:

    Oh god, a woman who goes to the dog park I go to is one of these nutjobs.

    The first time I met her, the conversation started reasonably enough: ‘do you live here?’ (we’re a resort town so the number of tourists vastly outnumbers us full-time folks), ‘what kind of dog is that?’, ‘how old’ and stuff like that. Then she asks me if I have heard of this particular doctor (strange pivot but I go with it: no, I have not) and she breathlessly starts talking about how he’s saved her live and all the studies he has done and how protein shedding from vaccines make infant girls bleed from all their orifices — doubletake, say what now?

    She then goes on to say ‘you haven’t gotten the evil jab, have you?’ and I was like ‘Yes. I have received all the jabs. I can’t get enough jabs. I work in healthcare and I believe in medical science’ and I thought that would send her running from me. Nope. It just made her more determined to convince me of her point of view.

    At this point, I am slowly backing away and looking for my dogs. Then she goes on to say how she doesn’t vaccinate her dog (a dog that has beef with EVERY other dog it encounters and then she screeches at the other dogs’ owners that they need to control their animal) because she will not fill her pet with poison.

    I grabbed my dogs, beat a hasty retreat and now I pretty much leave the moment I see her pull into the parking lot.

    What is it with these wackadoos that they feel the need to have these discussions with absolute strangers? I mean, I am glad she did so I now know to avoid her but it was wild to go from talking about real estate and neighborhoods in town to ‘BABY GIRLS ARE BLEEDING FROM THEIR VAGINAS BECAUSE OF THIS EVIL VACCINE’.

  21. KerryB says:

    These morons should be sterilized.

  22. Foxie says:

    I remember when this movement started! It was started from brooklyn when I lived there (because OF COURSE). I took my dogs to the vet shortly after and I made a joke in a dumb voice to the Dr about “I’m concerned that my dogs will get doggie autism “…. Apparently wrong time cause the vet pursed his lips and I quickly said IT JOKE! PLEASE SHOOT UP MY DOGS. He just sighed and started venting about the nonsense he’s been dealing with since the rise of animal anti vax stuff