Dave Chappelle’s latest Netflix special is full of ‘jokes’ about transgender people

For years now, Dave Chappelle has devoted his stand-up act to criticizing, mocking and dehumanizing transgender people. He’s committed to punching down on several marginalized communities, but his favorite topic is absolutely his hatred of transgender people and trans rights. In 2021, he declared himself “Team TERF” and he declared that he would not bend to anybody’s demands. “Demands” like “can you stop being so f–king transphobic, it’s not funny and you’re really gross.” Well, Chappelle has a new Netflix special called The Dreamer and guess what, it’s the same old disgusting material. Even Variety called him out:

Maybe it’s time for Dave Chappelle to try some new material. The comedian’s newest special, “The Dreamer,” debuted on Netflix on Dec. 31, and largely focuses on his early years in entertainment and how he manifested his success. But he floods the first 12 minutes of the set revisiting his favorite target in recent years: Transgender people.

Chappelle opens the special by telling a story about visiting Jim Carrey while he was shooting the 1999 film “Man on the Moon,” where the actor famously went method on set while portraying comedian Andy Kaufman. Dave recalls being “very disappointed” that he spent the day speaking to Carrey pretending to be Kaufman, ending by saying, “That’s how trans people make me feel.”

He then addressed the controversy surrounding his anti-trans material, saying, “If you guys came here to this show tonight thinking that I’m going to make fun of those people again, you’ve come to the wrong show. I’m not f–king with those people anymore. It wasn’t worth the trouble. I ain’t saying sh-t about them. Maybe three or four times tonight, but that’s it. I’m tired of talking about them. And you want to know why I’m tired of talking about them? Because these people acted like I needed them to be funny. Well, that’s ridiculous. I don’t need you. I got a whole new angle coming. You guys will never see this sh-t coming. I ain’t doing trans jokes no more.”

He then said he was going to transition to joking about “handicapped” people instead because “they’re not as organized as the gays. And I love punching down.”

A few minutes later, Chappelle revisited the topic, saying, “To be honest with you, I’ve been trying to repair my relationship with the transgender community cause I don’t want them to think that I don’t like them. You know how I’ve been repairing it? I wrote a play. I did. Cause I know that gays love plays. It’s a very sad play, but it’s moving. It’s about a Black transgender woman whose pronoun is, sadly, n***a. It’s a tear-jerker. At the end of the play she dies of loneliness cause white liberals don’t know how to speak to her. It’s sad.”

Later in the special, Chappelle addressed when he was attacked onstage at the Hollywood Bowl in 2022 by an assailant with a replica gun that could discharge a knife blade. Chappelle recalled trying to diffuse tension after the incident with a joke, telling the audience, “It was a trans man!” But he said it didn’t go over well, given the audience’s response of, “‘Boo. It’s L.A., we like trans people.’” Chappelle also said the attacker “had a knife that identified as a gun” and “I triggered them because I had done LBGTQ [sic] jokes and it turns out this fella was a ‘B.’” He also joked that, knowing the attacker was bisexual, he “could have been raped.”

[From Variety]

He also made a grotesque “joke” about wanting to go to a women’s prison if he’s ever sent to jail and it’s not even worth repeating. In years past, I’ve wondered if Chappelle really is this out of touch and maybe that’s the larger issue – he lost his ability to keep his finger on the pulse of American culture. But at this point, the dude just loves being a bigot. He thinks hatred is funny and edgy. He thinks this is okay because his buddy Elon Musk laughs at his jokes.

Screencaps courtesy of Netflix.

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45 Responses to “Dave Chappelle’s latest Netflix special is full of ‘jokes’ about transgender people”

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  1. There’s a special place in hell for Dave. That place involves him sitting on a pitch fork with no lube.

    • Barnabus says:

      Condemning a man to forced sodomy is its own form of homophobia. Sexual violence imagery is unacceptable and should not be encouraged.

      • La Dolce Vita says:

        Yes. It reminds me of Debra Messing saying a similar thing about Trump – she thought she would have praise heaped on her but instead she got a serious hiding from both liberals and progressives for her homophobia.
        People need to know that just because the person you are “wishing” this on is reprehensible, it is still a terrible reflection on your mentality that you would even think of such a thing.

      • La Dolce Vita says:

        Also, she is another one who does not know how to apologise – or more likely does not want to. The arrogance, the ignorance, the entitlement.

    • Tell it to Netflix. I said what I said about a horrific man and I wished him horrific consequences. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. If you don’t like mine then please ignore and go about your day.

      • Lucille says:

        Making rape jokes is quite the “opinion” to defend, especially given the topic at hand. Wow.

  2. Jais says:

    F*ck anyone telling trans jokes. RIP Brianna

    • Proud Mary says:

      I just find it interesting that in most areas of life, we are supposed to recognize scientific advancements that enable us to treat each other better, except for trans people. Let’s continue to determine gender and sexuality on the same basis as the level of knowledge that allowed folks to burn women at the stakes, shall we?

  3. Slush says:

    I’m literally starting to wonder if Dave is trans? Or sexually attracted to trans people? He seems to be so deeply obsessed with the trans community, and as we know, often homophobes are just closeted. Perhaps it’s the same here.

    • Proud Mary says:

      You beat me to it. Remember when Eddie Murphy used to poke fun at gays in his stand up routines? And who was later busted for picking up a trans woman-of-the-night? Yep, you guess it. Time will tell.

    • Mimi says:

      Apparently, he lives in deeply maga territory and you know they love to pick on trans people, too. It’s their latest culture war.

    • Ponchorella says:

      I have been wondering this as well. The fact that every special he makes now continues to revisit this topic is making my spidey senses tingle. It’s definitely giving me “Republican lawmaker caught in men’s bathroom tryst” vibes.

    • MJM says:

      I think a lot of us are starting to wonder at this point. He seems like a deeply troubled person.

    • JanetDR says:

      It’s almost impossible to think if any other reason at this point. He just can’t stop thinking about it.

    • Nanny to the Rescue says:

      I don’t think it’s that deep.

      He makes fun of trans people because that’s the popular culture war topic. His trans jokes get shared more than all his other jokes combined, so as a consequence they bring more people to watch his program, which brings more money to him and Netflix (which means they will call him back again and again and again – for him to make more trans jokes).

      Hate watching and angry reacting brings him the dollars, too. He’ll stop when we stop giving him attention.

    • Ariel says:

      I saw a TikTok from a trans woman about Dave Chappelle, and she said “it’s giving… client. Angry client.” She was all, “Dolls, which of you broke his heart because he is obsessed and angry.”

      I would be 0% surprised if we learn that Dave Chappelle hires trans sex workers regularly. (There’s nothing wrong with that — sex work is real work!) It’s just that he’s so clearly fixated in a way that’s like….. really now? what’s actually going on here.

  4. MF says:

    I think for both him and J.K. Rowling, after years of fame and wealth, they got used to being adored and couldn’t handle criticism when they said something bigoted. So they responded to criticism by doubling down on their bigotry and playing the victim.

    When you listen to the things he says, it’s pretty clear that he’s mad that lots of people don’t like him anymore and that he can’t say whatever he wants without impunity.

    • k.tate says:

      spot on @MF He has a, “they can’t tell me what to say” vibe and he can’t seem to get off it.

    • La Dolce Vita says:

      So true. JKR has nose-dived whole-heartedly into every right-wing opinion possible and doesn’t care who is murdered as a result of her spreading lies and propaganda on her sm.

  5. Smile says:

    It was just not funny at all.

  6. Caroline says:

    R.I.P. Dave’s sense of humor

  7. Amy Bee says:

    Joking about trans people is just not funny and only threatens their lives.

  8. Mary Pester says:

    Oh god will these idiots ever stop, life is hard enough for trans people, or anyone who doesn’t conform to what “they” think is “the norm”.

  9. Louise says:

    Netflix also just released a new Ricky Gervais special. Another guy who used to be funny but now gleefully punches down for attention. Why does Netflix keep giving these people an outlet?!?

    • Diane says:

      Agree. Used to love Gervais, but I quit 20 min. into his last standup and it was for the same reason … he’s no longer funny.

      • Maria says:

        Same. I tried watching it but didn’t laugh once and the jokes weren’t jokes. He seemed angry and I got middle school boy vibes from his new show.

    • Eva says:

      Netflix is full of poo. They need that kind of comediants because a lot of poopy ppl watch them and it brings money to netflix. Dave Ch. is talking poo because they pay him for this. And he, like most of rich ppl, likes money and high lifestyle. Look what happened with Joe Rogan.

    • La Dolce Vita says:

      Because there are loads of bitter, angry middle-aged men who have nothing else in their lives.

  10. Jensies says:

    What a disappointment of a person.

  11. JaneS says:

    I watched the new Ricky Gervais Netflix special and it was terrible.
    Rehash of old material. Very, very few laughs.
    He phoned it in and took the money.

    Dave is the same now. Rehashing old bits and lecturing to the crowd about his opinions.
    Dave is turning into a real hack onstage. On and on with his point of view, no actual jokes. Reminds me of Lenny Bruce towards the end, no material but took the stage to rant about how he was treated, he was a victim, etc.

    If these multi-millionaires can not create 55 minutes of new material, admit it you are washed up, riding on their names.

  12. Proud Mary says:

    I’ve never liked him. Never found him funny. But he was the man of the moment 15 or so years ago, so I endured all the buzz there was about him. The old saying that money doesn’t change people, it just makes you more of what you are, is apt here. Chappell is now a very wealthy man who is as a result the favorite black toy of some very wealthy white men. Racist Elon Musk, for example. Who can forget that very juicy moment when Chapelle’s live audience unmercifully booed Musk, at
    a stand up event. Dave then scoleded his audience on behalf of this wealthy racist. This is the real Dave Chappelle.

  13. Cathalea says:

    This is not gonna be a popular observation, but:
    I think he wanted to show everybody that people will rather laugh at the disabled jokes, than the tg jokes. No one walked away. Everybody stayed and laughed. I hate that he proved a point, and was right.

    Dave as a black man is very jealous of what the tg community has accomplished in a short period, what his own black community couldn’t, after 400 years (respect/ equality/ etc).

    • Amy Bee says:

      Cathalea: GTFOH with this racist talk.

    • Myeh says:

      @cathalea Dave isn’t jealous of the advancements of the queer communities he is pissed because as a poc he will never see that level of respect and inclusion no matter how much wealth he acquires. That sort of inequitable treatment and double standard is why the majority of communities of color understand and tolerate Dave.

    • sunny says:

      This is such an ignorant take Cathalea, which shows a total lack of understanding of both history and intersectionality. Many of the most prominent transgender activists have been black and queer.

      Dave is an absolute bigot and I hope that the hate he spews leads to him losing fans and dollars. He’s not funny.

  14. JaneS says:

    Because we started talking about it, I just watched Dreamer, Dave C latest on Netflix.
    I have cc on my tv continually. Which means I can see the running time on screen.

    The show opens back stage, shot as tho it is the second coming of a comedy God, then Daves often walks around in circles, laughing at his own stale jokes, basically filling time.
    Then his on stage performance ends, he exits. The remaining 5 minutes is filled with photos from his past, showing him with other celebs. His last Netflix show did the same, at least 5 minutes of ego boosting time filler. In a 55 minute show, I guess he wastes a solid 12 minutes with this BS.

    Jokes about the trans and disabled community are hack material and offensive.
    Just because he admits he likes to “Punch down.” Does not change the effect of his material. He is bullying vulnerable people. On stage. And people are paying top ticket prices to see him do it.

    I am finished watching both Ricky and Dave. Rated both “Not for me” Thumbs down.

    Pryor, Carlin, Robin, Jon Stewart all did stand ups that took shots at the powerful people, how the needs of society were not being met by the PtB, and are still funny to watch today, bc so much of the same BS still exists.

  15. Grant says:

    I’m sorry, where are the jokes? Do people think this is funny? If you’re going to use your platform to criticize my community, at least be funny…

    • DeeSea says:

      I can’t imagine anyone (even a bigot) finding any of this actually funny. I’ve never heard one example of “punching down” that was actually FUNNY. This is just a**holes attempting to wrap their hate-filled monologues in a veil of legitimacy by calling it “comedy.”

  16. JaneS says:

    There used to be the idea in professional comedy that some things were off limits.
    Then pro comics tried pushing nothing was off limits, if you thought you were talented enough.
    A comedy genius can make anything funny.

    I strongly disagree.
    Some things simply should not be said.
    It is not clever, funny or creative to use bullying words to dismiss other humans.
    Society is losing empathy, the US is split into groups that simply can not see a common ground any longer.
    Dave C is pushing hate. The disabled, the gay and trans communities are among the most vulnerable to neglect in health care, housing, employment, and the less they are seen as humans the more likely to be victimized by violence.
    As the parent of a special needs Adult with multiple disabilities, Dave can suck it! And take Trump with him for bullying and mocking others. Pound sand!

  17. CruzMom says:

    My son has disabilities too. My husband and I started to watch this special on NYE. While I was nervous, I’ve had hope that THIS would be the one where Dave finally remembers why he quit Chapelle Show. That he is doing to trans people exactly what he felt non-POCs were doing when they watched his show – laughing at him, not with him (although this is far worse since at least he was the one making the jokes about race back then). He can be absolutely brilliant, so I gave him yet another chance. And oh boy, was that a mistake. Instead of having one iota of self-awareness, he spent 10 minutes setting up a joke that seemed reasonable and then ended by sucker punching trans people. But he decided not to let the trans community have all the fun, so he gave the disability community the good ol’ Chapelle treatment too! Including contorting his face and body (with the universal hand signal for the “r-word” included) to make sure we understood who he was talking about. I didn’t think it could get worse, but within seconds it did. It’s a bit of a blur, but suffice it to say that when he got to the part about a quadriplegic being sodomized, I finally threw in the towel.

    I’ve been nervous heading into 2024, so watching this on NYE was a bad idea. Now I’m terrified.

  18. bisynaptic says:

    Chappelle must be some kind of closeted. I can’t think of any other explanation.

  19. East Villager says:

    I was actually at the show last year with the knife attack (a friend had free tickets. I would not pay to see Dave). I used to find his original show to be so hilarious, and now it’s just… hurtful and crass. Trace Lysette just owned this poor fool on Instagram.

  20. Anonymous says:

    These older generation comedians are finding it increasingly difficult to stay relevant with their jokes. Younger audiences aren’t laughing at the same things they used to. It makes them feel frightened and insecure. A stronger performer would grow from the criticism, try to understand it. There’s a way to still retain the essential grain of your humor without becoming a hateful/”misunderstood” fossil. I loved Dave Chappelle when I was 27. But I’m 41 now and not only has he lost his edge, he doesn’t seem to have grown as a comic over the last decade or so.