James Middleton & Alizee welcomed baby boy Inigo ‘a few weeks’ ago

I’ll say one nice thing about James Middleton: his dogs are beautiful and they always look so well cared for. If you told me he spends hours every single day grooming them and caring for them, I would believe you. If you told me that caring for his dogs was the reason why all of his businesses fail, I would not believe you. The man just is terrible at business and people need to stop “investing” in his dumb ideas. Well, James and his wife Alizee welcomed their first child recently, and last week, the Mail got the “first photos” of James and Alizee walking around Notting Hill with a pram. So James waited a few days and posted the first photos on his Instagram, with a name confirmation. They welcomed a son and named him Inigo. From The Princess Bride. James wrote:

He has been in our lives for just a few weeks but they have been the most special of my life getting to know our beautiful baby boy

No matter how prepared I thought I was…I was not prepared for the overwhelming emotion of meeting Inigo for the first time and the love for my darling Alizée as we became three.

We have settled into our new life as parents and I’ve told him all about Ella and that if it wasn’t for her he wouldn’t be here today and that we miss her greatly. The dogs have been fantastic at welcoming their little brother into the pack (although Inka needs to know the teddybears are not all for her…) 🐾

We would like to thank the wonderful team at Basingstoke hospital, from the very first scan to walking out the front door for the first time as three, we couldn’t have felt more supported and looked after throughout so thank you NHS 🙏

[From James’s IG]

I’m actually surprised that he went relatively “offbeat” for the baby name. Kate had to go super-traditional, but then Pippa went very traditional too, naming her kids Arthur Michael William Matthews, Grace Elizabeth Jane and Rose [Unknown Middle Names]. And those kids will have a cousin named after a Princess Bride character. Arguably one of the best character names of all time though, Inigo Montoya. As for the photos… they’re sweet and as I said, I enjoy his very photogenic dogs. I wonder if this Instagram came about after failing to negotiate a good price with Hello Magazine? Or maybe Hello will still get some kind of exclusive, who knows.

Photos courtesy of Instagram.

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61 Responses to “James Middleton & Alizee welcomed baby boy Inigo ‘a few weeks’ ago”

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  1. Seraphina says:

    I was completely thinking they would go with super traditional – and some a$$ kissing like naming him William. Indigo was out of completely left field.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      everybody is going to be doing the Inigo scene everytime he’s going to say his name. Like I did at least 3 times.

  2. FancyPants says:

    Who is Ella and why wouldn’t Inigo exist if she hadn’t died?

  3. Nubia says:

    Carole really played the long game even in how she named her kids.Pippa was completely obnoxious with those names,unless her hubby is aristo and insisted.

    • Chloe says:

      They are very traditional names but also quite common, so i don’t think she was being obnoxious. I actually quite like the names Grace and Rose. They’re pretty names. It could very well be that pippa simply drew inspiration from her mother. I mean Catherine, Philippa and James are also very old traditional names

      • Nubia says:

        I was refering to giving her children three extra middleton names.

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        In my family we’ve only got two given names (first and middle). However I’ve got several friends who do the three name deal – first name and then two middle names – one to honour someone from each side of the family. Also, in Quebec for a long time it was common to have three names – Marie or Joseph then a middle name honouring someone then your actual name. So Marie Christine Suzanne on the birth certificate but would be called Suzanne.
        All this ramble to say the three name thing isn’t only a snooty aristo thing….

      • B says:

        In Canada it’s not that uncommon. My eldest son has three. His given, then his two grandfathers names as middle names.

      • BQM says:

        I wish it was more traditional in the US. I had so many more names I liked than kids!

    • Bean says:

      I’m American – my son has 2 middle names. One was the name my husband wanted for him and the second is a combination of our two beloved grandfather’s names.
      It’s not that uncommon any more and a nice way to honor people.

    • AnneL says:

      I think more than one middle name is common in a lot of cultures. I definitely hear of it in the UK. It’s not very common in the US but it happens. The names Pippa chose for her children don’t really seem OTT to me.

      My husband’s sister got screwed in the name department, IMO. He and his brother both have one middle name and she doesn’t. She has a first name, which has three letters, and that’s it. And her name is usually a nickname, too. Imagine just naming your kid, say, Kit and leaving it at that. It seems stingy. I’ve never understood it. LOL.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah he was probably holding out for the Hello exclusive. I don’t think Pippa has given photos but she definitely gave Hello the exclusive for the birth announcement and names. If you have an Instagram account that’s where your exclusives should go.

  5. Carrie says:

    I’m thinking he was named after great British architect Inigo Jones?

    • Tessa says:

      They show just the baby’s hand. When Meghan and harry did a similar photo for Archie they were slammed.

    • ML says:

      Just came here to say this, Carrie. Iniggo Jones is probably his namesake—still cool—vs Eeneego Montoya, absolutely one of the best characters of the book and then the movie.

  6. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    Also coming to say I thought the namesake might be Inigo Jones the architect. He remodeled St Paul’s Cathedral after the fire in the 1600’s
    and designed many buildings and squares in London.

    • Aidevee says:

      And the amazing Banqueting House that is on the first year syllabus of every art history degree in the country!

      I have a french cousin called Inez and her husband is Inigo. So cool.

    • CatMum says:

      regardless, people are going to be quoting princess bride to him his entire life, poor kid.

      • Bean says:

        I actually think that’s not a bad thing. It’s a fantastic quote, a great character and way better than being called ‘Dick’ or ‘Blank’ instead of Blake.

      • Edna X Mode says:

        yeah its probably Inigo the architect (i love the queens house as well interiors etc). in think he rebuilt St ?pauls? after london fire..

        But wouldn’t it be great if people go up to them and say my name is Inigo, you killed his Mother (eg Diana) now prepare to die….

        everything the whole royal family and royal-adjacents have been saying and doing to Meghan and Harry for *years, makes me think the royal/tory insects killed Princess Diana.

  7. Hannah says:

    Gorgeous dogs.

  8. Nanea says:

    So Alizée and James live in Bucklebury, and the one day they’re in London, ~ 60 miles from where they live, a pap catches them.

    Not only that, they allow him to take more than 50 photos in different locations that end up exclusively at the Fail, quite by chance.

    What are the odds!?

    • Jan90067 says:

      Not just that, but *who* takes a newborn of a week or two on a 60 MILE DRIVE???? I mean, outside in a carriage around your home, sure… but 60 MILES AWAY?? There’s no way you’ll convince me that carriage actually had the baby in it. This was a TOTALLY staged photo op.

  9. Colleen says:

    Sometimes I wonder if James is the actual black sheep of the Middleton fam. He tried his hand at (terrible) business but I don’t think anyone would have known about it if it wasn’t leaked.

    I’ve always had the impression he wants a more quiet life than his sisters.

    • JMmoney says:

      I’ve always gotten the impression it’s the opposite. He could easily be promoting only his biz endeavors on IG but he posts many personal photos on there as well. He’s also the one who has given the most interviews.
      If it weren’t for his sister, I would bet good money he would’ve done the reality tv route and/or become an influencer. However bc his sister is “‘married” to Billy the bully, he will never be allowed to do so.

      • Blujfly says:

        JMoney, absolutely. Pippa has totally revamped her life for better or worse, is rarely seen, there’s no photos of her walking down the street with her 3rd child. No official press releases. No social media. James, who has done absolutely nothing and couldn’t even ride the waves propping him up in the 2000s, who was far less known than Pippa, travels into London just to pap walk, posted photos from the Middleton home during the pandemic, does the hello deals, etc. James has always believed he was a central figure and destined for greatness but clearly will not stick at something or work in the trenches.

  10. Talie says:

    I always thought Inigo was a pretty typical British upper class name. Like Alistair.

    • Professor Plum says:

      It is. It’s a trendy name for upper class toffs. Like Simon and Rupert in the 80s.

    • AnneL says:

      English Toff names are amusing to me. I think Julian Fellowes named his son Peregrine. Is that some kind of rare bird? LOL.

      There’s a funny line in “The Importance Of Being Earnest” where one of the male leads is trying to defend his name to the woman he is wooing, who is fixated on marrying a man with the name Earnest. She says she doesn’t like the name Algernon, and he says: “It’s a very aristocratic name. Why, half the fellows in bankruptcy court are called Algernon!”

      Being cash poor as a badge of honor is the most Posho thing ever. That and being named Algernon.

      • Becks1 says:

        Peregrine falcons are the fastest animals on the planet. I don’t know if they’re considered especially rare, but they are certainly unique in the animal kingdom for their speed.

        The current Duke of Devonshire is named Peregrine, so maybe it isn’t that uncommon in aristo circles?

      • Beatrice says:

        Julian Fellowes named his son Peregrine because his father was also named Peregrine

  11. Ace says:

    Apparently the spelling is common in the UK but I will forever be annoyed by it.

    To me it always looks as if people, usually English speakers, don’t ever bother with spelling things correctly when the words come from other languages and make mistakes like this one. Using n instead of ñ which are completely different letters and sounds makes no sense whatsoever.

    • BQM says:

      The name is pretty old in the UK. Would they just look like cultural appropriators (or hilaria Baldwin!) if they (or anyone in the UK) used a Spanish/Latin spelling?

  12. Mslove says:

    Why the James Middleton articles? I can’t imagine people being interested in him.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Haha that probably why he didn’t get a spread in Hello Magazine

    • one of the marys says:

      Well clicking and commenting will push the algorithm in the Middletons’ direction so then it continues. I try not to click on or even read the comments for the Kardashians in the faint hope of doing my bit to rid them from the world 😉

    • Unblinkered says:

      He shouldn’t be featured anywhere, he’s a nothing, a waster. Is he living on State benefits?

    • AC says:

      For the most part, I think most people don’t care about him- he’s uninteresting and no one knows what he’s accomplished in his life. I just clicked here to see what Kaiser says about him and then go straight to the comments section 😀

  13. MY3CENTS says:

    He looks so much like Kate.
    I’ll be kind and stop there.

    • Libra says:

      If those are the Middleton teeth then I can see why all the dental crowns, caps and other reconstructive work done for Kate and Pippa.

    • Mädchen G says:

      I don’t know what it is exactly, but every time I see a pic of this guy on here, I get a major case of the Ick.

      • ArtFossil says:

        Right. The baby carrier not holding a baby and strapped on incorrectly so he can expose his chest hair contributes to these feelings. As does my memory of the swastika marshmallows he sold. He creeps me out.

  14. Aeren says:

    Inigo is a Spanish/Basque name.

  15. Lady Digby says:

    I have no idea why but this guy was on Good Morning Breakfast TV show with his dogs and being fawned over complete with references to Kate??Via this forum I learnt that his wife’s family is well off and his charming wife is a high earner so he’s fallen in clover. He is not shy about milking his connections so I can seen a Hello o exclusive incoming.

  16. Gubbinal says:

    Inigo is “in”. Lady Penny Mountbatten has a grandson named Inigo. And you can’t get much closer to royalty than she did. (Her Inigo is the son of Lady Alexandra Hooper, her daughter. Lady Alexandra, was given away by the then Prince Charles on her wedding day. Lady Alexandra looks a bit like Wm.

  17. MrsTTempest says:

    I’m surprised they chose an NHS hospital for the birth. I would have thought St Mary’s like Kate and Pippa (also Diana, I think). Or the Portland, also favoured by the rich and aristo set. Perhaps they needed somewhere very close to home – or they’re not as interested in the trappings of wealth as one might think.

  18. Jazz Hands says:

    The baby has really long and slender fingers (cute). That’s all I’ve got.

  19. AnneL says:

    I like the name and his dogs are beautiful and look healthy and happy. Credit where credit is due on the pups.

  20. ales says:

    Why is Khates commoner family treated as relevant. They are not vip’s, they are grifters, dolittle’s, defamers and self promoters. Diana, Williiam and Harry have many relatives and inlaws, none have had their status elevated to super vips or received the special treatment given to the trashy commoner Midds. Nice to have a healthy baby but it is of no interest or importance when yet another commoner Midd grifter is treated as hierachy. Their belief in their own self importance is getting more and more creepy, bringing people that low grade trashy into the BRF and treating them as important and special, has dragged them down even further. They have made it very clear that ” You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear” this unquestionably and definitely applies to all the Midds.

    • BQM says:

      To be fair, the Spencer girls are in the press a LOT. Even leveraging a’modeling’ career. It’s just not covered here or maybe the us in general. But in the uk press, especially places like Hello or Tatler? Absolutely.

  21. Unblinkered says:

    I think you’ll find the promotion of the Middletons originated with KM’s engagement when W, knowing KM’s insecurity, lack of confidence, and fragility, encouraged them into the limelight and the Press to enbiggen them. He enjoyed showing off to them, demonstrating his influencing power.

    But he opened a Pandora’s box.

    • ales says:

      Strange showing off trashy people who have achieved nothing. Seems more that the Midds probably know a few secrets. The predatory stalker who chased William for 10 plus years has never been lacking in confidence. What about her exhibitionism, flashing her naked butt ? Queen of the mean girls and Carole would have collected a few receipts over the years to ensure their status. Maybe their ammunition is being neutralised.

  22. Lau says:

    For sure at Christmas every year he tries to get Pippa’s rich husband to invest in his new business venture.

    • BQM says:

      I really think James should settle into the SAH dad role. If he treats his kid(s) as well as he does his fine babies they’ll be good. I think he’d be way happier.