Mistress Rachel Uchitel is now a full-fledged celebrity


It was just a few weeks ago that I only vaguely knew Rachel Uchitel’s name because of some sketchy report from Star Magazine claiming that she was banging David Boreanaz when his wife was pregnant. Then all hell broke loose as Uchitel became the first woman reported to be having an affair with Tiger Woods… and now look at her. She’s a full-fledged celebrity, she’s making millions of dollars from either Tiger Woods or the media, and she’s getting swarmed by paparazzi wherever she goes. It’s like she’s the new Britney Spears. And is it just me, or has this girl jacked up her face since becoming suddenly famous? That boob job is horrendous, too. They look like bowling balls.

Anyway, Uchitel now commands her own gossip beat. As such, we have some new (and slightly older) stories about Uchitel and her sketchy, tragic, funny, and dumb associations. First up: she’s getting sued. The woman suing her is Ashley Samson, who was one of the original named sources for the National Enquirer’s first report on Tiger’s infidelity. After Tiger’s accident, Uchitel was all “I’ve never met this Ashley person” and Ashley was all “here are pictures of us getting drunk and raunchy together, I’ll just give them to the Enquirer.” Allegedly, Tiger’s people tried to buy off Samson, too. But Samson is going to get money the old fashioned way – by suing the hell out of someone. That someone is her former friend, Rachel Uchitel:

The Tiger Woods scandal could lead to a catfight in a courtroom.

Ashley Samson, the woman who spilled the beans on Woods’ reported romps with New York party girl Rachel Uchitel, said yesterday she “might be” suing Uchitel for trashing her as a liar and druggie.

“She made me look bad,” Samson told a Daily News reporter. Samson says she’s meeting with her lawyer to figure out a legal strategy.

“I’ll know more after I talk to him,” she said. “Check back with me Saturday.”

Samson was quoted by name in a National Enquirer story that tore the lid off the Woods’ romance with Uchitel and led to revelations of other adulterous affairs. Uchitel responded by insisting there was no affair with Woods and slammed Samson.

“I’m not friends with Ashley Simpson or whatever her name is,” Uchitel told The News in a Facebook message.

Uchitel told other news outlets Samson was a “train wreck” who traded sex for money and blew that dough on quaaludes. The Enquirer countered Uchitel’s denials with photos of her and Samson barely dressed and partying together in Spain.

[From The New York Daily News]

I think Samson is probably a very sketchy character, but I like her spunk, and hell, I didn’t make Uchitel spill her secrets to Samson. So, whatever. Next up: Star Magazine is sticking with stories about Uchitel, probably because she’s “The Mistress Classic” or because she’s more interesting than the other C-listers. Star published e-mails Tiger sent to Uchitel where he’s basically pouring his soul out to her. He wrote: “I know it’s brutal on you that you can’t be with me all the time… I get it. It f—–g kills me, too. I finally found someone I connect with, someone I have never found like this…not even at home.” Star also reports that Tiger’s affair with Uchitel is the one relationship that sent Elin Woods into a pre-Thanksgiving rage.

Two weeks after Tiger’s tryst with NYC event planner Rachel Uchitel in an Australian hotel, the golfer called Rachel frantically, telling her he wouldn’t be able to see her for a while and asking her to change the message on her phone, as his wife was likely to contact her. Soon after came the call from Elin — who had heard Star’s story about Tiger’s affair was hitting newsstands.

“I’m hearing stories coming in from everyone from every direction. What’s going on?” Elin asked Rachel, according to an insider, who adds: “Rachel denied she had an affair with Tiger, and told her, ‘I’ve walked your husband to a table at [the NYC night club] Griffin, made sure everything was OK, and that’s the extent of our relationship. It’s ridiculous and crazy that people are saying that I slept with him.’”

Rachel — whose fiancé was killed on 9/11 and whose lovers have included Derek Jeter, David Boreanaz and, reportedly, Ryan Seacrest, Alex Rodriguez and Stephen Dorff — was so convincing that Elin even thanked her for her time before hanging up. But at 1am on Nov. 27, Elin called Rachel again — this time her mood had changed.

“I know everything,” the mother of Tiger’s two young children yelled at Rachel.

Within minutes, Elin and Tiger were involved in a furious fight. As Star reported yesterday, things got so heated Elin threw her cell phone at Tiger, hitting him in the face and breaking his tooth.

“She then grabbed a golf club and chased him around the house, doing tens of thousands of dollars of damage,” a source close to Tiger told Star. “Tiger ran out to his Escalade barefoot to get away from her” — and was in such a state of panic that he crashed into a fire hydrant and a neighbor’s tree after pulling out of his driveway.

[From Star Magazine]

I actually believe some version of this might have happened, just because it fits with the timeline, and it does make some kind of sense that Elin’s suspicions had been raised. Of course, that would mean that Elin wasn’t “genuinely shocked” by the reports, considering she was doing some checking up.

Rachel Uchitel getting swarmed by photographers in New York on December 10, 2009. Credit: WENN.

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28 Responses to “Mistress Rachel Uchitel is now a full-fledged celebrity”

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  1. tey says:

    hope she does get sued.

    she’s looking soooo shallow — just like Tiger: phoney, shallow, and tacky.

    they deserve each other.

  2. chshc says:

    This is exactly what she wanted.

  3. Lway says:

    What a ho. She’s not even all that.

    What’s going on around her mouth there?

  4. Meow says:

    She looks like the Millionaire Matchmaker chic in the above picture.

  5. smallwonder2738 says:

    oh for f*%k’s sake… a new Hailey Glassman is born!

    Just when I thought we’d get back to the real Celeb gossip–damn. She started out being a little classier than Hailey but is now on a downward slide running her mouth and becoming a media-whore.

    Congrats Rachel… you’ve apparently f*%£ed your way through half of Hollywood, how proud you will be to look back on a life of home wrecking. (And yes, I know that it take 2 to tango)

    Dirty. Nasty. Skanky. B*tch.

  6. Jeane says:

    “She then grabbed a golf club and chased him around the house, doing tens of thousands of dollars of damage. Tiger ran out to his Escalade barefoot to get away from her — and was in such a state of panic that he crashed into a fire hydrant and a neighbor’s tree after pulling out of his driveway.”

    ROFL! That is hilarious!

  7. Guest says:

    omg j jungers is on the today show!

  8. belleami says:

    Tiger’s scandal reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith’s paternity scandal and five ex lovers who claimed they’re baby’s father.

    Tiger is male version of Anna Nicole Smith.

  9. Aspen says:

    wow, she is really ugly.

  10. Ursula says:

    It is so easy to become a celebrity these days.

  11. Firestarter says:

    She’s a full fledged celebrity according to who?

  12. bros says:

    i thought it was just bad lip injections, but this ho had a terrible nose job too-her whole mouth area has been modified and is now all janked. i wish we had some yearbook pictures of her…just to see what kind of ‘beauty’ she was before all this plastic surgery.

  13. diva says:

    I’m starting to think that Rachel is behind this whole thing. She seems desperate to be famous in a pathetic narcisstic way. She probably figured her days would be numbered with Tiger and selling him out would guarantee her the limelight and a payday. She seems like the type who asked Tiger for gifts and saw that she wasn’t going to get anywhere, so she had her friend tip off the Enquirer. Their is something about her “good friend” Ashley contacting the Enquirer that makes me think that she is behind it. I think she just hired Gloria Allred to get a quick payday and get famous, but she didn’t anticipate all these other “hos” stealing her thunder.

  14. Black Kat says:

    That is one busted face.

  15. MintyMoo says:

    Other than having a rocken body, her face is beat. She needs to wash her hair too. Probably too busy sleeping with married men to take a shower already! Yuk!

  16. ligeia says:

    ewwwwwwww at her skin. she should be a poster girl for anti skin cancer/tanning beds ad.
    though looking closer, the blotches can be either because her skin is over dried from tanning or a result of sloppy spray tan. still ew.

  17. oxa says:

    I saw the one skanky looking creature on the Today Show this am and I think that his wife Elin gets more beautiful every day. She does not need to say anything as it all unfolds with Tiger front and center in his own undoing.

  18. scout says:

    If anyone wants to see her original face, look up the post-9/11 cover photo of her in the NY Post. I was living in Manhattan at the time and remember her being interviewed A LOT about her missing fiance. Obviously it was a horrible, crazy time in the city but it’s odd because while there were so many, many tragic stories and distraught families, I still remember how her appearances REALLY stood out. Images of her screaming and clutching her fiance’s picture, crying how she KNOWS he will come back to her and detailing the life they WILL be having together. This was after it was determined that, no, no one else was going to be recovered from Ground Zero. She really went on for a LONG time, even as we were all watching the sad faces of the children of hero Fire and Policeman at funeral after funeral.

    I’m not sure what I’m getting at here. I don’t want to belittle someone’s pain and my goodness what a tragic loss. I’m just pointing out that …the girl craves the spotlight. Well, she’s got it.

  19. Kimberly says:

    it’s 30 degrees in NYC and she’s walking around like that ? come on she’s such an attention whore in more ways than one .

  20. wow says:

    @ Diva – I’ll see your “think Rachel is behind the whole thing” and raise you a “I think both she and this Ashley are in cahoots together”.

    Since Rachel alledgedly was paid off to be all “mums the word”, I think she is now using Ashley as her mouth piece. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ashley somehow “miraculously” will produce more of Rachel’s emails with Cheetah …ones we haven’t seen or heard about.

    Everyone in this story is looking pretty pathetic right about now. They all sound like call girls.

  21. Goddess711 says:

    I’ve got a feeling this one’s going to be “the next ex” – after Elin kicks Tiger to the curb…AGAIN, this one might actually be wife #2 til a new scandalous parade of paid sidef**ks hits the fan.

  22. Rae says:

    Could someone please define celebrity for me? Because I’m having a hard time calling someone whose only claim to fame is sleeping around (albeit with celebrities) a celebrity. What do you call someone who goes around sleeping with famous people? I know there’s a term for it. I just don’t what it is.

  23. isabelle says:


  24. steve says:

    I can smell the SKANK from here.

  25. kim says:

    I just read the headline and want to respond with

    No, no she’s not.

    I’ve already forgotten her name

  26. cruiz2 says:

    How old is this Ho? Check out the neck area, and those fake plumped-up lips suck!!! She’s looking used up to me. Yuck,and phoney-ness. All about kinky weird sex, probably! Perhaps, she’s deep? Not in a mental way!!!!!!!

  27. mollination says:

    Why, oh WHY did you post this as the title? C’mon. Stop feeding the beast. I’m seriously disappointed.

  28. Martha says:

    Bad nose job and chin implant, trout pout fish lips, huge fake breasts – so much wasted effort for such a clownish result. Too bad she’ll never know if anyone could have loved her for who she used to be instead of the ridiculous, pathetic woman she is now. Her desperation is so apparent. Is there anything genuine or authentic about you Rachel? Get some therapy and maybe you can become a “real” woman.