King Charles has to be staffed 24-7 because he sends late-night messages & notes

Camilla Tominey at the Telegraph wrote a somewhat interesting – but mostly sycophantic – piece about King Charles’s workaholic habits. Charles has always been known as a voracious reader and someone who enjoys letter-writing and paperwork, but Tominey makes it sound like Charles spends 18-20 hours a day fussing with his papers and reading everything sent to him, and I can’t imagine that’s what he’s really like. Tominey also added something curious about how Charles basically has to be “staffed” 24-7 because no one knows when he’s going to need a note or letter sent out. No “5 am emails,” but 5 am phone calls and letters. Some highlights from “What does a typical day in the life of ‘workaholic’ King Charles look like?”

It’s a struggle to keep up with Charles: “The people who work for him are worried he is doing too much for a man of 75,” confirmed one well-placed insider. “It’s sometimes a struggle to keep up with him.”

He regularly works 18-hour days: No stranger to early morning starts and post-midnight finishes, the grandfather-of- five was once described by his sons Princes William and Harry as so obsessed with paperwork that he would regularly fall asleep at his desk. “He does need to slow down, this is a man who has dinner ridiculously late at night,” revealed Harry in a 2018 documentary to mark his father’s 70th birthday. “And then goes to his desk later that night and will fall asleep on his notes to the point where he’ll wake up with a piece of paper stuck to his face.” Even phone calls with his son and heir are scheduled, taking place every Sunday.

No cell phone or emails: Because the King does not own a mobile phone, he makes the calls on a landline. (If anyone ever needs to get hold of the monarch in an emergency, they invariably contact a member of his protection team, who are with him 24/7). [Later in the morning], the King will then typically sit at his desk and go through his non-red-box paperwork. Because he “doesn’t do emails”, he will either write to people by hand or dictate more formal letters to his “executive secretary” before signing them, with a fountain pen. As demonstrated during the signing of a visitors’ book at Northern Ireland’s Hillsborough Castle after the late Queen died in 2022, he prefers not to use a fountain pen when he can avoid it and instead is never without a felt tip, usually red, to annotate the reams of paperwork he pores over on a daily basis.

He doesn’t mind a stiff drink in the evening: He will then return to his desk to plough through more paperwork before eating a late supper, usually of fish (very seldom red meat) at around 9pm. He rarely drinks but if he does fancy a tipple, it’s usually a Dubonnet – the royal family’s favourite aperitif – or a dry martini, which he is said to mix “very generously” for visitors. While the Queen relaxes by watching television, the King prefers to read and will often return to his desk after dinner.

Late night calls & messages: Because he prefers to work late into the night, there is a special roster of evening executive secretaries so someone is always on duty to set up telephone calls, take notes and pass on messages. Often staff will wake up to receive correspondence that has been delivered in the small hours.

[From The Telegraph]

I can’t believe the royal press still screams and cries about Meghan’s “5 am texts/emails.” Remember that? Meghan has the audacity – the temerity! – to expect Kensington Palace staffers to complete tasks and she sent a few non-urgent reminder texts or what have you. She was ripped to shreds for it, and you would have thought those palace staffers had never met anyone who woke up early and expected them to work a full day. And then there’s Charles, who apparently works though the night and expects his staff to be on call 24-7 in case he needs a note sent at 1 am.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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96 Responses to “King Charles has to be staffed 24-7 because he sends late-night messages & notes”

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  1. So he can send late night notes and all is well but Meg sent an early email and the world almost came to end because she was bullying? Make it make sense.

    • Megan says:

      It’s incredibly rude that Charles is making late night phone calls and demanding staff deliver correspondence 24/7. He needs to act like a normal person and respect other people’s boundaries.

      • Eurydice says:

        It’s not rude if the there’s a day shift and a night shift.

      • Lau says:

        I’m sorry but Charles doesn’t need night shift staff. If there is an international problem he won’t be the first to be called upon. They’ve literally been crying about their bullsh*t bullying report about Meghan and turn around to make us believe it’s alright when Charles does the exact same thing.

      • Eurydice says:

        “It’s good to be the King.” If Charles wants a night shift, he gets a night shift. But I totally agree about the hypocrisy when it comes to Meghan.

      • Jenna says:

        These people were raised to think what they are doing is perfectly normal. That they are “above” everyone else.

        I hope the next generation of children will be less demanding, but it is not looking so good on the Wales side…..

    • LivingDesert says:

      That was my first thought.
      F..k them all!

      • Jais says:

        This. After they were hysterical about 5am emails, now it’s business as usual. They really had to dig or strait up lie to say nasty stuff about Meghan. F—k them all.

    • TIFFANY says:

      And those emails and messages were sent during a time difference due to being on the other side of the world. And no one had the common sense to realize that due to racism.

    • Eurogirl70 says:

      👆🏻This is it exactly. So Charles needs to have 24/7 staffing but Meghan, with her work ethic and 6am emails, was a shrew. The hypocrisy and racism knows no bounds with this family

      • BeanieBean says:

        Meghan and her crazy American work ethic!

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        To be fair, Meghan’s staff, unlike Charle’s staff, were not accepting plastic bags and suitcases of cash. The opportunity to skim a few bills off the top was not something Meghan was willing to offer her staff. Nope, Meg just wanted people to do the jobs they were hired for and feel good about taking home a paycheque they earned.

    • WaterDragon says:

      You beat me to it. That was my first thought as well. Meg was constantly criticized for expecting people to actually do their jobs, i.e. “bullying”.

    • Jojo says:

      Yeah. That’s exactly what this article is for. To generate clicks/views by trolling Meghan fans to be ‘outraged’ regarding the whole 5am emails thing. It’s just another nasty little piece of clickbait written by a nasty little manipulator posing as a journalist. Might divert some attention from palace health issues too as an added bonus. Camilla is 🤮.

    • Cessily says:

      Some should have posted that 5 am was the only hour emails and work was not allowed or gone over it in orientation 🤨.. oh I forgot she wasn’t being paid so essentially they complained about someone volunteering their time.

    • KASalvy says:

      Apologies if someone has posted this, but it’s also worth noting that even the Fail had an article about the bullying of Meg has to stop. I think some of this is backlash because the current “royals” are doing the same things that Meg was doing years ago and the RR are getting called out for bashing her when the BRF is doing exactly the same thing.

      It’s almost like people are FINALLY catching on that the BRF are useless and really serve no purpose

  2. SarahCS says:

    But what’s the point of this endless paperwork? Does it need doing? Doesn’t he have people running his various charitable and business endeavours? Or is this all about where the next bag of cash is coming from?

    As for the hypocrisy, we all see it for what it is.

    • Julia says:

      There is no point go the paperwork. He just rubber stamps government decisions. As you say he employs people to run his businesses. If all the royals disappeared tomorrow it would take a while for the majority of the country to notice. That’s why the media have to constantly telegraph their ‘hard’ work to create the illusion that royals have a purpose other than as ceremonial mascots.

      • JaneS says:

        Yes! Correct 100%. Well said.
        All the BRF are figureheads. They do no actual work.
        They create jobs and employe plenty of staff, which is fine.
        But they do NOTHING that could not be done by a retired local person who is comfortable in public speaking.

      • Eurydice says:

        Maybe he wants to know what it is that he’s rubber stamping. If we expect him not to make a fool of himself when meeting people out in the world, it would help if he knew what he was talking about. We can’t be getting on William’s case for not doing his homework and then sneer at Charles for doing his.

    • CC730 says:

      I think it’s because when it was announced that he and Kan’t wouldn’t be able to “work”, they expected reactions like “get well soon” etc but got a backlash over priviledge and lots of “who cares nobody is going to see the difference “.
      Sooo now he is all international and busy and so important etc.

    • DK says:

      It is just to make him feel like a big boy, doing big work! Such a good king, here’s a biscuit.

      • GoldenMom says:

        Wow, doesn’t he sound like a fun man to work for? Always has a red felt tip to ‘correct’ staff? Delightful!

        I bet his staff is also having a stiff drink, perhaps throughout the day.

      • Gabby says:

        “Here’s a biscuit”, hahaha! That sounds like someone training their dog.

    • Jane says:

      I don’t know what Charles is doing with all his time, but one of the things he does do is write letters of condolence to British people who experience tragedy such as a relative being murdered. And he (and Camilla) respond to letters written to them from sincere well-wishers (my mother wrote a letter to Camilla when her brother died, to express her condolences as my mother’s brother had died too, and was amazed that she responded with a thank you). So if he does all that by hand, that’s very time-consuming. But it’s the sort of thing the royals should be doing.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        That is nice to hear and is, as you note, an important part of the job.

      • Jenna says:

        Wow, that is amazing. Perhaps all of the sensitivity he was born with hasn’t been beaten out of him by Phillip.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      My thoughts exactly, as I read this, Sarah. The monarch does not have enough official business to justify drowning him in paper work. So my guess is this is all busy work to make him seem (feel) important.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And whatever official business he does have, could certainly be accomplished during normal work hours. Nobody’s going to get huffy with Charles for being less than instantaneously prompt.

      • tamsin says:

        I understand that the Queen had a fleet of ladies in waiting to answer her correspondence. Would this not be the same situation for the new monarch and consort?

    • bisynaptic says:

      Wondering the same thing.

  3. Snuffles says:

    This is just another article highlighting the difference between how Charles operates vs how Will and Kate operate. It’s extreme opposites.

    And, yes, the freak out over Meghan’s 5 am emails are noted. I think because KP staff were used to Will and Kate’s lazy, barely there working asses, and couldn’t handle a normal work day.

    • JaneS says:

      Unless someone is ill or in danger, no work emails or phone calls after business hours.

      • WiththeAmerican says:

        But “business” hours are set by The Royal. So, they are all night for Charles. Early morning for Meghan.

      • Snuffles says:

        I can concur about phone calls but emails and texts are fine as long as they aren’t expected to respond to them outside of work hours.

      • CC730 says:

        Except these hours were not after business hours as that secretary was chosen specifically to work with Meghan with a US business schedule in mind. You have to be extremely stupid to not know that the working hours are different.
        Stupid or incredibly racist and disingenous, your choice.

      • Minority Report says:

        The boss gets to set the work hours. Charles is the boss. And his job, although ceremonial, still includes being involved with the running of a country. I’m going to compare being king to being VP here in the states (important government figure, but one without much actual power in government). I doubt anyone thinks VP Harris is rude if she sends an email at 9 pm. Same for KFC.

      • May says:

        @janes, do you live in the real world? I have sent plenty of outside office hours emails, and I will add, not expecting a response until the next working day. Best to do what you can today and not put it off for tomorrow. It’s a great way of ensuring that the email is sent and not forgotten, or delayed, the next day.

      • MaryContrary says:

        @May-this exactly. I’m guessing she’s very old or doesn’t work or around anyone who works an actual job.

      • Jaded says:

        @janes: I’m retired but when I worked I often sent emails or texts in the evening about something important so the person receiving them would read said email or text the next morning and be prepared. The expectation was NEVER that they had to respond immediately.

      • CC730 says:

        @Janes: when you are specifically chosen to work in connection to a foreign country, you are expected to some extent to work within the hours of said country. Or are you telling us that the foreigners have to accomodate to that secretary ?
        In the private sector, people will look at you as if you’re insane then sack you if you tell anybody that you can’t work at say normal hours for China even if your contract stipulate that you are expected to work with China.

  4. Beverley says:

    Well, he IS the king.
    And Meg is Black. 🙄🙄🙄

  5. Southern Crone says:

    There is one item in this article that makes me wonder how Charles and Camilla are even together. He reads while she watches television. They don’t seem to have much in common. She is seems so much more social – a typical aristo bon vivant. He seems fussy, intellectual and reflective. What did they have in common besides the sex and tormenting Diana?

    • MaryContrary says:

      Camilla isn’t stupid. She’s a big reader and apparently a good conversationalist. I think they’re well matched.

      • Becks1 says:

        Camilla is a really big reader so I thought that line was a little weird. I mean, you can like to read and like TV, those things are not mutually exclusive, but they make it sound like she’s binging netflix 24/7 while Charles is reading the history of the world.

        I follow her Queen’s Reading room (she can’t be the one behind it because its really well done) and when she talks about books its clear she has read them, not just been given a Cliff notes version.

    • OnThisDay says:

      Southern Crone, I think their relationship is one of mutual understanding rather having than a lot in common. That’s fine. I think it’s probably the best when married to people raised in this institution. They just need someone who gets them, gets the rules of how special they are, of how set apart and above others the will of God, etc. (Harry seems like an exception for reasons i can’t figure out. He’s not like the other spares.)

      • Jenn says:

        “Harry seems like an exception for reasons i can’t figure out.” OnThisDay, when Harry was still a kid, gossipmongers loudly and publicly speculated that Charles wasn’t Harry’s biological father — as a way of demonstrating their own loyalty to the BRF, by cruelly suggesting Diana was disloyal to Charles before the divorce. It isn’t true, obviously; Harry just looks like his mother’s son. Still, it pretty successfully ‘othered’ him, giving shape to the ‘redheaded stepchild’ narrative that has always followed him. I think people have always subconsciously treated or projected onto Harry however they felt about his mother — “he’s impulsive, he’s a troublemaker” — so he was sort of ideologically pitted against the rest of the family before he ever really had an identity or opinion of his own. I’m sure there were many other aspects that contributed to his feeling like an outsider, but being perceived as his mom’s mini-me was surely a big one.

      • OnThisDay says:

        Jenn, I think that’s a compelling explanation. Not just a spare, but an interloper. Funny that he ended up being the jewel in their crown.

      • Tessa says:

        Harry’s red hair comes from the Spencer family Sarah Ferguson is a red head and so is Beatrice. Harry is Camilla stepchild. Nothing wrong with being a redhead. Harry looks a lot like his granddad philip.

    • equality says:

      Wasn’t the story previously that they both read in separate rooms?

  6. MaryContrary says:

    Besides the hypocrisy of saying Meghan was “bullying” because she sent emails at 5am, and demonstrating that he’s awful to work for: omg, his work ethic is a total 180 from William’s. Which-oh boy, England. Hang on for the lamest, lazy, meh monarch waiting in the wings.

  7. Cel2495 says:

    These people are just ridiculous and clowns. 24/7 staff for a man child that does basically nothing .

    • Slush says:

      That part! Putting aside the BS that he’s allowed 5am ideas and Meghan is not…

      What the heck is he working on that is so urgent?!

  8. Minority Report says:

    I actually do believe Charles spends 16-18 hours a day on his “work,” even if it doesn’t resemble the work us plebs do.

    I also think the hypocrisy re: Meg’s emails is breathtaking.

  9. Lilpeppa40 says:

    I won’t even touch the hypocrisy but is he being lauded for not using email? I know he’s the king and even if he wasn’t it’s fine to have a preference but my god how horribly inefficient and time consuming that must be.

    • Sienna says:

      I get the feeling the pushback against technology is rooted in a longing for the “good old days”, you know the same one where colonialism ruled and princes married white girls from other European noble families.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And wasteful of paper. Seems environmentally unsound, Chuck.

  10. Chaine says:

    Sounds like a typical older boomer man. Never learned how to type for himself because that was “women’s work.” Refuses to get caught up in newfangled fads like email. Landline phones only because if they were good enough for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are good enough for him!

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      My dad was of an even earlier generation and learned to type when he retired so he could use the computer for email/his interests..

      When he started working, if anything needed typing, there was a secretarial pool that did that work. At home if something needed typing up, my mom was a whiz. When PCs finally came to his office, he was a big enough cheese that he still ranked having an admin assistant so wasn’t really using the computer much himself. But he learned and adapted!

      (And, yeah, good for them that they actually staff for 7/24 coverage instead of having some sucker “on call”.)

    • The Old Chick says:

      Most 75 year olds know how to use a computer. They’ve been common place in offices for over 40 years. Charles makes a choice because he can have people at his beck and call 24 /7, mending his fountain pen, taking dictation, putting toothpaste on his brush. He’s a right plonker.

      My dad could use a computer in a basic way late in life (he worked a manual job) and if he were alive today he’d be 105. He actually enjoyed learning to type.

      This feels like a diss at lazy willy more than anything.

      • Mustlovedogs says:

        @theoldchick, my dad too! Got his first computer in his 80s and was so excited he cried! Taught himself/ learned from us all he could and was proficient at surfing the net and with email. Would have been 100 this year.

    • Jaded says:

      A typical boomer man can’t type? FFS of course they can. I’m 71, Mr. Jaded is 74, and we and our friends in the same age bracket are all computer savvy. Stop with the boomer-shaming already, we’re not all doddering, drooling old farts.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        My British mother-in-law used a computer and cellphone until she died in her late 80s. Charles is just a Luddite and curmudgeon.

      • Becks1 says:

        Right, 75 isn’t that old for technology. My dad is 74 and was an electrical engineer for decades and decades, guarantee he is better versed on a computer than I am.

        I think the lack of email etc is more a function of wealth, status and tradition than anything. Why should he have to send an email if his secretary will type it out and send it for him?

    • Eurydice says:

      Well, harking back to the Sharon Stone post about how it’s “stupid” to be embarrassed about aging, this is one reason why people feel embarrassed – because they face assumptions like this all the time. Home computers have been around for 40-50 years and cell phones for a few decades, too. Older people weren’t asleep during all those years. Grandparents today were born in the 1960’s and 70’s, not the 1860’s.

      • LivingDesert says:

        I had a discussion just the other day where a 20-something “girl” (as she called herself) praised older people about their good taste (talking about a movie) and professed that she had not expected that “insight” and “openness” in that age group.

        Do you know what the “older” threshold was for that glorious member of the human race?

        35. Thirty-five!

    • bisynaptic says:


  11. Eurydice says:

    Well, if he’s diligent about knowing what’s going on, then it makes sense that he works long hours. Keeping up with and understanding the red-box paperwork, keeping up with his charities and his personal properties – all of that takes time, even if he has staff to manage the day-to-day operations. But I can’t imagine William taking the time to do any of that.

    • sparrow says:

      Exactly. Charles seems much like his mother, who never had a day without checking red box information. I’ve long thought William will not be interested/ hard working/even intelligent enough to handle the workload heading his way. I can’t say any of the BRF is overly intelligent, but K&W strike me as particularly unknowing and simple minded.

  12. BeanieBean says:

    Oh, brother: “before signing them, with a fountain pen….he prefers not to use a fountain pen when he can avoid it.” They can’t even keep their stories straight in two successive sentences!! Does he prefer a fountain pen or not??

    And I bet William just loves taking phone calls on a Sunday. I bet Charles may call (have a minion dial), but I bet William doesn’t take the calls.

    • Minority Report says:

      I assume the onus is on William to make the call. I assume it’s a ten minute check-in, not a warm, familial conversation and I assume it’s one of the things the man in the top job insists upon.

  13. Gabby says:

    Are they TRYING to make Chuckles sound like a complete whackjob? Because that is the effect. This man doesn’t know how to use a computer or voicemail does he? That’s why he needs a babysitter to send emails for him at 3am when he has one of his “brilliant” ideas. Otherwise, the tantrum ensues.

    He spends all that time reading and then re-reading the documents because he doesn’t understand what they mean or how his government works. He does nothing of substance for the British people. His career goal was to be a tampon, and now he is way out of his league. How embarassing for all of the UK.

    It’s alarming that I am starting to feel sorry for Camilla.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    When is Charles going to be accused of bullying?

    • May says:

      So many times the British tabloid press has reported a royal doing something for which Meghan was previously dragged. At this point, I honestly believe that they are trolling Meghan. Other Royals can do something but not that wench! I particularly loved that “holiday” photo of the Wales kids with Charlotte crossing her legs!

    • Lynchburg says:

      Not even Rishi Sunak has 24/7 coverage. He was at 10 Downing St. and had to answer the phone on Christmas Eve. Of course it was Harry calling about IPP protection, so he just hung up the phone.

  15. Jaded says:

    ORLY? He drinks Dubonnet or a dry martini? *Snort*…Camel Toe gets it wrong again. He prefers a certain brand of scotch, Laphroaig, an ultra-premium Islay single malt. Apparently he travels with it. GMAFB….

  16. JaneS says:

    As real humans have to fight for every second of work/life balance, I say Chuck is a jackass.

    Unless his staff are paid to be on call or he pays a day shift and a night shift, let employees have reasonable work hours.

    IT guy in my family, in Minnesota. Before C19, he was called at 1AM to go to a customer company that was a 4-6 hour drive away. He was the On-Call Lead. In the middle of the night, in a MN bad winter, bad roads he was required to go.
    I blurted out “WTH did they need you for? You are not a Medical Doctor!”

    Chuck and so many, many other ego filled, wealth hoarding CEOs need to be reasonable.
    Chuck, is just another rich kid whose Mum left him the family biz. And nothing more. He really is a piece of work, isn’t he?

    • Mary Pester says:

      Jesus H, yeah show and tell Palace style! We are most definitely not racist arse holes, our king expects 24 /7 clerical support and our staff are used to supplying it, BUT if your a bi racial Duchess, please don’t contact us before 10 am, as we don’t know you well enough for office hours!
      Burn the fking lot down Harry

      • Beverley says:

        “we don’t know you well enough for office hours!“ – come through, Mary Pester. Make it plain.

    • Lauren West says:

      What to really piss off a royalist, refer to the BRF as the original Nepo Babies

  17. Franny says:

    Charles is a workaholic and Diana was known to work on birthdays and holidays.
    How did we end up with William?!?!?!?!?

    • tamsin says:

      Harry once said in some speech that he and William had the example of two hard-working parents. Well, there’s Harry. So fifty-percent.

  18. Square2 says:

    Did CamillaTomineyIsALiar write anything about the Wails Illness Saga? Now Mama Middleton sent her out to write a “King Difficult” piece? (And as a bonus, took a swipe at Duchess Meghan.)

    These “invisible contracts” are so obvious.

  19. JaneS says:

    I am really thinking that William is going to bring down The Firm by simply being a lazy guy.
    And just letting everything go.
    If Chuck, Kate and Will are all off official work for a month and no one covers for their public appearances and nothing truly changes in a measurable way, will that be enough to finally shut down this show?
    That is fine with me.

  20. JaneS says:

    To the CBers that commented on my age’ and sharing their opinions of sending emails to co-workers after hours….
    Yes, IRL people do send emails/phone calls after typical biz hours. I am aware.

    My point was Chuck is a figurehead. His staff deserve their personal time unless they are paid on call or overnight. Period.
    And, please stop the Age Shaming. Comments of “How old are you?” are rude.
    The majority of people are computer/tech. Age has nothing to do with my opinion.

    • May says:

      The article specifically states that the office is staffed overnight. So, yes, people are getting paid for receiving those emails/calls. Your post stated simply that off hours emails and other communications should not be sent unless an emergency.

  21. Steph says:

    Did any of you see Republic’s blistering break down of this article? It was so good.

  22. Rnot says:

    I mean, he may be mostly a figurehead but he is the Head of State. It seems pretty reasonable to keep some minimal staffing available 24/7. The hypocrisy is a different issue.

    • Kit says:

      Yeah, not sure if wannabe billionaire tech bro Rishi is going to call Charles at 2 AM to discuss how many medals and what uniform Charlie should bedeck himself with at the next state dinner or oversea tour. Can see late night fidgeting by Charles trying to master a gold nib fountain pen when signing royal decrees and what not though.

      This whole head of state business is performative. No one with common sense really thinks the need for 24/7 staff is due to his national importance. It’s more like Charles, like many older folks, don’t need as much sleep, and is up and about, needing company/late nite organic munchie, or help to the royal loo. And the press made clear how persnickety Charles is when it comes to his grooming and eating habits.

  23. JR McGraw says:

    It’s so well documented that for decades KC has been a mercurial, 24-7 demanding, irrational boss who throws tantrums as well as objects at his staff, but yeah the Black American sent an early morning email.

  24. phlyfiremama says:

    All while the UK is marching avidly towards WW3. If the royals can disappear NOW of all times, are they even necessary??

  25. bisynaptic says:

    The King is a constitutional monarch with a mostly ceremonial role in government. What is the purpose of all this paperwork? What does he have to show for it?