“Travis Kelce indicated that he met Taylor Swift back in July” links

Travis Kelce is good at blind items too! He let it slip that he probably met Taylor Swift in July, before he grew his mustache, meaning they’ve probably been happening for a lot longer than most people realize. [Buzzfeed]
Britney Spears’ “drug of choice” was Adderall. [OMG Blog]
Yeah, the Napoleon trailer looks bizarrely great. [LaineyGossip]
Bad Bunny hosted SNL, with assists from Lady Gaga & Pedro Pascal. [Go Fug Yourself]
George Santos confesses: he’s on Ozempic. [Just Jared]
Now I kind of want to visit Salem and have a witch reading. [Jezebel]
Kody Brown calls Robyn the love of his life. [Starcasm]
What is Khloe Kardashian doing here? [Seriously OMG]
Hailey Bieber is “good at bobbing for apples,” if you get my drift. [Egotastic]
Were the ‘90s the “golden age of sketch comedy”? [Socialite Life]

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23 Responses to ““Travis Kelce indicated that he met Taylor Swift back in July” links”

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  1. girl_ninja says:

    Of course they were happening before the first game she went to. They were really comfortable with each other from the photos seen at the get together he arranged after that game. This is not surprising.

    Everybody’s drug of choice seemed to Adderall back in the day.

    I love Pedro Pascal. If I met him I would shoot my shot.

    • bettyrose says:

      It makes sense that they were together for a little while and only went public when they were confident enough in the relationship to handle the craziness. The whole thing seems so overwhelming, but I like the idea that they were already in love and ready to take it on.

      Back in the 00s, so many of my students were doped up on adderall. Doctors were giving it out like candy. You think none of them was running a side hustle? You’d think wrong.

      • girl_ninja says:

        They had to be dealing on the side right??? When I was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago they didn’t prescribe Adderall. I think they avoided it because of all that Adderall abuse.

      • bettyrose says:

        No question that kids were hustling their adderall scrips for cash. In the years I was a college advisor, kids weren’t even all that discreet about it.

    • Truthiness says:

      100% agree, no pearls clutched. How else do you see if there’s chemistry, humor, and make sure they bathe more often than Ashton Kutcher’s children?

      • Christine says:

        I’m dead!!!

        The fact that internet sleuths are able to track this relationship based on Travis’ facial hair is EXACTLY why this is fun, in case anyone was curious.

        It’s fucking adorable, all of it.

  2. Jill says:

    I love Salem! I’ve been a number of times and the witchy stuff is wonderful but it’s also an awesome little town to visit during other parts of the year as well. The downtown area is so much fun and there are some really GREAT places to eat there. It’s beautiful and full of history. I highly recommend a visit.

    • VilleRose says:

      Salem is very pretty, witchy aspect aside, even though it’s the main draw for a lot of tourists. I went last year for the first time in a very long time (I had last been as a kid) in October because I wanted the experience of going during Halloween season. I personally don’t recommend going during that month, as festive and fun as it was just because the huge crowds weren’t my thing. I have been to NY Comic Con and it felt just like that, but instead of a convention center it was an outdoor seaside town in MA. Lines out the door for stores, hours long waits for restaurants if you don’t have a reservation, hardly any parking available… I had booked tours and reservations months in advance so I was prepared but it was just very overwhelming. I’d love to return at some point when it’s not October.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Salem is lovely but I can’t help but remembering that it was the site of a mass murder of women is heartbreaking.

      • LightPurple says:

        Most of the murders actually took place over in Danvers but Salem gets the blame and the fame.

    • LightPurple says:

      Salem has a great museum, which often hosts really cool exhibits – like the fashions of Georgia O’Keefe -paired with images of her wearing the clothes she designed and made herself, a room full of pink balloons, a very old house from China, lots of seafaring art, and an iris Apfel collection. There’s also the House of Seven Gables with its lovely gardens on the waterfront, some other historic homes, Ye Olde Pepper Candy Shoppe, and Harbor Sweets Chocoloates. The Halloween crowds start mid-September. Lots and lots of people wondering around downtown Salem in costume on a Wednesday afternoon in mid-September.

    • Concern Fae says:

      Highly recommend visiting Salem. If you can make a day trip, the October crowds can be fun. However, if you actually want to do anything, get readings, really check out all the shops, etc, come at another time. Early summer is nice. It’s all very walkable, so as long as there’s not a bad snowstorm that shuts things down, it makes a nice last minute winter weekend getaway.

      If you do go, be sure to set aside time for the Peabody Essex Museum. It’s not about big grand art, it’s much more human scaled and very inviting. It’s not witchy, but they do own one of the historic houses where interiors for Hocus Pocus were filmed.

      As to the murders, the graves are there and you can decide ahead what you want to do when visiting them.

      For anyone Boston area, Charlie’s Kitchen in Harvard Square is built on the site of the old Cambridge Jail, where local prisoners charged with witchcraft were held awaiting trial. It really was a regional event.

  3. MinorityReport says:

    Perhaps it’s because I have ADHD, but I don’t get “recreational” adderall use. Like, what does it do to neurotypical brains that makes it fun? It causes me to sleep poorly and lose weight as side effects. What is the high supposed to be?

    • bettyrose says:

      The weight loss is a big part of the off-label appeal, but it’s legal meth. What’s not to love? (That’s sarcasm. I’ve never used either one, but I’m well acquainted with those who have).

    • Notjust says:

      Yes, thank you. I have adhd and it infuriates me that neurotypical people use it as a drug, giving it a bad name for people who actually need it to function.
      Technically, aderall is a methamfetamine (MDMA), like XTC, but a legal, pharmaceutically controlled version of it. So it can induce euphoria and give blasts of energy. Adhd brains work differently and react differently to certain drugs and substances, so it actually calms a lot of adhd patients down and may even help them sleep.
      I wasn’t so lucky unfortunately.
      I used it for a while to manage my adhd but the side effects were too severe for me unfortunately.

      • Justjj says:

        I love bobbing for apples! It’s truly a sisterhood. How special that Hailey is one of us. We tend to get the rings, it’s true…

        As for neurotypical using Aderall… I have ADHD and my doctor said this was rarely prescribed as a first option any more, it’s usually only after all the other options have been exhausted that it’s even prescribed for ADHD. I take something else.

    • HeyThere! says:

      I had a friend that was addicted to it because it made her stay awake forever and drop a bunch of weight. She didn’t actually had ADHD, the big time college she went to just handed it out to anyone and everyone! It changed her whole personality and it was terrifying to watch.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      The pseudo medical, simplified reason why Adderall works differently on neuroatypical brains is this: the brain has an emotional and logical duel aspect. Neirotypicals have a more or less balance of these 2 aspects, whereas ADHD people have an imbalance tilted towards the emotional aspect. Adderall brings the logical side into balance with the emotional side, allowing for ADHD people to be able to better control the many impulses that filter through our brains. For non-ADHD, it’s just a stimulant. It has to do with dopamine levels.

    • Anon says:

      I too have ADHD and am mystified about how anyone gets high off stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall. I was diagnosed by top people in the field from Harvard, etc. decades ago and have tried other things, but those two are the only ones that work for me really. I have to switch back and forth because of the shortages. There are some side effects, like most medicines (unfortunately losing weight is not one for me!). I have NEVER and would NEVER loan or sell my medicine and neither would anyone else with ADHD I knew through school and in life. I wouldn’t do it anyway and especially not worth the risk of getting caught. So please try not to jump to conclusions and generalize and spread rumors. It’s hard enough for us all to get our meds now. Even with decades of proof that I need it and am not an addict. Please educate yourself, including by listening to Huberman Lab and reading up at CHADD and other reputable sources.

      I’m actually skeptical about what Britney says about this because according to the things I’ve read she would have to be taking an astronomical amount to get high and to be in psychosis, which she seemed to be at times. Unless she is hypersensitive to medication (or was taking an astronomical amount), which is possible. Or maybe was taking what she was told was Adderall but it was really meth or something else? According to her mom she took coke, but her mom’s not the best source. I wouldn’t be surprised if Britney may not remember everything and only remember taking Adderall though, with all the shady people around her like Sam L., who knows what she was ingesting-Lynne also said in court and her book that Sam L. ground pills up into her food. Also if Britney did any weed, that can spark psychosis very easily.

      But bottom line, please, please, PLEASE help end the stereotyping and discrimination against those of us with ADHD and about our needed medications. 🙏 Untreated and undertreated ADHD is not pretty and the battle is getting harder, it easier❤️

  4. Agatha Tatiana says:

    I keep looking but can’t find it. But supposedly Jason Kelce mentions that Travis was in New York and Travis clams up. This was during training camp I think.
    I think they met up in July or at least started talking his people told her people or something that like and him bringing up the bracelet was flashy flirting amd maybe proving that everyone would love the idea of him together. I think he’s a “grand gesture” kind of guy. He’s the perfect combination of being super confident and self depreciating. Yes I’m totally invested. DeuxMoi reported they had played golf together I think that was in August

  5. 2023Sucks says:

    The article says (and so does TK in the actual video) that they met while he had the mustache, not before it. The mustache didn’t appear until August 2nd. That means, according to both Travis Kelce and the Buzzfeed article, that they couldn’t have met in July, but rather started hanging out in early August (at the earliest). This timeline makes sense, as TK first spoke publicly about attempting to give Taylor the bracelet on July 26th. Their mutuals then either set them up or passed on a good word after that, and then they started hanging out in August. Which means that they probably had been seeing each other for 5-6 weeks before she first attended a game at most. Before the swiftbowl they trial ballooned them hanging out in early September by leaking that they’d been spending time together once it was clear they both liked each other.

  6. A says:

    After training camp, Jason asked Travis what he’d done on his week off and TK was evasive. Said he’d been to NYC but didn’t remember what he did lol