Levin: Prince William took care of his mother, so he can ‘look after’ Kate

Angela Levin is looney-tunes royal commentator and, bizarrely, one of Queen Camilla’s biographers of record. Levin gets some of her talking points from the palace, I’m sure. But some of her talking points come from the voices in her head, or the darkest, most deranged parts of the anti-Sussex internet. Levin has been called in to give some commentary about all of the royal health crises going around these days, from King Charles’s enlarged prostate to Fergie’s skin cancer to Princess Kate’s mysterious hospitalization and abdominal surgery. The clip of Levin talking about Kate and William has gone viral in some quarters:

Some partial transcript of Levin’s comments:

“It’s very unusual to stay in hospital for 14 days. If at home you’ve got all the comfort that you could have with someone coming in and looking after you. She could have nurses galore and the children could see their mother. But she is there for 14 days and they seem very firm that she won’t be doing anything until around Easter, which is a very long time. I think that’s the most scary thing about it. She works so hard and tries so hard that I think it’s very concerning that she’s there. She’s not the sort of woman who wants to stay in a hospital.”

“[William] goes back to his own mother, when he became what she called ‘the man of the house.’ He had to deal with her mental illnesses and crying and screaming and he put tissues under the bathroom door when she locked herself in, to help her. And I think he’s took that responsibility on when he was only 15 and didn’t quite know what to do. But here is a mature man and he will know that his priority is to look after his wife, who has been so wonderfully supportive to him, that he’s decided that this is the thing he’s going to do.”

[Via GB News]

It’s the comparison of Diana and Kate, specifically the idea that William will understand how to handle Kate’s situation because of his mother’s “mental illnesses.” Not to give Levin the benefit of the doubt here, but I suspect she wasn’t trying to spill anything, she was just trying to position William as a “caretaker” to his mother and now his wife. I will say that I find William’s absence at the London Clinic the most bizarre part of all of this. Kate had major surgery last Tuesday (a week ago) and he’s only visited her once? And the kids haven’t gone to see their mother? And Carole hasn’t been to the hospital either?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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249 Responses to “Levin: Prince William took care of his mother, so he can ‘look after’ Kate”

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  1. Christine says:

    Awww, William is a big boy now!

    I can’t with this delusional hag.

    • Laura C says:

      I don’t think she’s in hospital at all.
      I think it’s a big fat lie. What are they hiding?

      • Carmen says:

        I think they’re hiding that she’s had a nervous breakdown.

      • Tina says:

        Yah she’s somewhere but not at that hospital. Wherever she is I hope she has people who are advocating for her and not the institution. I think she’s an awful person who has done awful things but she has 3 little kids.

      • SarahLee says:

        The type of hospital situation where family cannot visit you for a week or two – that’s what they’re hiding. I do wish her a full recovery. I’ve found myself somewhat ashamed of speculating (as I just did here, I recognize). I hope she gets the care that she needs and that she gets better quickly.

      • Shawna says:

        @Carmen – that would explain why they didn’t give a location for Charles but did for Kate: making it seem more true.

      • Trilogy says:

        This is just my opinion. Bruising generally takes 2 weeks to heal. I think she may have had a facelift or some other plastic surgery.

      • Agnes says:

        If Levin is Camilla’s mouthpiece, it’s telling she used the word “mental illness.” I don’t see how anyone could be in that rotten family and NOT have a breakdown. And Kate definitely drank the Royalist Kool-aid. Her word salads show she doesn’t have the capacity to tell herself the truth. I hope she gets real help, not just more gaslighting.

      • Mel says:

        @Carmen–Same and I totally believe that Levin was beating around that bush at the behest of Queen Jumpoff

      • Christine says:

        Damn, if you all are right, the dueling palaces are going to go into an epic media brief-off.

      • Honey says:

        Perhaps she simply had plastic surgery. However, they had to know gossip was going to run rife and to the extremes with everyone wondering what could possibly take a 14 day recovery and then months recovery beyond that. She’s likely back at home already. Who knows?

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        @carmen – I agree – whether it’s in conjunction with something else like an ED or on its own but that’s my thought too…

      • I’m With The Band says:

        I think the proverbial poop is about to hit the fan with this Epstein List and Prince Andrew. They threw Harry and Meghan under the bus for a distraction when it initially came out, and now they’re desperate as ever for another distraction.

      • Olivia says:

        Yeah… I reckon she’s in rehab for bulimia, self-harming and other mental health issues. Her two fingers that are often bandaged could be hiding bloody and bruised knuckles – that are consistent with bulimia. Her new wiglet could be hiding hairloss due to malnutrition. Abdominal surgery might still be true, if she’s eating cotton balls. The comment about Peg and Diana is very telling. Something’s not right. It’s giving Princess Charlene of Monaco.

    • ales says:

      Vile woman no expert on anything, and definitely nothing more that a gossip writer. No one has seen Kate, no one saw her enter the hospital, just some black cars. Is she in this hospital or somewhere else. Maybe there are no visitors because she is not there. Plenty of lies come out of the royal rota and the BM on a regular basis, why are they supposedly telling the truth about Kate now. What if its a completely made up story !

      • Christine says:

        She’s just horrible. Is there any person alive who hasn’t heard the tissues stuffed under the door story, at this point? Her delivery is as if she is breaking the most somber inside news that has never, ever been heard before.

        Plus side, she’s not looking too healthy, so maybe she will shuffle off somewhere obscure soon.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      Wasn’t Diana dead when W was 15?

      • Nerd says:

        I believe she died a couple of months after he turned 15 and two weeks before Harry turned 13.

    • MoxyLady007 says:

      I think she knew exactly what she was doing with that analogy. The narcissist finally broke his scapegoat / wife.

      As someone who came from a deeply toxic and abusive family and was in a two year relationship with a narcissist- I wish her healing and for her to find empathy, understanding and compassion for herself and others. It’s hard to be a good person when you are deeply unhappy. I hope she heals wonderfully and comes out transformed into a deeply well and deeply empathetic and kind human being.

      A mental health crisis would explain everything as well as the lack of visitors. Does she have anyone not toxic that could visit her?

      If all your visitors would stress you the heck out…. Then it’s no visitors.

    • TRex says:

      All the speculation (from the media) disguised as concern nauseates me. I honestly hope she has a full recovery. Historically, being a high-profile member of “the firm” is NOT easy for anyone not born into it.

    • roooth says:

      I count 17 family members who could help Kate recover and help with the kids: Willy, Cowmilla, Sophie, Edward, Louise, Andrew, Fergie, Beatrice, Eugenie, Carole, Mike, Pippa & James Middleton, Anne, Zara & Mike Tindall. Plus nannies and a staff of 60.

      Sophie is out dancing. Eugenie is in Paris doing fashion shows. Nobody has been to visit Kate except 1 visit from Willy – so why exactly do Harry & Meghan need to rush over there?

      Whatever is going on, the lack of visits from her husband, children and family is very odd, unless she is in an ICU, or a facility that restricts visits – which sounds like rehab.

      As usual, they cause more problems by lying.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Rehab? Or something really grave. Did she attempt something? Why did willy arrived a full 2 days after her admission? He wasnt around. Sounds absolutely horrible. She is secluded at adelaide, they probably made sure the place wasnt big so that she could not have her family around her and not there perhaps to witness how bad it was between them. Hope she gets better fast even if im team hm

  2. Bella DuPont says:

    Karma’s cumming hard for House Windsor. 🙃

    • Juls says:

      If what Angela Levin said, The Princess of Wales had a break down, well it’s because of the way they treated Meghan Markle, karma is a you know what?

      • roooth says:

        Margaret, Diana, Fergie, Sophie, Meghan – the tabloids tried to destroy all of them. Sophie shrank herself into irrelevancy, Cowmilla is retreating from public life so she can drink in peace and no public pics of her drunk, and Meghan got the hell out of Dodge before they destroyed her – and they FOLLOWED her and still try to destroy her.
        The House of Windsor is not healthy for women.

      • Kat says:

        Kate was horrible to Meghan.Looking at those walkabout photos after the Queen died, the looks she was giving Meghan were pure evil.Meghan looked absolutely terrified of her.
        Now it has come back to hit her in the face.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    Wishing this woman a complete recovery because of her children. But I have no interest in her, the institution, Charles or the rest of those folks. You reap what you sow

    • Barnabus says:

      Maxine, thank you for expressing a much needed sense of empathy.

      • Kim says:

        I wish they could extend the same empathy to Meghan!

      • Lorelei says:

        @Barnabus, I think there is actually a lot of sympathy for Kate here, not because she deserves it, but because for the most part, the posters here are decent people who don’t actively wish ill health on a mother of three small children, no matter what type of person Kate may be.

        I’m not a fan of Kate and would never defend any of her awful behavior, especially her behavior toward Meghan. IMO, Kate’s gotten what she deserves— a miserable life with a husband who’s checked out, stuck in a much smaller home than she ever imagined, her parents humiliatingly exposed as frauds. She’s also been sidelined from some major events and appearances, starting with the Diana statue unveiling, and up to William’s trips to NY and Singapore, and others I’m forgetting.

        But I wouldn’t wish poor health on her. It’s been clear for a long time now that Kate is not well, even though none of us know exactly what’s wrong. I hope she recovers and can be there for her kids. And I really believe that’s how lots of us here feel. We may not like Kate, but we’re not monsters ffs.

    • Jais says:

      I genuinely wish Kate a healthy recovery. It’s just wild to watch the BM demand empathy for Kate and the RF. The BM and the RF worked together to dehumanize Meghan by launching a smear campaign that denied her empathy and made it a sport to hate her. They created a culture of hate, devoid of empathy, and now they’re surprised that they themselves are getting very little sympathy. They’ve modeled the behavior that they are now receiving.

      • Christine says:

        Exactly. They actively wanted Meghan to harm herself, she was begging for help. If this does turn out to be something related to mental health, it should underscore to these awful royal “experts” that they are literally driving people to their death, but of course they will never admit they did anything to Meghan. Poor Kitty on the other hand, she will get endless fawning and infantalizing from them, per usual.

    • Cassie says:

      I know what it’s like to have a breakdown and I feel for people going through it .
      If this is what has happened to Kate I feel for her in that respect and for her children .

      That cult breaks women not of Royal blood .
      She got the Prince but lost her identity.

      • TRex says:

        Agreed Cassie. We may never know the true extent of what’s currently happening – the media twist and turn every story to support their agenda or whomever they wish to destroy or curry favour with – we’ve seen this with Diana, Sarah, her daughters, Kate, Camilla, William, Harry, Meghan – literally every member of the royal family – even QEII herself on occasion! The media is a colony of hungry jackals, and whomever they feel is the weakest of the family will always be game.

  4. equality says:

    And he “took care” of Di while being away at boarding school a good deal of the time. Isn’t he capable? (s) Being upset and crying because your husband doesn’t love you isn’t a “mental illness”.

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      In a couple of years will William be calling Kate paranoid in the press too?

      • Mel says:

        I’m going to go with him blaming her entirely for the fallout between Harry/Meghan and the Family.

      • roooth says:

        I always thought that Willy’s bizarre speech where he threw Diana under the bus was as much a warning to Kate as anything else. He was letting Kate know that he was going to do whatever (and whoever) he wanted and Kate better shut up and put up with it or she could end up like Diana.

        I also think Willy hit on Meghan, (because he’s entitled to), and Meghan smacked him down and he’s been furious that an American actress would reject him ever since. He’s jealous of Harry for getting something Willy can’t have

      • TybeeLucille says:

        I believe that’s exactly what will happen and it will be used to keep the children from her.

    • Nanea says:


      It’s one of the biggest talking points of the Derangers: Willnot was such a grown-up, and looked after his mother.

      While he was away at Eton, and spent at least a part of the vacations with “Pa”.

      Bulliam, raging with incandescence, wouldn’t know (of) a mental illness if it hit him in the face.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        William’s inability to control himself (he assaulted his brother!) makes him the one most likely to suffer from mental illness. His mother’s response to her deplorable, abusive treatment was not a symptom of mental illness.

      • Harper says:

        Levin is a nut herself. She has zero real tea and repeats the same lies. You could see that she was on the spot reaching for an example of William being caring but there are no public examples of William being caring. So she immediately defaults to the only tall tale we have in this Grimm’s Fairy Tale: Windsor Edition which is the oft-told but not necessarily confirmed story of William stuffing tissues under the bathroom door while his mom sobbed inside.

        As for his care for Kate, we have William rolling his eyes at her, storming ahead after the recent Jubilee, darting off the yacht with the only umbrella and leaving Kate behind during the previous Jubilee, letting his pregnant wife descend the plane stairs alone in heels, leaving Tom Cruise to lend a hand to help Kate up the stairs in her evening gown, etc. etc. If it were Harry, there’d be no shortage of caring examples. With William, there is but one tall tale, and I’m thinking the doctors told him to stay away for Kate’s own good.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana moved on and was building a new life.

      • Guest says:

        Diana was loved all over the world and could start over. Kate is no Diana where would she even start.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Was is Diana who said William slid tissues under the door, or her butler, after her death? That story never made sense to me. Don’t they keep tissues in the bathroom? At the very least, there’s toilet paper, even a teenage boy could figure that out.

      And the audacity of that woman referring to Diana’s ‘mental illnesses’!

      • equality says:

        Morton originated the story in his bio of Di. He claimed the story came from Di, but it apparently wasn’t on the tapes she made so who knows if she told it or not.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I thought it was Chuck’s hack biographer Jobson that started that story in a book from 2006. Supposedly William was 7 at the time. Then Penny Junor repeated it in one of her hit pieces. (it’s been repeated by the whole ridiculous lot). Jobson repeated it again in his 2022? book about William. Jobson’s attributed a lot of faulty comments.

        For all we know, Diana could have gone to the bathroom, locked the door, took care of business, realized there was no TP and shouted out “Can someone get me some TP/tissues?”. It’s not uncommon. Nor is crying about your husband skanking around with his skank. That’s not having a mental illness. That’s being a human with emotions. William the caregiver.lolz GMAFB

        Levin had a relationship with Harry in her own head. That is how her Harry book happened. She did not accompany him on events, much less, spend a year and half with him. DerAngela might need to spend some time resolving her mental illness.

      • Aurora says:

        From what I remembered, William and Harry lived with Charles after the divorce. William’s 15th birthday was the last time Diana saw them before dying. She was divorced and been dating other men for years already. If anything, it’s said Charles was talking to her into getting back together for appeareances at the time. I don’t see how 15yo William would be comforting Diana over marital rifes. So recollections may vary.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    This comment is VERY VERY telling – its basically saying that that Kate is having similar MH issues his mother had with the ED, emotional outbursts etc.. Remember its long been said that they scream at each other and she gives as good as she gets. Its clearly a very toxic and volatile relationship that has clearly taken a mental and physical toll on her, just like it did to Diana.

    • L84Tea says:

      Yeah, her words are strange because she’s not confirming anything, yet she’s also dropping bread crumbs all around. My question is, is this Camilla’s doing and taking her jabs at Kate thru AL? Or is AL just that stupid to say these things out loud?

      • Harper says:

        It’s completely telling. When you have a cut and dry surgery where your concern in recovery is focused on preventing infection, monitoring heart rate and respiration, encouraging mobility afterward, etc., WHY say that because Diana was screaming and crying, William will know how to care for Kate.

        And William not visiting and the media not reporting on it says even more.

      • roooth says:

        I think all the leaks about this, including the hit pieces on H&M for not rushing over, have the stink of Cowmilla all over them.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana was no Zelda Fitzgerald according to the book m
      By the housekeeper Charles had the anger issues.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        We’ve all seen how tetchy he got with a pen and ink well. Just imagine what happened behind doors if someone called him out personally for his bs or challenged him. I’ve admitted my errors in thinking he (& the other C) were not guilty of things. Apologized for thinking that a number of times.

        The best people from that industrial complex are no longer there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Regarding the ED – after watching his mother’s experience (not sure how he took care of her) you’d think he would have recognized all the signs and leapt into action with Kate before things got this bad. They have access to the best medical resources.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana took care of herself worked tp be the best she could be and went for therapy and got the bulimia under control William had nothing to do with it.

    • Becks1 says:

      I can’t tell if Levin is smart enough to be making that comparison – like is she wording this like this to make everyone draw that comparison between Diana’s mental health, or is she just parroting talking points about William as Kate’s Great Caretaker??

      If it is the former, then it reminds me of the Tatler article where they talked about Diana’s eating disorder and there was a subtle comparison to Kate (or not so subtle I guess), which also drew the parallel between Charles’ cheating and William’s cheating (and how it impacted the wives.)

      But I just can’t decide if Levin is slick enough for that.

      • Lucy says:

        That’s a great point. I don’t think she’s smart enough to plant like this on purpose. That leaves, she’s going with the only public story of William caring about anyone who wasn’t him, or whatever she’s heard from “unofficial” sources made her think of this.

        I hope Kate makes a full recovery, whatever is really going on, and that she gets mentally healthy as well.

      • Steph says:

        I agree that Angela Levin isn’t the brightest. However, she may not be smart enough to plant that herself, but she’s capable of repeating what she’s told to say.

      • Nic919 says:

        Camilla told her to make that allusion. So she definitely intended to suggest that William is familiar at dealing with someone with mental health issues and eating disorder issues.

    • Caitlin says:

      After witnessing his mother’s experience with an ED you’d think he’d recognize the signs with Kate and get her help – instead of waiting years when her health has been destroyed. What is wrong with this man?

      • Robert Phillips says:

        He’s not around Kate. Except for public functions. The press is doing the same thing they did with Harry. Saying they were so close when they were young. No they weren’t. Their jobs just kept them in the same places.

      • Lucy says:

        To be fair, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it. If she thinks she’s fine, very little can be done to are it without it becoming a held against her will situation.

        The fact that no one has visited more than once does make me think it’s more of a mental health thing. I would’ve believed the bowel resectioning thing except for the lack of visitors. If that’s really what she had, and they gave a decoy hospital, they are truly bad at all of this.

    • Tessa says:

      Levin should not bring Diana into it. It amounts to Diana bashing.

    • equality says:

      Diana’s emotional outbursts? You are buying into the tabloid versions. I’m sure she had emotions, but not screaming fits. That would have been KC according to various stories that have come out. Diana herself said her bulimia started the week after their engagement and took about 10 years to overcome. So PW would have been about 9 at the time she says she got it under control.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana’s symptoms eased up when she and Charles led separate lives. She went to Dr lipsedge ca 1989 and he helped her get the bulimia under control. She became a stronger person. Diana’s close friends said she began showing bulimia symptoms when she moved into no. That never should have been allowed.

      • Tessa says:

        Edit when Diana moved into Buckingham palace after the engagement the bulimia symptoms started.

    • ales says:

      Seriously ? There is no evidence anywhere that Kate is a nice person, she appears to have no interest in others except to compete or destroy. Unfortunately a few women like Kate have been in my life including my mother, they never change. The predator, stalker, flasher, mean girl, mattress, yacht girl, mean girl, stubbornly pushed her way into W’s life for 10 years until he agreed to marry her. She appears to have no friends except for the Midds, has relentlessly attacked Meghan to try to damage her, and has made no effort whatsoever to learn her job, but has plenty of effort for shopping, exercising and spending money. She manipulates, the current situation, whatever it is, has captured many people. Now its poor Kate, its Williams fault. Women can be monsters too. Giving empathy and sympathy to her, feeds her already massive ego. She is now the centre of attention. Sadly people assume Kate is like us, caring, kind and concerned, she is definitely not and has never shown that, others have any relevance unless they are useful.

  6. Sophie says:

    I don’t think these questions will answer themselves this week or the next… However, I’ve started to think that the Middletons absence makes sense, as they want to stay obscure for the time being, as they don’t want to remind the plebs that they should belong to a prison…. For Wills, though, I think it’s entirely different. I think he is over Kathy completely, and he doesn’t want to see her again. This is why I’m thinking that what Kate has is not that serious that KP made us believe.

    To be honest, if he’s not happy with her, maybe it’d be better if they divorced? Staying together can’t be good for a number of reasons!

    • L84Tea says:

      I’ve always gone back and forth on the divorce rumors, but I’ll admit lately I’ve assumed they are stuck together whether they like it or not. However, this whole situation now has me back in a gray area over will they or won’t they. Stepping back and watching the clown show that’s been going on in the RF the last few months, I’m realizing Will is going to do what he wants, royal approval or not. QE2’s absence has thrown so many things into chaos, and they’re all so jubilant now to run around and make terrible decisions knowing they don’t need to worry about her approval. At this point, I absolutely believe W&K could still divorce. Not saying they will, but I do believe they could. And I’m even starting to wonder if that is what possibly kicked this off, if it is in fact a mental health crisis. I could see Willy finally wanting to pull the plug after getting the holidays over and done and Kate falling apart over it.

    • Jk says:

      That’s what she seems to be implying! That Kate is crying and screaming and having serious mental health issues (caused by Will’s abuse but blamed on Sussexes, no doubt). In which case, it’s not surprising she wouldn’t want to see Will and she wouldn’t want to be seen by her children in this current state. And there’s no predicting when or if she’ll recover from mental health struggles, hence the blurry timelines of her return.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I have a similar theory about the Middletons. I think Carole is there with Kate for two reasons: one, they are genuinely close and she is Kate’s only support (for better or for worse), and two, the kids are with Peg now and he will not let Carole anywhere near himself or the kids when they are with him. So I don’t believe the hands on grandma helping with the kids storyline. The kids are with Peg and nanny Maria.

      Also, Peg, KC and maybe even Cam laid down the law about them not being photographed anywhere near the royals, or use this situation to rehab their image.

      • Jaded says:

        I agree @Smart&Messy — who knows what may have triggered her alleged breakdown, perhaps William went into a big rage about something, threatened divorce and she fell apart, or worse tried to off herself. Either way this is all kinds of messed up and clearly the coverup of abdominal surgery is just that, a coverup for a much bigger problem. Kate’s gone to ground with mummy and the poor kids are with dad. I feel for those children, issues like this are always hardest on them.

      • roooth says:

        I think Willy has palmed the kids off on whoever will watch them and he’s living single while he can. Ppl at the kids school say he isn’t even doing the school runs

  7. SAS says:

    Broken clock and all that. I don’t think these people generally think much about the meaning behind their words, they just want to get out enough buzzy phrases to make some headlines (much like the Princess of Word Salad herself).

  8. MY3CENTS says:

    I still believe its mental illness, and that probably why the kids aren’t seeing her now.
    She might have very restricted visiting rights if this is the case.

  9. Nlopez says:

    I know he won’t stand up for his mother, he has disrespected her with his own words. However, I would not allow this crackpot to bring up my mother’s name and talk about her in this manner. Keep my mother name out your f#*#ing mouth!

    • Tessa says:

      Agree. Diana was a fully functional human being who was put in a stressful situation and had an eating disorder.she went for therapy and got the bulimia under control. Diana was one of the strongest people I read about. She was a great mother and dedicated to her charities. She had a circle of true friends. She was not in the attic like Mrs Rochester with William being a caretaker. William was in school.and did not have to sit home with her. This shows that c and c are still at it spreading the damaged Diana spin. Levin should keep quiet and stop trashing a dead person.

      • Ciotog says:

        Diana was pretty troubled no matter what may have caused it. I admire her greatly but she struggled throughout her adulthood with relationships.

      • Joy says:

        @Ciotog, did you know her personally? Or are you going by the what the media said/says about her? Or maybe you believe the unsanctioned books written by various butlers etc?

      • equality says:

        I think the majority of people struggle with relationships. And, having a husband who cheated from the outset would definitely cause a “struggle”. So, I think what you are saying is she was human.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        I can’t stand how the press has diagnosed Diana post death. It’s disgusting.

        No one can I angine the pressure she was under as a young girl, she was the most famous woman on earth. Her popularity was insane, it was nothing like Kate. She caused a commotion going to the gym.

        She was also abused not just by her husband but by an entire institution and media. She wasn’t perfect, but she wasn’t a hysteric as C and C PR claims.

      • Tessa says:

        C I o t a g Diana being called troubled comes from Charles sympathizers. Sally b. Smith looked at a textbook and claimed Diana had borderline personality disorder. She had no qualifications to diagnose to say.the least this is propaganda and gaslighting. Diana was a teenager when she got.engaged and charles.was 32. Diana had every right to be upset. Charles own bad attitude and being egocentric played into this too.

      • Jaded says:

        @Ciotog — The only thing Diana was “troubled” by was the fact that her husband was carrying on an affair with a woman who befriended Diana then stabbed her in the back. It’s not an issue of “no matter what may have caused it”, it’s clear as day she was devastated by Chucks flagrant adultery and his cold, belittling treatment of her. Her self-confidence was completely crushed.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Ciotog, KFC and the Escort are the ones who leaked constantly to the bm and they are the ones who made sure to paint Princess Di as mentally unstable. Diana was under a lot of pressure which presented itself as an ED. She was young and did what she could to try and gets KFC’s attention rather than have him focused on the Escort. She was seen by different doctors, and finally found one who recognized an ED and treated her accordingly.

        I believe it was in the Panorama interview where she even discussed the fact the being a strong woman in the Firm engendered speculation from within because her strength made them very nervous. She said that they wanted to know what she would do and how she would use it. They gaslighted her and wanted people to believe that she had a mental illness. No, she didn’t. She had a philandering, uncaring husband and his Escort was leaking to the press. Don’t fall for all of that made up crap.

      • Steph says:

        I’m not really comfortable with people jumping down @ciotog’s throat here. If we look at Diana’s life objectively, like it was an anonymous person, and you just had the facts. Abandonment by her mother at a young age (whether it was forced or not), being courted as a minor by a man in his 30s, family pressuring her to marry said man, being resented by said man for things out of her control, being used as a broodmares, cheated on relentlessly, Grandma advocating for the man instead of her. Becoming the most popular woman in the world overnight at 18…. It’s a lot. I think anybody would struggle with that. It’s not an attack on her character at all. And with all that she’s still an incredible human.

      • Ciotog says:

        By her own admission, Diana pushed her stepmother down the stairs. She had issues with stalking people she was involved with. She said something really cruel to someone her sons loved. Even Harry said in Spare that she would “overmother” and then disappear. I am not suggesting that she was evil or anything, or taking away from her real accomplishments or the terrible treatment she received, but she was clearly very troubled.

      • Tessa says:

        C I o t a g Diana and rain e Spencer made up. Rain e did not fall down the flight of stairs. Rain e talked about Diana lovingly and forgave her. Charles was the one who dwelt on his as he called it bad childhood. He did some shabby things to Diana perhaps he was and is trouble. I like Diana

      • C says:

        Much of Diana’s misdeeds are in my opinion very classic examples of reactive abuse. The “mean” things, I presume you mean to Tiggy Legge-Bourke, was because Camilla and others were swirling those rumors around to provoke Diana. And let’s remember Tiggy went to the press to call Diana a bad mother.
        As for her stepmother – it’s fine if you want to call her troubled for that, but keep that same energy for her husband who literally choked his valet and ripped a sink out in rage and apparently does this commonly.

      • equality says:

        When did Diana say that she pushed Raine down the stairs? I can’t find anything on line saying that she or Raine said it occurred. Representatives for Raine supposedly denied it after a documentary with the story came out in 2019. The claims were made by Raine’s assistant in the documentary that was after both women’s death so neither could confirm or deny. There were apparently many reasons to disbelieve the story.

  10. Mamasan says:

    As I’ve said previously, I don’t care for Kate, but I don’t wish her harm. She is dealing with something serious and needs time. I do think it’s mental illness related and I do think the rumor that a Royal couple would announce divorce after the new year was Bill and Kate.

    The Windsors are a toxic exposure for civilians. Enter at your own risk. It should be mounted over their door.

    My honest opinion is Bill should be nowhere near her during whatever she is recovering from. I think her parents are probably the best choice for now.

    • Kat says:

      I think.it may have been Will and Kate too, l.was listening to.a Irish radio show around the end of the year , a celeb journalist was on who said she heard there is going to be a big announcement of a separation that will surprise everyone in the NY and no it wasnt Harry and Megan !!! When l.heard Kate had gone into a Clinic my thinking cap.went on. Didnt she have to go.to therapy when she broke up with Will in the dating years, she discussed this in her engagement interview that she was in a bad way ?

      Either way l.hope she gets the help.she needs.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    According to the derangers, William is probably visiting the hospital by the back entrance. It’s possible but he made a big song and dance of being seen driving his Audi sports car in front of the hospital on Wednesday. As for Angela Levin, it’s already been established that she’s a loon.

    • Becks1 says:

      So this is obviously a possibility – for William, for her parents – but I feel like he would let himself be seen more than once. Like if he was visiting her every day I feel like he would want the press know that he saw her more than once, you know? Not necessarily everytime he visited, but more than just the one time. Having a wife in the hospital for two weeks in such a serious condition that you can’t work for months….you don’t come across as the supportive caretaker husband if you visit once.

    • Dee says:

      The derangers were all over Levin’s statements when they were about Meghan, but now that Levin is making these statements that imply Kate’s having a mental crisis, now she’s not to be taken at her word. Levin is Camilla’s mouthpiece and I bet she is enjoying all the attention.

    • Sunday says:

      Even if that were true, they would just leak that Will is ‘by her side’ or whatever, no photos actually needed, and then the tabloids could churn out several dozen articles about Will holding Kate’s hand as she rests, or bringing handmade cards from the children for her, etc.

      That they haven’t even attempted some “hospital source” gossiping about what a good husband Will is or Carole not leaving her side or the flowers down the hallway or whatever speaks VOLUMES imho.

      idk, I think it’s much more serious than they are admitting and she’s not allowed to have visitors at the moment. Will’s “visit” was either just a photo op or a photo op on the way to meet with her doctor, not her.

  12. Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

    No sympathy last week and still none this week.

  13. ThatsNotOkay says:

    Everyone is acknowledging that there is something deeply wrong. 14 days in a hospital, when anyone would rather be at home and someone with her resources could afford at-home, top-notch care, is troubling. Plus the months of after care. And if it’s true the kids haven’t been to see her yet…honestly, shivers. (I remember my mom being away in the hospital for just a few days and missing her terribly. It was scary and clearly left an impression because I still remember the emotion.) And in this I will say, I do think Kate “tries” to be what the institution and grey men want her to be, at the expense of her own identity.

    • Genevieve says:

      Re the reported length of care needed – honestly my first reaction to that was that it was greatly exaggerated to increase her time away from her “work.”

      But the lack of visitors – that’s so strange, and definitely makes it seem like something genuinely seriously bad is going on. But (as so many people suspect), what would keep visitors away other than mental health issues?

      • Becks1 says:

        I wonder if there is something about her condition that is related to her immune system, so they don’t want lots of people around her, especially young kids who are at school all day? But I can’t think of how that relates to her digestive system. Maybe its just a general post-surgery concern.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        Wouldn’t some kind of rehab require her to be an inpatient without the stress generated by contact with family, et cetera at least for an initial couple of weeks? Isn’t that common with alcohol and drug rehab? Not saying she has those issues, but I’d think any destabilizing conditions (mental health or substance use) might be approached the same way to focus solely on herself and her own improvement?

      • ActualLawyer says:

        I suspect her parents are visiting by entering through the back. Not bringing the children is worrisome. The lengthy hospital stay indicates a patient who requires ready access to either treatment or testing (i.e., surgery or radiology). What I find most concerning is her mother remaining quiet. We haven’t been getting a lot of briefings about what a great patient she is, how she can’t wait to get back to it, or even how much the kids adore/rely upon their grandparents. Nothing. I’m not a Kate fan, but until proven otherwise, I remain genuinely concerned that something is terribly wrong.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        NotSoSocialB, I’ve also wondered about addiction issues. Let’s say she did have some type of abdomen surgery–if she has an addiction, that would have to be addressed. It would account for a long hospital stay and it would account for a long recovery.

        I am a cynic. Isn’t it interesting that the two named royal racists are in the hospital at the same time and engendering sympathy? I don’t think it’s a mental health issues, unless it’s related to addiction.

        Oh, by the way, the FBI still wants to talk to PA.

      • Steph says:

        I was thinking they added some extra time to make sure she “looks” recovered as well as actually being recovered. She won’t be seen in public looking like she just got over an illness.

        About the visitors: I’m in two camps. It is very strange but COVID is also really high right now.

      • Mtl.ex.pat says:

        @notsosocialb – I’ve got a witness on a case I’m prosecuting who just entered rehab for substance abuse – she can’t have any visitors or communication with the outside world at all for 45 days. Not saying that’s what this is, but it could be something to do with mental health – and I suppose if it is an ED that treatment/rehab may have similar restrictions? Anyone know?

    • Lisa66 says:

      Almost 20 years ago I dealt with a breakdown, due to issues with my metal health medications. I tried to self harm, and landed in the ER. Follow that up with a mandatory state law inpatient stay of a minimum of 14 days. No visitors, no family. My son who at the time was about 10 never saw me, and I didn’t see my husband until I was released.

      While I am sure that the specifics would be slightly different given their specific circumstances, if they are following doctors recommendations, then 14 days would make sense.

      I don’t have a lot of sympathy for her, but I do understand that if this is the situation, then it is never a good one for all the family members involved.

  14. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    He had to show face because the public needed to see a husband going to see his ill wife. The reason he’s not there all the time like any husband and children would , is because he’s probably part of the cause of whatever issue:mental health issue having and she doesn’t want to see him. Or are they holding her there against her will. This situation gets weirder and weirder

    • The Duchess says:

      And if the rumours of him only staying for 15 minutes last Thursday are believed to be true, then maybe he didn’t see her at all? Maybe he went to sign some papers. Of course these are all theories and we will never know the full truth until much later, but it begs the question what on earth is going on here?

      I still believe this is the start of an official phasing out. Wheels began in motion after she was benched from the Diana statue unveiling back in 2021 and it has just been downhill from there. I hope she’s okay for the sake of her children, but surely she can’t be surprised that the Windsor’s would eventually do this to her in the end. All she has to do is take one look at that ring on her finger.

    • Hummingbird says:

      Yes to this. I am guessing she’s had some kind of intervention that was brought on because of some aspect of Billy’s behaviour. It may be deemed best for her to get some space away from him and she would not want her children to witness her in an impaired state.
      I cannot stand her as a person but she has 3 children who need their mother to be well so I wish her a complete recovery and a profitable divorce.

      • Mariana says:

        I love your comment because:

        1) acknowledges both Willy and Kate are terrible humans
        2) acknowledges Willy is in a position of power over Kate and that he has treated her very poorly
        3) acknowledges her humanity and the importance of a mother to her children
        4) wishes her a profitable divorce.

        Her getting away from Willy and the institution (at least to the extent possible) with a lucrative financial settlement is the best case scenario for her

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      My personal opinion is that the photos of William were from a different time. Shelved. I don’t believe Kate is at the London Clinic. Believe she is elsewhere. As nosy as I am, the BM and Kate “fans” would be nosier. Someone, somewhere would have been capturing visits to the LC. D@mn, Larry the Cat, who I adore, gets day by day attention and I love it. fyi, Larry has said his illnesses/procedures have been used as a deflection from the British Government’s problematic behavior. Larry for PM & King.

      Levin knows nothing. She’s the 5th cousin to a friend whose mother’s brother’s uncle by his third marriage to an employee worked for a 6th cousin’s friend who knew someone somewhere that did something that no one knows about.

      The future of the monarchy is in shambles. Seriously. After the completely horrible treatment of Meghan by the BMBRF (and yes, her being an American WOC gave them more racist juice), what loving aristo, royal family would want their child to marry into THAT family/institution. If, Meghan, who has extraordinary qualifications, skills, work ethic & intelligence, wasn’t good enough. Who is?

  15. Jais says:

    So I still wonder if there is not a back entrance or something if they’re known for having a royal wing. Or she’s somewhere else. William going that one day felt like a deal, as in here, I’m giving you your pics. It feels like the photographers really backed off after that. Bc a deal was made? Bc it’s the heir’s wife? The BM sure isn’t out there commenting about how William has only visited his wife once.

    • Mrs. Smith says:

      Jais, I recall reading the first DM report right after the palace made the announcement and it said that W, the Midds and Pippa were all seen at various times coming/going through the back private entrance. This would have been the day of surgery or just before the announcement the next day. We know that DM is full of it, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

      Also, FWIW, it’s a fact that once this many people know what’s going on, it’s bound to get out.

      • anotherlily says:

        The private back entrance is at the end of Devonshire Mews. Easy to find on google earth. There is also an entrance through a garage at the side in Devonshire Street.

        That part of London has several private hospitals and medical practices including St Thomas’s where Prince Philip was treated.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        You lost me at the DM said @Mrs. Smith. If it happened, they would have shown pictures. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Have no need to pretend.

    • Jais says:

      I feel like it’s a possibility. Either way, the BM haven’t been writing any articles questioning why William has only visited once. So they know more or there’s a deal bw the press and William. If Harry was only seen visiting once, the press would be the talking separation and divorce rumors, even if they knew he was actually visiting more.

  16. Nanea says:

    The funniest thing: the Derangers and troll/bot accounts have nothing better to do than to yell up and down at Xwitter and other sites how AL is a vile liar.

    After years of believing and amplifying the most racist and degrading “facts” about (mostly) Meghan and the kids than AL could come up with, or that she found somewhere, including conspiracy theories saying how Meghan was never pregnant.

    • Dee says:

      100%. They bought every vile lie from Levin.

      • Christine says:

        They were even bleating all over social media last weekend that Meghan said she was staying home with a sick kid to..wait for it, pull attention from Kate. No one from Camp Sussex said anything about why Meghan wasn’t with Harry on Friday, but what is absolutely clear is they were going to scream bloody murder about Meghan being an attention whore no matter what she did. She cannot win.

  17. Mslove says:

    Oh please. I bet Peg hasn’t altered his schedule to be by Keen’s side, it’s lazy business as usual for him. However, if Keen is lucky, maybe Peg will shove some tissues under the door for her.

  18. Tessa says:

    That Levin should be ashamed. William was not Diana care taker. Diana was not mentally ill. Really disgraceful comment. Not a coincidence Levin like c and c. It is the mad Diana spin.

  19. I think Levin either 1 spilled too much or 2 Horsilla got this out there. I think Can’t is in some sort of therapy for ED or Alcoholism or just a mental breakdown or all three. They may be setting Peg up to be the great father. Can’t might be somewhere in a clinic that can deal with her problems. But f that’s the case visits are very controlled. This might be why no pictures of the kids or her parents and just one of Peg. I will take my tinfoil hat off now.

    • Tessa says:

      Levin is gaslighting Diana in the process.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      While I agree there is a MH related issue here (and yeah I think this is Cams doing to get back at them for stealing Chucks thunder so to speak) I think the surgery is real as long term ED can cause issues/damage that this surgery might have tried to repair.

      • ChattyCath says:

        Not only damage to tissues from EDs. I’ve personally seen dreadful self harm that has affected me to this day. Think corrosive liquids and more. It wasn’t me but friends.

  20. GuestWho says:

    So, my fuzzy recollection is that Will told his mother he hated her more than once, physically shoved her at least once, and then negated her voice when he said that the interview she did should never be shown again.

    Yup. That’s probably how he is treating his wife.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Thanks for reminding us what a great guy William really is.

    • Elle says:

      Not to defend Baldimort, but teens hating their parents is entirely normal. Shoving is a much bigger concern for me, particularly when he didn’t grow out of it.

  21. Meghan says:

    I’m fine with the kids not visiting because a hospital is a scary place. My son was 5 when my grandmother broke her hip. We didn’t take him to the hospital to visit her, but to the rehab center and he was still freaked out. There had been a Covid outbreak so we had been going to her window to wave and talk on the phone so he had seen her and her room, there was just something about being inside the room that freaked him out.

    • Carmen says:

      It doesn’t have to be scary. Before I took my 7 year old son to visit his grandfather in the hospital, I described to him in detail what the hospital was like and what Grampy’s room looked like, and how Grampy was looking very tired. So he knew what to expect. He wasn’t freaked out by the hospital room, and Grampy was so happy and excited to see him that he almost jumped out of bed.

    • MaryContrary says:

      If her recovery is so intense that she has to be in the hopsital for up to 2 weeks-she’s in bad shape and absolutely does not need the kids coming in. Plus, kids are germy and there’s always a chance of infection. I would not have wanted my young kids to see me like this either. She can facetime, she can phone and she can text. They don’t need to be going to the hospital. I am sure her parents and siblings and William are going around the private entrance.

    • MsIam says:

      The two older kids would be fine. George is a preteen, already sitting for exams. Unless Kate is in such a severe depression that she can’t interact with people or has some disfigurement, I don’t know why they wouldn’t let the kids, especially the older two see her. I also wonder if Kate is really hospitalized somewhere else, maybe even out of the country.

  22. Over it says:

    I don’t care for Kate but it’s shocking how her parents don’t seem to be visiting her . As for Peggy, he did his pap picture to show see I a devoted husband and hasn’t looked back. Which begs the question if he isn’t visiting her at all and the kids are in school all day,wtf did he need to take time off work? I feel like someone should start a tread going, where is William and what does he do all day since he isn’t bed sitting?

    • The Duchess says:

      This is why the mental health theory most of us have is so poignant. If she has been sectioned, then outside visitors is an absolute no-no. The Middleton’s could not keep away from the hospital when she was admitted for EG with George back in 2012. Now they’re nowhere to be seen? I smell a rat.

      Only two conclusions I can draw is that either she’s not even in that hospital, or she is on the psychiatric ward. If she’s not pictured leaving, that’s when we’ll know she was never even there.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        This is the only thing that makes sense right now. Also that she is likely not even at that hospital, perhaps was taken there and then moved to Switzerland or wherever for rehab, MH, etc.

        I had a friend who had a nervous breakdown, no one was allowed to visit for several weeks except a few friends, and that was limited. But family was not allowed, although that was because they were part of the problem. So, maybe I just pulled a Levin (without the Cams direction). Lol.

        With no information and the press so quiet, it does stoke speculation. Almost like they want people talking about this. Very weird.

  23. Newt says:

    I have wondered if she’s even at that hospital. I just don’t feel like she is. When the POW visited last week, he stayed for what? 15 min? And the whole thing felt like a photo op to everyone. I guess the only thing that keeps me from believing 100% that she’s NOT there is the entire hospital staff would have to be in on it. Of course, here in the states there’s HIPPA laws in place to protect patient privacy so maybe there is in the UK as well so nobody can talk? Who knows. The whole thing is very, very sus.

    • sevenblue says:

      She is probably staying on a private section of the hospital accessed by a limited number of personnel for safety reasons. So, everyone working on the hospital wouldn’t know what is going on. Also, even if there was something fishy and someone there talked, how would we know? It isn’t like the press would report on it. The BM always knows what is going on, they only report it when it is beneficial to them. They knew about Meghan’s mental health crisis and her talk with HR, for example, and didn’t report it at the time.

      • Square2 says:

        @ stevenblue Those rats didn’t report Meg’s mental struggles at the time was only because the lawyers at those BM shut it down for legal reason. V Law admitted that he had written about it but the lawyer said no it’s personal health info.

    • Tina says:

      From what I’ve read this hospital has a ‘royal wing’ and I believe Prince Philip was treated there. So it would be incredibly private and only staffed by a few who would be trusted. Honestly she could be there or not there and we wouldn’t know the difference.

    • therese says:

      I don’t think she’s there either. I think her issues are a mix of things, but that she is somewhere where she can get help, and there are no visitors right now. I think she has had a mental breakdown, maybe among other things. I remember that it was said when Meghan asked for help, they didn’t want to give it to her because they were thinking how it would look. That woman (Kate) has needed help for a very long time. This is not just physical health issues, otherwise she would be where they say she is, and having visitation from all the family. I wish Kate well. I wish someone would tell her to just let go: she would be far better off away from that family.

      I absolutely can’t abide Angela Levin.

    • LivingDesert says:

      I would say, people who do not shy away from sending empty airplanes around for “positive” PR would also not think twice of staging a hospital visit without even getting out of the car in the parking lot (which by belonging to the private wing is most probably secluded and perfect to sit there for 15 minutes).

  24. Beech says:

    If it’s mental illness wouldn’t she be in a facility that treats such? I’m inclined to believe she had surgery and is in recovery .

  25. sparrow says:

    I wish the woman well. I understand now that the hospital she attended is known for its digestive tract etc surgery. I suspect she’s been in abdominal area pain for a considerable amount of time. However, this is getting boring, which sounds harsh, but go away with it and heal. William being positioned as his mother’s primary carer is inconsiderate IMO. My older sister did this with my mum – as if, by virtue of being older, she was the one who understood and did most when she was very ill. We’re going to get these stories for weeks. The purpose is of course to keep in them in the public mind rather than letting them slide into oblivion, but I’m exhausted already.

    • Tessa says:

      Sparrow Diana did not have or need a caretaker. She was not certifiable. The Diana being overdependenr is from Charles spin machine. William was in school a lot and unlike Kate Diana worked and Diana had adult friend’s she confided in like Elsa bowker.Levin is just spreading nasty things about diana

      • sparrow says:

        True. Levin is weird on most things. It may be that William truly believes this, though, in his own wonky mind. Who knows – the man is very arrogant.

    • equality says:

      As a commenter pointed out above there were stories about PW pushing Diana and yelling at her. He wouldn’t be much of a caretaker (not that Di needed one).

    • Lulu says:

      That one time William gave his mother tissues when she was crying over her cheating husband and his mistress.

  26. Laura D says:

    If (and it’s a BIG IF imho) Kate has had some sort of mental breakdown then all eyes has to look at the institution. This will be fourth married-in that has been totally broken by the Firm. “They” got away with it with Diana, Fergie and Meghan but, surely if Kate has a mental illness then the MSM should stop going along with the story and start questioning why this keeps happening.

    I don’t know why and can’t really put forward a coherent argument but, I do wonder how much of this “leaked” information is Camilla’s ultimate revenge on Diana and her boys! She made sure everyone knew Diana was “unstable.” She drove Harry and his wife off the continent. Now, she’s indirectly making sure everyone knows that William’s wife might not be up for the big job. I’m more than happy to be shouted down but, if that witch told me the time I’d check my watch!

    • Lulu says:

      Did Fergie have a breakdown? There was the toes sucking scandal then divorce quickly followed.

      • Laura D says:

        @Lulu – I think so. I can remember her being interviewed and being visibly frightened about what she was saying because of who might be listening. It was a long time ago but, her fear stayed with me. It may not have been a fully blown breakdown and of course she could have been playing to the gallery, but, it was uncomfortable to watch.

        ETA: Just Googled and she suffered with depression and had a breakdown after her marriage was over.

        She also suffered with anxiety due to the press calling her Duchess of Pork.

    • Tina says:

      I could see Camilla being pretty annoyed with Kate’s antics and being fine with bringing her down a level or two. The flower show thing, late to the Coronation, the leg flashing at the South Korean state visit. She gets all of the UK media attention and I’m sure it bothers Charles. He’s waited his whole life for this. Camilla cares about Camilla so whatever makes her life better is what she would do.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      I see it this way and have since the first. Camilla has been masterful from the beginning, she is evil and has no compunction. She knows without H and M to scapegoat, the press needs someone.

      I’m sure Kate has serious issues and I’m also sure Camilla is making sure those issues are planted in the media for speculation and undermining.

      She has now done away with Diana, Harry, Meghan, and now she’s working on Kate to undermine Will. She is truly machiavélique.

  27. Becks1 says:

    I think its what some of us were speculating yesterday and last week – she did have abdominal surgery, but there is a mental health component here as well and that’s why the recovery time is not only extensive but also keeps changing – Easter, now Trooping? (maybe the surgery is related to her ED, which would also be something they wouldn’t want to publicize.)

    For all we know she had the surgery 12/28 and went home before it was ever announced and William’s visit was just for show.

    • sparrow says:

      Yes, I was speculating yest that this health crash could have possible mental health issues alongside. Having looked at some other sites, it was pointed out the hospital she is attending is known for its digestive tract surgery and doesn’t have any mental health facilities. Doesn’t mean she isn’t suffering a double whammy of abdominal surgery and a whole load of psychological issues on top. I am determined to shut up now. She doesn’t need more of my speculation. As I said above, we’re in for weeks of this!

    • HuffnPuff says:

      That was my thought too. She’s in a stressful position and that stress can destroy your body. 1) She’s married to someone with anger issues and seems bothered by her. I know some of his demeanor around her is his trying to look like a future king 24/7 but he could hold her hand at least. 2) She’s in over her head on early years. Surely she sees that she can’t keep the same song and dance going. 3) Her looks are starting to go but I’m sure plastic surgery has been dismissed as silly and frivolous by her king focused husband. 4) She has to hate her MIL around her husband but then play nice with her so the rotten woman doesn’t do her dirty with her press friends. There’s plenty more stressors. I could keep going. Once again, we see how never complain never explain doesn’t work for the Royal side pieces unless you are a purely evil woman like Camilla (Royal Guardian of the Tampon).

      • Harper says:

        @HuffnPuff may I add to your list 5) The Crown has made it clear that the Cholmondeleys are here to stay; their son put on an equal level as George and Camilla’s grandchildren in the coronation. If Kate struggles with Willy’s rumoured infidelities having the Crown shrug and purposely insert the child of said paramour into the ceremony can’t have helped.

  28. Guest says:

    What some here don’t realize is what will Kate have if she and William divorced. Unlike Megan who have resources Kate has none to fall back on. The British media cannot hurt Megan anymore, but trust and believe they can with Kate.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate has no women friends to support her. Diana did have women friends as her confidantes people she could trust. Kate missed out on trying to make friends and saw other women as rivals.

    • Tina says:

      She will also be in England and dependent on the family for finances and access to her kids Harry and Meghan escaped in a way that Diana couldn’t at least until the boys were grown up. I’ve always thought that Kate would be safe because she was the last ‘shiny’ thing that family had at least until the Wales kids grew up so they would keep her around. But William looks like he is done and he has the Duchy money so his father can’t force him to stay married. Perhaps they are ok with having a few years without a star and are hoping that Charlotte will be that for them in a few years. Harry and William’s teenage years gave the press lots of stories so the Wales kids will as well. What a hot mess this is.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Tina, all I can say is, poor Charlotte. Hopefully she will not be going the way of Margarette, as a result. I try not to comment on those kids too often. But I’ve noticed somethings that make me really concern for them, which inturn makes me very happy for the Sussex children. Everyday that goes by is proving that Harry was right for removing his family from that cesspool.

    • Laura D says:

      @Guest – Harry said in the Netflix documentary at how savage the press are to the women who marry into that family, so I sincerely hope the press back off! As has been well documented on here, I cannot stand Kate with a passion. I think she’s a lying racist who was responsible for a lot of the ill will between Meghan and the rest of the BRF. I also believe she should have done a lot more to try and heal the rift between the two brothers and that’s all before we get to how she manipulated the press to her own advantage. However, that being said she’s a mother to three children who love her unconditionally. If (as we’re led to believe) her mental health is fragile then I really don’t want her to do herself any harm or for her to be tipped over the edge.

      Kate’s poor mental health could also be the reason why Meghan called her a “good person.” As an outsider Meghan saw first hand the many hoops needed to jump through to reach any form of acceptance from that family and knew Kate had to do whatever was asked of her in order to keep her position. As I said I cannot stand the woman and the damage she has caused to others is unforgivable but, I really don’t like the idea of three children being orphaned because the MSM and the BRF have deemed their mother disposable.

  29. equality says:

    As usual the BM timeline is way off. Diana’s own account of her bulimia says that it started the week after their engagement and took a decade to overcome. PW would have been about 9. He did not “caretake” for her ED.

  30. Rapunzel says:

    So i definitely think Kate was rushed to the hospital 12/28. I’m guessing she was treated, tested, and released. To Ma Midds, hence the “spoiled at Midd Manor” birthday story. Surgery was determined to be necessary. It is either seriously necessitating a long hospital stay OR she could go home but Adelaide Cott is too small for an at home caretaker so she’s staying in the hospital. It make sense if abdominal surgery means no lifting/difficulty moving for awhile that Kate would maybe need someone on call for 24-7 help. But a nurse isn’t capable of staying in house for helping with the bathroom or the kids at night when the nanny is not there. Will is not around so he can’t help. This all makes sense if you accept that Will doesn’t live with his wife. A post surgery woman simply can’t be alone managing 3 kids without help in house. And Will simply isn’t picking up that role.

    I think she’s at that clinic and he really isn’t visiting her. The kids aren’t visiting because he’s not taking them. And Ma and Pa Midds? I’d bet they’re watching the kids (with the nannies, prob) because Will isn’t around.

    To me, this proves their marriage is a sham. I think the awkward stuff stems from them covering up his absence from her daily life.

    ETA: the months of revovery time is probably not needed but a “they’re divorcing and need months to work out details or create the divorce story of Kate being too ill as the breakup factor.”

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Interesting take and yeah the alleged hosp trip on the 28th and then being released to her parents does track – they’ve been looking after her while the kids are with him and the nannies. If she’s in a private wing there is likely room for someone to stay with her – Carole will def be there.

      I still think a divorce will happen but it will be postponed until she is recovered somewhat and it will be framed that its for the best due to her health and being a royal was too much for her.

    • Becks1 says:

      I partially agree with this, but I don’t think William has left the kids with the Middletons. I think he’s staying with them, either at Adelaide or Windsor itself. And if Carole is staying with her in a private wing, I doubt Mike has the kids by himself. So maybe the Middletons are at the hospital and William is in charge of the kids with the not-live-in-but-next-door nannies.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Becks- Will ain’t staying in Adelaide, imo, but I think everything else you say could be true. I kinda don’t see Carole sleeping in a hospital bed keeping Kate company, but could be possible.

        My main point is it makes sense she’s lingering in the hospital if hubby isn’t home to help out. And I don’t think he is. In fact, them saying he’s going to be at her side and picking up slack makes me pretty certain he isn’t.

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah I don’t think Will is at Adelaide either – what, is he going to sleep in Kate’s room while she’s not there? I doubt that. But I doubt Carole and Mike are there either.

        I do wonder if part of the reason for the extended stay is Adelaide itself. If Kate can’t climb stairs, is there a place to set her up with monitoring etc on the main floor? I know the house isn’t a “cottage” but its also not as big as other royal residences.

        Also wonder if part of the reason for the weirdness around this story is so that it doesn’t come out that William’s NOT at Adelaide? So there is this vagueness bc its close to coming out that they live separately and KP is panicking?

        Do we think he’s taking the helicopter to Windsor each morning, doing the school run, then going back to KP at night? That doesnt sound right either.

      • Sunday says:

        Agree, I don’t think anyone is at Adelaide. But, I maintain that there are a zillion royal properties she could be setup in comfortably without needing to be in a public place for weeks on end.

        So, maybe this is all a lot simpler than we think, and the Wails just want Kate to heal privately, so Will did the London Clinic photo op and said she’d be there for weeks, meanwhile she’s been setup in Anmer this whole time, where her parents are caring for her (along with a full medical team) and the children can be taken to visit after school. Same scenario works for Bucklebury too IMO. The media blackout/lack of transparency here isn’t because they have anything in particular to hide, it’s just because they dgaf about informing the public.

        They have a track record of being less than honest with the public about the stupidest of things, so I think it’s plausible.

    • Sunday says:

      Agree re: rushed to hospital on 12/28 & that being the reason for the lowkey “spoiled at Carole’s house” birthday. I also agree that Will is no caretaker. But I don’t think that a 2-wk long public hospital stay would ever be on the table for such a simple reason as their house is too small for a nurse, or too many stairs. There are myriad royal palaces and properties lying dormant that the firm could setup an entire hospital inside for Kate, if they wanted. That would also seemingly be preferable from a security standpoint, too.

      So, where our theories diverge is that IMHO if she’s actually really in the hospital for 2 weeks then it’s much more serious than healing from simple surgery; if there was any possibility of recuperation at home, they would 100% do that. If anything, what’s going on with Anmer? Is it just empty, too? Or is that where Will is holed up?

      Finally, your edit made me think – the lack of sugary stories about Kate’s road to recovery, family surrounding her with love etc speaks volumes to me. They have the chance for the easiest of layups here and they’re just not taking it. General royal PR incompetence, sure, or panic because she’s more gravely ill than we realize, maybe, but also maybe Will/KP don’t want to make Kate too sympathetic because he’s still hoping to spin this into getting rid of her, either officially or just a good old fashioned setting aside. If he *were* running a test to see if the public could handle Kate’s disappearance from royal life, this is how he’d do it.

      • Becks1 says:

        So Anmer is hours away from Windsor, its in Norfolk. So while Kate could certainly recuperate at Anmer, it still leaves the question of who is staying with the kids and where, because their school is close to Windsor. Maybe Kate is staying there by herself with her parents, that’s certainly a possibility (or maybe she’s at Wood Farm, which may still be set up for a health situation like this after Phillip lived there for so long.)

        and I think its a good point about the lack of sugary stories. Why hasn’t Carole made sure to get papped bringing Kate flowers, or even just out and about in Bucklebury buying Kate’s favorite cake or something? Why has there been this total silence from the royals AND the Midds after William’s visit? Has Carole been told to stand down? Or is the situation really so serious that Carole is actually focused on Kate and the kids and not pap strolls??

    • Karen says:

      I’m in the US so don’t know the protocol in the UK, but psychiatric hospitals here have strict rules for visitation and children are not allowed. Adults usually only at prescribed times – at the facilities I’ve visited (a family member has been in different ones 11 times due to mental illness) it’s for less than an hour and often not every day. Patients deemed too unwell or volatile or fragile can have visitors refused by their MDs. Or patients can refuse them as well. So….my take is that Kate is likely getting mental health treatment and she doesn’t want to see William or he doesn’t care enough to see her or her MDs want them apart at the moment. Another thing I wonder about is if there was a fight that got out of hand and she has some kind of injury that they’d want to keep mum about so she can’t be seen for a while. (Like a black eye or bruising, or even needing surgery to fix, such as for a broken nose). Or maybe she has some severe abdominal condition caused by years of an ED, which is possible, but if so, her children would normally be allowed to see a patient in a private hospital ward if accompanied by a parent or relative. Or all of the above. The less that’s shared, the more speculation will continue that something is drastically wrong. We all know the RF is a bunch of sadistic and self-serving pathological liars…..And AL’s heinous comments just made things worse..

      • Nic919 says:

        In the UK if you are sectioned then assessment lasts 28 days. If the time started Dec 28 the. That is roughly until Friday.

        There are no logical reasons for lack of visitors at this point outside of some sort of psychological treatment which has severe restrictions on visits from family and friends.

        The media being quiet on this is because they know exactly what’s going on.

  31. Kingston says:

    This is all so very satisfying: the very thing that the grey suits tried so hard and at the expense of so many innocents to prevent from happening, has happened.

    What is that thing, you say?
    Well, rmbr in the midst of the ‘M made k cry’ story? When M supporters were begging the palace to issue a correction? What did the suits say?…….”the future queen cannot be embroiled in gossip.”

    Well d@mn! What hv we here? That said beyotch is the architect & subject of all this juicy gossip & there’s not a damn thing the suits can do abt it.

    Even when they send their scribes & other trolls to say if only M was here, she could be used as cover for this beyotch.

    Ain’t karma grande?!

    • Joy says:

      Yes, all of this!!!

      Also, Angela Levin is so vile, I can’t believe anyone gives any credence the BS she spews every time she opens her ugly yap. Leave Diana out of it!

    • Proud Mary says:

      Irony, Oh Irony, thine name is god. Unfortunately for Kate, she stepped up and allowed herself to be used by the men-in-grey to try and destroy another woman, never imagining that those people care only about the survival of the institution. Kate will have a hard time surviving this, because, like Diana, she lacks the one thing that helped Meghan overcome a similar situation: an extremely supportive husband. In fact, like Diana, Kate is in the untenable position of having that husband be the singular cause of her problems. As for Angrila Be Lying, my question is this: will Kate’s supporters now think twice the next time she vomits some racist conspiracy theory about Meghan? Of course not; Kate has no supporters; they are just Meghan haters.

  32. EasternViolet says:

    The Rota has been telegraphing that William is abusive for years, with the constant message of his rage and temper, the throwing of pillows in their very normal middle class-like marriage, as well as Harry’s truth about William assaulting him. If Kate is in hospital due to mental health, then Camilla (if she is the source) could have been doing Kate a favour by leaking this. Abuse thrives in shadow and secret. I have empathy here – as Kate’s abuse of her BIL and SIL could be her means of self-preservation. (Its no excuse and it is still harm – I also believe Meghan when she said that Kate is a good person.)

    No matter who it is, I don’t promote the idea that a woman experiencing IPV “gets what she deserves”.

    • Tina says:

      Yes they have been hinting at it for years and I think they had hoped Harry would talk about it so that they could as well. Instead they have to keep this awful family secrets. I do hope it all comes out at some point.

    • Shawna says:

      Of course, presumably, Camila would not have been doing it with good intentions, and those good results would just be an accidental result of her trying to shame Kate and Diana her.

    • Kingston says:

      This is all so insufferably self-serving.

      Sure, lets all have pity for the highly privileged white woman who apparently is undergoing some things to which she herself contributed; lets even USE, once again, the half-black woman who ALSO underwent some things AT THE HANDS OF THE VERY SAME PRIVILEGED WHITE WOMAN, to show grace to the said woman who showed the half-back woman NO. GRACE.

      Heres the thing about life: we all end up getting our just desserts. For good or ill, we all get what we give.

      Folks should learn to stay out of the way when karma is being served.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Kingston, there are many possibilities here. For example, remember for a moment that the wealthy can and do get to stay in private hospitals for longer periods of time. They can also take as long as they want to completely recover. Again, wealth in these circumstances has its privileges. That’s what this could all be about. It’s not being said, because how many people can afford to do that?

        It could be that she has an addiction that needed to be addressed before and after surgery.

        It could be that it’s mental health issue ’caused by a momanager pushing her into a position that she simply isn’t capable of. I have to wonder if this marriage was more of a convenience than anything else. There is no love lost between them. That’s from both sides, not just from Wont.

        I think the bm are quite happy to keep anything going that will sell their papers. If it lends any sympathy to one of the named royal racists, then they’re happy to do so.

        I will never forget that at the walkabout after QE2’s death when KHate advanced on Meghan with that look on her face. That was menacing. So, I don’t like her. I think she has been very manipulative and used the bm when it suited her.

        I don’t wish anyone harm. I don’t think anyone on here wish anyone harm. I also don’t think that people should be surprised if not everyone is going to be sympathetic to someone who has gone out of her way to show who she is.

        I don’t know what’s going on, but until we get a palace statement it doesn’t do to opine. Frankly, the only interesting people in the brf are the kids. I’m sure they are being well cared for and that’s really the important thing. The rest of it is distraction.

    • Marivic says:

      I won’t be surprised if Camilla is the source. She’s patron of anti-abuse against women. It’s time to let the British public know they have William the Abuser as king:

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s not the physical/mental illness that people are suggesting is her karma, but rather all this gossip about her–specifically, gasp!, her body!–all because nobody at her office or any of the royal offices or the tabloids has the remotest grasp on appropriate PR & communication.

      • EasternViolet says:

        It gives me the feeling that their PR and communications only serves WIlliam’s interests.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        EasternViolet, let’s remember how much of the smears against Meghan benefitted KHate. Frankly, I think all of this is just an incompetent communications team. She’s probably taking a long time to recuperate because she’s wealthy and can afford to take as much time as she wants to. Sometimes the obvious answer is the true one.

  33. girl_ninja says:

    Is she actually dealing with her mental health? Is it a Charlene Princess of Monaco situation where she’s been sent away to “get herselft together?” This is really weird.

    • Eurydice says:

      Even if, Albert didn’t say I’ll stop working until Charlene comes back – and they have children to take care of, too.

    • MsIam says:

      I definitely get a Princess Charlene vibe about this whole thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future Kate only gets trotted out for big events like Charlene and if William suddenly gains a “companion” ala Penny for himself.

  34. Cessily says:

    Until they actually release a statement or let a doctor release one for her, the speculation is going to continue to run wild. I’ve seen everything from colonectomy with a colostomy to suicide attempt and these theories are being printed in gossip publications in Europe. (No idea on the sources like all tabloids) KP has created a media monster of armchair experts now looking at and dissecting everything. This isn’t going away even if they disappear from the public eye.. the theories are growing.

  35. Emily says:

    I’m not sure if Levin’s intention was to telegraph that Kate has a mental health issue. If this was an intentional “slip” then I worry Will is setting the stage to say he has no blame in the divorce, he wasn’t abusive and to take full custody of the children (they’ll all be sent to boarding school, so much for the “normal” upbringing Will says he wants).

    I tend to think when Meghan said Kate is a good person, it’s because M feels sorry for Kate. Being married to Will, no matter how aggressively she pursued it as teenager, has got to be awful.

    • Proud Mary says:

      If Kate believes the institution needs an excuse to gain full custody of those children, than she’s dumber than I thought. The kids, especially the ones closest to the throne, belong to the monarch. But I get your point that, at least for the sake of public perception, Will needs a good excuse, and presumably he has one here.

  36. Mary Pester says:

    Leviathan is vile. She shouldn’t even have Diana’s name in her mouth, nor Megan and Harry’s. She was called out on her lies on national television and tried to say they were bullying her and she wouldn’t go back again. To which the tv station responded, she wouldn’t be asked! William pushed a tissue under the door. He did not help her or care for her. He was either at Eton pssng it up with his friends or on holiday with pa. So more lies from Kevin the LEVIN. I hope Kate recovers for her children’s sake, and maybe whilst in hospital she has had time to reflect on what a BCH she is to Megan. Nah scrap that, she is to shallow for that much introspection.

  37. Mary Pester says:

    By the way sent another letter today (they are going to block me soon 🤣🤣😉
    Heading is “where’s Willie”, enjoy
    There is a new hashtag that’s gaining momentum and it’s not good for the Royals. #Where’s Willie is in direct response to prince William deciding that he was going to take 3 months of to support Kate. WHY? Kate has a mother, a father, a sister and brother in law, a brother and a sister in law, a nanny and a staff, so there is no reason for William to be there. He doesn’t need to take 3 months off? It’s just lazy! We have a had stories this week how Kate will be working from her bed, so why does he need to be there, is it to answer her phone or make her cups of tea, which staff can do
    We are supposed to have a slim downed monarchy, well the way it’s going they are proving they are not needed and are just a financial drain on the country’s finances, they are doing less than the late Queen ever did, there are fewer of them, so why is the money going up.?
    No, we don’t need them, so please, stop praising the laziness of William and stop gaslighting the British public
    Mary Pester
    Saltash Cornwall # where’s Willie

  38. Marivic says:

    William called his mother paranoid. He probably calls his wife the same thing. Look what happened to Kate. She’s damaged and has a nervous breakdown. She doesn’t need him to take care of her. She knows he’s faking it all around.

  39. aquarius64 says:

    Levin’s letting the cat out of the bag was sanctioned by Camilla IMO. Putting it out there that Kate is not up top the job (and basically William made a poor choice for a queen consort). The shifting of time table to me is rolling out of another Wales divorce, but this time William is not the villain. Kate made Meghan cry, Kate’s pettiness at the Sussex wedding and Kate being outed for Archie’s skin color makes her less sympathetic to the public. Kate getting dragged for her convalescence isn’t helping either. If there is a mental health issue William will be on a strong position to getting full custody of the kids.

    • Hummingbird says:

      Bully will be making a huge mistake if he divorces Kitty now. The only place he is popular is in his own altered reality.
      The British public loves saint Kitty and the inevitable comparisons to Diana ( all in their minds) will be made;
      Philandering husband, signs of an ED,
      scapegoating etc.
      He will not benefit from divorcing her now and Bully only looks out for himself.

      • Tina says:

        Well Harry was popular once and now he’s hated. Camilla was loathed and now she is loved. I mean its all spin and I think most people generally don’t care about these people at all. What I’ve realized about fans of the Royal Family is that they believe what the media tells them. If William and the Firm want Kate to be hated then we’re going to see a massive smear campaign. It might be a slow drip drip like it was for Camilla over time or a massive shift like for Harry.

      • Jaded says:

        @Tiina – yes, the smear campaign will start with whispers and end with a bang but I think, rather than *smearing* per se, it will be more sympathetic along the lines of “poor Kate got sick because she was overwhelmed by the responsibilities of raising 3 kids hands-on plus the pressures of royal life and work, and after the surgery she started having anxiety attacks and episodes of depression.” Then at the culmination of many months of teasing the story, we’ll get the separation announcement and “the Prince and Princess of Wales still have a great deal of love and kindness for each other and ask that their privacy and that of their children be respected at this sad time” story.

      • Jais says:

        @tina makes a good point. Harry was once very popular. Do not discount a years long smear campaign. Saint Kates’s support is built on a stack of cards.

      • Becks1 says:

        i think, IF there is a separation/divorce, at this point it will be closer to what Jaded describes than an out and out smear campaign. She will essentially retire from private life and she and William will remain on good terms (officially) and that will be that.

      • Nic919 says:

        Charles was able to divorce Diana who was far more popular than Kate ever was and the media attacked her quite well. Only her tragic death reversed a lot of the negative attacks.

        If public opinion can turn against Harry, who was always the most popular, they can easily do it against Kate.

      • Shawna says:

        @Becks1 – if the royals can possibly stand a reasonable campaign without overdoing the smears. We’ve seen time and time again that the BRF is unable to make good decisions. Can you see Camilla picking up the phone to leak but then … just put the phone down instead? It’s like Lucille Bluth saying, “No, I’ll call a taxi,” but then the camera pans out and you see she had already drunk-drove herself into a wall.

  40. Libra says:

    Anyone notice that the DM is totally devoid of any mention of Kate this a.m. News blackout?

    • EasternViolet says:

      YES! Most of the tabloids have very little royal coverage this morning… I saw some weird pictures of Anne, comparing her dowdy look to Haute Couture and questions regarding whether Victoria was always horny.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Because of the invisible contract, they can only print puff pieces written by KP; and those have received tremendous backlash even from DM’s own readers. So, better to remain silent then to print and let the world tell you how dumb you are. The echo chamber bubble has been burst. Years of writing about how beloved Kate is by the public, has simply been proved wrong by the public’s reaction to her announced condition. I think the palace is in shock.

    • Jk says:

      I think Will, Camilla, Charles and the gutter press are all trying to figure out how much to reveal, how to spin and weaponise Kate’s health crisis to their maximum advantage.

      • Jais says:

        Agree @jk. They are regrouping and figuring out what to say. The silence is bc they’re still deciding what angle to take. The backlash to the melodramatic stories asking everyone to pray for Kate and poor William who can’t work bc he has to support his wife. His wife who purportedly had a planned and successful abdominal surgery. The BM and KP were not expecting the public backlash and they’re trying to decide the new narrative.

    • Tina says:

      I honestly think the press and the palaces are a little shook about the response to the stories last week. From the “Queen was the angriest I’ve ever seen her” to “All I own is my name” to “Pray for Kate” and “William is dedicated to the school run” and finally “King urged to do less”……..all landed like wet farts.

  41. MY3CENTS says:

    This really brings into light why Meghan called her a good person ( after knowing what a mean girl racist ass she was). She probably knew about Khate’s mental struggles and offered her the kindness she was never given.

    • Ameerah M says:

      She called her a nice person because she knew she would be further harassed and vilified if she said anything negative about the white WHITE Princess.

    • Jaded says:

      I agree @MY3CENTS. Meghan, by then, had experienced the Wrath of William and KNEW that Kate was in a hellish marriage, made more hellish at that point by the Rose Hanbury/turnip toffs crisis. This was just after Kate had given birth to Louis and I think life was just too much for her to handle. Yes, Kate was a mean btch, but often when a person is overwhelmed with negative situations they can’t handle, they fly off the handle at other people, even those who mean well. It’s a defense mechanism to help them cope.

    • WiththeAmerican says:

      An act of kindness not acknowledged, let alone reciprocated, by Kate or anyone in the royal family or their stenographers.

  42. Stephanie says:

    My assumption this entire time has been that Kate has suffered some ED related consequences that put her in the hospital and the family are just trying to spin attention away from that. Abdominal surgery that takes 2 weeks inpatient and months long outpatient care? Several people have pointing to a colon reconstruction.

    There’s something about her condition that would be publicly embarrassing to disclose, either to her (Mrs “don’t talk about my hormones!”) or the family. This trading on rumors among the RR seems like a deliberate jibber-jabble stalling tactic until they know more information about her condition and can update accordingly.

    • Jk says:

      The princess never farts nor poops. Never! Bowel problems are for peasants! Mental health is for Americans!
      No seriously, these people would loathe to admit that Kate is less than perfect in her perfect life and perfect husband and her perfect health. Too proud and too embarrassed to admit to ED, mental health struggles, marital problems, bowel problems etc.

  43. ChattyCath says:

    Isn’t there a fairy tale somewhere where the Wicked Witch grows uglier and uglier after every poisonous lie? That’s Levin. I was shocked when I saw her. That’s Karma. As for the London Clinic, I think The London Psychiatric Clinic is just along the way. Harley Street has a number of specialist clinics.

  44. Cersi says:

    Kate gets the same amount of sympathy from me that she gave her sister-in-law. When I saw her smug attitude at the wedding, learned about her sitting on the lie that Meghan made her cry, and saw her and William snickering in an interview regarding mental health after Meghan had spoken about her experience, I have nothing good to say about Kate and she has enough of everyone else’s empathy, she doesn’t need mine.

    With that being said, I don’t understand why her children haven’t been to visit her, William was only seen visiting her on the second day, and Carole Middleton is nowhere in sight. Those three things make her hospital stay a mystery regardless of the talking points given to the British press.

  45. QuiteContrary says:

    Diana clearly wasn’t helped by the reality that her soulless husband was screwing Camilla.

    But I totally agree with the commenters here who pointed out that William wasn’t her caretaker; that’s a BS narrative. She got the therapy she needed and she survived her ED by getting professional help. She was able to tap into her inner strength because of that help.

    William is a self-centered brat with anger issues now, and he was one as a child. He’s likely as much help to Kate as Charles was to Diana.

    I do think Kate needed abdominal surgery because of an ED. Hopefully, for her kids’ sake, she’s getting therapy now.

  46. Aries48 says:

    Why did Levin bring up the fact that Kate “is so painfully thin”?

    Is she hinting that the surgery is related to an eating disorder?

  47. Flower says:

    Ok so thinking out loud here and wondering if Kate has some sort of disorder like trichotillomania where she pulls out her hair from say stress and anxiety and then that is what has led to the wigs and abdominal surgery?

  48. Just Jade says:

    Long time reader but first time posting.

    Until this day there are three pictures of Meghan that I can not see without tears. Those four Horse Men of the apocalypse really did a number on her mental and physical health. 1- when she was at the Polo game holding little Archie and one of the horse men isolated her and would not allowed her kid to interact with a baby but the world saw enough. 2- the walk out after Betty passed and the third one was the day both her and Harry went to the Canadian House she looked so scared of the camera flashes she held Harry so tight. I do feel for a mother of three little ones and wish her well for her kids sake but she did not have to become one of the horse men of the apocalypse members and enjoyed Meghan’s pain even if she didn’t like her but as a human being she could have shown some sympathy towards someone who is suffering.

    • Harper says:

      Welcome @Just Jade. I feel the same way about some of those Meghan pictures. The one that really makes me want to cry is when they did that photo op with newborn Archie at Windsor and Meghan looked so sweet and vulnerable. Meanwhile, it felt like her brother-in-law and sister-in-law were watching her with hatred in their hearts, especially after the press asked William about the impending birth and he said “I already have a nephew.”

  49. Ann says:

    Better than you and her. Cause not a racist that questions whether children should be in a family based on skin tone, don’t lie or bully pregnant isolated women, don’t insult and attack people whenever they appear, and don’t question people’s mental state. Kate has kept up the attacks for years not just William and royal reporters. Kate. I also don’t compare these things to someone’s bad hair and it has been bad. I would have been focusing on my work like trying to actually do some and googling lawyers. She continued with bullying tactics instead of trying to be the decent person or shutting up and that says a lot about her character. They’re going to use it against her now probably. So not smart either.

    • Ann says:

      The attacks in the beginning didn’t make sense. People already felt the need to defend her against that awful Meghan that didn’t fit in. She could have stayed quiet and let them, but she didn’t want them to stop. I could never understand why people thought William wouldn’t divorce her if he wanted to. Charles divorced Diana the most popular royal of all time probably and married Camilla and made her queen. When she became queen William was probably like we are getting a divorce. I think she had surgery and will be out soon. Some of the conjecture could be accurate. The may come back sounded odd and now radio silence is even more odd. She cares about her HRH and the trappings. If they are separating hopefully she can learn to care about a peaceful home with the children and a spouse or partner you don’t have to throw “pillows” at that will touch you. Get a lawyer and get your own money for once. Buy another house and get better weave. I think she’s awful but she’ll feel way better especially in a bigger house.

  50. Anonymous says:

    I just assumed they realized that playing the game of being seen (or not seen) visiting was a stupid losing game, that it was best to just visit via a more discreet entrance and not have comings and goings monitored by the press.

  51. Just Jade says:

    They are trying very hard to rewrite history but H had already wrote a love letter to M,A& L which was the fastest selling memoir. The Beast is starving from the lack of Sussex content and slowly they will start to drop some nuggets about those 4 horse men.

  52. SueBarbri33 says:

    In my opinion, Kate started completely going off the rails when she turned up at the music concert at Rose’s estate. She didn’t look well.

  53. Cassie says:

    My last comment .
    I don’t think William has a kind or caring bone in his body .
    If Kate really has a mental health problem , he has probably caused it and if she is going to recover he should be nowhere near her .

  54. J says:

    Even at 42, white women are frequently infantilised with frequent excuses made on their behalf for their behaviour and an outpouring of sympathy when they have an emotional outburst or some sort or personal crisis. WOC are frequently perceived to be more mature and held more accountable for their actions and their emotions and there is little to no excuses made and hardly any sympathy.
    See: Kate vs Meghan and this sadly extends to children of colour. Below is documented research in this topic:




    • bisynaptic says:

      True. But White women are infantilized in specific contexts (especially in those which include Blacks); otherwise, as women-in-general, they’re expected to hold up the world.

  55. Berkeleyfarm says:

    On the one hand, Angela Levin is a fabulist; on the other, she’s definitely got Cam’s ear.

    The hospitalization time and the general caginess aren’t incompatible with a breakdown. And it’s been obvious for a while that she has a serious ED and she could have had some invasive surgery related to it. In any event, what she has is pretty serious and I hope she gets the help she needs (rather than the “help” someone in the RF thinks she should have). I’m not a fan, to put it mildly, but I hope she can find a way to happiness for herself and her kids. (And if this is part of what eases her out, I hope she gets a fabulous settlement.)

  56. MickMack says:

    Two weeks seems like an awful long time for that sort of thing. Usually hospitals want you out there as soon as you can manage, to free up the space. I’m not one for speculation, but this is a gossip site, usually two weeks in patient is an average for something like mental health requirements. If thats the case, there is nothing to be ashamed about and her being open about it could help a lot of people.

  57. Deeanna says:

    Oh come on. She is in a hospital that specializes in intestinal disorders. She is thin as a rail – not from an eating disorder but rather from an intestinal disorder. Crohn’s Disease would be my guess.
    Surgery is removal of a portion or the entirety of the colon. The surgery is no picnic either way, but she is young and should do well. The no visitors is indeed to reduce the risk of Covid infection which would interfere with recovery.

    She does not seem to me to present as a patient who suffers from clinical depression, at least from the little I’ve seen of her.
    Retired R.N.

    Oh, and Fergie had breast cancer.