“Happy Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow” links

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Happy Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this morning, which means that spring will come early. [CNN]
Punxsutawney Phil has an amazing personal profile at HL. [Hollywood Life]
Why did Larry David attack Elmo?? He’s just a child! [Pajiba]
I’ve heard some people say that the Donald Glover/Maya Erskine version of Mr. and Mrs. Smith is actually really good. [LaineyGossip]
Emma Stone wore a brown outfit (blah). [Go Fug Yourself]
Devery Jacobs was also one of the people speaking out against KOTFM. [OMG Blog]
Tech companies endorse a bill which would wipe abortion information from the internet. What in the Gilead?? [Jezebel]
Halle Bailey stepped out with DDG. [Just Jared]
Bryce Dallas Howard’s stylist is doing a great job these days. [RCFA]
Alan Cumming really has been around forever. [Seriously OMG]
Gen X talks about what Gen Z doesn’t know. [Buzzfeed]

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30 Responses to ““Happy Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow” links”

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  1. Glamarazzi says:

    “On average, Phil’s prognostications have hit the mark just under 40% of the time since 2013, according to NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. For a track record with worse odds than a coin flip, putting stock in Phil’s forecasts may not be a great bet.”

    Oh well, at least he’s cute.

  2. Ameerah M says:

    I just want Bryce to learn how to stand when getting her photo taken at these events. Her shoulders are always raised and it makes her look awkward. Outside of that I am in love with that argyle sweater set. Though I think the original dress version is better. As for the Mr. and Mrs. Smith remake – it’s still a hard pass for me. They should have just made their own thing instead of a mid version of an iconic film that everyone associates with two huge movie stars. That film simply has way too much Hollywood baggage for a remake – at least right now. It’s less than 20 years old! And also as much as I hate Brad Pitt – Donald Glover has the sex appeal of a moth ball. Woefully miscast. And I feel bad for any actress cast in a role previously played by Angelina. I would NOT want that comparison.

  3. K says:

    Alan Cumming is a forever crush. He is absolutely rigged out on The Traitors and I live for his eyebrows.

    • bettyrose says:

      I read his memoir during the pandemic. It’s was obviously very cathartic for him as it’s a lot about abuse he suffered early in life, but it’s a good read.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Alan Cumming, from that video, is THE GUY a lot of high school girls wanted and fought for but would never really ever get. A genuine case of it’s not you, it’s me. Brilliant actor. Loved hating him in Circle of Friends and Golden Eye. Again, brilliant acting.

      Loved him in The Good Wife. Eli Gold. Excellent character. He voiced Owen in The Prince. Yep, that series that derangers were looking forward to and then were angry about.

      It’s why the BM bleat on about the Sussexes SP episode. The Prince series made the BRF look bad.

  4. Minority Report says:

    I haven’t seen video yet, but is this Larry David/Elmo thing some sort of bit? Because reading about it, it’s actually upsetting to me. It doesn’t even matter to me that Elmo is a muppet.

    • North of Boston says:

      It’s strikes me as “a bit” the way Kimmel’s laying on the stage while Quinta Brunson was “a bit”:

      An unfunny stunt pulled by an entitled guy who is trying to make something ALL ABOUT HIM, pulling focus from and stomping all over someone or something that’s important and valuable to people who are not him, who he obviously didn’t take 2 nanoseconds to consider because he’s the selfish center of his own petty dopey universe.

      LD also is the kind of person who not only doesn’t offer gentleness, compassion or earnestness, he refuses to abide any one of those in his presence without trying to ish all over it.

    • Gabby says:

      Prettaaaaay, prettaaaay, prettaaaaay funny. And “ask permission before you touch people”? Nice to see they are finally learning that over at the Today Show. A little late.

    • Barbie1 says:

      @MINORITY REPORT my first reaction was what if small children are watching as Elmo is being assaulted lol but it was actually very funny as was everyones reaction on the show.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      The Larry David assaulting Elmo bit wasn’t funny. Awkward at best. Elmo’s dad saying ‘ask permission before you touch people’ was the best part. Even if we’re just discussing a muppet.

      The Today Show failed again.

      • Normades says:

        Yup, It was NOT FUNNY. Elmo’s face was a mix of shock and disturbed. That muppet can emote. He’s had such a rough week, poor monster.

  5. Jen says:

    re: the buzzfeed article, my fellow Xennial friend, an elementry teacher, once shared that one of her students “corrected” her when she referred to SNES as Super Nintendo. Insisted it was never called the Super Nintendo Entertainment system, it’s just SNES.

    • Normades says:

      My daughter knows the words of a lot of songs from TikTok but couldn’t tell you what era or artist it was. And then when I sing along she’ll act so surprised and say oh you know this song?

  6. Feeshalori says:

    Hey, here in NY, Staten Island Chuck has an 80% accuracy rate and he predicted an early spring, so I’m going with my home boy!

    • TeamAwesome says:

      Our Sand Mountain Sam, the possum (Alabama gonna Alabama), also predicted early spring.

  7. Mario says:

    “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” is good but may get some backlash from anyone who checks it out due to love or affection for the original show. The show has nothing in common with the film…the premise is different, the tone and style is gritty and realistic, so totally different, and the story is unrelated from the jump. Glover is funny and charming (even more so than Brad Pitt) but his character in this is not either, really. It’s dark, heavy, and very, very slow. But I do think it was technically good and I will give it another shot with adjusted expectations and see what I think.

    The highlight for me was seeing Lauren B. Martin, who I absolutely fell in love with on “As the World Turns” as a young, biracial med student battling breast cancer. She was so good and honestly should have been a bigger star. She’s in the show for a few minutes and looking so good. And she provides the show’s only real humor, which I appreciated. I hope this means she’s making a comeback?

    So if you watch the show, go into it like it’s a completely new show, not a reboot. It will allow you to evaluate it on its own merits.

  8. JaneS says:

    Minnesota here.
    I love Phil and the entire Groundhog Day event.
    Look how happy the official team is! You know those guys are happy getting to wear their offical big hats and gloves, getting their town some PR.
    Heck, I’d take the day off work, get there early, cheer for Team Phil and his humans, and then go out for pancakes!

    Winter weather can be a real drag. Phil gives us something to chat about.

    I have a lotta fun w/the little kids in the fam, getting them hyped up about Phil!
    The 7y/o and his 2nd grade class are learning about groundhogs the last few days.
    The big question started with “What does Phil eat?”
    Pfft, I don’t know. Waffles, maybe? Oooh, WE should have waffles. OK, we should. And we did. 👍

  9. J.Ferber says:

    Is this the same Phil that we’ve seen for, what?, 25 years at least? For an oldster, he looks sleek, fat and happy. Love him or the many hims who have been impersonating him for years. He’s like the groundhog form of Fake Melania.

  10. TIFFANY says:

    I liked the MAMS series and the ‘lack of chemistry’ everyone is talking about works in the shows favor. They are total strangers in this series who have to set up house and constantly work with each other, so that tracks.

  11. MaryBeary says:

    Highly recommend the National Park Service website. They had a hysterical post about Punxsatuney Phil today.

  12. Kittenmom says:

    Bryce Dallas Howard’s sweater set and yellow dress were nice. That highlighter green monstrosity tho? Reminds me of a cross between my son’s Incredible Hulk costume with its fake 6 pack and shoulder muscles, and Kate Middleton’s horrific Earthsh!t gown.

  13. SAS says:

    I’m only a couple of eps in but I love the new Mr & Mrs Smith. I actually think it takes a lot more from The Americans than the original movie. The awkwardness is clearly intentional but I actually think they have a fair amount of chemistry!

  14. Bumblebee says:

    Are groundhogs really that tame? I keep waiting for one of those critters being lofted in the air while cameras are flashing in its face, to panic and take a chunk out of stove-top hat’s arm. Off to do some research…

  15. TOPS says:

    I wouldn’t trust that fidgety thing. He looks like a liar 😃